VideoPlayerX or VideoPlayerPlus - auto close video window?

Just wondering if anyone has had any success trying to automatically close pop-up video windows (for embedded videos) at the end of the video with EventListener function?
I have a presentation to make where the videos need to be pop-up windows.  Ideally, I want a play button, and a loop button, obviously window would close automatically only if the play button was pressed.
There are a few posts floating round for reference.  And Dave Merchant mentions this exact feature with his VideoPlayerX in this post :, but I can't figure out what the JavaScript function would be.  All I know is my video is RM1!  and I'm currently trawling through the API reference in the event listener section!
If anyone's had any success so far, could you let me know?  (Also, I'm a little unsure of where the event listener should go, doc level?  or put it with the button that initiates 'play'?

It depends on how you're doing it.
If the close event originates from something being clicked in the SWF (such as a close button on the playbar) then you'll need to fire a timeout event from within ActionScript, and hence write your own widget - see Joel's blog for info.
If you're reacting to the end of playback and you're using VideoPlayerX, then you can do it all in JS as the widget has an event manager (which isn't present in the default VideoPlayer widget) - though with the current build it's rather fiddly to handle the idea of closing a popup, as you can't assign a handler until the annotation is activated - a doc-level script won't work out the box as the ActionScript engine doesn't exist until the floating window is visible, so you have to juggle about with invisible buttons to take over control of the "click to activate" feature of the RMA.
It's something which has been requested and I intend to make it easier in the next build of VideoPlayerX (due next week) by setting a default doc-level function to receive event messages. When it's released you'll be able to close the RMA by adding a doc-level function to the PDF, which says something like this (note this will NOT work with the current build or with the default player!):
function vpx_listener(_name,_page,_event,_data) {
  if (_event=="stop") this.getAnnotRichMedia(_page,_name).activated = false;
Note : The inbuilt Events objects and handlers in the JS API are not used by Rich Media Annotations - they're only used by legacy media (Screen and MediaPlayer objects) so you can ignore them completely. They were included because legacy media plays in an external application, so there was no other way for the PDF to tell what that application was doing, or if it broke. RMAs have no inbuild event handler system, hence the need to extend the ActionScript code in the widget.

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    If you are ready to open your webdynpro application inside the UWL itself (instead of opening as a pop up) you can try the following. In such a case you can set a re-direction page which points out to the URL of your UWL on the required action (say "Approve" or "Reject"). Hence when you perform the required action your UWL screen will be re-displayed once again.
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         lo_nd_table_data_source = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_table_data_source ).
          lo_nd_table_data_source->get_static_attributes_table( IMPORTING table = lt_table_data_source ).
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                                                                and   fldate = ls_airline_info-fldate.
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          lo_nd_table_data_source->bind_table( lt_table_data_source ). "Refresh new data

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    Hi krisTM
    Try clicking Edit > Preferences... > Project node >
    Start and End node. Look at the Action configured in the Project
    end options area. If you click the drop-down, you should see an
    option labeled "Close project". Try configuring that and
    Cheers... Rick

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    Might be difficult to fix.
    You don't know what changes to your system/registry have been made by the virus infection you told of.
    Maybe this article has some useful hints for you. -error-after-installation/

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    Lets do a few things.
    1. Update QuickTime.
    2. Open up QuickTime player.
    3. Click on Edit> QuickTime Preferences>Advanced.
    4. In the center of this section there is a "Video" section select Safe Mode.
    5. Click on Ok and go ahead and close out of QuickTime.
    I have also noted that there are SEVERAL bugs with QuickTime and Nvidia Chips.
    A few things I suggest you do is to update all of your drivers, and install any pending Windows Updates.
    Please post if this worked for you.
    JMG- Not associated with Apple.

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    Open Accounts preferences, click on the Login Items tab. If you see the Terminal listed then select it and click on the Delete [-] button.

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      While talking to one of my application developers, he encountered Fatal Error 9001 while connecting to the database from .NET Application. In the past , he had similar issues and he mentioned that taking the database offline and bringing it back online
    fixed the problem. So we did the same this and the problem got fixed.
    I asked the question why are we having this problem in first place?.I used the SQL Credentials our .NET App uses and I was able to connect to the SQL Server using those credentials and execute the stored procedure. 
    Doing some online searching, sometimes, turning on Auto close property causes this problem. This particular database had that property turned on and I turned it off. I am not sure how it got turned on in the first place. By default it should be off.
    My question is Whats causing this behavior ?. How can I avoid getting 9001 Errors?.
    I am tying to figure out the root cause and better undestand whats going on with the server?.
    I understand the pros/cons of the auto close property but it shouldn't cause 9001 error.
    Your help would be much appreciated.
    My SQL Server Version:
    select @@version
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP3) - 10.0.5500.0 (X64) 
    Sep 21 2011 22:45:45 
    Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation
    Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.0 <X64> (Build 6002: Service Pack 2)

    If you refer to
    Microsoft definition of error 9001 it means Log for database is not available. Hope you are using English language
    select text
    from sys.messages
    where message_id = 9001
    and language_id=1033
    Now why would SQL server say log for database is not available, it would say such thing when it wont be able to communicate with log file or wont be able to communicate with disk on which log file resides. I would say this might be disk issue. Not only SAN,
    disk controllers, HBA and other connections which are involved between database and storage should be checked. Please immediately consult your vendor. At first it might seem all is fine but remember I said through check. I faced this issue in cluster and it
    boiled down to Storage issue SQL server was just victim.
    Reg AUTOCLOSE AFAIK by default it is true for express edition not fot other editions
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it.
    My TechNet Wiki Articles

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    here a little demonstration:
    i uninstalled fireworks, deleted preferences folder, updated graphic driver and finally called the support but they "coundn´t" help because the product is too old
    i hope you can help.
    thx a lot!

    Hopefully, you realize you can edit the Auto Shapes directly on the canvas. Hovering over a "yellow diamond" will reveal a tooltip telling what property it adjusts.
    It sounds like there's a communication problem between the panel and the canvas/application. The Auto Shape Properties panel is a SWF panel that resides in the application's Configuration/Command Panels folder. Other SWF panels include Align, Path, Symbol Properties, Image Editing, Special Characters, and Color Palette. I wonder if any of these other panels are affected?
    It seems like there's been a lot of problems with Flash-based panels conflicting with other apps or plug-ins. Try quitting and restarting the application with no other applications running in the background. Also check out something like this:

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