Virtual App needs to copy files

I'm trying to virtualize a new version of an application that I've been able to successfully virtualize in the past. The new version has a new twist though. The program wants / needs to copy files from c:\program files (x86)\dir1\dir2 to %LOCALAPPDATA%\dir1\dir2. I am able to capture and build the virtual application. When I start the application I get an error which I believe is related to this file copy. Has anyone encountered this before? If so how were you able to get the virtual application to run?

murrayE wrote:
PogoPossum wrote:
There are many apps that will copy and store files, even if they can't be read on the iPad (Dropbox,, Sugarsync) or Goodreader (a document reader).
Short of jailbreaking, there is no way to install an app besides purchasing it from the App Store and either downloading directly to the iPad or syncing through iTunes. Even if you transferred a "safe" app with one of the above methods, none of them can open and execute an app.
I do not want an app on the iPad end - rather, on the Mac end!
And I do not want a reader or some internet-based cloud-storage app (like Dropbox, etc.)
Rather, I want an app on my Mac under OS X that, when I connect the iPad via the usual cable, will give me Finder-like access to all the files on the iPad - so that I can download whatever ones I want from iPad to Mac.
That was not clear from your post.
There is no universal app that will bring content from your iPad to your Mac. Nor is there any Mac app that will give you Finder access to the iPad. The very nature of the iOS operating system is that there is no all encompassing folder structure to access like there is in Windows or Mac OS. Each individual app can have ways to export/share content, some of which are cloud-based and some of which can work with iTunes. Many apps also have the ability to save to a cloud storage app (such as Dropbox), export to Evernote, etc.

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    Below configuration will be enough for adding files. Yes 'Full control' can't be placed on Office store.
    <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web" Right="Write"/>
    <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web/list" Right="Write"/>
    See this : App permissions in SharePoint 2013 (See video)
    Please 'propose as answer' if it helped you, also 'vote helpful' if you like this reply.

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        $Source = "D:\test\ok.log"
        $Destination = "D:\test\ok.log"
        $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName SERVER2
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    $sourcePath = (Resolve-Path $source).Path
    $sourceBytes = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($sourcePath)
    $streamChunks = @()
    ## Now break it into chunks to stream
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    $streamSize = 1MB
    for($position = 0; $position -lt $sourceBytes.Length;
        $position += $streamSize)
        $remaining = $sourceBytes.Length - $position
        $remaining = [Math]::Min($remaining, $streamSize)
        $nextChunk = New-Object byte[] $remaining
        [Array]::Copy($sourcebytes, $position, $nextChunk, 0, $remaining)
        $streamChunks += ,$nextChunk
    $remoteScript = {
        param($destination, $length)
        ## Convert the destination path to a full filesytem path (to support
        ## relative paths)
        $Destination = $executionContext.SessionState.`
        ## Create a new array to hold the file content
        $destBytes = New-Object byte[] $length
        $position = 0
        ## Go through the input, and fill in the new array of file content
        foreach($chunk in $input)
            Write-Progress -Activity "Writing $Destination" `
                -Status "Sending file" `
                -PercentComplete ($position / $length * 100)
            [Array]::Copy($chunk, 0, $destBytes, $position, $chunk.Length)
            $position += $chunk.Length
        ## Write the content to the new file
        [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($destination, $destBytes)
        ## Show the result
        Get-Item $destination
    ## Stream the chunks into the remote script
    $streamChunks | Invoke-Command -Session $session $remoteScript `
        -ArgumentList $destination,$sourceBytes.Length
        Remove-PSSession -Session $session

    But have will the script look,  if i need to copy from
    From server2 to server1.
    My script copy from server1 to server2 and working, but I need server2
    to server1.

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    $outfile = "c:\temp\las6copy.csv"
    gc c:\temp\las6.txt | %{
    $computer = $_
    $ping = Test-Connection $computer -Count 2 -Quiet
    if ($ping) {
    $pathTest1 = Test-Path "\\$computer\c$\Program Files\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS"
    $pathTest2 = Test-Path "\\$computer\c$\Program Files (x86)\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS"
    if($pathTest1 -eq $true){
    # md -Force "\\$computer\c$\windows\temp\las5a"
    # cp -force "\\$computer\c$\Program Files\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS\las6cust.pbd" "\\$computer\c$\windows\temp\las5\*"
    cp -force $file "\\$computer\\c$\\Program Files\\AASHTOWare\\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS\\*"
    "$computer FILE PUSHED to PES-LAS dir" >> $outfile
    else {"$computer las6 PATH DOES NOT EXIST!!" >> $outfile }
    if ($pathTest2 -eq $true){
    # md -Force "\\$computer\c$\windows\temp\las5a"
    # cp -force "\\$computer\c$\Program Files (x86)\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS\las6cust.pbd" "\\$computer\c$\windows\temp\las5\*"
    cp -force $file "\\$computer\c$\Program Files (x86)\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS\*"
    "$computer FILE PUSHED to PES-LAS dir" >> $outfile
    else {"$computer PES-LAS PATH DOES NOT EXIST!!" >> $outfile }
    else {"$computer OFFLINE" >> $outfile }
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    Some reformatting of you file and removing a lot of the unnecessary and unused lines makes it easier to see where your mistakes are.  There are a few obvious ones.
    $file = "\\path\to\files\ITClientBuild\Specs2\specslas5\testcopy.txt"
    $outfile = "c:\temp\las6copy.csv"
    Get-Content c:\temp\las6.txt |
    $computer = $_
    if(Test-Connection $computer -Count 2 -Quiet){
    if(Test-Path "\\$computer\c$\Program Files\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS"){
    Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "\\$computer\c$\Program Files\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS"
    Out-File "$computer FILE PUSHED to PES-LAS dir" -FilePath $outfile -append
    Out-File "$computer las6 PATH DOES NOT EXIST!!" -FilePath $outfile -Append
    if(Test-Path "\\$computer\c$\Program Files (x86)\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS")
    Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "\\$computer\c$\Program Files (x86)\AASHTOWare\Trns·port Client-Server PES-LAS"
    Out-File "$computer FILE PUSHED to PES-LAS dir" >> $outfile
    Out-File "$computer PES-LAS PATH DOES NOT EXIST!!" -FilePath $outfile -Append
    Out-File "$computer OFFLINE" -FilePath $outfile -Append

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    if your friend no longer has those grey installation DVDs, he can purchase a replacement pair from Apple. One of the discs has its original bootable version of OS X, and the other one has its Apple Hardware Test and its iLife apps. They’re worth having around in case of hardware trouble.
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    Create a robocopy script to copy data from 20 different folders,
    In Robocopy command you have switches to append the data,
    You can enable logging for this script, If its failes / error - it will update in log file.
    Create a schedule task and run this script according to your timings,
    You an refer Robocopy article for more information :
    Manjunath Sullad

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    find . -exec ditto -v {} ~/Data/M33/SE25/ \;
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    I did as suggested in that I used the Terminal option and let everything run for 8 hours. Here are some of the notes I got from the system.log file. I will group together the error messages from when they actually occurred. I started the process at midnight. My apologies for some of the mistakes in the posts in the error messages. Some of the characters are messing up the way it is being viewed in the post.
    +(Message at 00:46:17)+
    disk1s3: I/O error] [DevNode /dev/disk1s3] [MountPt /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1] [FSLogMsgID 2052406730] [FSLogMsgOrder Last]
    disk1s3: media is not present
    disk logger: failed to open output file /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/.fseventsd/0000000000006ca1 (Invalid argument). mount point /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/.fseventsd
    disk1s3: media is not present
    0 [Level 3] [ReadUID 0] [Facility] [DevNode /dev/disk1s3] [MountPt /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1] [Path /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/4DE053EA-8C82-4ED5-B5F8-74EDE806556F/live.1.i ndexHead] [FSLogMsgID 1668857477] [FSLogMsgOrder Last]
    (/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/4DE053EA-8C82-4ED5-B5F8-74EDE806556F)(Error) IndexCI in openindexfile:open file error: 22, live.2.indexHead
    disk1s3: media is not present
    (/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/4DE053EA-8C82-4ED5-B5F8-74EDE806556F)(Error) IndexCI in ContentIndexUpdateContent:Caught mach exception. Fun Fun Fun.
    (/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/4DE053EA-8C82-4ED5-B5F8-74EDE806556F)(Error) IndexGeneral in bool siwriteBackAndIndex(_SI*, __ContentIndex*, const __CFDictionary*, const __CFDictionary*, db_obj**, const __CFString*, int, bool, bool, bool, __SIUserCtx*, const __CFString*, int32_t, bool):ContentIndexUpdateContent failed
    - (/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/4DE053EA-8C82-4ED5-B5F8-74EDE806556F)(Error) IndexGeneral in void setAttributes(siset_attrctx*, Boolean, long unsigned int):Couldn't update index.
    disk1s3: media is not present
    +(Message at 00:46:19)+
    disk1s3: media is not present
    +(Message at 00:47:51)+
    jnl: disk1s3: replay_journal: from: 364032 to: 624128 (joffset 0x59000)
    +(Message at 00:47:52)+
    jnl: disk1s3: journal replay done
    +(Then from 00:59:30 to 02:45:20 there are occasional messages of the following)+
    disk1s3: I/O error
    IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType0E::setPowerState(0x6366d00, 1 -> 4) timed out after 100128 ms
    It is now 8:20am and not a lot of data has been copied over and currently I can't tell if anything else is being copied over. The screen on the old laptop is frozen to the way I last saw it before going to sleep.
    Sorry if I posted more than I should have. I am just hoping that someone may be able to better see what is going on from the system log. I am going to check again in a couple of hours to see if any more data has been transferred.
    Thanks again for everyone's help with this.
    Message was edited by: MasterOdin

  • Need help copying file into main configuration folder

    I'm trying to create an extension for Dreamweaver CS3 and I need to place a DLL in the
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS3\configuration\SourceControl
    folder of the actual application directory rather than a user directory. To do this I have the .mxi file and a javascript startup file. All attempts to place the DLL in the correct folder have resulted in the file being placed in the user directory. Most things work from the user directory but the SourceControl folder is an exception.
    Is there a way I can force a file to be moved to the main SourceControl directory using the .mxi or in javascript? Or is there a way I can register my DLL some way or do something else to make it work? The API and e extension guide have not been useful.

    Open iTunes without your phone connected. Then, as you connect iPhone to your computer, press and hold Command-Option (on a Mac) or Shift-Control (on a PC) until you see iPhone appear in the sidebar. This will prevent automatic synching. Then use the iTunes File Menu -> Transfer purchases from XXX's iPhone.
    If you still gave problems, you can download your applications again. You have to click the "Buy" button and you will get the warning about your credit card being charged, but then you will be offered the chance to dowsnload again for free. Complete instructions are here:

  • I need to copy files from a new ipod to my itunes

    Hi: i have a apple from my sister with 6,000 song, in my itunes i only have 900, ¿can i copy this 6,000 songs to my itunes sofware?

    An account means an iTunes Store account which is an online service.  Do you mean that, or do you mean a library on a computer?
    iOS devices can only be synced to one iTunes library at a time.  You can sync that iPod to your account but it will wipe everything currently on it.
    iTunes: Syncing media content to iOS devices and iPod - - detailed example:
    If you use manual syncing, you can sync items from more than one iTunes library to your iPod. (You can sync iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad with only one iTunes library.) When manually managing content, you can add content from multiple libraries to your iPod or iPad. Even when manually managing music, some content may be available from only one library at time. This includes all content on iPhone and video content on iPod and iPad.  and
    I could post another 2 pages of stuff trying to cover every possible scenario.  It would help if you let us know exactly what you want to do.  Are you trying to sync just a few songs (like giving them to a friend which is something iTunes is deliberately set up not to do)?

  • Using VPN to access remote servers; copying files to desktop since "upgrading" to Mavericks no longer works. Can anyone help please?

    Hi everyone,
    I work remotely using Cisco AnyConnect (company provided) to access the company servers. Until "upgrading" to Mavericks I was able to copy files directly to my desktop – from either the servers themselves, from within Bridge, and/or by using the finder - you get the idea. Now I can only copy the files by opening them while still on the server using the native app (in my case mainly InDesign/Photoshop/Illustrator files) and saving them to my desktop that way.
    I'm a designer, I use a lot of files for my specific job every day and these files are often pretty large and doing it this way is time-consuming and really frustrating seeing as I had no such issues with the previous OS. It's not a total nightmare (yet) like some of things some of you are dealing with but I've spent more time restarting, freezing and trying to fix issues than I have actually using my darned machine. I have no choice but to access my work this way; I'm part of a much larger team and we all work on these files off and on during the day so I'm constantly needing to copy files and make sure I'm working on the most current version. Working off the server isn't an option as the speed decreases considerably... making the slightest task cringingly slow. As in 25 minutes for a PDF to be created slow.
    I've been used to my system running smoothly, without issues and fast so this upgrade is turning into a bit of a nightmare. Before I throw in the towel and try and downgrade, does anyone have any ideas? My technical knowledge where these things are concerned isn't beginner but I'm no expert  and I'm stumped. I just don't know where to start and I'm afraid of screwing something else up during the process of trying to fix this (so far) one issue and creating a snowball effect.
    I'm using a 27" iMac (late model 2012 purchased in March 2013) with a second Viewsonic monitor attached. I have a Cintiq 22HD hooked up (but not on all the time) and a Wacom tablet in use. I currently use both CS5 (work hasn't upgraded to CC yet) and Adobe CC (for personal use) on my system.
    Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    By default, the Remote Desktop (RD) Gateway component that encapsulates RDP in HTTPS packets listens on port 443 (for TCP) and port 3391 (for UDP). After you changed the ports in Transport Settings tab, please make sure that you have opened the custom ports
    you selected in Windows Firewall.
    In addition, since you have mentioned the registry key, would you please share the entire path?
    It seems that you need to manually update the gateway in the RDP file with the port. Have you created an .rdp file? You can also refer to the link below:
    Create an .rdp file
    Best regards,

  • Adobe reader app no longer reads files on sd card

    The Adobe Reader app that I am using on my samsung galaxy s4 stop reading the PDF files on my SD card after its latest update. I can still see the files using other apps and I can access the files using Adobe Reader as long as I click on the file first. But if I am in the Adobe Reader app and I am under documents it doesn't read any of the files. I can't find the SD card under all PDF files view or under the folder view. It was working and then it stopped. What can I do?

    Android 4.4 (KitKat) introduced big changes to SD card support.
    Android KitKat Blocks Some Access to Micro SD Cards
    You can find many other articles regarding the SD card problem by searching on the internet.
    We will be investigating the problem.
    To work around the problem in the meantime, could you copy some of the PDF files from your SD card to internal storage (e.g. /storage/emulated/0/...) and see if Adobe Reader can read from and write changes to PDF files on your internal storage.  (It should work based on my limited testing. But please verify it.)
    You can use any Android File Manager app to move/copy files.  Samsung phones and tablets typically has "My Files" as the built-in File Manager.
    Alternatively, you can transfer the PDF files to (free cloud storage service) and access them from Adobe Reader.
    Please let us know if any of the suggested approaches work for you.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Can not copy files to another hard drive for backup

    Apple Support:
    I need to copy files from my home to an external hard drive because I need to do a complete re-install, and erase the laptop's hard drive.
    When I try to either move the home folder the icon is a house, I get an question stating that some of my files do not have permssions, do I want to continue anyway (Yes, I do!)
    A bit into the move, I get this message (dealing with permissions):
    Can not copy 1528.emix . Error code -36 .
    I have no such file or any .emix files either. I was able to copy to whole hard disk, not just the home to the same external drive two weeks ago.
    How can I copy my HOME to my external drive so I can reinstall the OS?
    Thank you for your help

    I believe the problem was my computer's internal drive. It corrupted several files. I had a very hard time copying the files. The -36 error stopped any transfer cold.
    I did a complete install of the OS.
    I need a way to determine what files are corrupt so I can delete them. It took 24 hours to constantly keep trying to copy the files to the external drive. I ended up deleting a lot of un-corrupt files. How can I determine which ones are bad so I don't delete good data?
    Thank you for your help. I am also grateful to the Apple Store in Tucson, AZ.
    You are having a hardware problem - there's a problem
    on one of the drives in this story.
    This can be caused by extra hardware connected to the
    computer, so if you have anything extra connected to
    the computer (external iSight, iPod, USB hub,
    anything) disconnect it.
    If that doesn't help, try reformatting the external
    drive and try again.
    If that doesn't help, just rescue what you can,
    because the next step is that you're going to be
    reformatting the internal drive.

  • Need to transfer all my photos from iPhoto app in my computer to another one, which files do I need to copy?

    Need to transfer all my photos from iPhoto app in my computer to another one, which files do I need to copy?

    You need to find your iPhoto Library and copy this package to your other computer.
    By default the library will be called iPhoto Libary.photolibrary and located in your Pictures folder. YOu will recognize it by the typical "fan of pictures" icon. The color of the icon wil depend on the iPhoto version. What is your version of iPhoto?

  • What files do I need to copy to move iCal data from an old hdd?

    I have recently recovered the data from a broken hdd and want to reinstall my iCal data on my new hdd. I have copied 'user/library/application suport/ical', 'user/library/preferences/' and 'user/lbrary/calendars' from my old hdd to my new one but iCal still start up empty – without my old calendar data. Are there still some files I need to copy?

    joshuamilkins wrote:
    i have native instruments komplete on my powermac g5 and i want to transfer it to my macbook pro but what files do i need to copy
    I strongly recommend you check in Native Instruments and confirm whether your version is even going to run. This is not always necessary, but in your specific case, you're trying to migrate software running on a G5 (PowerPC CPU) to a MacBook Pro (Intel CPU). There is a pretty good chance that if you copied over your files, or even if you installed from the original media, the software might not run and might not even install on a MacBook Pro because it uses an Intel CPU. If the version on your G5 does not support Intel processors at all, you will have to upgrade the software.
    This is much different than the situation with the current Macs and apps from the Mac App Store, where migration is very simple and could be done manually by dragging the single self-contained app file over with essentially zero risk. But you're working with an application built a half a decade ago.

  • Error -36. Can't copy files from Internal to External HD. Need Help!

    *So I am having difficulty with transferring files from my internal hard drive to any of my external hard drives. Especially when it comes to media files. It keeps giving me an error saying:*
    +"The Finder cannot complete the operation because some of the data in *** could not be read or written. (Error code -36)."+
    *So I looked up online on what could fix it, and I came across DiskWarrior. I bought the application and ran the software, and did a Check & Repair Disk Permissions for my internal HD as well as my external HD. Everything seemed fine on my external HD, but when I did a diagnostic on my internal, I got this information:*
    +DiskWarrior scanned the disk named "Macintosh HD" checking all files and folders for damage and potential+
    +compatibility problems.+
    +Started verify/repair permissions on disk disk0s2 Macintosh HD+
    +Group differs on "tmp", should be 80, group is 0+
    +Permissions differ on "tmp", should be lrwxr-xr-x , they are drwxrwxrwt+
    +Permissions differ on "Library/Application Support/ProApps/Internal Plug-Ins/BrowserKit/iLife.bkplugin/Contents/+
    +CodeResources", should be -rw-rw-r-- , they are lrw-rw-r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BrowserKit.framework/Versions/A/CodeResources ",+
    +should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front", should be -rw-r--r-- ,+
    +they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    +CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    +Contents/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    +Contents/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    +CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    +CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    +CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    +Contents/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    +CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BackRow.framework/Versions/A/CodeResources", should+
    +be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Permissions differ on "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/+
    +LeopardPanels.bundle/Contents/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--+
    +Warning: SUID file "Applications/Utilities/ODBC" has been+
    +modified and will not be repaired+
    +Warning: SUID file "Applications/System" has been modified+
    +and will not be repaired+
    +Warning: SUID file "Applications/Utilities/Keychain" has been modified and+
    +will not be repaired+
    +Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagement.framework/Versions/A/Resources /+
    +DiskManagementTool" has been modified and will not be repaired+
    +Warning: SUID file "usr/sbin/pppd" has been modified and will not be repaired+
    +Warning: SUID file "usr/sbin/vpnd" has been modified and will not be repaired+
    +Finished verify/repair permissions on disk disk0s2 Macintosh HD+
    +Disk: "Macintosh HD"+
    +The Property List data was checked in 10,980 files.+
    +The Resource Data was checked in 11,114 files.+
    +The maximum Folder Depth on this disk is 22. This does not exceed the maximum recommended depth.+
    +The System Symbolic Link Files were found to be damaged and could not be repaired. The damaged system symbolic link files are listed below.+
    +Location: "Desktop"+
    +Folder: "tmp"+
    +This folder pointed to by a System Symbolic Link File is missing.+
    +Location: "Macintosh HD/private/"+
    *From my own knowledge, it seems that I am having an issue with the permissions of the files. I tried repairing them, but it seems DiskWarrior can't repair the files due to the fact that they are either not repairable or they are missing. I hoping I don't have a hardware issue with my HD cause it seems like the issue can't be fixed via software. I have also tried backing-up my drive with Time Machine, but it won't let me do that either. Here are the things that I have tried up until now on how to fix it, and have failed:*
    1. Reformatted External HDs to be "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"
    2. Used DiskWarrior and did a Check & Repair Disk Permissions
    3. Tried manually changing file permissions.
    *If anybody knows how to fix this, besides using the methods I have already tried, please let me know! Thanks!*

    First, the permissions messages are not errors. They cannot be repaired. They are innocuous and can be ignored.
    Second, Error -36 is not a permissions error. Usually it is related to trying to copy files to a non-OS X formatted drive such as trying to copy a file larger than 2 GBs to an MSDOS formatted drive. The error may also arise when the file being copied is corrupted or has a filename with too many characters or a filename using illegal characters.
    The error may occur when trying to sync an iDevice or an iDisk. It also may occur when trying to transfer files from a Mac to a PC over SMB-mounted network storage.
    Error -36 is an I/O error. For more see I-O error -36 « fuzzybrain|daisychain|blogdrain.

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