Videos: Ton nicht über externe Lautsprecher

Hallo ihr Lieben,
habe mein Apple TV unter Einstellungen -> Airplay so eingestellt, dass er über meine externen Boxen den Ton spielen soll. (Habe einen Marantz Verstärker).
Das klappt bei Radio oder Musik auch super, er steuert sofort die externen Boxen über Wlan an.
Nur sobald ich Trailer schauen will oder Videos, gibt er den Ton nur über die TV Lautsprecher aus.
Woran liegt das? Klappt das vllt auch einfach nicht?
Habe die 3te Generation, Software habe ich auch aktualisiert.
Lieben Gruß + Danke für eure Ideen!

Willkommen auf der Apple-Community.
Aktualisieren Sie auf Apple TV Version 5.2. Es angeblich führt die Möglichkeit, den Ton von einem Film über AirPlay zu einem anderen AirPlay-Gerät senden.

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    - Try cleaning out/blowing out the headphone jack. Try inserting/removing the plug a dozen times or so.
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    N95 & N96 User

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    I'm lazy, so I use my 17" HD 1080i screen to playback the video in it's native format and use SnapZ Pro X to screen record that into Quicktime format that iMovie certainly accepts.
    Not everyone has a 17" 1080i HD screen nor the money to buy SnapZ Pro X though.
    You can learn more here

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    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
    Depending on the circumstances yet to be exchanged, the easy way out would seem to be to archive the existing project via the program's Project Archiver/Copy Option with the Copied Folder pointed to the external hard drive. That folder will contain the project file (project.prel) and its assets including copies of source media that went into the project. Then you can delete the project file, its assets, and source media from the Local Disc C. DO NOT DELETE SOURCE MEDIA ON LOCAL DISC C THAT ARE ALSO BEING USED IN ANOTHER ACTIVE PROJECT. cb.html
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    Before you start a new project, you can set the project Save In: (new project dialog) and program assets (including Scratch Disks) to the external hard drive, best to its own folder.
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    More later.
    Add On...I did not see Hunt's post(s) until after I posted mine.

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