Vim like windows notepad keybindings?

I use vim as text editor, but maybe exists plugin for create keybindings in vim like windows notepad?
Ctrl + A, S, Z, X, C, V, F for text operation
Shift + Up, Down, Left, Right for text selection

This command starts vim in insert mode (tested and works on my arch installation):
$ vim -c startinsert
You can add the files to open and other options to the command.
Ctrl-s has too many mappings used in terminals for me to suggest using it as a 'save file' shortcut. The mappings below use Ctrl-o to save a file.
:map <C-o> :w<CR>
:imap <C-o> <Esc>:w<CR>i
By default in vim, Shift-z + Shift-z will save changes to the file and exit.  Hold down the Shift key and press 'z' twice.  I don't think that's too hard to remember.
I can sympathize with you for your difficulties as you switch from one operating system to another.  I don't like your solution but we all make our own customizations to vim.

Similar Messages

  • Vim-like window marking for any EWMH window manager

    This is really small and simple tool that runs in the background and lets you mark any window using any letter (a-z) and then jump back to it whenever you want. (Even if you're on a different desktop.)
    Right now, all you can do is assign a mark to a window and jump to it. I'll probably add another option that lets you bring a window to the current desktop.
    For example, while in Gmail press Super+m then hit 'g'. Browse to some other desktop, and when you want to check your mail press Super+' and then hit 'g'. So the idea is to have two keybindings; one for marking and one for jumping. After you've initiated one of the keybindings, window-marker expects one more letter to complete the command.
    The keybindings can be set on the command line.
    usage: window-marker [-h] [-m KEYBINDING] [-g KEYBINDING]
    Vim-like marks for windows.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                            keybinding to add a mark (default: Mod4-m)
                            keybinding to goto a mark (default Mod4-apostrophe)
    Using window-marker is exactly like using marks in vim. Namely, by pressing
    the keybinding for "mark", window-marker then listens for one more letter
    (a-z) to be entered. Whichever letter is entered will now be associated with
    the active window.
    If you now want to go back to that window (even if you're
    on a different desktop), simply press the keybinding for "goto" and then enter
    the letter you used to mark the window.
    To set your own keybinding, please
    consult /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h and the output of `xmodmap`. The `xev`
    program may also be useful.
    It's in the AUR.
    Last edited by BurntSushi (2011-08-18 04:59:01)

    BurntSushi wrote:It'll be long, so make sure to wrap it in [ code ] tags :-) Thanks!
    Hey, I never missed using them!
    There are 7 KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from 8 to 255.
    KeyCode Keysym (Keysym) ...
    Value Value (Name) ...
    9 0xff1b (Escape) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff1b (Escape)
    10 0x0031 (1) 0x0021 (exclam) 0x0031 (1) 0x0021 (exclam) 0x00b9 (onesuperior) 0x00a1 (exclamdown) 0x00b9 (onesuperior)
    11 0x0032 (2) 0x0022 (quotedbl) 0x0032 (2) 0x0022 (quotedbl) 0x00b2 (twosuperior) 0x0ac3 (oneeighth) 0x00b2 (twosuperior)
    12 0x0033 (3) 0x00a7 (section) 0x0033 (3) 0x00a7 (section) 0x00b3 (threesuperior) 0x00a3 (sterling) 0x00b3 (threesuperior)
    13 0x0034 (4) 0x0024 (dollar) 0x0034 (4) 0x0024 (dollar) 0x00bc (onequarter) 0x00a4 (currency) 0x00bc (onequarter)
    14 0x0035 (5) 0x0025 (percent) 0x0035 (5) 0x0025 (percent) 0x00bd (onehalf) 0x0ac4 (threeeighths) 0x00bd (onehalf)
    15 0x0036 (6) 0x0026 (ampersand) 0x0036 (6) 0x0026 (ampersand) 0x00ac (notsign) 0x0ac5 (fiveeighths) 0x00ac (notsign)
    16 0x0037 (7) 0x002f (slash) 0x0037 (7) 0x002f (slash) 0x007b (braceleft) 0x0ac6 (seveneighths) 0x007b (braceleft)
    17 0x0038 (8) 0x0028 (parenleft) 0x0038 (8) 0x0028 (parenleft) 0x005b (bracketleft) 0x0ac9 (trademark) 0x005b (bracketleft)
    18 0x0039 (9) 0x0029 (parenright) 0x0039 (9) 0x0029 (parenright) 0x005d (bracketright) 0x00b1 (plusminus) 0x005d (bracketright)
    19 0x0030 (0) 0x003d (equal) 0x0030 (0) 0x003d (equal) 0x007d (braceright) 0x00b0 (degree) 0x007d (braceright)
    20 0x00df (ssharp) 0x003f (question) 0x00df (ssharp) 0x003f (question) 0x005c (backslash) 0x00bf (questiondown) 0x1001e9e (U1E9E)
    21 0xfe51 (dead_acute) 0xfe50 (dead_grave) 0xfe51 (dead_acute) 0xfe50 (dead_grave) 0xfe5b (dead_cedilla) 0xfe5c (dead_ogonek) 0xfe5b (dead_cedilla)
    22 0xff08 (BackSpace) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff08 (BackSpace)
    23 0xff09 (Tab) 0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab) 0xff09 (Tab) 0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)
    24 0x0071 (q) 0x0051 (Q) 0x0071 (q) 0x0051 (Q) 0x0040 (at) 0x07d9 (Greek_OMEGA) 0x0040 (at)
    25 0x0077 (w) 0x0057 (W) 0x0077 (w) 0x0057 (W) 0x01b3 (lstroke) 0x01a3 (Lstroke) 0x01b3 (lstroke)
    26 0x0065 (e) 0x0045 (E) 0x0065 (e) 0x0045 (E) 0x20ac (EuroSign) 0x20ac (EuroSign) 0x20ac (EuroSign)
    27 0x0072 (r) 0x0052 (R) 0x0072 (r) 0x0052 (R) 0x00b6 (paragraph) 0x00ae (registered) 0x00b6 (paragraph)
    28 0x0074 (t) 0x0054 (T) 0x0074 (t) 0x0054 (T) 0x03bc (tslash) 0x03ac (Tslash) 0x03bc (tslash)
    29 0x007a (z) 0x005a (Z) 0x007a (z) 0x005a (Z) 0x08fb (leftarrow) 0x00a5 (yen) 0x08fb (leftarrow)
    30 0x0075 (u) 0x0055 (U) 0x0075 (u) 0x0055 (U) 0x08fe (downarrow) 0x08fc (uparrow) 0x08fe (downarrow)
    31 0x0069 (i) 0x0049 (I) 0x0069 (i) 0x0049 (I) 0x08fd (rightarrow) 0x02b9 (idotless) 0x08fd (rightarrow)
    32 0x006f (o) 0x004f (O) 0x006f (o) 0x004f (O) 0x00f8 (oslash) 0x00d8 (Oslash) 0x00f8 (oslash)
    33 0x0070 (p) 0x0050 (P) 0x0070 (p) 0x0050 (P) 0x00fe (thorn) 0x00de (THORN) 0x00fe (thorn)
    34 0x00fc (udiaeresis) 0x00dc (Udiaeresis) 0x00fc (udiaeresis) 0x00dc (Udiaeresis) 0xfe57 (dead_diaeresis) 0xfe58 (dead_abovering) 0xfe57 (dead_diaeresis)
    35 0x002b (plus) 0x002a (asterisk) 0x002b (plus) 0x002a (asterisk) 0xfe53 (dead_tilde) 0xfe54 (dead_macron) 0xfe53 (dead_tilde)
    36 0xff0d (Return) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff0d (Return)
    37 0xffe3 (Control_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe3 (Control_L)
    38 0x0061 (a) 0x0041 (A) 0x0061 (a) 0x0041 (A) 0x00e6 (ae) 0x00c6 (AE) 0x00e6 (ae)
    39 0x0073 (s) 0x0053 (S) 0x0073 (s) 0x0053 (S) 0x100017f (U017F) 0x1001e9e (U1E9E) 0x100017f (U017F)
    40 0x0064 (d) 0x0044 (D) 0x0064 (d) 0x0044 (D) 0x00f0 (eth) 0x00d0 (ETH) 0x00f0 (eth)
    41 0x0066 (f) 0x0046 (F) 0x0066 (f) 0x0046 (F) 0x01f0 (dstroke) 0x00aa (ordfeminine) 0x01f0 (dstroke)
    42 0x0067 (g) 0x0047 (G) 0x0067 (g) 0x0047 (G) 0x03bf (eng) 0x03bd (ENG) 0x03bf (eng)
    43 0x0068 (h) 0x0048 (H) 0x0068 (h) 0x0048 (H) 0x02b1 (hstroke) 0x02a1 (Hstroke) 0x02b1 (hstroke)
    44 0x006a (j) 0x004a (J) 0x006a (j) 0x004a (J) 0xfe60 (dead_belowdot) 0xfe56 (dead_abovedot) 0xfe60 (dead_belowdot)
    45 0x006b (k) 0x004b (K) 0x006b (k) 0x004b (K) 0x03a2 (kra) 0x0026 (ampersand) 0x03a2 (kra)
    46 0x006c (l) 0x004c (L) 0x006c (l) 0x004c (L) 0x01b3 (lstroke) 0x01a3 (Lstroke) 0x01b3 (lstroke)
    47 0x00f6 (odiaeresis) 0x00d6 (Odiaeresis) 0x00f6 (odiaeresis) 0x00d6 (Odiaeresis) 0xfe59 (dead_doubleacute) 0xfe60 (dead_belowdot) 0xfe59 (dead_doubleacute)
    48 0x00e4 (adiaeresis) 0x00c4 (Adiaeresis) 0x00e4 (adiaeresis) 0x00c4 (Adiaeresis) 0xfe52 (dead_circumflex) 0xfe5a (dead_caron) 0xfe52 (dead_circumflex)
    49 0xfe52 (dead_circumflex) 0x00b0 (degree) 0xfe52 (dead_circumflex) 0x00b0 (degree) 0x1002032 (U2032) 0x1002033 (U2033) 0x1002032 (U2032)
    50 0xffe1 (Shift_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe1 (Shift_L)
    51 0x0023 (numbersign) 0x0027 (apostrophe) 0x0023 (numbersign) 0x0027 (apostrophe) 0x0ad1 (rightsinglequotemark) 0xfe55 (dead_breve) 0x0ad1 (rightsinglequotemark)
    52 0x0079 (y) 0x0059 (Y) 0x0079 (y) 0x0059 (Y) 0x00bb (guillemotright) 0x100203a (U203A) 0x00bb (guillemotright)
    53 0x0078 (x) 0x0058 (X) 0x0078 (x) 0x0058 (X) 0x00ab (guillemotleft) 0x1002039 (U2039) 0x00ab (guillemotleft)
    54 0x0063 (c) 0x0043 (C) 0x0063 (c) 0x0043 (C) 0x00a2 (cent) 0x00a9 (copyright) 0x00a2 (cent)
    55 0x0076 (v) 0x0056 (V) 0x0076 (v) 0x0056 (V) 0x0afe (doublelowquotemark) 0x0afd (singlelowquotemark) 0x0afe (doublelowquotemark)
    56 0x0062 (b) 0x0042 (B) 0x0062 (b) 0x0042 (B) 0x0ad2 (leftdoublequotemark) 0x0ad0 (leftsinglequotemark) 0x0ad2 (leftdoublequotemark)
    57 0x006e (n) 0x004e (N) 0x006e (n) 0x004e (N) 0x0ad3 (rightdoublequotemark) 0x0ad1 (rightsinglequotemark) 0x0ad3 (rightdoublequotemark)
    58 0x006d (m) 0x004d (M) 0x006d (m) 0x004d (M) 0x00b5 (mu) 0x00ba (masculine) 0x00b5 (mu)
    59 0x002c (comma) 0x003b (semicolon) 0x002c (comma) 0x003b (semicolon) 0x00b7 (periodcentered) 0x00d7 (multiply) 0x00b7 (periodcentered)
    60 0x002e (period) 0x003a (colon) 0x002e (period) 0x003a (colon) 0x1002026 (U2026) 0x00f7 (division) 0x1002026 (U2026)
    61 0x002d (minus) 0x005f (underscore) 0x002d (minus) 0x005f (underscore) 0x0aaa (endash) 0x0aa9 (emdash) 0x0aaa (endash)
    62 0xffe2 (Shift_R) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe2 (Shift_R)
    63 0xffaa (KP_Multiply) 0x1008fe21 (XF86ClearGrab) 0xffaa (KP_Multiply) 0x1008fe21 (XF86ClearGrab)
    64 0xffe9 (Alt_L) 0xffe7 (Meta_L) 0xffe9 (Alt_L) 0xffe7 (Meta_L)
    65 0x0020 (space) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x0020 (space)
    66 0xffe5 (Caps_Lock) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe5 (Caps_Lock)
    67 0xffbe (F1) 0x1008fe01 (XF86Switch_VT_1) 0xffbe (F1) 0x1008fe01 (XF86Switch_VT_1)
    68 0xffbf (F2) 0x1008fe02 (XF86Switch_VT_2) 0xffbf (F2) 0x1008fe02 (XF86Switch_VT_2)
    69 0xffc0 (F3) 0x1008fe03 (XF86Switch_VT_3) 0xffc0 (F3) 0x1008fe03 (XF86Switch_VT_3)
    70 0xffc1 (F4) 0x1008fe04 (XF86Switch_VT_4) 0xffc1 (F4) 0x1008fe04 (XF86Switch_VT_4)
    71 0xffc2 (F5) 0x1008fe05 (XF86Switch_VT_5) 0xffc2 (F5) 0x1008fe05 (XF86Switch_VT_5)
    72 0xffc3 (F6) 0x1008fe06 (XF86Switch_VT_6) 0xffc3 (F6) 0x1008fe06 (XF86Switch_VT_6)
    73 0xffc4 (F7) 0x1008fe07 (XF86Switch_VT_7) 0xffc4 (F7) 0x1008fe07 (XF86Switch_VT_7)
    74 0xffc5 (F8) 0x1008fe08 (XF86Switch_VT_8) 0xffc5 (F8) 0x1008fe08 (XF86Switch_VT_8)
    75 0xffc6 (F9) 0x1008fe09 (XF86Switch_VT_9) 0xffc6 (F9) 0x1008fe09 (XF86Switch_VT_9)
    76 0xffc7 (F10) 0x1008fe0a (XF86Switch_VT_10) 0xffc7 (F10) 0x1008fe0a (XF86Switch_VT_10)
    77 0xff7f (Num_Lock) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff7f (Num_Lock)
    78 0xff14 (Scroll_Lock) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff14 (Scroll_Lock)
    79 0xff95 (KP_Home) 0xffb7 (KP_7) 0xff95 (KP_Home) 0xffb7 (KP_7)
    80 0xff97 (KP_Up) 0xffb8 (KP_8) 0xff97 (KP_Up) 0xffb8 (KP_8)
    81 0xff9a (KP_Prior) 0xffb9 (KP_9) 0xff9a (KP_Prior) 0xffb9 (KP_9)
    82 0xffad (KP_Subtract) 0x1008fe23 (XF86Prev_VMode) 0xffad (KP_Subtract) 0x1008fe23 (XF86Prev_VMode)
    83 0xff96 (KP_Left) 0xffb4 (KP_4) 0xff96 (KP_Left) 0xffb4 (KP_4)
    84 0xff9d (KP_Begin) 0xffb5 (KP_5) 0xff9d (KP_Begin) 0xffb5 (KP_5)
    85 0xff98 (KP_Right) 0xffb6 (KP_6) 0xff98 (KP_Right) 0xffb6 (KP_6)
    86 0xffab (KP_Add) 0x1008fe22 (XF86Next_VMode) 0xffab (KP_Add) 0x1008fe22 (XF86Next_VMode)
    87 0xff9c (KP_End) 0xffb1 (KP_1) 0xff9c (KP_End) 0xffb1 (KP_1)
    88 0xff99 (KP_Down) 0xffb2 (KP_2) 0xff99 (KP_Down) 0xffb2 (KP_2)
    89 0xff9b (KP_Next) 0xffb3 (KP_3) 0xff9b (KP_Next) 0xffb3 (KP_3)
    90 0xff9e (KP_Insert) 0xffb0 (KP_0) 0xff9e (KP_Insert) 0xffb0 (KP_0)
    91 0xff9f (KP_Delete) 0xffac (KP_Separator) 0xff9f (KP_Delete) 0xffac (KP_Separator)
    92 0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)
    94 0x003c (less) 0x003e (greater) 0x003c (less) 0x003e (greater) 0x007c (bar) 0x00a6 (brokenbar) 0x007c (bar)
    95 0xffc8 (F11) 0x1008fe0b (XF86Switch_VT_11) 0xffc8 (F11) 0x1008fe0b (XF86Switch_VT_11)
    96 0xffc9 (F12) 0x1008fe0c (XF86Switch_VT_12) 0xffc9 (F12) 0x1008fe0c (XF86Switch_VT_12)
    98 0xff26 (Katakana) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff26 (Katakana)
    99 0xff25 (Hiragana) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff25 (Hiragana)
    100 0xff23 (Henkan_Mode) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff23 (Henkan_Mode)
    101 0xff27 (Hiragana_Katakana) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff27 (Hiragana_Katakana)
    102 0xff22 (Muhenkan) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff22 (Muhenkan)
    104 0xff8d (KP_Enter) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff8d (KP_Enter)
    105 0xffe4 (Control_R) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe4 (Control_R)
    106 0xffaf (KP_Divide) 0x1008fe20 (XF86Ungrab) 0xffaf (KP_Divide) 0x1008fe20 (XF86Ungrab)
    107 0xff61 (Print) 0xff15 (Sys_Req) 0xff61 (Print) 0xff15 (Sys_Req)
    108 0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)
    109 0xff0a (Linefeed) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff0a (Linefeed)
    110 0xff50 (Home) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff50 (Home)
    111 0xff52 (Up) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff52 (Up)
    112 0xff55 (Prior) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff55 (Prior)
    113 0xff51 (Left) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff51 (Left)
    114 0xff53 (Right) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff53 (Right)
    115 0xff57 (End) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff57 (End)
    116 0xff54 (Down) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff54 (Down)
    117 0xff56 (Next) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff56 (Next)
    118 0xff63 (Insert) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff63 (Insert)
    119 0xffff (Delete) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffff (Delete)
    121 0x1008ff12 (XF86AudioMute) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff12 (XF86AudioMute)
    122 0x1008ff11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume)
    123 0x1008ff13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume)
    124 0x1008ff2a (XF86PowerOff) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2a (XF86PowerOff)
    125 0xffbd (KP_Equal) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffbd (KP_Equal)
    126 0x00b1 (plusminus) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x00b1 (plusminus)
    127 0xff13 (Pause) 0xff6b (Break) 0xff13 (Pause) 0xff6b (Break)
    128 0x1008ff4a (XF86LaunchA) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff4a (XF86LaunchA)
    129 0xffae (KP_Decimal) 0xffae (KP_Decimal) 0xffae (KP_Decimal) 0xffae (KP_Decimal)
    130 0xff31 (Hangul) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff31 (Hangul)
    131 0xff34 (Hangul_Hanja) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff34 (Hangul_Hanja)
    133 0xffeb (Super_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffeb (Super_L)
    134 0xffec (Super_R) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffec (Super_R)
    135 0xff67 (Menu) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff67 (Menu)
    136 0xff69 (Cancel) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff69 (Cancel)
    137 0xff66 (Redo) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff66 (Redo)
    138 0x1005ff70 (SunProps) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1005ff70 (SunProps)
    139 0xff65 (Undo) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff65 (Undo)
    140 0x1005ff71 (SunFront) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1005ff71 (SunFront)
    141 0x1008ff57 (XF86Copy) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff57 (XF86Copy)
    142 0x1005ff73 (SunOpen) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1005ff73 (SunOpen)
    143 0x1008ff6d (XF86Paste) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff6d (XF86Paste)
    144 0xff68 (Find) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff68 (Find)
    145 0x1008ff58 (XF86Cut) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff58 (XF86Cut)
    146 0xff6a (Help) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff6a (Help)
    147 0x1008ff65 (XF86MenuKB) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff65 (XF86MenuKB)
    148 0x1008ff1d (XF86Calculator) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff1d (XF86Calculator)
    150 0x1008ff2f (XF86Sleep) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2f (XF86Sleep)
    151 0x1008ff2b (XF86WakeUp) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2b (XF86WakeUp)
    152 0x1008ff5d (XF86Explorer) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5d (XF86Explorer)
    153 0x1008ff7b (XF86Send) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff7b (XF86Send)
    155 0x1008ff8a (XF86Xfer) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff8a (XF86Xfer)
    156 0x1008ff41 (XF86Launch1) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff41 (XF86Launch1)
    157 0x1008ff42 (XF86Launch2) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff42 (XF86Launch2)
    158 0x1008ff2e (XF86WWW) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2e (XF86WWW)
    159 0x1008ff5a (XF86DOS) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5a (XF86DOS)
    160 0x1008ff2d (XF86ScreenSaver) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2d (XF86ScreenSaver)
    162 0x1008ff74 (XF86RotateWindows) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff74 (XF86RotateWindows)
    163 0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail)
    164 0x1008ff30 (XF86Favorites) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff30 (XF86Favorites)
    165 0x1008ff33 (XF86MyComputer) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff33 (XF86MyComputer)
    166 0x1008ff26 (XF86Back) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff26 (XF86Back)
    167 0x1008ff27 (XF86Forward) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff27 (XF86Forward)
    169 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)
    170 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)
    171 0x1008ff17 (XF86AudioNext) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff17 (XF86AudioNext)
    172 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay) 0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause) 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay) 0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause)
    173 0x1008ff16 (XF86AudioPrev) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff16 (XF86AudioPrev)
    174 0x1008ff15 (XF86AudioStop) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x1008ff15 (XF86AudioStop) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)
    175 0x1008ff1c (XF86AudioRecord) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff1c (XF86AudioRecord)
    176 0x1008ff3e (XF86AudioRewind) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff3e (XF86AudioRewind)
    177 0x1008ff6e (XF86Phone) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff6e (XF86Phone)
    179 0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools)
    180 0x1008ff18 (XF86HomePage) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff18 (XF86HomePage)
    181 0x1008ff73 (XF86Reload) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff73 (XF86Reload)
    182 0x1008ff56 (XF86Close) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff56 (XF86Close)
    185 0x1008ff78 (XF86ScrollUp) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff78 (XF86ScrollUp)
    186 0x1008ff79 (XF86ScrollDown) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff79 (XF86ScrollDown)
    187 0x0028 (parenleft) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x0028 (parenleft)
    188 0x0029 (parenright) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x0029 (parenright)
    189 0x1008ff68 (XF86New) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff68 (XF86New)
    190 0xff66 (Redo) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff66 (Redo)
    191 0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools)
    192 0x1008ff45 (XF86Launch5) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff45 (XF86Launch5)
    193 0x1008ff46 (XF86Launch6) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff46 (XF86Launch6)
    194 0x1008ff47 (XF86Launch7) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff47 (XF86Launch7)
    195 0x1008ff48 (XF86Launch8) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff48 (XF86Launch8)
    196 0x1008ff49 (XF86Launch9) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff49 (XF86Launch9)
    199 0x1008ffa9 (XF86TouchpadToggle) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ffa9 (XF86TouchpadToggle)
    200 0x1008ffb0 (XF86TouchpadOn) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ffb0 (XF86TouchpadOn)
    201 0x1008ffb1 (XF86TouchpadOff) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ffb1 (XF86TouchpadOff)
    203 0xff7e (Mode_switch) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff7e (Mode_switch)
    204 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe9 (Alt_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe9 (Alt_L)
    205 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe7 (Meta_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe7 (Meta_L)
    206 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffeb (Super_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffeb (Super_L)
    207 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffed (Hyper_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffed (Hyper_L)
    208 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)
    209 0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause)
    210 0x1008ff43 (XF86Launch3) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff43 (XF86Launch3)
    211 0x1008ff44 (XF86Launch4) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff44 (XF86Launch4)
    212 0x1008ff4b (XF86LaunchB) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff4b (XF86LaunchB)
    213 0x1008ffa7 (XF86Suspend) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ffa7 (XF86Suspend)
    214 0x1008ff56 (XF86Close) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff56 (XF86Close)
    215 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)
    216 0x1008ff97 (XF86AudioForward) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff97 (XF86AudioForward)
    218 0xff61 (Print) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff61 (Print)
    220 0x1008ff8f (XF86WebCam) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff8f (XF86WebCam)
    223 0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail)
    224 0x1008ff8e (XF86Messenger) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff8e (XF86Messenger)
    225 0x1008ff1b (XF86Search) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff1b (XF86Search)
    226 0x1008ff5f (XF86Go) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5f (XF86Go)
    227 0x1008ff3c (XF86Finance) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff3c (XF86Finance)
    228 0x1008ff5e (XF86Game) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5e (XF86Game)
    229 0x1008ff36 (XF86Shop) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff36 (XF86Shop)
    231 0xff69 (Cancel) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff69 (Cancel)
    232 0x1008ff03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown)
    233 0x1008ff02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp)
    234 0x1008ff32 (XF86AudioMedia) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff32 (XF86AudioMedia)
    235 0x1008ff59 (XF86Display) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff59 (XF86Display)
    236 0x1008ff04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff)
    237 0x1008ff06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown)
    238 0x1008ff05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp)
    239 0x1008ff7b (XF86Send) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff7b (XF86Send)
    240 0x1008ff72 (XF86Reply) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff72 (XF86Reply)
    241 0x1008ff90 (XF86MailForward) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff90 (XF86MailForward)
    242 0x1008ff77 (XF86Save) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff77 (XF86Save)
    243 0x1008ff5b (XF86Documents) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5b (XF86Documents)
    244 0x1008ff93 (XF86Battery) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff93 (XF86Battery)
    245 0x1008ff94 (XF86Bluetooth) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff94 (XF86Bluetooth)
    246 0x1008ff95 (XF86WLAN) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff95 (XF86WLAN)

  • [Help] Setup a Vim-like desktop environment

    The funny thing is that I don't know absolutely how to work with Vim, but I want to learn it by building a "desktop environment" based on vim and (mostly) on terminal apps that behave like Vim.
    And of course I need the help of the Arch community!
    Well first of all I probably need a good tutorial (except vimtutor) to start learning vim behaivour and keybindings: Have you got any suggestions?
    Then I need ideas about software: of course I prefer to use stable, maintained and lightweight software that is in the repos, or at least in the AUR.
    Following is my list: I will add your suggestions and clarify my choices here.
    Help me to build my Vim-like-environment!
    Login Manager: none
    Window Manager: i3
    Editor: vim (of course)
    Terminal: urxvtd + urxvtc
    File Manager: vifm
    Image Viewer: feh
    Pdf Viewer: apvlv
    Browser: uzbl-tabbed
    Email Client: mutt
    IRC: weechat
    IM: bitlbee
    Music: ncmpcpp
    Video: mplayer
    Network: netcfg
    Have your say!
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-04-13 21:15:35)

    Login Manager: none
    => I don't use one either
    Window Manager: wmii (never used one, this one has my vote for now. Feel free to suggest others.)
    => I use dwm, but that's probably just a matter of preference. They behave in the same way.
    Editor: vim (of course)
    => Vim here too.
    Terminal: urxvt
    => I use urxvtd (daemon) and connect with urxvtc (clients) This saves resources if you open up a lot of terminals.
    File Manager: vifm
    => I got hooked to Midnight Commander. Tried vifm, but I never really got into it as much as I did in MC. But no vi keybindings in MC and that has been bothering me since the beginning... MC with vi keybindings would be the perfect filemanager though.
    Image Viewer: feh
    => I use this one too.
    Pdf Viewer: apvlv
    => Didn't know about this one! Thanks!
    Browser: vimperator? uzbl? vimprobable? surf?
    => I use vimperator. Uzbl is too unusable without a lot of configuration and for surf I don't know wether it had vi keybindings. But I didn't know vimprobable and I will try it out when I get home! Thanks again. ^^
    Email Client: muttator? mutt? (re)alpine? sup?
    => mutt here. It is great. I write gpg encrypted mail using vim, abook is used to import contacts.
    IRC: weechat? irssi? ii?
    IM: bitlbee? minbif?
    => Didn't know minbif, but I use irssi and bitlbee. It's cool.
    Music: ncmpcpp? cmus? moc?
    => I use moc. It doesn't have vi keybindings though, but it's ui is simple and clean. I like it. You could also check out "herrie".
    Video: mplayer
    => You don't need anything else. ^^
    If you use mutt, I can also suggest Newsbeuter for RSS feeds, because it behaves just like mutt.
    Last edited by Rockwolf (2010-01-26 13:02:01)

  • How to start a java application by double clicking just like windows gui?

    I want to open the user-defined file in my java application. The way is like the notepad in windows:1.double click the file name 2.the file is opened in the java application 3.if this file has opened at the same time ,then the last opened will be read-only.
    Could you tell me how to carry it out ? Thank you
    from Maria

    !!! Please give me a help! i am thirsty for itSo, to get this straight, you have a Java application in a jar. For some reason, you do not execute this directly. Are you aware that you can execute a jar directly without the need to write a C++ exe to do it?
    Anyway, for some reason, instead you have a C++ application which launches the JVM with your jar main class.
    Well, you want to do two things. First of all, on Windows level, you need to associate the file type of your user file with your application. Note that they have to have a specific file extension that you choose. To associate the file type with an executable, you open a windows explorer, go to View, Folder Options, File Types and add an entry for your file type and specify it to open with your application. If you do not know how to do this, google for "windows associate file type with program executable" or something alike.
    Now, if you double-click one of your user files, the associated exe will open, and it will receive the file name as a command line argument. In your C++ application, you will need to pass this argument, a file name, to the Java application where you launch it.

  • Cannot paste from windows (notepad) to X client

    We bring up an X application GUI from Tarantella SGD and would like to copy the text from windows (notepad or excel) and paste it to the X application but paste doesn't work.
    C&P works fine between xterm/dtterm and X application. But, it does not work between windows application and our X application.
    Any ideas. Thank you very much.

    Check to see if copy and paste is disabled on your windows terminal server's RDP-Properties.
    Also, can you copy and paste from a remote Windows application session into a local application?

  • Trying to use function keys (like windows) on apple wireless keyboard for ipad, as well as arrow keys.

    I am connecting to my work PC through my ipad. My main program i use for work is a DAS based (ancient, i know.) Anyways, i have to be able to use function keys, i can touch the screen so if i can not it isn't the end of the world. But it would make things MUCH more easier. Is there a way to program the F1-F12 keys on the wireless keyboard to use like windows, rather than the brightness/volume/play buttons.
    Also, my arrow keys don't seem to work right. If i am using notepad, they don't work, unless i have entered down 6 lines, the arrows will work as far as those 6 lines, but won't go down on there own. If i am on the internet and there is a drop down menu, the arrow keys don't work either. As well as in my work program, they don't work at all, it's as if the arrow keys don't register.

    Just added information. In my work program, i can use the onscreen keyboard (but it takes up half the screen so i can not see what i am doing. From that keyboard, and can toggle back and forth from the regular keyboard, the FN screen for function keys, and the CTRL keyboard. This is why i am confused as to why the function keys and arrows will not work on the wireless, yet they have the keyboard on the screen.

  • How to open and save file like the Notepad Demo do?

    I am a newer to Java Web Start. I found that in the Notepad Demo, when user try to open or save file, a message box appear and give the user some security suggestions.
    In my application, I used a JFileChooser and set the <security> element to <j2ee-application-client-permissions/> in the jnlp file. But the application will thow an exception:
    access denied ( C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\desktop\Java Web Start.lnk read)
    Can someone tell me how to solve this problem. By the way, where can I find the source of the Notepad Demo. I want my application to open and save file just like the Notepad Demo do.

    The Notpad demo uses the JNLP api to read and write files. The api doc can be found at:
    Although the Notpad demo source is not available, there is other sample code available at:
    Included here is the webpad demo, which uses the FileOpenService and
    FileSaveService API's.

  • On OSX Lion i used to drag the window to the top of the screen and get maximise, and drag the window right or left to show the both beside each other just like windows 7, How to do it on Mountain lion ?

    On OSX Lion i used to drag the window to the top of the screen and get it maximise, and drag the window right or left to show the both beside each other just like windows 7, How to do it on Mountain lion ?

    That has never been a feature of Mac OS X, but I believe there was some kind of third-party software that could add that capability.  i don't recall what its name is, but you must have had that installed, and it either isn't installed anymore (perhaps removed as incompatible?) or is not working properly in Mountain Lion.

  • What's a good app to use to put two photos on a single page like Windows Paint?

    I have a OSX Lion with an iPhoto app. I would like to put two photos on a single page like Windows Paint. What's a good app for this? Is there a Windows Paint app for Mac or something similar?

    You can print two photos on a single page with iPhoto, you can put two photos on a single page with Pages, Word or any word processor. Or are you trying to edit two photos together?
    In order of price here are some suggestions:
    Seashore (free)
    The Gimp (free)
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    Pixelmator ($50 approx)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate. You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

  • Windows 8 libraries don't sort/group by metadata (like Windows 7 could)

    One of the great things about the Windows 7 libraries was the way they let you group and sort the stuff in them. For example, in the music library you could sort by artist, and it would group them by albums (see attached).
    By contrast, the Windows 8 libraries (at least on my computer - if I'm doing something wrong let me know...) are completely crippled. In particular:
    files that are stored in subdirectories are only ever shown by folder - the libraries view will not sort these by any metadata (such as date, album, artist, author, ...); and
    even files that are in one of the root directories indexed by the library will not be sorted and grouped as usefully as in the Windows 7 libraries. You get to choose one thing to group by, and one thing to sort by. And every view shows every song - no nice
    collecting into albums or dates as in the Windows 7 view.
    (see attached - in this picture the 8 files listed are in C:\Users\[me]\Music, while the remaining files are in subfolders).
    Is there any way to make Windows 8 libraries work like Windows 7's?
    (In the case of music, I note that the Xbox Music Metro app has no difficulty sorting the library in various ways (although, from memory, it didn't work when it was originally released) - but the photos app doesn't and I'm not sure about videos).
    (As a subscript, I note that the screenshots in this thread seem to suggest that Windows 8 at least once had the same functionality as Windows
    7, albeit that there is no cover art shown in that pic. So it's entirely possible that it's something I'm doing wrong (but I have no idea what...).
    Any ideas?

    Based on my test, we can use the following setting to sort by artist.
    If you cannot see the option, please restore the Default Libraries to check the result.
    1.Open an Explorer window.
    2.In the Navigation Pane, right click on Libraries, and click on Restore Default Libraries.
    Kelvin Xu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can a MacBook Pro stolen from me be reformatted just like Windows?

    Sorry for asking this Question - I know that there have been threads in the past with similar Question but still I'm kinda confused.
    -MacBook Pro OS X has been stolen from me
    -I have enabled my Apple ID in it
    -I called Apple Support and requested to 'Erase' the data
    Can a MacBook Pro stolen from me be reformatted just like Windows?
    -Can the thief easily reformat its hard drive just like on Windows and install a cracked Operating System?
    Thank you Guys.

    The answer is, Yes. If you enabled Find My Mac, then you could track it or erase it using your webpage and clicking on Find My Phone after signing in.
    What To Do If Your Mac Is Lost Or Stolen
    If you activated Find My Mac before it was lost or stolen, you can track it only if it is connected to the Internet by Wi-Fi. What you cannot do is track your computer using a serial number or other identifying number. You cannot expect Apple or anyone else to find your computer for you. You cannot recover your loss unless you insure your device for such loss. It is not covered by your warranty. Be sure to report the loss or theft to the local police. Have the serial number handy. If your Mac is found it cannot be returned to you if you don’t have the serial number and proof of purchase.
    Find My Mac can be used from Find My Phone at and via Find My Phone on your iDevice.
          The following is third-party anti-theft software:
               1.  STEM 2.1
               2.  MacPhoneHome 3.5
               3.  MacTrack 7.5.0
               4.  VUWER 1.7
               5.  Sneaky Bastar* 0.2.0
               6.  Undercover 5.1.1
               7.  LoJack for Laptops
               8. Hidden 2.0
               9. Prey 0.6.2

  • I want the gui of the java be like windows

    i have already frame i made it by drag and drop and when i make design preview , it's be like windows in the shape of the buttons , frames and tool bar
    but when i make run to the code .it appear by default view .. how when i make run .. the gui be like the windows

    i want more help .. ...please indicate spoon size

  • App for editing/reading/writing Excel, Word, Windows notepad text documents

    I was wondering if any of you's could recommend some apps (from experience) that would allow me to, edit/read/write Excel, Word, Windows notepad text documents.
    I could make do with an app that would do the above but without the ability to create, edit Windows notepad text documents. But been able to read, write, edit Word and Excel documents would have to be a must.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks everyone for the help it was much appreciated.
    After debating, I decided on Docs To Go at £9.99. For this amount its a universal app and as such I can have it installed on my iPhone as well as my iPad (which is what I have done), so £5 for to have it on each device is good value I feel. Quick Office on the other hand would have cost £8.99 for the iPad version and £5.99 for the iPhone version a total of almost £15, which is quite a bit more than I paid for Docs To Go.
    Upto now, I find Docs To Go does everything I want from it, with regards to editing, reading, writing my Excel files. I tried transferring a Microsoft Windows Notepad text document over to the iPad/iPhone, I was able to read this and also add additional text/words to it and save it too. I do use text documents sometimes because if I want to add them onto a friend's computer for example, I know that they will be able to read them because with them having a Windows PC and also my friend does not have the Microsoft Office program on their PC.
    The transferring of files from the computer to the iPhone/iPad is done via a free download of the Docs To Go desktop software program (which is both PC and Mac) compatible). You first need to go into the Docs To Go app and select 'ADD DESKTOP'. This then allows you to add a device to the Docs To Go desktop program thus enabling transfer. You are shown a pin number on the screen which you enter into the Docs To Go app, this procedure only needs to be done once.
    The Docs To Go desktop program creates a folder during installation, where all the files etc are stored that are transferred/going to be transferred over are kept.
    Some people might think needing to use a program to transfer files over is a bit of a nuisance, when other similar programs allow transfer via a web browser. Personally I find that those programs, the transfer is a bit cumbersome and can be a bit slow. I find the transfer via the Docs To Go desktop program is a lot easier and faster than using the web browser. The only downside I can see with needing to use the Docs To Go desktop program is that.. If I am at a friend's house and want to transfer something on to my iPhone/iPad. My friend would need to install the program, but saying that, its a very small program and its not a big deal having to install it. If they didn't want to install it, then there is either emailing the file or transferring the file to my Dropbox account. I forgot to mention that Docs To Go supports cloud/online storage such as Dropbox, GoogleDocs as well as others.
    Once the above is done, you switch the wifi on, load the Docs To Go app, load the Docs To Go desktop program. You then just drag and drop the folders etc that you are wanting transferred over into the The Docs To Go desktop program, then you click on the circular arrow button and they are then transferred over onto the iPhone/iPad.
    Once on the iPhone/iPad, you can view them, add additional information, when you make any changes you can press the circular arrow symbol (bottom left of the Docs To Go app) on the Docs To Go app and the changes are then synced back to the same file that is stored on the computer, so its very easy to keep everything in sync and up to date.
    It is possible whilst using a Microsoft Word document to have a word count, you just touch the symbol at the bottom right of the Docs To Go app and choose Word Count from the drop down menu. I have heard a few people in some reviews saying that 'Docs To Go doesn't have a word count', when indeed it does.
    One surprise is that Docs To Go, does not have a spell checker, but hopefully during later updates, the feature might be added. I sent my feedback to Docs To Go requesting this feature on future releases. I expect that there will be many other people who have requested this feature too.
    I just thought I would share my experience with using Docs To Go.
    Thanks again everyone for the help, it was much appreciated

  • How to get keyboard to act like windows

    I have bootcamp installed with a copy of windows on a macbook pro. When I'm in the windows mode the keyboard will not function like windows. It is still set up for apple.
    Can I change this?

    Is the cursor in a textbox?
    See my notes and example program here:

  • Displaying image and node name while dragging Windows Explorer.

    hi group,
    i want to display the image and node name of the node while dragging in my windows Explorer.
    Any body can help me regarding this.?pls
    thank u...

    hi group,
    Anybody knows regarding this "dragging nodename and image"?
    pls let me know
    thank u...

Maybe you are looking for