Violation of iTunes Store terms of use

You will be violating the  iTunes Store terms of use if you try to purchase from your home store, the iTunes Store you registered with, from another country. Apple will not discuss this with you nor will help you any any way to resolve the issue. Apple does not have an alternative way for customers that like to buy while traveling.
Since I travel a lot  I find the need to buy from iTunes, or do an InApp purchase, but I can't do that, apple is now violating my privacy by tracking my IP address to find out my location even if I have location turned off on my device.
I have tryed to find another way to buy while in a different country without violating the terms but I was not able to find one that is easy. You can't even use a gift card because the gift card can only be used in the country you are in, while my id is registered in a different country I am not allowed to use them.
The only way to be able to buy while traveling is creat an account from that country, which means you have to have an address and a credit card tied to that address, can't be done if you are just visiting for a little while. If you are able to do that you will have to have different ID, different address, different credit card for each country you visit.
Apple is selling a device that now can only be used in one country. Their answer to that was you can still use your e mail, Internet, and other applications, not all of them.
Apple does not have an answer to what to do if you are in a counrptry that does not have an App Store, iTunes Store. Why it would be a violation of terms if the country you are in does not have it's own store.
I want to use my device the way I want to use it anywhere I am physically at, why the restrictions. I can still buy from any other online store without being physically in that country, it's up to that online store, or apple to pay the taxes and fees for that country, if that is the problem.
So let's all complain to apple and ask them to change this term, or at least give us an alternative we can use.

Copyrights? From my limited Knowledge about copyrights, I can understand it when it comes to music, or movies, but InApp purchases?
Why are other online companies, like eBay, amazon, are able to do it while apple can't? Why does apple have the restriction in a country that does not have an apple, iTunes Store? Why can't Apple have an alternative to those rules.
Why can't I buy from a local store while I am visiting that country?
And why is apple violate my privacy by using location services reading my IP address while I have that turned off.

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