Vídeos sem som e modo tela cheia não roda

Consigo ver vídeos em um determinado site, mais não sai o som e quando coloco no modo tela cheia, o vídeo desaparece e a tela fica toda preta.
Meu aparelho é um Samsung Galaxy tab 4.

Verifique se o Flash Player está atualizado.

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    In new iPad 4g, when sim card is not inserted, I can not find the enable 4g tap in the setting-cellular data tap, can some one please tell me if this is normal and if so, then when it appears, thanks

    If the SIM is out of your phone, find my phone needs a data connection, so could use wifi - IF in range of a wifi and one that it can join (ie. a known network or one that is wholly open so no login required).  Your phone could also simple be turned off, so not findable, or it may have been restored (plugged into iTunes and restored as new) again, making it permanently unfindable.  Honestly, for someone stealing an iPhone, this is likely the first thing they do - restore as new and it is theirs forever.
    Find my iPhone is tied to the users iCloud account - the find function is part of the iCloud account's services and it communicates with the iCloud servers over a data connection - either wifi or 3G.
    Have you set up your iCloud account on your replacement phone, and is it working properly on that phone?

  • Can some one please tell me what is the problem in the below pl/sql block

    Hi, I have problem with the following pl/sql block, I need this with bulk operation.
    -- Assume the following scenario, we are validating dept (master) and emp(child) which are my temporary tables and updating the status back to
    -- dept ( for all the validation errors, even if we have any validation at child  it has to update the header record with error message),
    -- upon successful validation insert the data into dept3, and emp3 interms of batches
    -- I have give the sample example with dept and emp, but i have around 10 million records which has around 30-40 validations,
    -- I would like to process them in terms of batches using bulk collection as this would do fast processing
    -- Can some one please tell me how to insert them in terms of bulk with every set of 1000 records in each batch in this example,for every set of 1000 records
    -- i need update batch id with unique number in dept table
    -- with current data i can have 50 batches , I need to pass, deptno as parameter to my emp cursor. 
    -- can some one please tell me how to make this validation and insertion more efficient. so that while inserting the data for every batch it should insert batch id
    -- Tried with LIMIT clause as well but not working
    -- I am correcting the code as per your comments Request you to please suggest me so that I can correct , I am new to PL/sql, started learning now.
    step - 1:
           (DEPTNO NUMBER(6) primary key,
            DNAME VARCHAR2(25),
            LOC VARCHAR2(23),
            batch_id number );
    INSERT INTO DEPT VALUES (30, 'SALES',      'CHICAGO', null);
    step - 2:
    for i in 1..50000 loop
    insert into dept values(40+i, 'OPERATIONS'||i,'BOSTON'||i, null);
    end loop;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Exception occured:'||SQLERRM);
    step - 3:
    create sequence emp_seq start with 1 increment by 1;
    step - 4:
           (EMPNO NUMBER(15) NOT NULL primary key,
            ENAME VARCHAR2(20),
            JOB VARCHAR2(20),
            MGR NUMBER(4),
            HIREDATE DATE,
            SAL NUMBER(7, 2),
            COMM NUMBER(7, 2),
            DEPTNO NUMBER(6));
            (7369, 'SMITH',  'CLERK',     7902,
            TO_DATE('17-DEC-1980', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  800, NULL, 20);
            (7499, 'ALLEN',  'SALESMAN',  7698,
            TO_DATE('20-FEB-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1600,  300, 30);
            (7521, 'WARD',   'SALESMAN',  7698,
            TO_DATE('22-FEB-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1250,  500, 30);
            (7566, 'JONES',  'MANAGER',   7839,
            TO_DATE('2-APR-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  2975, NULL, 20);
            (7654, 'MARTIN', 'SALESMAN',  7698,
            TO_DATE('28-SEP-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1250, 1400, 30);
            (7698, 'BLAKE',  'MANAGER',   7839,
            TO_DATE('1-MAY-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  2850, NULL, 30);
            (7782, 'CLARK',  'MANAGER',   7839,
            TO_DATE('9-JUN-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  2450, NULL, 10);
            (7788, 'SCOTT',  'ANALYST',   7566,
            TO_DATE('09-DEC-1982', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 3000, NULL, 20);
            (7839, 'KING',   'PRESIDENT', NULL,
            TO_DATE('17-NOV-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 5000, NULL, 10);
            (7844, 'TURNER', 'SALESMAN',  7698,
            TO_DATE('8-SEP-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  1500, NULL, 30);
            (7876, 'ADAMS',  'CLERK',     7788,
            TO_DATE('12-JAN-1983', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1100, NULL, 20);
            (7900, 'JAMES',  'CLERK',     7698,
            TO_DATE('3-DEC-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),   950, NULL, 30);
            (7902, 'FORD',   'ANALYST',   7566,
            TO_DATE('3-DEC-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  3000, NULL, 20);
            (7934, 'MILLER', 'CLERK',     7782,
            TO_DATE('23-JAN-1982', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1300, NULL, 10);
    step :- 5
    cursor c1 is select * from dept;
    k number:=0;
    m number:=0;
    for i in  c1 loop
    for j in 1..5 loop
    insert into emp values
            (9000+emp_seq.nextval, 'SMITH'||'_'||emp_seq.currval,  'CLERK'||'_'||emp_seq.currval,     7902,
            TO_DATE('17-DEC-1980', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  800, NULL, i.deptno);
    end loop;
    end loop;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Exception occured:'||sqlerrm);
    step :-6
    create table dept3 as select * from dept where 1=2;
    create table emp3 as select * from emp where 1=2;
    alter table dept add object_id number;
    alter table dept add status varchar(20);
    alter table dept add err_msg varchar2(200);
    alter table emp add object_id number;
    -- I have not included the alter statements in the inital creation because i dont want them to insert into dept3 and emp3
    PACKAGE test_b
      g_batch_id NUMBER;
      PROCEDURE emp_ins(
          p_EMPNO    NUMBER,
          p_ENAME    VARCHAR2,
          p_JOB      VARCHAR2,
          p_MGR      NUMBER,
          p_HIREDATE DATE,
          p_SAL      NUMBER,
          p_COMM     NUMBER,
          p_DEPTNO   NUMBER);
      PROCEDURE dept_ins(
          p_DEPTNO NUMBER,
          p_dname  VARCHAR2 ,
          p_LOC    VARCHAR2,
          p_batch  NUMBER);
      PROCEDURE validate_prc;
      PROCEDURE main;
    TYPE dept_t
      TABLE OF dept%ROWTYPE;
      hdr_tbl dept_t;
    TYPE emp_t
      line_tbl emp_t;
    TYPE dept_i_t
      TABLE OF dept3%ROWTYPE;
      hdr_ins_tbl dept_i_t;
    TYPE emp_i_t
      TABLE OF emp3%ROWTYPE;
      line_ins_tbl emp_i_t;
    -- pacakge body
    PACKAGE body test_b
    PROCEDURE emp_ins(
        p_EMPNO    NUMBER,
        p_ENAME    VARCHAR2,
        p_JOB      VARCHAR2,
        p_MGR      NUMBER,
        p_HIREDATE DATE,
        p_SAL      NUMBER,
        p_COMM     NUMBER,
        p_DEPTNO   NUMBER)
      INTO EMP3
          EMPNO ,
          ENAME ,
          JOB ,
          MGR ,
          HIREDATE ,
          SAL ,
          COMM ,
          P_EMPNO ,
          P_ENAME ,
          P_JOB ,
          P_MGR ,
          P_HIREDATE ,
          P_SAL ,
          P_COMM ,
    PROCEDURE dept_ins
        p_DEPTNO NUMBER,
        p_dname  VARCHAR2 ,
        p_LOC    VARCHAR2,
        p_batch  NUMBER
      INTO DEPT3
          DEPTNO ,
          DNAME ,
          LOC ,
          p_DEPTNO ,
          p_DNAME ,
          p_LOC ,
    END ;
    PROCEDURE validate_prc
      CURSOR c1
        SELECT * FROM dept WHERE status IS NULL ;--AND rownum <25;
      CURSOR c2(p_dept NUMBER )
        SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno=p_dept;
      e_validation EXCEPTION;
      OPEN c1;
        FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO hdr_tbl limit 5000;
        SELECT emp_seq.nextval INTO g_batch_id FROM dual;
      WHEN hdr_tbl.count = 0;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE c1;
      dbms_output.put_line('C1 closed');
      --------- Loading data into the inv line table type -------------------------------
      FOR i IN 1 .. hdr_tbl.count
        dbms_output.put_line('started validation');
        -- do header level validations
        IF hdr_tbl(i).dname  IS NULL THEN
          hdr_tbl(i).status  := 'ERROR';
          hdr_tbl(i).err_msg :=',DNAME is null';
        END IF;
        OPEN c2(hdr_tbl(i).deptno);
          FETCH c2 BULK COLLECT INTO line_tbl;
          -- EXIT WHEN c2%NOTFOUND;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE c2;
        FOR j IN 1 .. line_tbl.count
          -- do line validations
          IF line_tbl(j).ename IS NULL THEN
            hdr_tbl(i).status  := 'ERROR';
            hdr_tbl(i).err_msg :=',ENAME is null';
          END IF;
            FORALL j IN line_tbl.FIRST .. line_tbl.LAST
            UPDATE EMP
            SET object_id =3
              -- I have multiple columns to update based on validations
            WHERE deptno =hdr_tbl(i).deptno------------
            AND empno    =line_tbl (j).empno;
            dbms_output.put_line( 'Successfully updated emp temp table.');
            dbms_output.put_line( 'Error while updating line temp table. ' || sqlerrm );
            FOR j IN 1 .. sql%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT
              DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(' occurred during line temp table updation ' || sql%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_INDEX );
            END LOOP;
            raise e_validation;
        END LOOP; -- j
        --CLOSE c2;
        IF hdr_tbl(i).err_msg IS NULL THEN
          hdr_tbl (i).status  := 'VALID';
          hdr_tbl (i).err_msg := NULL;
        END IF;
        -- even if I have line validation failed I have to update header status and erorr msg
          FORALL i IN hdr_tbl.FIRST .. hdr_tbl.LAST
          UPDATE DEPT
          SET object_id =4,
            status      = hdr_tbl (i).status,
            err_msg     = hdr_tbl (i).err_msg
            --  batch_id =
            -- I have multiple columns to update based on validations
          WHERE deptno = hdr_tbl (i).deptno
          AND status  IS NULL; ------------
          dbms_output.put_line( 'Successfully updated dept temp table.');
          --close c1;
          dbms_output.put_line( 'Error while updating hdr temp table. ' || sqlerrm );
          FOR i IN 1 .. sql%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(' occurred during line temp table updation ' || sql%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_INDEX );
          END LOOP;
          raise e_validation;
      END LOOP; --i
    END ;
    PROCEDURE main
      CURSOR dept_ins_cur
        SELECT * FROM dept WHERE status='VALID';
      CURSOR emp_ins_cur(p_deptno NUMBER)
        SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno= p_deptno;
      OPEN dept_ins_cur;
      FETCH dept_ins_cur BULK COLLECT INTO hdr_ins_tbl limit 1000
      WHEN dept_ins_cur%NOTFOUND;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE dept_ins_cur;
      --------- Loading data into the inv line table type -------------------------------
      FOR i IN 1 .. hdr_tbl.count
      dept_ins(hdr_ins_tbl(i).deptno ,
      hdr_ins_tbl(i).DNAME ,
      hdr_ins_tbl(i).LOC , emp_seq.nextval);
      OPEN emp_ins_cur(hdr_ins_tbl(i).deptno);
      FETCH emp_ins_cur BULK COLLECT INTO line_ins_tbl;
      --EXIT WHEN emp_ins_cur%NOTFOUND;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE emp_ins_cur;
      for j in 1..line_ins_tbl.count loop
      emp_ins(line_ins_tbl(j).EMPNO ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).ENAME ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).JOB ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).MGR ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).HIREDATE ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).SAL ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).comm ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).DEPTNO );
      end loop;
      end loop;
      forall i IN hdr_ins_tbl.first .. hdr_ins_tbl.last
      SAVE exceptions
      UPDATE dept
      SET status   = 'INSERTED',
      err_msg  = null
      WHERE deptno=hdr_ins_tbl (i).deptno
      AND status   = 'VALID';
      dbms_output.put_line( 'inserting into temp tables.');
      dbms_output.put_line('exception in main' ||SQLERRM);
    END ;
    Thanks in advance...
    Message was edited by: 888025

    Hi, I have problem with the following pl/sql block
    Well, as Hoek already said, that is the understatement of the century.
    I can't be absolutely certain but I think that set of DDL and code that you posted has just about every possible error and design issue that there is! It would make an excellent addition to BluShadow's FAQs an an example of what NOT to do.
    I don't think it is even possible to 'fix the basics first' as Hoek suggested. IMHO the first step needs to be to create a functional requirements document (FRD) that explains in detail WHAT needs to be done. That doc should also contain info about how any errors/recovery/restart is to be handled. It is premature to try to implement ANY solution without first knowing what is needed functionally.
    Once the FRD is done you should do a walk-through based on your current architecture and sample data to make sure that the document really covers ALL of the steps that need to be performed and that it adequately explains how to deal with any processing or data issues that might arise.
    The next document you need is the TRD - Technical Requirements Doc that covers the different technical implementions of the FRD that can be done and the advantages/disadvantages of each.
    Then you can start working on a prototype.
    1. The DDL you posted isn't coherent - there are CREATE table statements and then later ALTER statements that add additional columns. There doesn't appear to be any reason for not including ALL of the columns in the CREATE table statement.
    2. You are using PL/SQL types instead of SQL types. That makes it impossible to use those types in SQL statements and makes it much more difficult to test since it is much easier to test a query in SQL (e.g. using sql*plus) that to embed the query in PL/SQL.
    3. You are defining the same type twice but giving it different names.
    TYPE dept_t
          TABLE OF dept%ROWTYPE
             INDEX BY binary_integer;
    TYPE dept_i_t
          TABLE OF dept%ROWTYPE
             INDEX BY binary_integer;
    Those are both based on the same DEPT table! Why the duplication?
    Also you are using associative arrays instead of just using nested tables. Get rid of the INDEX BY clause.
    4. You have some serious architectural and data model issues
    -- Assume the following scenario, we are validating dept (master) and emp(child) which are my temporary tables and updating the status back to
    -- dept ( for all the validation errors, even if we have any validation at child  it has to update the header record with error message),
    Why would you do that? You say 'it has to update the header record ...'. Says who? That is just one indication that you are trying to implement a 'solution' before you have adequately defined the 'problem'.
    Typically you would NOT alter any of the data tables; any validation errors/issues would get inserted into a table specifically designed to hold/log those issues. That table would contain key field values to correlate with the source of the error.
    Those 'master' and 'child' entities are two SEPARATE things. Issues with a 'master' row have NOTHING to do with any possible child rows.
    And issues with a 'child' row have NOTHING to do with any possible master rows. The ONLY connection between 'child' and 'master' is the foreign key that correlates them.
    So you don't necessarily have to validate the 'child' rows in sync with their 'master' row. In many cases you would have a procedure that performs validation of the entire set of 'master' rows and log those issues/problems. You would use a different procedure to validate the entire set of 'child' rows and log their issues.
    Those validation procedures can often work with ALL of the data using SQL statements instead of bulk processing.
    5. You are using loop constructs that are not valid for the type of processing you are using
        FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO hdr_tbl;
      END LOOP;
    There can be NO exit since the bulk collect with either get EVERYTHING or NOTHING. Possibly that is just a holdover from your attempt to use the LIMIT clause but you removed that clause from the FETCH; I don't know.
    There is so much wrong with what you posted it is really rather pointless to try to 'fix' it.
    I suggest you start over and clarify and DOCUMENT the actual requirements without prejudice about the solution that someone seems to want to force on you.

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    Clean Install of Snow Leopard
         1. Boot the computer using the Snow Leopard Installer Disc.  Insert the disc into the
             optical drive and restart the computer.  After the chime press and hold down the
             "C" key.  Release the key when you see a small spinning gear appear below the
             dark gray Apple logo.
         2. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue
             button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
             After DU loads select the hard drive entry from the left side list (mfgr.'s ID and drive
             size.)  Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.  Set the number of
             partitions to one (1) from the Partitions drop down menu, set the format type to Mac
             OS Extended (Journaled, if supported), then click on the Partition button.
         3. When the formatting has completed quit DU and return to the installer.  Proceed
             with the OS X installation and follow the directions included with the installer.
         4. When the installation has completed your computer will Restart into the Setup
             Assistant. After you finish Setup Assistant will complete the installation after which
             you will be running a fresh install of OS X.  You can now begin the update process
             by opening Software Update and installing all recommended updates to bring your
             installation current. Start by downloading and installing Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1.

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    vance0688 wrote:
    What are some ways to tell if my charger is frayed? I plan on going to the apple store soon and asking, However I will busy for the next couple weeks. I know
    that you wont be able to say for certain, just best guesses. I am not sure if its fraying or just improper use because I bought the laptop from a small computer shop near my university. It is a late 2008 Macbook pro 15 inch(Not sure if that extra information helps but just in case ).
    Your charger is frayed

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    Shot a celebration (Park, Mass and Party), went home and processed the raw files in Lightroom, Exported them into 3 folders.
    Then I proceeded to edit the files in photoshop, first folder that consisted of the park went well. Files looks great, even after compressing them again.
    Then up were the Mass pictures and that's where it all went down hill. When I loaded up the first image it was compressed to hell All the black areas were all pixelated, so I went into lightroom and sure enough it changed the quality from 100% down to 60%!
    All my other settings were the same so I didn't accidentally reset the whole thing. Not sure why or how Lightroom did this, I've had it on 100% for the past 2 years!
    Now I have to export them all over again, the trouble is there was 800 that I culled down to just 150. I really don't want to hand pick them all over again.
    Is there some way to tell lightroom to just re-export the previously exported files?

    The short answer: no.
    Lightroom remembers recently imported files in a collection, but does not remember recently exported files.
    That said, you could use the SQLiteroom plugin (free, by me) to round up a collection of *all* exported files, which might help.

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    Can some one plz tell me which customization tool should be used to package Adobe Audition CS6

    Sorry, you will have to give us a LOT MORE DETAIL about what exactly you are trying to do!
    As written, I'm afraid your question makes no sense.  Why do you need to "package AA CS6"?

  • IPad sem som

    iPad sem som. Só escuto os toque na configuração. No youtube não aparece o controle de volume. Sem som nos aplicativos. Já movi o botão para mute e depois para inume, e nada.

    Google translate.
    Dear, good afternoon!
    I have an iPad 3 and the same is not playing ANY sound.
    Already changed the spin button to mute and undid the operation and did not work.
    I've checked the volume adjustment and is OK.
    Already reseted the device and did not work.
    I have entered into various internet forums and tested duct suggested that the sites did not work.
    Is there any other procedure I can test or have to take some technical assistance.
    Check your settings. The iPads have a small switch on the right edge. It can be used as a rotation lock to keep the screen from automatically reorienting itself as you move around, but you need to have the tablet’s settings configured properly. That same switch, right above the volume buttons, can also be set to function instead as a mute button to silence certain types of audio.
    If the switch is set to work as a mute button, you can change its purpose to “screen-rotation lock” by tapping the Settings icon on the home screen. On the Settings screen, tap General on the left side, and on the right side of the screen flick down to “Use Side Switch to.” Tap to select Lock Rotation or Mute to set the button’s function. Even if you set the side switch for your preferred use, you can still mute the Mini or lock the screen. Just double-click the Home button, and when the panel of apps appears along the bottom edge of the screen, flick the row from left to right with your finger. Tap the icon on the far left side of the row to either lock the iPad’s screen or mute the iPad’s alerts, notifications and sound effects. Music, podcasts and video are not muted unless you turn the volume all the way down.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Can some-one please tell me how to transfer photos from my ipad to my macbook air ? thanks

    Can some-one please tell me how to transfer photos from my ipad to my macbook air ? thanks

    To copy photos to your Mac that were taken with the iPad, copied to it via the camera connection kit, or saved from emails/websites then see this page - on a Mac you can use Image Capture, iPhoto and Aperture.
    To copy photos that were originally synced from a computer you will need a third-party app such as Simple Transfer which can copy them off via your wifi network. But as photos are 'optimised' when they are synced to the iPad, any that you then copy back to a computer may not be exactly the same as they originally were on your computer.

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    I am having this problem.  At first with the new iPhone 5, and then with the iPad 2.  I am not sure why this is happening. 
    My gut feeling is this is an iO6 issue and here's why -
    The problem mainly occurs with apps.  I have about 150 apps, and when I plugged in the phone, iTunes went to sync all of them.  The process would hang up after about 20 - 30 apps were loaded onto the phone. I could tell where about the process hung up because the apps on the phone showed up as "waiting".
    Then on the iPad 2 I plugged in to sync and saw there was a huge "Other" component in my storage.  It required me to restore the iPad 2 from backup.  With this restore the same issues occurred - putting the apps back on the iPad would hang up.  The videos on the iPad also got stuck - maybe after about 10 hours of videos transfered iTunes crashed.
    My solution has been to soft reset the device, restart Windows, and continue the process until it's complete.  This is remarkably inefficient and time-intensive but everything works with patience.
    I have been wondering if others have had these same problems. 

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    The Basic Troubleshooting Steps are:
    Restart... Reset... Restore from Backup...  Restore as New...
    Restart / Reset
    Try this First... You will Not Lose Any Data...
    Turn the Phone Off... ( if it isn’t already )
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear and then Disappear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... ( But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons...
    Turn the Phone On...
    If that does not help... See Here:
    Backing up, Updating and Restoring
    If you try all these Steps and you still have issues... Then a Visit to an Apple Store or AASP (Authorized Apple Service Provider) is the Next Step... Be sure to make an appointment first...

  • Can some one please tell me what leads i need to connect my mac book pro to my tv

    Hi i have a mac book pro can someone tell me what leads i need to connect it to my tv
    thanks scott

    If your TV has HDMI, and if your MBP is compatible with this adapter, I highly recommend:
    http://store.apple.com/us/product/H1824ZM/A/Moshi_Mini_DisplayPort_to_HDMI_Adapt er
    It sends the audio out through the mini DisplayPort into the HDMI cable, but only if your computer has that capability.  On that page, scroll down and look for a comment titled "How you know if it is supported w/o guessing."

  • Can some one please tell me how to apply wine on apps?

    i have downloaded wine but i dont know how to use it????can someone please help me....

    First, WINE is almost completely useless except for running the Windows version of Microsoft Office (which you have no reason to do) and some games.
    If you want to do the latter, you should test a commercial product called "CrossOver Mac."

  • I have updated the version, but in some applications it tells me that i have an out of date version

    I have updated, even uninstalled and reinstalled.
    Youtube, Outlook will not operate correctly as they say I have an old version
    When I check the version on the Firefox Help function, it tells me that it is up to date

    A program on your computer has modified your Firefox's User Agent information.
    Yours says: <code>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C) ;ShopperReports</code>
    It should look like this: <code>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0</code>
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [http://www.microsoft.com/security/scanner/default.aspx Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free/ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208283363 TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    * [http://www.surfright.nl/en/hitmanpro/ Hitman Pro]
    * [http://www.eset.com/us/online-scanner/ ESET Online Scanner]
    [http://windows.microsoft.com/MSE Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back soon.

  • Can i download ADOBE on my i mac. When i try to get some docs it tells me that i need this programme to load the information.

    How do I get ADOBE on my i mac - in fact, CAN I get ADOBE is probably the best way to ask the question. I cannot download some information becasue I haven't got this programme.

    Things such as catalogs can be produced as a PDF file which could be opened by Adobe Reader (free from Adobe site). They should also open using Preview (already on your Mac). Catalogs can also be produced using Flash technology. The flash player can also be downloaded from the Adobe site

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