Video with safari

les videos via safari ne s'affichent pas sur mon ipad : qui peut m'aider ?

Vous visitez les emplacements qui exigent le flash embrochable pour la vidéo, that' ; s pourquoi vous avez des problèmes. les dispositifs d'IOS tels que l'iPad ne soutiennent pas le flash. Employez YouTube.

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    Contact Apple Service, iMac Service or Apple's Express Lane. Do note that if you have AppleCare's protection plan and you're within 50 miles (80 KM) of an Apple repair station, you're eligible for onsite repair since yours is a desktop machine. Might also apply to new machines w/o AppleCare.

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    Hello Carolyn,
    Thanks for your support but I already tried those options without success. I reinstalled completely Safari 5.1.10 but problem remains.
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    I'm betting Safari 3 for Windows is taking a page from Safari 2 for Mac, in that it either opens video in the browser window (Quicktime movies, for example), or downloads the video to your Desktop. Unlike Firefox it's historically never had the option to just open something directly without electing a download. This presumably simplifies file management by eliminating the need for large temp files that can, if unchecked, become bloated with leftover downloads.
    You can set Safari to open so-called 'safe' downloads automatically after download, producing the same effect as Firefox's "Open With" option. It should be on by default, but you can check it's status in a plist file (it should be someplace in Preferences, but I don't see it yet, perhaps not implimented, or perhaps I'm just blind) located at C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\Safari\Preferences.plist
    Verify the following property is set to true:

  • Suddenly I can't stream videos with Safari

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    Anyone has any idea what might be the cause of this, and how to fix it?
    Thanks a lot.

    Well, I guess it was my fault! In Speed Download's preferences, under types of files to be intercepted by its plugin in Safari, I had .mov selected, which was causing this to happen.
    I simply turn that off and the problem went away
    Problem solved.
    Thanks anyway.

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    Thanks for your help.

    Check System Preferences > Sound
    Make sure the Mute box is not selected.
    And try here >  Troubleshooting issues with no audio from built-in speakers on Macs

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    Two bugs, one affecting Apple's Mac platform and another attacking Microsoft's Windows, exploit certain Flash player vulnerabilities to install malware onto users' systems, reports ArsTechnica. While users of other operating systems like Linux have yet to report attacks, Adobe's advisory notes the exploit affects all platforms.
    Designated as CVE-2013-0634, the first vulnerability targets the Safari and Firefox Web browsers running on OS X, and is also being used as a trojan to deploy Microsoft Word documents containing malware. For Mac users, the flaw affects Adobe Flash Player version 11.5.502.146 or earlier.
    On March 1 Apple again blocked Flash Player for Lion and Mountain Lion:
    The Adobe Flash patch can be found on Adobe’s website, and users can visit this page to check if their software is the most curent version.
    You should uninstall any previous version first, and repair permissions after installing the new version.
    If you still get a ‘plug-ins blocked’ message:

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    Is there a way to get Safari to download these files? Or do I need to just download firefox again and do it that way?

    How to download Flash videos and play them in Quicktime using Perian is explained here:
    It's the video at the bottom of the page.
    Also, there is the Free iTube Grabber which can capture almost any audio and/or video stream (it says here:)
    Firefox Download Helper is also supposed to work, you have to be logged into YouTube first.
    and the RealPlayer Downloader that comes with RealPlayer 11 for Mac from:
    which also downloads videos from YouTube.

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    I have the very same problem.
    Apple, what's happening?
    Lately i have been fighting with issues i always had on Windows: tha's why i switchted to Apple.
    I can't believe all it' s going so wrong!

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    Hi Kaxy,
    Welcome to  Discussions
    Download Flip4Mac -
    They are both plug-ins that work with Mac.
    Hope that helps with your need to know: ) & for viewing vids.
    Eme'~[ )

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    when you say you login as your husband - are you loggin in as another user on your mac or on youtube?

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    1. System Preferences >  Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
         Press the "Delete All" button under “Browsing Data and Settings”.
         Install Adobe Flash Player.
       Download it first.
       The next step is important.
       Click Safari in the menubar and select “Quit Safari”.
        Follow the prompts and install it.
        Restart computer. Relaunch Safari.
    2.  Allow  Plug-ins
        Safari > Preferences > Security
        Internet Plug-ins >  "Allow  plug-ins"
        Enable it.
    3. Safari > Preferences > Privacy  > Cookies and website data:
        Press the “ Remove All Website Data” button.
        Press the “Details” button.
        Remove YouTube related cookies.
    4. Safari > Preferences > Extensions
        Turn those off and relaunch Safari.
        Turn those on one by one and test.

  • Watching Video with Safari

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    Updating the software may help.
    Click Safari menu in the menubar and from the dropdown select Empty Cache.
    Wait cursor  may or may not appear for for few seconds.

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    I would check with Apple Support - - or go directly to an Apple Store before you get injured - the earphones should still be under warranty

  • QuickTime 7.3 - only audio, no video on Safari

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    Thanks Kirk for the solution to the Safari - QuickTime problem; it worked for me. I am having the same problem with Firefox ( Removing the plug-ins from the Mozilla folder (HD->Library->Mozilla) did not bring functionality back. Nor did it not work to removed the QuickTime web plug-in from the Internet plug-in folder. Can you suggest a solution?
    Thank you,

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