Vim/urxvt sessions

I use xmonad, urxvt, and vim for development, but there is no session saving such as in geany or kate.  Is there any way I can open a project one file at a time, save a session, reboot, and then open the same session with a few commands and not one (file) by one?  I'm perfectly fine with any level of hackishness .

Lexion wrote:I use xmonad, urxvt, and vim for development, but there is no session saving such as in geany or kate.  Is there any way I can open a project one file at a time, save a session, reboot, and then open the same session with a few commands and not one (file) by one?  I'm perfectly fine with any level of hackishness .
Do an initial
and save the file (usually "Session.vim") at some suiting place.
To save later editing sessions I did set up a keybinding for this in my .vimrc:
" --- Define a session save shortcut ---
:map <C-F12> :wa<Bar>exe "mksession! " . v:this_session<CR>
Afterwards reopen the session with
vim -S <where-your-Session-file-was-saved>
Last edited by bernarcher (2009-09-10 07:17:41)

Similar Messages

  • [SOLVED] Odd colours in vim/urxvt

    So I'm using the base16 colourset in my Xresources and something really strange seems to be happening. The colours being used by vim to perform syntax highlighting are just wrong. As in, there are colours being used that aren't even specified in my Xresources file.
    Periodically, like 1 out of 50 calls to vim they will look "correct".
    $TERM is rxvt-unicode-256colors
    Nothing to do with colours or colour schemes in my .vimrc.
    Can anyone tell me what's going on here?
    EDIT: I should add that the colours look strange for commands like ls as well.
    Last edited by Vixus (2012-11-05 15:43:23)

    doug piston wrote:Well to my knowledge (Someone correct me if I am wrong), Vim doesn't look at your .Xresources by default. You can make it do such a thing but using the a colorscheme is still a better option. Just install the colorscheme, I do not see why you don't want to...
    Sorry, I may not have explained clearly, but I did try and install the base16 colorscheme for vim, following all the steps that the author provided. However there were some steps involving running bash scripts that just didn't work, most likely why the colorscheme didn't work.
    Thanoulis wrote:1) Vim always uses a colorscheme, even if not present in .vimrc. In that case it uses :colorscheme default.
    This I did not know. Thanks for telling me. In that case I guess there are bugs in the base16 colourscheme for vim (as a lot of comments on the repository seem to suggest).
    2) In Xresources, we define the terminal's color palette, not vim's colorscheme. My guess is that you use a different color palette for urxvt and xterm (hence the differences in vim colors)
    I don't, since I only have one Xresources file that presumably applies to both terminal emulators.
    3) The weird looks from your ssh session, is because in the host machine there is not a valid terminfo file. Usually its fixed by installing the same type of terminal emulator in both machines.
    Ugh, really? I never thought that was necessary... can I fake this in any way? I don't have sudo access to any of the work machines I ssh into.
    If you really like the base 16 colors in vim, try :colorscheme peachpuff (it's the one i use, and comes with vim).
    Thanks, this worked a treat!

  • System Yank Register in Vim+URxvt Without Mouse [SOLVED]

    As I understand it, to use the system clipboard you have the choice of the selection or the cut buffer that are accessed through vim's * and + registers.
    But as far as I can tell, this feature doesn't work with the vim from the repository. Older threads refer to it as working but I cannot get it to work, and I suspect vim was built without support for X.
    There is of course the workaround to do a Shift-LMB drag which bypasses vim and has the intended effect, but this impractical when you don't have a mouse.
    So how can I get the * and + registers working? If they were disabled, why? Or am I just being stupid?
    Advice is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by egan (2010-01-24 21:13:26)

    tom5760 wrote:I'd just install the "gvim" package.  You can still use regular console vim, but its built with X so you can do what you want.  Seems reasonable to me.
    Yeah, I just did. I was worried that it would be too heavy or whatever but it seems fine, and copy and paste works. And back when I was in Ubuntu I stilled used GVim so I am okay with it.

  • [SOLVED] custom terminal (urxvt) settings with vim

    Hi all,
    I want to run vim in a terminal (urxvt) session with XRESOURCES settings different than the default, located at ~/.Xresources.
    I'm doing this because when I run vim I want different font settings as well as some other urxvt settings
    How can I do this?
    I have a second xresources file called .Xresources-vim
    I tried setting the environment variable XRESOURCES=.Xresources-vim, and ran vim on the same line, but it doesn't pick up on the alternate urxvt settings.
    If I change XRESOURCES as above and run urxvt on the same line, i get the custom settings
    So I want to somehow execute vim with one key combination and get it into a urxvt session with the custom settings
    any ideas?
    Last edited by beitme (2013-09-05 04:08:45)

    You can also just have a different class specifier in your Xresources file, so you'd have settings for URxvt*<option>: setting, and urxvt-vim.<option>: setting.  Then call as "urxvt -name urxvt-vim -e vim" and it will take all the urxvt-vim settings from Xresources.
    But if this is for different color settings, you do know that vim syntax highlighting can use 256 colors, right?  So you wouldn't need to reset the 16 base colors.

  • [SOLVED] Vim : cterm=italic doesn't work

    I tried to change the colorscheme in Vim to have comments in italic like this :
    hi Comment guifg=#7C7C7C guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=gray ctermbg=NONE cterm=ITALIC
    But this make the comments' color inverted, which is very ugly, and they are not in italic.
    I'm using urxvt with the font DejaVu Sans Mono, but I think the problem comes from Vim because I can print italic text in the terminal.
    Does someone know if it is possible to fix it ? Thank you !
    Last edited by Pascal C.Plusplus (2012-10-30 18:59:45)

    If the problem is present outside tmux, then you haven't defined font variants your terminal is supposed to use, e.g.
    URxvt.font:xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book:pixelsize=13
    URxvt.boldFont:xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold:pixelsize=13
    URxvt.italicFont:xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Oblique:pixelsize=13
    URxvt.boldItalicFont:xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold Oblique:pixelsize=13
    With the above, things should work as you wish in a bare urxvt session.
    With tmux, however, the case looks differently and depends on the screen-256color terminal definition. There appear to be ways to work around the issue, though personally I'm happy with a regular font and slightly darker fg color for all the comments.

  • Found a swap file by the name ".bash_profile.swp"

    I am new to Mac and trying to figure out why my .bash_profile is not working. As I read suggestions, I try them. Here is my latest issue:
    Found a swap file by the name ".bash_profile.swp"
    owned by: Brian dated: Fri Apr 10 22:09:01 2009
    file name: ~Brian/.bash_profile
    modified: YES
    user name: Brian host name: brian-principes-macbook.local
    process ID: 655
    While opening file ".bash_profile"
    (1) Another program may be editing the same file.
    If this is the case, be careful not to end up with two
    different instances of the same file when making changes.
    Quit, or continue with caution.
    (2) An edit session for this file crashed.
    If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r .bash_profile"
    to recover the changes (see ":help recovery").
    If you did this already, delete the swap file ".bash_profile.swp"
    to avoid this message.
    Swap file ".bash_profile.swp" already exists!
    [O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort:
    Any suggestions?

    I am new to Mac and trying to figure out why my .bash_profile is not working. As I read suggestions, I try them. Here is my latest issue:
    Found a swap file by the name ".bash_profile.swp"
    owned by: Brian dated: Fri Apr 10 22:09:01 2009
    file name: ~Brian/.bash_profile
    That is NOT a Mac thing, it is an Open Source Vim (which is often the default vi editor) thing. You will get this kind of behavior on any system when using Vim.
    You can get this for 2 reasons. First if you are actually editing this file from another terminal session. Second, if the previous Vim editing session terminated from unnatural causes.
    If you think it was from unnatural causes, then you select Recover. Save your changes :w and exit from the Vim :q
    The next time you launch Vim for that file the .swp file will still exist, but this time you can choose Delete, as you have saved your recovered work the previous session.
    If you are uncomfortable using vi/Vim editors, then may I suggest you try the nano editor. It will get the job done, but unlike Vim, nano is not as overloaded with features that take a long time to learn and master.

  • Shortcut through terminal

    I want to run a shortcut execution through terminal.
    For example, W+v = Vim.
    <keybind key="W-v">
    <action name="Execute">
    <command>(what do i put here??)</command>
    I've got this far, but don't know what ill type in <command>, what do i type here?

    xterm -e vim
    urxvt -e vim
    and so on, depending on your terminal.
    ** Also, please do read the manpages.
    Last edited by Peasantoid (2010-03-10 21:32:15)

  • Urxvt, xterm, vim, and gnu screen.

    To make this simple: all i want is 256 color support in one terminal, that will give 256 color support in vim, gnu screen, and not screw up shells i ssh into.    If I could get this working in xterm alone consider this solved.
    The more I try to fix my problem it seems the more complicated it gets.  What I want, I thought was simple:
    Now xterm seems to be the most workable solution, I guess I can give up on having clickable links, so that can go on the back burner.  But these are the problems i'm having.
    Here's the problem point by point:
    $ echo $TERM
    Urxvt will run a perl script I have to display 256 colors.  Except is does not show the grayscale ramp shown here:
    VIM in urxvt does NOT show any colors.  It's all white text.
    This is my .vimrc
    $ cat .vimrc
    syntax on
    set ignorecase
    set smartcase
    set incsearch
    set hlsearch
    let g:netrw_http_cmd = "wget -q -O"
    if &t_Co == 256
    colorscheme xoria256
    colorscheme desert
    in urxvt Gnu Screen
    echo $TERM
    the perl script does not display 256 colors like it should.
    vim in urxvt in screen again, does not show any colors. all white text.
    echo $TERM
    Xterm displays the full 256 colors from the script including the grayscale ramp.
    vim in xterm displays the desert theme (i would prefer it default to the xoria256, no idea why the 256 color script works but vim doesn't see xterm as a 256 capable terminal).
    in xterm, Gnu Screen
    echo $TERM
    screen-256color-bce   ( I do not see in any file where this option is defined)
    Xterm with Gnu Screen displays the full 256 colors from the script including the grayscale ramp.
    Vim in Gnu Screen in Xterm displays 256 colors properly.
    Here is my .screenrc
    #terminfo and termcap for nice 256 color terminal
    # allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
    attrcolor b ".I"
    # tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground
    termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
    # erase background with current bg color
    defbce "on"
    #term xterm-256color
    term screen-256color
    startup_message off
    caption always "%{= KW}%-w%{= gW}%n %t%{-}%+w %-="
    hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= kW} %-= %{= kC}Session:%u%{= kW} %5` | %{= kC}Host:%{= kW} %H | %1` |%{= kC} MEM:%{= kW} %2`MB /%{= kC} SW: %{= kW}%3`MB | %4` %{= kR}Unread %{= kW}| %m/%d %c"
    vbell off
    #Backticks to display information in status bar
    backtick 1 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_uptime
    backtick 2 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_freemem
    backtick 3 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_freeswap
    backtick 4 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_gmail
    backtick 5 60 60 /home/username/bin/get_sessionname
    defscrollback 5000
    screen -t root 0 sudo -s
    screen -t shell 1 bash
    screen -t shell 2 bash
    screen -t shell 3 bash
    screen -t shell 4 bash
    screen -t shell 5 bash
    screen -t shell 6 bash
    screen -t shell 7 bash
    screen -t irc 8 irssi
    screen -t home 9 bash
    select 1
    here is my .Xdefaults
    !XTerm*font: -*-terminal-*-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-
    XTerm*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8
    xterm*faceName: Mono
    xterm*faceSize: 8
    XTerm*background: #191919
    XTerm*foreground: white
    XTerm*pointerColor: white
    XTerm*pointerColorBackground: black
    XTerm*cursorColor: white
    !XTerm*internalBorder: 3
    XTerm*loginShell: true
    XTerm*scrollBar: false
    XTerm*scrollKey: true
    XTerm*saveLines: 1000
    XTerm*multiClickTime: 250
    XTerm*boldColors: false
    xterm*title: xterm
    xterm*geometry: 160x25
    ! Black
    XTerm*color0: #262626
    XTerm*color8: #252525
    ! Red
    XTerm*color1: #C12121
    XTerm*color9: #E50E0E
    ! Green
    XTerm*color2: #597b20
    XTerm*color10: #89b83f
    ! Yellow
    XTerm*color3: #Ded838
    XTerm*color11: #efef60
    ! Blue
    XTerm*color4: #265997
    XTerm*color12: #3F6FD0
    ! Magenta
    XTerm*color5: #706c9a
    XTerm*color13: #826ab1
    ! Cyan
    XTerm*color6: #69a2b0
    XTerm*color14: #a1cdcd
    ! White
    XTerm*color7: #BBBBBB
    XTerm*color15: #EEEEEF
    URxvt*termName: xterm-256color
    URxvt*urlLauncher: /usr/bin/firefox
    URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]
    URxvt.matcher.button: 2
    URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
    URxvt*saveLines: 4000
    URxvt*background: #191919
    URxvt*secondaryScroll: true
    URxvt*scrollBar: false
    URxvt*geometry: 150x25
    URxvt.font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8
    URxvt.xftAntialias: true
    URxvt*foreground: white
    URxvt*pointerColor: white
    URxvt*pointerColorBackground: black
    URxvt*cursorColor: white
    !URxvt*inheritPixmap: True
    !URxvt*shading: 90
    !URxvt*tintColor: #999
    URxvt*keysym.Home: \033[1~
    URxvt*keysym.End: \033[4~
    ! Black
    URxvt*color0: #262626
    URxvt*color8: #252525
    ! Red
    URxvt*color1: #C12121
    URxvt*color9: #E50E0E
    ! Green
    URxvt*color2: #597b20
    URxvt*color10: #89b83f
    ! Yellow
    URxvt*color3: #Ded838
    URxvt*color11: #efef60
    ! Blue
    URxvt*color4: #265997
    URxvt*color12: #3F6FD0
    ! Magenta
    URxvt*color5: #706c9a
    URxvt*color13: #826ab1
    ! Cyan
    URxvt*color6: #69a2b0
    URxvt*color14: #a1cdcd
    ! White
    URxvt*color7: #BBBBBB
    URxvt*color15: #EEEEEF
    To Fix In Xterm
    -Get Vim to display 256 colors without Gnu Screen
    To Fix In Urxvt
    -Get vim to display any color, but preferably 256 colors in urxvt and urxvt with Gnu Screen.  (and yes, it's a 256 capable urxvt)
    -Get shells i SSH into to recognize the reported term variable
    To Fix In Gnu Screen
    -Make it stop reporting the term variable as screen-256color-bce without losing 256 color support as this screws up shells i ssh to.
    any help would be greatly appreciated.  I feel like a dog chasing its tail b/c when I find a fix to one problem, I end up creating 1-2 more.
    Last edited by scv5 (2009-07-31 14:11:31)

    I had similar but different issues regarding this.  Now, i have 256 color support in whatever terminal/ssh/screen session I'm in.
    The relevant config lines:
    XTerm*termName: xterm-256color
    URxvt*termName: rxvt-256color
    " 256 colors only if you can handle it
    if $TERM =~ "-256color"
    set t_Co=256
    colorscheme zenburn
    # term
    term xterm-256color
    # main options
    altscreen on
    attrcolor b ".I"
    defbce "on"
    # some termcaps
    termcapinfo xterm-256color 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
    termcapinfo rxvt-256color 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
    note: this setup caused an issue where background colors in mutt/htop inside screen did not extend passed the line's text.  i had to solve that via this workaround.
    Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-07-31 21:28:55)

  • [SOLVED] Open file in current Vim session

    I'm wondering if it's possible to send a file to Vim and have it opened in a new tab within a currently running session/instance.  I'm using the Awesome WM and I'd ultimately like to have the Ranger file manager running in one tag and have it send opened files to a master Vim session running in another tag.
    Thanks for any help,
    Last edited by rennis250 (2010-10-27 22:35:57)

    Ah, I was aware of the gVim command and was looking for a terminal implementation.  Thanks, fellas!  It looks like --remote-tab-silent will fit into my work flow nicely.

  • Urxvt and vim bothering

    I'm trying desperately to make urxvt show some nice colors AND use my vim color scheme (gentooish) !
    But no matter what I do I cant have both !
    I want to use urxvt because i like the tabmode, but somehow it breaks my vim theme !
    I know this issue has been brougth here in this forum, and I've read all of them, but I cant find a solution that works properly with my setup.
    Help is needed !!

    Thanks for replying
    Could you be more specific please ?
    My .Xdefaults looks like this
    ! Colours
    !URxvt*foreground: #BBBBBB
    URxvt*foreground: #FFFFFF
    URxvt*background: #191919
    URxvt*colorBD: #EEEEEF
    ! Black
    URxvt*color0: #404040
    !URxvt*color8: #252525
    ! Red
    URxvt*color1: #C12121
    URxvt*color9: #E50E0E
    ! Green
    URxvt*color2: #75BD00
    URxvt*color10: #89b83f
    ! Yellow
    URxvt*color3: #EDD76A
    URxvt*color11: #efef60
    ! Blue
    URxvt*color4: #4F6FAE
    URxvt*color12: #3F6FD0
    ! Magenta
    URxvt*color5: #706c9a
    URxvt*color13: #826ab1
    ! Cyan
    URxvt*color6: #508695
    URxvt*color14: #a1cdcd
    ! White
    URxvt*color7: #BBBBBB
    URxvt*color15: #EEEEEF
    ! Settings
    URxvt*termName: xterm
    URxvt*loginShell: false
    URxvt*scrollBar: false
    URxvt*saveLines: 10000
    URxvt*font: xft:Terminus:size=11
    !URxvt*shading: +10
    URxvt*geometry: 90x35
    URxvt*internalBorder: 0
    !URxvt*perl-ext-common: default,matcher
    URxvt*colorUL: white
    URxvt*urlLauncher: firefox
    URxvt*matcher.button: 1
    URxvt*cursorUnderline: false
    URxvt*boldFont: xft:Terminus:size=11
    URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false
    URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true
    URxvt*scrollKey: true
    URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: false
    Xft.dpi: 96
    XTerm*font: 9x15
    XTerm*background: black
    XTerm*foreground: white

  • [Solved] Urxvt, vim and ctrl + arrow keys

    I just switched to rxvt-unicode - mostly because of its ability to set the WM_CLASS variable (Xfce's terminal, my previous terminal application, was unable to do so, and I was tired of dragging all my apps to the virtual desktop I wanted to have them on). So far so good, but I bumped into a problem I knew from a previous encounter with urxvt: it maps ctrl+left/right differently than xterm (and Xfce's terminal), and I can't jump words in Vi anymore.
    I have been trying to map them in my ~/.virc to reproduce the behaviour, but that's not working (and I'm clueless why). This is the excerpt from .virc:
    map ^[Oc W
    map ^[Od B
    map! ^[Oc ^[Wa
    map! ^[Od ^[Ba
    Ctrl+Left generates ^[Od, Ctrl+Right generates ^[Oc. Vi will put itself in insert mode (if it isn't already) when i press those combinations and insert a d or c, depending on the combination pressed, but no jumping words.
    Does someone know what I'm doing wrong?

    @ davvil & hbekel: Awesome, I'll try that when I get back home and report .
    skottish wrote:
    The solution that RedHat uses is to modify /etc/inputrc. I assume that means that ~/.inputrc can be used also. These are the two lines that they added in the rxvt section for Ctrl <Right, Left>:
    "\eOc": forward-word
    "\eOd": backward-word
    Skottish, I already have those in my ~/.inputrc. The thing is, I understood /etc/inputrc and ~/.inputrc are used by readline and apps using it, but vim is not one of them. Those sequences make Ctrl+Right/Left work like in xterm and similar terminals (Xfce's terminal e.g.) - you can jump words - but Vim won't pick it up, since it doesn't use readline.

  • [solved] Vim: console and urxvt have different colors

    Well, as you can see, vim in console (vc/1) and in urxvt has different colors:
    I'd like to have the same colors of console in urxvt (and not the opposite), is there a way?
    I don't know from where the colors of urxvt come from. That blue with which is written '#include' and that green/cyan with which is written 'int' aren't even in my .Xdefaults.
    Last edited by andre.ramaciotti (2009-03-08 12:17:16)

    andre.ramaciotti wrote:Is there a way to trick vim so it thinks that urxvt is only 16-colours capable? A $parameter or an option I can set in .vimrc?
    set t_Co=16

  • Urxvt - transparency - vim ? - SOLVED-

    I'm runnung urxvt with real transparency by putting this in my .Xdefaults:
    URxvt*depth: 32
    URxvt*background: rgba:2121/2121/2121/aaaa
    vim gives me error codes when I try to run it in a transparent terminal:
    BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
    Vim: Got X error
    Vim: Finished
    If I run Vim -X  I can get it to work,  but then I lose the nice X stuff like buffer copying with the middle mouse button.
    I've looked around, but can't find anyone having or addressing this problem?  Any ideas from urxvt users out there?
    I didn't have URxvt at the beginning of the two lines in my .Xdefaults.   How embarrasing since i added them for the initial posting.  Goes to show,  dumb mistakes are only solved after posting to the forum.
    Last edited by tdphys (2008-09-04 19:22:44)

    Quick update: I was thinking about this - the wiki post can only be mentioning pseudo transparency ("non-standard wallpaper setters"), so it wouldn't apply to this situation (true transparency via compiz).  After a little searching, I found this :
    It seems the newest version has the copy-background-to-pixmap method overriding true transparency if that is set by the resources. That's the opposite of the way it used to be, but otherwise works. I just had to remove the other background settings, such as .inheritPixmap and .tintColor, and it works again.
    So I commented out those resources in my ~/.Xdefaults ... and it works!
    So, really solved. 

  • [solved] Transparent vim in pseudo-transp. urxvt?

    currently I'm using pseudo-transparency in rxvt-unicode-256color.
    Can I have this transparency in vim too? When I start vim the background is set to black.
    My .Xdefaults:
    URxvt.saveLines: 1000
    URxvt.scrollBar: false
    urxvt*depth: 24
    urxvt*shading: 80
    URxvt.inheritPixmap: true
    URxvt.secondaryScroll: true
    URxvt.foreground: white
    URxvt.font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=12
    URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
    URxvt.urlLauncher: firefox
    URxvt.matcher.button: 1
    URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by Barghest (2009-05-03 17:15:00)

    Barghest wrote:
    Thanks bluewind,
    I found out that the reason was this line:
    call <SID>X("Normal", "cccccc", "000000", "")
    I commented it out and added a new line with ctermbg=NONE.
    I guess I could have entered NONE also in the other line? What does it stand for?
    It's a function to set colors. (search for "fun <SID>X" in the file to see what it does)
    call <SID>X("Normal", "cccccc", "NONE", "")
    should also remove the background.

  • Urxvt + vim arrow keys in insert mode problem

    There's this annoying problem I've been experiencing for a while now that I haven't been able to fix.
    I'm running urxvt-unicode-256color as my terminal emulator. When I'm using vim in insert mode, accidentally hitting the arrow keys inserts A B C D or into the file. I don't use the arrows keys, but accidentally hitting them can get really annoying. I've read all sorts of ways to resolve this and none of the seem to work. The only way I was able to get around this was to set $TERM to be xterm, but that seems like a weird fix for this.
    Is there another way of solving this?

    nan wrote:
    karol wrote:
    nan wrote:Is there another way of solving this?
    Map the keys in vim to something useful or to nothing at all.
    BTW, I have the same setup and my cursor keys result in movement like hjkl, so:
    - check if you're using vim and not vi,
    - change your settings in .vimrc.
    I've already mapped the keys to do nothing. But it doesn't seem to work. I'm using map and imap, I've also use set t_ku, etc.
    How do I check if I'm using vim as opposed to vi? I've already installed the vim package.
    I have set nocompatible in my .vimrc but it doesn't seem to do anything.
    Mr.Elendig wrote:set your TERM to rxvt-256color, make sure vim is not in compatible mode (and that you are actually using vim and not vi)
    My term vairable is already set to rxvt-unicode.
    Set it to 'rxvt-256color'

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