Video not playing back on a PC, any new solutions?

I have a bunch of videos on our website but just uploaded a new one and can not get it to play on a PC. I tried re-saving the file in QT, keeping the same size, updating QT on the PC etc. Nothing seems to work. I see other people are having similar problems? Can any one offer a suggestion? Thanks
here is a link to the site -%20Computer.m4v
Its dimensions are 640X352 but your page code resizes it to 300X181.
Have you tried exporting it to 300X165 (or 320X176 half size)?

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    @ Bengt Wärleby
    I appreciate you taking the time to post a reply, but please try to read the question before you do so in the future.  I had said that files imported from the same camera work correctly (i.e. the same file type/codec), so the problem is obviously not a codec issue.  Furthermore, .mov is the extension for the QuickTime File Format ( 

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    There's a hidden feature in Mac OS X Lion that you can use to convert your video footage to Apple ProRes with very little effort and to the right specifications...
    Bring your video footage into your desktop or hard drive and then select all of them, and then right-right click on one of them to bring up the options menu... select ENCODE SELECTED VIDEO FILES. Mac OS X will take care of the rest for you automatically.
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    ProApps QuickTime Codecs v1.0.1

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    Savos Aren

    Your welcome, if that is the case, then can you try and insert the MultiSlide Video, you can insert the streaming video URL.
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    Hey There and Welcome to the mac forum!!!!
    Could it be possible that you moved or even trashed the audio files you were using? If so then they get trashed in imovie to.
    Next time, transform the movie into a Quicktime movie (once you are completely done the project). Once you have done this, you can move or even trash any of the elements of your movie (even the footage) but this will make your actual imovie project useless (The Quicktime one will be fine).
    I hope this helps,

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    Macbookpro 8G ram twin 2.5 Intel, 1333 Mhz
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    Hi Vernon70,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that an application you downloaded from the App Store, Google, is not functioning as you would expect. In this situation, I would recommend following the troubleshooting steps outlined in the attached article. 
    If an app you installed unexpectedly quits, stops responding, or won’t open - Apple Support
    Best regards,

  • not playing back from website

    iWeb 3.0.4
    I downloaded three .MOV to my site. One is playing back ok, the other two are only displaying the QuickTime symbol. I did empty the browser cache, but to no avail. Did check with server and the .MOV files are in the html folder, but not playing back. I also re-uploaded the questionable .MOV files, but it still does not let me open the files on my site. site name :
    thanks in advance

    All three movies play OK for me.
    The pages are slow to load as this method of adding them to the pages requires the movie file to download with the web page.
    If you are happy to depend on viewers having the QuickTime plugin, this is a better way...
    So that everyone can see your movies you really need to have flash fallback since there's still a lot of people around who don't have the QT plugin installed...

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    2. On my iPhone 4, videos will load but only play audio, not video, though when I tap on the screen the "play" and "pause" symbols appear.
    Has anyone else run into this problem? Or know how to fix it?

    Ok, I fixed it. Go to some embedded Flash video, click to run and then right click to get Global Settings for Flash. Go into Storage and make sure you aren't blocking any data from being stored on your computer. At the very least choose the "ask me" setting. (For good measure I also went into Advanced and clicked to Delete All Data associated with Flash. But when I restored Block for data storage the videos stopped working, so that seems to be the answer.) I'd be interested to hear if this works for others.

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    How is this possible and should I just remove qt10 altogether?
    As already indicated, there are a number of "normal" problems that could give these results. In addition, QT changes made as part of the most recent Lion OS update seem to have had adverse effects on QT 7 Pro features (as evidenced by the loss of the "loop" playback feature and "green screen" problems on some platforms). As to the removal of QT 10, the embedded structures cannot be removed without corrupting the operating system. And, while the QT X player can be removed/deleted, why bother since you can just as easily opt not to use it for manual playback and restoring it, should you later change your mind, may present a problem.
    I am a professional editor, have been working on Macs since 1992 (Avid and FCP7) and have never had a compatibility problem like this before within the Mac environment.
    Have you made any recent changes to your normal work flow that might account for this problem and is the problem consistently repeatable?

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