Video library filtering

OK, I give in. How do I filter the video clips displayed in the "iPhoto videos" window? I've tried rejecting clips and then choosing "Show: Favourites & unmarked" which results in all clips still being displayed. I've tried marking just those I really want to work with as Favourites, and then choosing "Show: Favourites only" which results in no clips being displayed at all. I'm kind of getting p'd off with this application, especially when its predecessor was so intuitive and, on balance, more reliable. I've got to to the point where I begin to wonder what Windows MovieMaker might be like. Pllleeeaaaassseee can someone shed some light on the elusive logic that is Apple's version of "filter by" in iMove?

Here's what's happening:
In my iPod, when I go to "videos," it lists all my files instead of videos. Also, in settings --> about it shows the same amount of videos as songs, when I have no videos on there. I can't even get any videos on there because one, iTunes will not import the file, even though it's a compatible format (I downloaded videos directly from multiple sites where the video was already formatted for the iPod), or two, if it is imported, it says "cannot upload some songs...because the song cannot be played." The song name it gives an an example is the video I am trying to upload.

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    I thank you for the response.  Apple does some assinine things sometimes and this is one of them.  Ask the planet the difference between a movie and a home video and with the exception of Apple, you'd get 100% consenus on the what difference is.  A home video is something that I shoot, like my kids birthday party.  A movie is something I urchased either via download or a DVD that I ripped.  Unbelievable!   The fact that Apple has chosen not to distinguish based upon which folder I tell it is Movies and which folder is Home Videos is really hard to fathom - sounds like something Windows would do. I find it funny that in my iTunes movies sub-section of the movies section, the movie icons have a cloud icon in upper right corner to distinguish it as bought from Apple iTunes versus no cloud icon for movies that I have ripped - so the distintion was already made and clearly visible.  Now - everything just defaults to "home videos" if I try to import a new ripped DVD - why even bother to have this distinction on the iTunes bar?  WOW!
    As for your direction, I do not understand what you are telling me - what Media Kind and what Options tab are you referring to?  I see no Options tab in iTunes.  Right licking on the movie icon does not yield media kind or options as well.  Gping to the source file does not yield these options either.
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    Close your iTunes,
    Go to command Prompt -
    (Win 7/Vista) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    (Win XP SP2 n above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
    In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
    netsh winsock reset
    Hit "ENTER" key
    Restart your computer.
    If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
    Now launch your iTunes and see if it is working now.
    If you are still having these type of problems after trying the winsock reset, refer to this article to identify which software in your system is inserting LSP:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store

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    Because Adobe uses Flash technology for all its videos, I'd reinstall the Flash Player. Here's a link to the latest version:

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    -a  - "archive" rsync, includes ownership info and extended attributes extremely useful for moving large volumes of data and keeping AD/OD/POSIX permissions intact
    -v - "verbose" gives the user more information on the rsync display
    -x - prevents crossing filesystem boundaries
    -t   - preserves modified time
    This tells rsync to delete any files on the receiving side that aren't on the sending side. Files that are excluded from transfer are excluded from being deleted 
    ....Optionally, I could add the following to view the progress:
    This tells rsync to print a verbose set of statistics on the file transfer, allowing you to tell how effective the rsync algorithm is for your data.
    Q2:  Is there anything else I should be adding?
    Q3:  Also, I saw that one contributor used "bash" at the start of the command line.  Is this necessary for my specific purpose?
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    sling74 wrote:
    sling74 wrote:
    Hi Tony,
    Thanks for your quick reply.  
    A few other questions:
    1.     What is the -N command for?  I could not see it on the website.
    2.     My friend does not have CCC.  She's also using Snow Leopard 10.6.8.  What are the steps to properly install the newest version of rsync?
    3.    For myself, what would be the disadvantage of using CCC directly rather than accessing it via Terminal?  When running CCC, what are the default commands being used?
    Hi Tony,
    Thanks for your quick reply.  
    A few other questions:
    1.     What is the -N command for?  I could not see it on the website.
    That's added with the crtimes patch:
         -N, --crtimes               preserve create times (newness)
    2.     My friend does not have CCC.  She's also using Snow Leopard 10.6.8.  What are the steps to properly install the newest version of rsync?
    Here's what I do:
    1. Download and unarchive rsync and its patches
        a. Move patches directory to rsync-3.1.0
        b. cd rsync-3.1.0
    2. Apply patches relevant to preserving Mac OS X metadata
           patch -p1 <patches/fileflags.diff
           patch -p1 <patches/crtimes.diff
    3. Apply patch relevant to preserving Mac OS X hfs+compression
          patch -p1 <patches/hfs-compression.diff
    4. Configure, make, install
            sudo make install
    5. Verify your installation
          rsync --version
    By default, rsync will be installed in /usr/local/bin.
    If that isn't in your path, you will need to call
    your new version of rsync by its absolute
    path in /usr/local/bin (you will most likely need to do this
    and --version will verify that you have the right version)
    (from: Configuring Mac OS X for Unattended Backup Using rsync and updated for hfs+compression patch)
    3.    For myself, what would be the disadvantage of using CCC directly rather than accessing it via Terminal?  When running CCC, what are the default commands being used?
    No disadvantages that I'm aware of. 
    I'm not sure what defaults that Mike is using now, but most of the the flags that I use and posted are from the link above from Mike a few years ago.

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    This may or may not work, but is worth a try.
    Select the clip in the trash. Then click on the Gear box in the top area of the trash. See if it gives you the option to "Put Back". If so, that should do it.
    If not, you still may be able to drag the clip back to the Event that it came from. Then restart iMovie.

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    iCloud photo library will be introduced as beta in an iOS 8 update scheduled for October.  Read under "Pricing & Availability" here: ber-17.html.

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    1. Is there a way to easily access clips (including metadata)  from previous projects in premiere  so that I can add them to a current project?
    2. Do you have any advice about organizing a massive video library like this?
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    I would love to hear a professional opinion on this, Thanks for the help!

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    try resetting your settings:
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    If it worked yesterdaya dn not todayt ehn the odds are heavily in favour of it being user error rather thana coding error.
    Also, when you click on a parameter (e.g. a keyword, camera mdel, etc) the title in the top left drop-dwn menu should change to Custom Filter, thta is unless you have actually craeted a filter based on thsi specific parameter.
    May be you could explain exactly what happened yesterday and isn't happeing today.

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    What sort of videos are they, and what app do you want to sync them to ? If they were taken with your camera and they are in a format supported by the iPad, then you could sync them to the Photos app - with the iPad connected and selected on the left-hand side of your computer's iTunes, you can use the Photos tab on the right-hand side of iTunes to sync photos and videos (there is an 'include videos' tickbox on that tab) to the Photos app.
    Or you can sync them to the Videos app. If you can add them to your iTunes library (File > Add To Library) you can then use Movies tab (instead of the Photos tab) to sync them to the Videos app. If you can add them to your library but they don't sync over because they aren't in a supported format then try doing Advanced > Create iPad Version and then try syncing those versions.

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    Currently you have to choose each music video and upon completion choose the next one manually. That defeats the whole concept of a music video library.
    This does not happen on previous iPad or MacBook Pro iTunes!!!!!
    Very annoying.

    You can try leaving feedback :

  • Can  I re-install imovie without loosing video library?

    Currently I can only import 3 video clips at a time. Any more than this, freezes the entire computer. I re-installed imovie on a different drive just to test the results of a fresh install. I was able to import a large number of clips without any problems, on the drive with the new install. This tells me that a new install should fix my current problem.
    The question is, how do I do it without loosing my current iMovie video library?

    Well, quit iMovie, trashed the playlist and relaunched. There were two;, and I attempted to import a dozen clips, and the computer froze as before.
    The clips I'm importing were originally dragged from the cameras hard drive to a desk top folder, because my iMovie06 didn't recognize the Sonny HDD camera, so at the advice of Sonny, I saved the files from the camera to the desktop folder, so I could deal with the files later, and not loose them completely.
    I then installed iMovie08, and attempted to import the MPEG2 files from the desk top. They were grayed out, so I couldn't import them. I then dragged the files back to the camera hard drive and attempted to import them. This is when this particular problem started. I have a feeling that iMovie just doesn't like these MPEG2 movie files after being dragged to the desk top and back to the camera again for import.
    The three at a time import method, though irritating, is a work around to this problem, I discovered.
    So I guess when I'm through importing these "problem files", in three's, I'll try "reseting the app. again as you suggested, and see if I can import the MPEG2 files directly from the camera, as it's meant to be done.

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