Vim-like window marking for any EWMH window manager

This is really small and simple tool that runs in the background and lets you mark any window using any letter (a-z) and then jump back to it whenever you want. (Even if you're on a different desktop.)
Right now, all you can do is assign a mark to a window and jump to it. I'll probably add another option that lets you bring a window to the current desktop.
For example, while in Gmail press Super+m then hit 'g'. Browse to some other desktop, and when you want to check your mail press Super+' and then hit 'g'. So the idea is to have two keybindings; one for marking and one for jumping. After you've initiated one of the keybindings, window-marker expects one more letter to complete the command.
The keybindings can be set on the command line.
usage: window-marker [-h] [-m KEYBINDING] [-g KEYBINDING]
Vim-like marks for windows.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        keybinding to add a mark (default: Mod4-m)
                        keybinding to goto a mark (default Mod4-apostrophe)
Using window-marker is exactly like using marks in vim. Namely, by pressing
the keybinding for "mark", window-marker then listens for one more letter
(a-z) to be entered. Whichever letter is entered will now be associated with
the active window.
If you now want to go back to that window (even if you're
on a different desktop), simply press the keybinding for "goto" and then enter
the letter you used to mark the window.
To set your own keybinding, please
consult /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h and the output of `xmodmap`. The `xev`
program may also be useful.
It's in the AUR.
Last edited by BurntSushi (2011-08-18 04:59:01)

BurntSushi wrote:It'll be long, so make sure to wrap it in [ code ] tags :-) Thanks!
Hey, I never missed using them!
There are 7 KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from 8 to 255.
KeyCode Keysym (Keysym) ...
Value Value (Name) ...
9 0xff1b (Escape) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff1b (Escape)
10 0x0031 (1) 0x0021 (exclam) 0x0031 (1) 0x0021 (exclam) 0x00b9 (onesuperior) 0x00a1 (exclamdown) 0x00b9 (onesuperior)
11 0x0032 (2) 0x0022 (quotedbl) 0x0032 (2) 0x0022 (quotedbl) 0x00b2 (twosuperior) 0x0ac3 (oneeighth) 0x00b2 (twosuperior)
12 0x0033 (3) 0x00a7 (section) 0x0033 (3) 0x00a7 (section) 0x00b3 (threesuperior) 0x00a3 (sterling) 0x00b3 (threesuperior)
13 0x0034 (4) 0x0024 (dollar) 0x0034 (4) 0x0024 (dollar) 0x00bc (onequarter) 0x00a4 (currency) 0x00bc (onequarter)
14 0x0035 (5) 0x0025 (percent) 0x0035 (5) 0x0025 (percent) 0x00bd (onehalf) 0x0ac4 (threeeighths) 0x00bd (onehalf)
15 0x0036 (6) 0x0026 (ampersand) 0x0036 (6) 0x0026 (ampersand) 0x00ac (notsign) 0x0ac5 (fiveeighths) 0x00ac (notsign)
16 0x0037 (7) 0x002f (slash) 0x0037 (7) 0x002f (slash) 0x007b (braceleft) 0x0ac6 (seveneighths) 0x007b (braceleft)
17 0x0038 (8) 0x0028 (parenleft) 0x0038 (8) 0x0028 (parenleft) 0x005b (bracketleft) 0x0ac9 (trademark) 0x005b (bracketleft)
18 0x0039 (9) 0x0029 (parenright) 0x0039 (9) 0x0029 (parenright) 0x005d (bracketright) 0x00b1 (plusminus) 0x005d (bracketright)
19 0x0030 (0) 0x003d (equal) 0x0030 (0) 0x003d (equal) 0x007d (braceright) 0x00b0 (degree) 0x007d (braceright)
20 0x00df (ssharp) 0x003f (question) 0x00df (ssharp) 0x003f (question) 0x005c (backslash) 0x00bf (questiondown) 0x1001e9e (U1E9E)
21 0xfe51 (dead_acute) 0xfe50 (dead_grave) 0xfe51 (dead_acute) 0xfe50 (dead_grave) 0xfe5b (dead_cedilla) 0xfe5c (dead_ogonek) 0xfe5b (dead_cedilla)
22 0xff08 (BackSpace) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff08 (BackSpace)
23 0xff09 (Tab) 0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab) 0xff09 (Tab) 0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)
24 0x0071 (q) 0x0051 (Q) 0x0071 (q) 0x0051 (Q) 0x0040 (at) 0x07d9 (Greek_OMEGA) 0x0040 (at)
25 0x0077 (w) 0x0057 (W) 0x0077 (w) 0x0057 (W) 0x01b3 (lstroke) 0x01a3 (Lstroke) 0x01b3 (lstroke)
26 0x0065 (e) 0x0045 (E) 0x0065 (e) 0x0045 (E) 0x20ac (EuroSign) 0x20ac (EuroSign) 0x20ac (EuroSign)
27 0x0072 (r) 0x0052 (R) 0x0072 (r) 0x0052 (R) 0x00b6 (paragraph) 0x00ae (registered) 0x00b6 (paragraph)
28 0x0074 (t) 0x0054 (T) 0x0074 (t) 0x0054 (T) 0x03bc (tslash) 0x03ac (Tslash) 0x03bc (tslash)
29 0x007a (z) 0x005a (Z) 0x007a (z) 0x005a (Z) 0x08fb (leftarrow) 0x00a5 (yen) 0x08fb (leftarrow)
30 0x0075 (u) 0x0055 (U) 0x0075 (u) 0x0055 (U) 0x08fe (downarrow) 0x08fc (uparrow) 0x08fe (downarrow)
31 0x0069 (i) 0x0049 (I) 0x0069 (i) 0x0049 (I) 0x08fd (rightarrow) 0x02b9 (idotless) 0x08fd (rightarrow)
32 0x006f (o) 0x004f (O) 0x006f (o) 0x004f (O) 0x00f8 (oslash) 0x00d8 (Oslash) 0x00f8 (oslash)
33 0x0070 (p) 0x0050 (P) 0x0070 (p) 0x0050 (P) 0x00fe (thorn) 0x00de (THORN) 0x00fe (thorn)
34 0x00fc (udiaeresis) 0x00dc (Udiaeresis) 0x00fc (udiaeresis) 0x00dc (Udiaeresis) 0xfe57 (dead_diaeresis) 0xfe58 (dead_abovering) 0xfe57 (dead_diaeresis)
35 0x002b (plus) 0x002a (asterisk) 0x002b (plus) 0x002a (asterisk) 0xfe53 (dead_tilde) 0xfe54 (dead_macron) 0xfe53 (dead_tilde)
36 0xff0d (Return) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff0d (Return)
37 0xffe3 (Control_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe3 (Control_L)
38 0x0061 (a) 0x0041 (A) 0x0061 (a) 0x0041 (A) 0x00e6 (ae) 0x00c6 (AE) 0x00e6 (ae)
39 0x0073 (s) 0x0053 (S) 0x0073 (s) 0x0053 (S) 0x100017f (U017F) 0x1001e9e (U1E9E) 0x100017f (U017F)
40 0x0064 (d) 0x0044 (D) 0x0064 (d) 0x0044 (D) 0x00f0 (eth) 0x00d0 (ETH) 0x00f0 (eth)
41 0x0066 (f) 0x0046 (F) 0x0066 (f) 0x0046 (F) 0x01f0 (dstroke) 0x00aa (ordfeminine) 0x01f0 (dstroke)
42 0x0067 (g) 0x0047 (G) 0x0067 (g) 0x0047 (G) 0x03bf (eng) 0x03bd (ENG) 0x03bf (eng)
43 0x0068 (h) 0x0048 (H) 0x0068 (h) 0x0048 (H) 0x02b1 (hstroke) 0x02a1 (Hstroke) 0x02b1 (hstroke)
44 0x006a (j) 0x004a (J) 0x006a (j) 0x004a (J) 0xfe60 (dead_belowdot) 0xfe56 (dead_abovedot) 0xfe60 (dead_belowdot)
45 0x006b (k) 0x004b (K) 0x006b (k) 0x004b (K) 0x03a2 (kra) 0x0026 (ampersand) 0x03a2 (kra)
46 0x006c (l) 0x004c (L) 0x006c (l) 0x004c (L) 0x01b3 (lstroke) 0x01a3 (Lstroke) 0x01b3 (lstroke)
47 0x00f6 (odiaeresis) 0x00d6 (Odiaeresis) 0x00f6 (odiaeresis) 0x00d6 (Odiaeresis) 0xfe59 (dead_doubleacute) 0xfe60 (dead_belowdot) 0xfe59 (dead_doubleacute)
48 0x00e4 (adiaeresis) 0x00c4 (Adiaeresis) 0x00e4 (adiaeresis) 0x00c4 (Adiaeresis) 0xfe52 (dead_circumflex) 0xfe5a (dead_caron) 0xfe52 (dead_circumflex)
49 0xfe52 (dead_circumflex) 0x00b0 (degree) 0xfe52 (dead_circumflex) 0x00b0 (degree) 0x1002032 (U2032) 0x1002033 (U2033) 0x1002032 (U2032)
50 0xffe1 (Shift_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe1 (Shift_L)
51 0x0023 (numbersign) 0x0027 (apostrophe) 0x0023 (numbersign) 0x0027 (apostrophe) 0x0ad1 (rightsinglequotemark) 0xfe55 (dead_breve) 0x0ad1 (rightsinglequotemark)
52 0x0079 (y) 0x0059 (Y) 0x0079 (y) 0x0059 (Y) 0x00bb (guillemotright) 0x100203a (U203A) 0x00bb (guillemotright)
53 0x0078 (x) 0x0058 (X) 0x0078 (x) 0x0058 (X) 0x00ab (guillemotleft) 0x1002039 (U2039) 0x00ab (guillemotleft)
54 0x0063 (c) 0x0043 (C) 0x0063 (c) 0x0043 (C) 0x00a2 (cent) 0x00a9 (copyright) 0x00a2 (cent)
55 0x0076 (v) 0x0056 (V) 0x0076 (v) 0x0056 (V) 0x0afe (doublelowquotemark) 0x0afd (singlelowquotemark) 0x0afe (doublelowquotemark)
56 0x0062 (b) 0x0042 (B) 0x0062 (b) 0x0042 (B) 0x0ad2 (leftdoublequotemark) 0x0ad0 (leftsinglequotemark) 0x0ad2 (leftdoublequotemark)
57 0x006e (n) 0x004e (N) 0x006e (n) 0x004e (N) 0x0ad3 (rightdoublequotemark) 0x0ad1 (rightsinglequotemark) 0x0ad3 (rightdoublequotemark)
58 0x006d (m) 0x004d (M) 0x006d (m) 0x004d (M) 0x00b5 (mu) 0x00ba (masculine) 0x00b5 (mu)
59 0x002c (comma) 0x003b (semicolon) 0x002c (comma) 0x003b (semicolon) 0x00b7 (periodcentered) 0x00d7 (multiply) 0x00b7 (periodcentered)
60 0x002e (period) 0x003a (colon) 0x002e (period) 0x003a (colon) 0x1002026 (U2026) 0x00f7 (division) 0x1002026 (U2026)
61 0x002d (minus) 0x005f (underscore) 0x002d (minus) 0x005f (underscore) 0x0aaa (endash) 0x0aa9 (emdash) 0x0aaa (endash)
62 0xffe2 (Shift_R) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe2 (Shift_R)
63 0xffaa (KP_Multiply) 0x1008fe21 (XF86ClearGrab) 0xffaa (KP_Multiply) 0x1008fe21 (XF86ClearGrab)
64 0xffe9 (Alt_L) 0xffe7 (Meta_L) 0xffe9 (Alt_L) 0xffe7 (Meta_L)
65 0x0020 (space) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x0020 (space)
66 0xffe5 (Caps_Lock) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe5 (Caps_Lock)
67 0xffbe (F1) 0x1008fe01 (XF86Switch_VT_1) 0xffbe (F1) 0x1008fe01 (XF86Switch_VT_1)
68 0xffbf (F2) 0x1008fe02 (XF86Switch_VT_2) 0xffbf (F2) 0x1008fe02 (XF86Switch_VT_2)
69 0xffc0 (F3) 0x1008fe03 (XF86Switch_VT_3) 0xffc0 (F3) 0x1008fe03 (XF86Switch_VT_3)
70 0xffc1 (F4) 0x1008fe04 (XF86Switch_VT_4) 0xffc1 (F4) 0x1008fe04 (XF86Switch_VT_4)
71 0xffc2 (F5) 0x1008fe05 (XF86Switch_VT_5) 0xffc2 (F5) 0x1008fe05 (XF86Switch_VT_5)
72 0xffc3 (F6) 0x1008fe06 (XF86Switch_VT_6) 0xffc3 (F6) 0x1008fe06 (XF86Switch_VT_6)
73 0xffc4 (F7) 0x1008fe07 (XF86Switch_VT_7) 0xffc4 (F7) 0x1008fe07 (XF86Switch_VT_7)
74 0xffc5 (F8) 0x1008fe08 (XF86Switch_VT_8) 0xffc5 (F8) 0x1008fe08 (XF86Switch_VT_8)
75 0xffc6 (F9) 0x1008fe09 (XF86Switch_VT_9) 0xffc6 (F9) 0x1008fe09 (XF86Switch_VT_9)
76 0xffc7 (F10) 0x1008fe0a (XF86Switch_VT_10) 0xffc7 (F10) 0x1008fe0a (XF86Switch_VT_10)
77 0xff7f (Num_Lock) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff7f (Num_Lock)
78 0xff14 (Scroll_Lock) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff14 (Scroll_Lock)
79 0xff95 (KP_Home) 0xffb7 (KP_7) 0xff95 (KP_Home) 0xffb7 (KP_7)
80 0xff97 (KP_Up) 0xffb8 (KP_8) 0xff97 (KP_Up) 0xffb8 (KP_8)
81 0xff9a (KP_Prior) 0xffb9 (KP_9) 0xff9a (KP_Prior) 0xffb9 (KP_9)
82 0xffad (KP_Subtract) 0x1008fe23 (XF86Prev_VMode) 0xffad (KP_Subtract) 0x1008fe23 (XF86Prev_VMode)
83 0xff96 (KP_Left) 0xffb4 (KP_4) 0xff96 (KP_Left) 0xffb4 (KP_4)
84 0xff9d (KP_Begin) 0xffb5 (KP_5) 0xff9d (KP_Begin) 0xffb5 (KP_5)
85 0xff98 (KP_Right) 0xffb6 (KP_6) 0xff98 (KP_Right) 0xffb6 (KP_6)
86 0xffab (KP_Add) 0x1008fe22 (XF86Next_VMode) 0xffab (KP_Add) 0x1008fe22 (XF86Next_VMode)
87 0xff9c (KP_End) 0xffb1 (KP_1) 0xff9c (KP_End) 0xffb1 (KP_1)
88 0xff99 (KP_Down) 0xffb2 (KP_2) 0xff99 (KP_Down) 0xffb2 (KP_2)
89 0xff9b (KP_Next) 0xffb3 (KP_3) 0xff9b (KP_Next) 0xffb3 (KP_3)
90 0xff9e (KP_Insert) 0xffb0 (KP_0) 0xff9e (KP_Insert) 0xffb0 (KP_0)
91 0xff9f (KP_Delete) 0xffac (KP_Separator) 0xff9f (KP_Delete) 0xffac (KP_Separator)
92 0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)
94 0x003c (less) 0x003e (greater) 0x003c (less) 0x003e (greater) 0x007c (bar) 0x00a6 (brokenbar) 0x007c (bar)
95 0xffc8 (F11) 0x1008fe0b (XF86Switch_VT_11) 0xffc8 (F11) 0x1008fe0b (XF86Switch_VT_11)
96 0xffc9 (F12) 0x1008fe0c (XF86Switch_VT_12) 0xffc9 (F12) 0x1008fe0c (XF86Switch_VT_12)
98 0xff26 (Katakana) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff26 (Katakana)
99 0xff25 (Hiragana) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff25 (Hiragana)
100 0xff23 (Henkan_Mode) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff23 (Henkan_Mode)
101 0xff27 (Hiragana_Katakana) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff27 (Hiragana_Katakana)
102 0xff22 (Muhenkan) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff22 (Muhenkan)
104 0xff8d (KP_Enter) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff8d (KP_Enter)
105 0xffe4 (Control_R) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe4 (Control_R)
106 0xffaf (KP_Divide) 0x1008fe20 (XF86Ungrab) 0xffaf (KP_Divide) 0x1008fe20 (XF86Ungrab)
107 0xff61 (Print) 0xff15 (Sys_Req) 0xff61 (Print) 0xff15 (Sys_Req)
108 0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)
109 0xff0a (Linefeed) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff0a (Linefeed)
110 0xff50 (Home) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff50 (Home)
111 0xff52 (Up) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff52 (Up)
112 0xff55 (Prior) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff55 (Prior)
113 0xff51 (Left) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff51 (Left)
114 0xff53 (Right) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff53 (Right)
115 0xff57 (End) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff57 (End)
116 0xff54 (Down) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff54 (Down)
117 0xff56 (Next) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff56 (Next)
118 0xff63 (Insert) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff63 (Insert)
119 0xffff (Delete) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffff (Delete)
121 0x1008ff12 (XF86AudioMute) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff12 (XF86AudioMute)
122 0x1008ff11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume)
123 0x1008ff13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume)
124 0x1008ff2a (XF86PowerOff) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2a (XF86PowerOff)
125 0xffbd (KP_Equal) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffbd (KP_Equal)
126 0x00b1 (plusminus) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x00b1 (plusminus)
127 0xff13 (Pause) 0xff6b (Break) 0xff13 (Pause) 0xff6b (Break)
128 0x1008ff4a (XF86LaunchA) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff4a (XF86LaunchA)
129 0xffae (KP_Decimal) 0xffae (KP_Decimal) 0xffae (KP_Decimal) 0xffae (KP_Decimal)
130 0xff31 (Hangul) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff31 (Hangul)
131 0xff34 (Hangul_Hanja) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff34 (Hangul_Hanja)
133 0xffeb (Super_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffeb (Super_L)
134 0xffec (Super_R) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffec (Super_R)
135 0xff67 (Menu) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff67 (Menu)
136 0xff69 (Cancel) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff69 (Cancel)
137 0xff66 (Redo) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff66 (Redo)
138 0x1005ff70 (SunProps) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1005ff70 (SunProps)
139 0xff65 (Undo) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff65 (Undo)
140 0x1005ff71 (SunFront) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1005ff71 (SunFront)
141 0x1008ff57 (XF86Copy) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff57 (XF86Copy)
142 0x1005ff73 (SunOpen) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1005ff73 (SunOpen)
143 0x1008ff6d (XF86Paste) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff6d (XF86Paste)
144 0xff68 (Find) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff68 (Find)
145 0x1008ff58 (XF86Cut) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff58 (XF86Cut)
146 0xff6a (Help) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff6a (Help)
147 0x1008ff65 (XF86MenuKB) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff65 (XF86MenuKB)
148 0x1008ff1d (XF86Calculator) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff1d (XF86Calculator)
150 0x1008ff2f (XF86Sleep) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2f (XF86Sleep)
151 0x1008ff2b (XF86WakeUp) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2b (XF86WakeUp)
152 0x1008ff5d (XF86Explorer) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5d (XF86Explorer)
153 0x1008ff7b (XF86Send) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff7b (XF86Send)
155 0x1008ff8a (XF86Xfer) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff8a (XF86Xfer)
156 0x1008ff41 (XF86Launch1) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff41 (XF86Launch1)
157 0x1008ff42 (XF86Launch2) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff42 (XF86Launch2)
158 0x1008ff2e (XF86WWW) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2e (XF86WWW)
159 0x1008ff5a (XF86DOS) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5a (XF86DOS)
160 0x1008ff2d (XF86ScreenSaver) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2d (XF86ScreenSaver)
162 0x1008ff74 (XF86RotateWindows) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff74 (XF86RotateWindows)
163 0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail)
164 0x1008ff30 (XF86Favorites) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff30 (XF86Favorites)
165 0x1008ff33 (XF86MyComputer) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff33 (XF86MyComputer)
166 0x1008ff26 (XF86Back) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff26 (XF86Back)
167 0x1008ff27 (XF86Forward) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff27 (XF86Forward)
169 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)
170 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)
171 0x1008ff17 (XF86AudioNext) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff17 (XF86AudioNext)
172 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay) 0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause) 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay) 0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause)
173 0x1008ff16 (XF86AudioPrev) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff16 (XF86AudioPrev)
174 0x1008ff15 (XF86AudioStop) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject) 0x1008ff15 (XF86AudioStop) 0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)
175 0x1008ff1c (XF86AudioRecord) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff1c (XF86AudioRecord)
176 0x1008ff3e (XF86AudioRewind) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff3e (XF86AudioRewind)
177 0x1008ff6e (XF86Phone) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff6e (XF86Phone)
179 0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools)
180 0x1008ff18 (XF86HomePage) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff18 (XF86HomePage)
181 0x1008ff73 (XF86Reload) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff73 (XF86Reload)
182 0x1008ff56 (XF86Close) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff56 (XF86Close)
185 0x1008ff78 (XF86ScrollUp) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff78 (XF86ScrollUp)
186 0x1008ff79 (XF86ScrollDown) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff79 (XF86ScrollDown)
187 0x0028 (parenleft) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x0028 (parenleft)
188 0x0029 (parenright) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x0029 (parenright)
189 0x1008ff68 (XF86New) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff68 (XF86New)
190 0xff66 (Redo) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff66 (Redo)
191 0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools)
192 0x1008ff45 (XF86Launch5) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff45 (XF86Launch5)
193 0x1008ff46 (XF86Launch6) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff46 (XF86Launch6)
194 0x1008ff47 (XF86Launch7) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff47 (XF86Launch7)
195 0x1008ff48 (XF86Launch8) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff48 (XF86Launch8)
196 0x1008ff49 (XF86Launch9) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff49 (XF86Launch9)
199 0x1008ffa9 (XF86TouchpadToggle) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ffa9 (XF86TouchpadToggle)
200 0x1008ffb0 (XF86TouchpadOn) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ffb0 (XF86TouchpadOn)
201 0x1008ffb1 (XF86TouchpadOff) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ffb1 (XF86TouchpadOff)
203 0xff7e (Mode_switch) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff7e (Mode_switch)
204 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe9 (Alt_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe9 (Alt_L)
205 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe7 (Meta_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffe7 (Meta_L)
206 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffeb (Super_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffeb (Super_L)
207 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffed (Hyper_L) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xffed (Hyper_L)
208 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)
209 0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause)
210 0x1008ff43 (XF86Launch3) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff43 (XF86Launch3)
211 0x1008ff44 (XF86Launch4) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff44 (XF86Launch4)
212 0x1008ff4b (XF86LaunchB) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff4b (XF86LaunchB)
213 0x1008ffa7 (XF86Suspend) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ffa7 (XF86Suspend)
214 0x1008ff56 (XF86Close) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff56 (XF86Close)
215 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)
216 0x1008ff97 (XF86AudioForward) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff97 (XF86AudioForward)
218 0xff61 (Print) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff61 (Print)
220 0x1008ff8f (XF86WebCam) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff8f (XF86WebCam)
223 0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail)
224 0x1008ff8e (XF86Messenger) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff8e (XF86Messenger)
225 0x1008ff1b (XF86Search) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff1b (XF86Search)
226 0x1008ff5f (XF86Go) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5f (XF86Go)
227 0x1008ff3c (XF86Finance) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff3c (XF86Finance)
228 0x1008ff5e (XF86Game) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5e (XF86Game)
229 0x1008ff36 (XF86Shop) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff36 (XF86Shop)
231 0xff69 (Cancel) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0xff69 (Cancel)
232 0x1008ff03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown)
233 0x1008ff02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp)
234 0x1008ff32 (XF86AudioMedia) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff32 (XF86AudioMedia)
235 0x1008ff59 (XF86Display) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff59 (XF86Display)
236 0x1008ff04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff)
237 0x1008ff06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown)
238 0x1008ff05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp)
239 0x1008ff7b (XF86Send) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff7b (XF86Send)
240 0x1008ff72 (XF86Reply) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff72 (XF86Reply)
241 0x1008ff90 (XF86MailForward) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff90 (XF86MailForward)
242 0x1008ff77 (XF86Save) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff77 (XF86Save)
243 0x1008ff5b (XF86Documents) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff5b (XF86Documents)
244 0x1008ff93 (XF86Battery) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff93 (XF86Battery)
245 0x1008ff94 (XF86Bluetooth) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff94 (XF86Bluetooth)
246 0x1008ff95 (XF86WLAN) 0x0000 (NoSymbol) 0x1008ff95 (XF86WLAN)

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello jmcleod,
    I see that you are having a problem with opening attachments in Windows live mail. Since the issue is only happening in Windows live it is most likely an issue with the program.
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    In this case open and check the MS Windows Application and System logs and foward to your MS Windows support channel to debug.

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    It's a shortcut that you no longer have the original for - maybe a file you deleted or moved. Usually, it's nothing to worry about. You can remove the shortcut by holding down the command key and dragging it off the window.

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    It's not supported to delete Business Partners in CRM (Web- or PC-UI). You can just flag obsolete or redundant Business Partners for archiving.
    However there is the transaction BUPA_DEL you can use in order to delete BPs.
    Here a link for further Information [|]
    Best regards

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    hello; i just erased the post i started with, because my status has changed. i searched in the firefox folder and found the uninstall folder, and this time, uninstall worked perfectly, and it gave me an option to save my personal info! YAY! i installed ff 3.6.24 without a hitch; FF is Baaaaaack!
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    to prevent this happening again is to disable or remove the DPM client.
    We are looking into all possibilities like anti-virus exclusions etc, but just wondering if anyone has seen anything like this before, got any ideas? Thanks!

    Try this - On the client - Increase the WaitInMSPerRequestForClientRead to 100 to take the load off the client and  DPM when synchronizations are in progress.
    Optimizing Client Computer Performance
    Optimizing Client Computer Performance
    This topic has not yet been rated - Rate this topic
    Updated: April 21, 2010
    Applies To: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010
    On some client computers, you may notice the computer running slow when a backup is in progress. You can improve the computer’s responsiveness by setting the following registry key DWORD.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent\ClientProtection
    NOTE: Optimizing WaitInMSPerRequestForClientRead settings 
    The default value for WaitInMSPerRequestForClientRead DWORD is 50 (32H). This means the dpm agent will wait 50ms per read cycle to locate changed data. You can increase the value to 75 or 100 to reduce IO on the disk to improve machine responsiveness at
    the cost of longer backup times. If you want to increase backup speed at the expense of responsiveness, reduce the value to 40 or 30.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT] This
    posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Hi would like to know if i can use any windows 7 for bootcamp or do i need to buy a certain one? Also is it recommended to upgrade my ram?

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    Assuming that you have the 15" Late 2011 MBP - MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011) - Technical Specifications, you can go up to 16GB RAM. From the base 4GB to 8GB and then 16GB.
    If up plan to switch between OS X and Windows, 4GB may be sufficient, but if you plan to use both simultaneously using a Virtualization solution, then more RAM helps.
    From Boot Camp 5.1: Frequently asked questions
    Which versions of Windows work with Boot Camp 5.1?
    You can use:
    Microsoft Windows 8.0 and 8.1 (64-bit)
    Microsoft Windows 8.0 and 8.1 Pro (64-bit)
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)
    Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Enterprise versions of Windows 7 and Windows 8 are not supported.
    Are 32-bit versions of Windows 7 and 8 supported?
    No. Boot Camp 5 supports 64-bit versions of Windows 7, 8.0 and 8.1 only. Boot Camp 4 supports 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows 7, depending on the Mac model you have. For more information, see Boot Camp: System requirements for Microsoft Windows operating systems.

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    Yes, you create in the .epub format with whatever Windows app you want to use for that and then use an Aggregator like SmashWords to upload the book to the iBookstore.  Direct upload is only possible from OS X.

  • I cannot install latest itunes to my Sony notebook which is running on traditional chinese windows 7 64-bit, the error message is something like unrecognized windows package, can any one help me or has similar experience? Thanks.

    I cannot install latest itunes to my Sony notebook which is running on traditional chinese windows 7 64-bit, the error message is something like unrecognized windows package, can any one help me or has similar experience? Thanks.

    iTunes 9.0.x is certainly compatible with Win7 64 bit since I use that exact setup on 3 different PCs. Two suggestions for your installation problems:
    1)Download a new copy of the 64 bit installer from Apple then, instead of just running the itunes installer right click on it and try 'run as adminstrator'. In my experience that clears up a world of problems with program installation in Win7 and Vista. This is necessary even if you're already logged in as an administrator.
    2) Try the previous version of iTunes (9.0.3). You can get a copy at again right click on the file and "run as administrator"
    Good luck, hope this helps.

  • Better provisioning in Windows client: Remember templates for the Start Screen - like the need for categorization (taxonomy) in the Start Menu

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    Like my previous suggestion about categories alike Linux to clean up the mess in the start menu:
    Please help new users to use the Start Screen in valuable way - demonstrate the value.
    You don't sell SharePoint with a completely unorded randomized site hierarchy - and without any templates.
    Not content - but abstract content like templates are everything when you need to learn to use ... i.e. a new product like the Start Screen. It gets you started right away. A like Word as well.
    Please bring order and form to the content. I.e. T E M P L A T E S parsing the layout of the tiles.
    Have context switching for virtualization working with the virtual desktop mode. So I only see those tiles that are in context with my actual workflow.
    Of course you would need a well-made taxonomy for apps - i.e. subclassed.

    Hello cor-el,
    Thanks for your help. The View > Zoom didn't work the first time, but I just tried it again on a couple of web pages and it works great!!
    Thanks again. Have a Great Day! You sure improved my attitude!
    You RocK!!!
    Best regards,

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    Ctrl + A, S, Z, X, C, V, F for text operation
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    This command starts vim in insert mode (tested and works on my arch installation):
    $ vim -c startinsert
    You can add the files to open and other options to the command.
    Ctrl-s has too many mappings used in terminals for me to suggest using it as a 'save file' shortcut. The mappings below use Ctrl-o to save a file.
    :map <C-o> :w<CR>
    :imap <C-o> <Esc>:w<CR>i
    By default in vim, Shift-z + Shift-z will save changes to the file and exit.  Hold down the Shift key and press 'z' twice.  I don't think that's too hard to remember.
    I can sympathize with you for your difficulties as you switch from one operating system to another.  I don't like your solution but we all make our own customizations to vim.

Maybe you are looking for

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