Video on Nano (It is possible!).

Yes, the Ipod Nano can play video. In fact, almost every ipod is capable, by using IpodLinux ( Videos need to be formatted and decompressed, but, the videos do work. In fact, I myself use IpodLinux, and am very pleased with its results. The video capability is in its early stages, so there are some bugs (like, video and sound sync going off when the video is paused or skipped), but overall, works just fine. It is open source, so I just wanted to spread the word, so people can take advantage of their ipod nano.
IpodLinux is'nt new, so who else is using IpodLinux?

Here are some pics/videos of some Ipods on podzilla (ipodlinux)playing videos. These are not mine. Sorry for the quality of most of them.
All I could find at the moment...

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    Nobody here but us fellow users. If you want Apple to read about a feature request, you need to post that here:

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    Frequently asked questions about viewing and syncing video with iTunes and iPod
    GUIDES TO: Converting Video for iPod - Mac & Window

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