Virtual Keyboard window?

I am a windows Pc user and I am looking for a virtual keyboard like Axiotronic Quicklinks for mac user (see: )
Do you know something?
Any suggest?

Have you tried the windows on screen keyboard?
Under Windows Ease of Access

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    When I try to enter text in any text-entry box, i.e, in the url , search, or on a website, the virtual keyboard doesn't activate. I have to manually activate and deactivate it. It works for Google Chrome, but sadly not for firefox, my preferred browser. The tablet is up-to-date with the latest drivers and updates.

    Thanks for the reply. No, it's the virtual keyboard that is integrated into window 8.1. I haven't installed any 3rd party keyboards

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    I have read a lot of the same complaints, but no one seems to have a good solution for getting the Windows virtual keyboard to auto respond to Mozilla.

    What is your Firefox? What is the virtual keyboard you are trying to use?
    Does the keyboard work with the other programs and Windows?
    Have you had other problems?
    '''[ Start Firefox in Safe Mode]''' {web link}
    While you are in safe mode;
    Type '''about:preferences#advanced'''<Enter> in the address bar.
    Under '''Advanced,''' Select '''General.'''
    Look for and turn off '''Use Hardware Acceleration'''.
    Poke around safe web sites. Are there any problems?

  • How do I implement a virtual keyboard?  I will compensate for assistance.

    I have created a simple Adobe Air Windowed Application.  The application uses the mx:HTML controls to load a web page inside my application.  I have tried other means to load the web page but due to formatting issue, all other methods fail to load the page correctly.  Any solution will need to use the mx HTML controls.
    I have added a virtual keyboard to my project.  However, when I enter a text field and then select a key on the virtual keyboard, I lose focus on the text field.
    I understand the concept of event listeners and using a variable to store the text field id and using a focus event to gain the id of the text field.  However, I am not a programmer by no means and this is way above my head.  I am looking for someone to spend 30 or 60 minutes adding the needed code to my project so I can use the virtual keyboard.  I would be willing to send someone a gift card to their favorite restaurant as compensation.
    I have included the 4 files that make up my project (File names are in read text).
    Your help will be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                                  protected function RunFunction(event:FlexEvent):void
                                            nativeWindow.x = (Capabilities.screenResolutionX - nativeWindow.width) / 2;
                                            nativeWindow.y = (Capabilities.screenResolutionY - nativeWindow.height) / 2;
                                            // Mouse.hide();
                                            html.location = '';
                                  // Virtual Keyboard
                                  protected function HandleKeyEvent(event:VirtualKeyboardEvent):void
                                            trace("Key pressed: " + event.keyLabel);
              <mx:HTML id="html"
                        height="100%" x="0" y="0"/>
                        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <components:VirtualKeyboard x="325" y="770" KeyClicked="HandleKeyEvent(event)"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <application xmlns="">
    <!-- Adobe AIR Application Descriptor File Template.
              Specifies parameters for identifying, installing, and launching AIR applications.
              xmlns - The Adobe AIR namespace:
                                  The last segment of the namespace specifies the version
                                  of the AIR runtime required for this application to run.
              minimumPatchLevel - The minimum patch level of the AIR runtime required to run
                                  the application. Optional.
              <!-- A universally unique application identifier. Must be unique across all AIR applications.
              Using a reverse DNS-style name as the id is recommended. (Eg. com.example.ExampleApplication.) Required. -->
              <!-- Used as the filename for the application. Required. -->
              <filename>Virtual Keyboard</filename>
              <!-- The name that is displayed in the AIR application installer.
              May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
              <!-- A string value of the format <0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999> that represents application version which can be used to check for application upgrade.
              Values can also be 1-part or 2-part. It is not necessary to have a 3-part value.
              An updated version of application must have a versionNumber value higher than the previous version. Required for namespace >= 2.5 . -->
              <!-- A string value (such as "v1", "2.5", or "Alpha 1") that represents the version of the application, as it should be shown to users. Optional. -->
              <!-- <versionLabel></versionLabel> -->
              <!-- Description, displayed in the AIR application installer.
              May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
              <!-- <description></description> -->
              <!-- Copyright information. Optional -->
              <!-- <copyright></copyright> -->
              <!-- Publisher ID. Used if you're updating an application created prior to 1.5.3 -->
              <!-- <publisherID></publisherID> -->
              <!-- Settings for the application's initial window. Required. -->
                        <!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. -->
                        <!-- Note: In Flash Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. -->
                        <content>[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]</content>
                        <!-- The title of the main window. Optional. -->
                        <!-- <title></title> -->
                        <!-- The type of system chrome to use (either "standard" or "none"). Optional. Default standard. -->
                        <!-- Whether the window is transparent. Only applicable when systemChrome is none. Optional. Default false. -->
                        <!-- Whether the window is initially visible. Optional. Default false. -->
                        <!-- Whether the user can minimize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
                        <!-- Whether the user can maximize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
                        <!-- Whether the user can resize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
                        <!-- The window's initial width in pixels. Optional. -->
                        <!-- The window's initial height in pixels. Optional. -->
                        <!-- The window's initial x position. Optional. -->
                        <!-- <x></x> -->
                        <!-- The window's initial y position. Optional. -->
                        <!-- <y></y> -->
                        <!-- The window's minimum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "400 200". Optional. -->
              <minSize>1280 1024</minSize>
              <!-- <minSize>1024 768</minSize> -->
                        <!-- The window's initial maximum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "1600 1200". Optional. -->
              <maxSize>1280 1024</maxSize>
              <!-- <maxSize>1024 768</maxSize> -->
              <!-- We recommend omitting the supportedProfiles element, -->
              <!-- which in turn permits your application to be deployed to all -->
              <!-- devices supported by AIR. If you wish to restrict deployment -->
              <!-- (i.e., to only mobile devices) then add this element and list -->
              <!-- only the profiles which your application does support. -->
              <!-- <supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop mobileDevice extendedMobileDevice</supportedProfiles> -->
              <!-- The subpath of the standard default installation location to use. Optional. -->
              <!-- <installFolder></installFolder> -->
              <!-- The subpath of the Programs menu to use. (Ignored on operating systems without a Programs menu.) Optional. -->
              <!-- <programMenuFolder></programMenuFolder> -->
              <!-- The icon the system uses for the application. For at least one resolution,
              specify the path to a PNG file included in the AIR package. Optional. -->
              <!-- <icon>
              </icon> -->
              <!-- Whether the application handles the update when a user double-clicks an update version
              of the AIR file (true), or the default AIR application installer handles the update (false).
              Optional. Default false. -->
              <!-- <customUpdateUI></customUpdateUI> -->
              <!-- Whether the application can be launched when the user clicks a link in a web browser.
              Optional. Default false. -->
              <!-- <allowBrowserInvocation></allowBrowserInvocation> -->
              <!-- Listing of file types for which the application can register. Optional. -->
              <!-- <fileTypes> -->
                        <!-- Defines one file type. Optional. -->
                        <!-- <fileType> -->
                                  <!-- The name that the system displays for the registered file type. Required. -->
                                  <!-- <name></name> -->
                                  <!-- The extension to register. Required. -->
                                  <!-- <extension></extension> -->
                                  <!-- The description of the file type. Optional. -->
                                  <!-- <description></description> -->
                                  <!-- The MIME content type. -->
                                  <!-- <contentType></contentType> -->
                                  <!-- The icon to display for the file type. Optional. -->
                                  <!-- <icon>
                                  </icon> -->
                        <!-- </fileType> -->
              <!-- </fileTypes> -->
              <!-- Specify Android specific tags that get passed to AndroidManifest.xml file. -->
                                  <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
                                            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
                                            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
                                            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
                                            <uses-configuration android:reqFiveWayNav="true"/>
                                            <supports-screens android:normalScreens="true"/>
                                            <uses-feature android:required="true" android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch"/>
                                            <application android:enabled="true">
                                                      <activity android:excludeFromRecents="false">
                                                                          <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
                                                                          <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
              </android> -->
              <!-- End of the schema for adding the android specific tags in AndroidManifest.xml file -->
        public class VirtualKeyboardEvent extends Event
            public var keyLabel:String;
            public function VirtualKeyboardEvent(type:String)
            override public function clone():Event
                var eventObj:VirtualKeyboardEvent = new VirtualKeyboardEvent(type);
                eventObj.keyLabel = this.keyLabel;
                return eventObj;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
             width="610" height="215" currentState="Lowercase">
            [Event(name="KeyClicked", type="")]
                protected function handleShiftButton(event:MouseEvent):void
                    if (this.currentState == "Lowercase")
                        this.currentState = "Uppercase";
                        this.currentState = "Lowercase";
                protected function handleButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var e:VirtualKeyboardEvent = new VirtualKeyboardEvent("KeyClicked");
                    e.keyLabel = event.currentTarget.label;
            <s:State name="Lowercase"/>
            <s:State name="Uppercase"/>
                        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:Button id="btn1" x="50" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="1"
        <s:Button id="btnTilde" x="10" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="`"
        <s:Button id="btn2" x="90" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="2"
                  label.Uppercase="@" fontSize.Uppercase="11"/>
        <s:Button id="btn3" x="130" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="3"
        <s:Button id="btn4" x="170" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="4"
        <s:Button id="btn5" x="210" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="5"
        <s:Button id="btn6" x="250" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="6"
        <s:Button id="btn7" x="290" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="7"
        <s:Button id="btn8" x="330" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="8"
        <s:Button id="btn9" x="370" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="9"
        <s:Button id="btn0" x="410" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="0"
        <s:Button id="btnMinus" x="450" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="-"
        <s:Button id="btnEquals" x="490" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="="
        <s:Button id="btnDelete" x="530" y="10" width="70" height="32" label="Delete" click="handleButtonClick(event)"/>
        <s:Button id="btnEnter" x="530" y="90" width="70" height="32" label="Enter" click="handleButtonClick(event)"/>
        <s:Button id="btnRightShift" x="510" y="130" width="70" height="32" label="Shift"
        <s:Button id="btnLeftShift" x="30" y="130" width="70" height="32" label="Shift"
        <s:Button id="btnTab" x="10" y="50" width="50" height="32" label="Tab" click="handleButtonClick(event)"/>
        <s:Button id="btnQ" x="70" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="q"
        <s:Button id="btnW" x="110" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="w"
        <s:Button id="btnE" x="150" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="e"
        <s:Button id="btnR" x="190" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="r"
        <s:Button id="btnT" x="230" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="t"
        <s:Button id="btnY" x="270" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="y"
        <s:Button id="btnU" x="310" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="u"
        <s:Button id="btnI" x="350" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="i"
        <s:Button id="btnO" x="390" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="o"
        <s:Button id="btnP" x="430" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="p"
        <s:Button id="btnLeftBracket" x="470" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="["
        <s:Button id="btnRightBracket" x="510" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="]"
        <s:Button id="btnBackSlash" x="550" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="\"
        <s:Button id="btnA" x="90" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="a"
        <s:Button id="btnS" x="130" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="s"
        <s:Button id="btnD" x="170" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="d"
        <s:Button id="btnF" x="210" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="f"
        <s:Button id="btnG" x="250" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="g"
        <s:Button id="btnH" x="290" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="h"
        <s:Button id="btnJ" x="330" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="j"
        <s:Button id="btnK" x="370" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="k"
        <s:Button id="btnL" x="410" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="l"
        <s:Button id="btnSemiColon" x="450" y="90" width="32" height="32" label=";"
        <s:Button id="btnQuote" x="490" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="'"
        <s:Button id="btnZ" x="110" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="z"
        <s:Button id="btnX" x="150" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="x"
        <s:Button id="btnC" x="190" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="c"
        <s:Button id="btnV" x="230" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="v"
        <s:Button id="btnB" x="270" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="b"
        <s:Button id="btnSpace" x="150" y="170" width="272" height="32" label="Space" click="handleButtonClick(event)"/>
        <s:Button id="btnN" x="310" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="n"
        <s:Button id="btnM" x="350" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="m"
        <s:Button id="btnComma" x="390" y="130" width="32" height="32" label=","
        <s:Button id="btnStop" x="430" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="."
        <s:Button id="btnForwardSlash" x="470" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="/"

    I have created a simple Adobe Air Windowed Application.  The application uses the mx:HTML controls to load a web page inside my application.  I have tried other means to load the web page but due to formatting issue, all other methods fail to load the page correctly.  Any solution will need to use the mx HTML controls.
    I have added a virtual keyboard to my project.  However, when I enter a text field and then select a key on the virtual keyboard, I lose focus on the text field.
    I understand the concept of event listeners and using a variable to store the text field id and using a focus event to gain the id of the text field.  However, I am not a programmer by no means and this is way above my head.  I am looking for someone to spend 30 or 60 minutes adding the needed code to my project so I can use the virtual keyboard.  I would be willing to send someone a gift card to their favorite restaurant as compensation.
    I have included the 4 files that make up my project (File names are in read text).
    Your help will be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                                  protected function RunFunction(event:FlexEvent):void
                                            nativeWindow.x = (Capabilities.screenResolutionX - nativeWindow.width) / 2;
                                            nativeWindow.y = (Capabilities.screenResolutionY - nativeWindow.height) / 2;
                                            // Mouse.hide();
                                            html.location = '';
                                  // Virtual Keyboard
                                  protected function HandleKeyEvent(event:VirtualKeyboardEvent):void
                                            trace("Key pressed: " + event.keyLabel);
              <mx:HTML id="html"
                        height="100%" x="0" y="0"/>
                        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <components:VirtualKeyboard x="325" y="770" KeyClicked="HandleKeyEvent(event)"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <application xmlns="">
    <!-- Adobe AIR Application Descriptor File Template.
              Specifies parameters for identifying, installing, and launching AIR applications.
              xmlns - The Adobe AIR namespace:
                                  The last segment of the namespace specifies the version
                                  of the AIR runtime required for this application to run.
              minimumPatchLevel - The minimum patch level of the AIR runtime required to run
                                  the application. Optional.
              <!-- A universally unique application identifier. Must be unique across all AIR applications.
              Using a reverse DNS-style name as the id is recommended. (Eg. com.example.ExampleApplication.) Required. -->
              <!-- Used as the filename for the application. Required. -->
              <filename>Virtual Keyboard</filename>
              <!-- The name that is displayed in the AIR application installer.
              May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
              <!-- A string value of the format <0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999> that represents application version which can be used to check for application upgrade.
              Values can also be 1-part or 2-part. It is not necessary to have a 3-part value.
              An updated version of application must have a versionNumber value higher than the previous version. Required for namespace >= 2.5 . -->
              <!-- A string value (such as "v1", "2.5", or "Alpha 1") that represents the version of the application, as it should be shown to users. Optional. -->
              <!-- <versionLabel></versionLabel> -->
              <!-- Description, displayed in the AIR application installer.
              May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
              <!-- <description></description> -->
              <!-- Copyright information. Optional -->
              <!-- <copyright></copyright> -->
              <!-- Publisher ID. Used if you're updating an application created prior to 1.5.3 -->
              <!-- <publisherID></publisherID> -->
              <!-- Settings for the application's initial window. Required. -->
                        <!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. -->
                        <!-- Note: In Flash Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. -->
                        <content>[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]</content>
                        <!-- The title of the main window. Optional. -->
                        <!-- <title></title> -->
                        <!-- The type of system chrome to use (either "standard" or "none"). Optional. Default standard. -->
                        <!-- Whether the window is transparent. Only applicable when systemChrome is none. Optional. Default false. -->
                        <!-- Whether the window is initially visible. Optional. Default false. -->
                        <!-- Whether the user can minimize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
                        <!-- Whether the user can maximize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
                        <!-- Whether the user can resize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
                        <!-- The window's initial width in pixels. Optional. -->
                        <!-- The window's initial height in pixels. Optional. -->
                        <!-- The window's initial x position. Optional. -->
                        <!-- <x></x> -->
                        <!-- The window's initial y position. Optional. -->
                        <!-- <y></y> -->
                        <!-- The window's minimum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "400 200". Optional. -->
              <minSize>1280 1024</minSize>
              <!-- <minSize>1024 768</minSize> -->
                        <!-- The window's initial maximum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "1600 1200". Optional. -->
              <maxSize>1280 1024</maxSize>
              <!-- <maxSize>1024 768</maxSize> -->
              <!-- We recommend omitting the supportedProfiles element, -->
              <!-- which in turn permits your application to be deployed to all -->
              <!-- devices supported by AIR. If you wish to restrict deployment -->
              <!-- (i.e., to only mobile devices) then add this element and list -->
              <!-- only the profiles which your application does support. -->
              <!-- <supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop mobileDevice extendedMobileDevice</supportedProfiles> -->
              <!-- The subpath of the standard default installation location to use. Optional. -->
              <!-- <installFolder></installFolder> -->
              <!-- The subpath of the Programs menu to use. (Ignored on operating systems without a Programs menu.) Optional. -->
              <!-- <programMenuFolder></programMenuFolder> -->
              <!-- The icon the system uses for the application. For at least one resolution,
              specify the path to a PNG file included in the AIR package. Optional. -->
              <!-- <icon>
              </icon> -->
              <!-- Whether the application handles the update when a user double-clicks an update version
              of the AIR file (true), or the default AIR application installer handles the update (false).
              Optional. Default false. -->
              <!-- <customUpdateUI></customUpdateUI> -->
              <!-- Whether the application can be launched when the user clicks a link in a web browser.
              Optional. Default false. -->
              <!-- <allowBrowserInvocation></allowBrowserInvocation> -->
              <!-- Listing of file types for which the application can register. Optional. -->
              <!-- <fileTypes> -->
                        <!-- Defines one file type. Optional. -->
                        <!-- <fileType> -->
                                  <!-- The name that the system displays for the registered file type. Required. -->
                                  <!-- <name></name> -->
                                  <!-- The extension to register. Required. -->
                                  <!-- <extension></extension> -->
                                  <!-- The description of the file type. Optional. -->
                                  <!-- <description></description> -->
                                  <!-- The MIME content type. -->
                                  <!-- <contentType></contentType> -->
                                  <!-- The icon to display for the file type. Optional. -->
                                  <!-- <icon>
                                  </icon> -->
                        <!-- </fileType> -->
              <!-- </fileTypes> -->
              <!-- Specify Android specific tags that get passed to AndroidManifest.xml file. -->
                                  <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
                                            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
                                            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
                                            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
                                            <uses-configuration android:reqFiveWayNav="true"/>
                                            <supports-screens android:normalScreens="true"/>
                                            <uses-feature android:required="true" android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch"/>
                                            <application android:enabled="true">
                                                      <activity android:excludeFromRecents="false">
                                                                          <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
                                                                          <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
              </android> -->
              <!-- End of the schema for adding the android specific tags in AndroidManifest.xml file -->
        public class VirtualKeyboardEvent extends Event
            public var keyLabel:String;
            public function VirtualKeyboardEvent(type:String)
            override public function clone():Event
                var eventObj:VirtualKeyboardEvent = new VirtualKeyboardEvent(type);
                eventObj.keyLabel = this.keyLabel;
                return eventObj;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
             width="610" height="215" currentState="Lowercase">
            [Event(name="KeyClicked", type="")]
                protected function handleShiftButton(event:MouseEvent):void
                    if (this.currentState == "Lowercase")
                        this.currentState = "Uppercase";
                        this.currentState = "Lowercase";
                protected function handleButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var e:VirtualKeyboardEvent = new VirtualKeyboardEvent("KeyClicked");
                    e.keyLabel = event.currentTarget.label;
            <s:State name="Lowercase"/>
            <s:State name="Uppercase"/>
                        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:Button id="btn1" x="50" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="1"
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                  label.Uppercase="@" fontSize.Uppercase="11"/>
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        <s:Button id="btnEquals" x="490" y="10" width="32" height="32" label="="
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        <s:Button id="btnEnter" x="530" y="90" width="70" height="32" label="Enter" click="handleButtonClick(event)"/>
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        <s:Button id="btnLeftShift" x="30" y="130" width="70" height="32" label="Shift"
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        <s:Button id="btnW" x="110" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="w"
        <s:Button id="btnE" x="150" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="e"
        <s:Button id="btnR" x="190" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="r"
        <s:Button id="btnT" x="230" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="t"
        <s:Button id="btnY" x="270" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="y"
        <s:Button id="btnU" x="310" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="u"
        <s:Button id="btnI" x="350" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="i"
        <s:Button id="btnO" x="390" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="o"
        <s:Button id="btnP" x="430" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="p"
        <s:Button id="btnLeftBracket" x="470" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="["
        <s:Button id="btnRightBracket" x="510" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="]"
        <s:Button id="btnBackSlash" x="550" y="50" width="32" height="32" label="\"
        <s:Button id="btnA" x="90" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="a"
        <s:Button id="btnS" x="130" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="s"
        <s:Button id="btnD" x="170" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="d"
        <s:Button id="btnF" x="210" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="f"
        <s:Button id="btnG" x="250" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="g"
        <s:Button id="btnH" x="290" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="h"
        <s:Button id="btnJ" x="330" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="j"
        <s:Button id="btnK" x="370" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="k"
        <s:Button id="btnL" x="410" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="l"
        <s:Button id="btnSemiColon" x="450" y="90" width="32" height="32" label=";"
        <s:Button id="btnQuote" x="490" y="90" width="32" height="32" label="'"
        <s:Button id="btnZ" x="110" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="z"
        <s:Button id="btnX" x="150" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="x"
        <s:Button id="btnC" x="190" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="c"
        <s:Button id="btnV" x="230" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="v"
        <s:Button id="btnB" x="270" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="b"
        <s:Button id="btnSpace" x="150" y="170" width="272" height="32" label="Space" click="handleButtonClick(event)"/>
        <s:Button id="btnN" x="310" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="n"
        <s:Button id="btnM" x="350" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="m"
        <s:Button id="btnComma" x="390" y="130" width="32" height="32" label=","
        <s:Button id="btnStop" x="430" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="."
        <s:Button id="btnForwardSlash" x="470" y="130" width="32" height="32" label="/"

  • Yoga 2 11. Virtual keyboard in Tablet mode

    Yoga 2 11 and Windows 8.1 is entirley new to me, so please excuse my lack of knowledge.
    When PC is asleep in tablet mode, I cannot get the virtual keyboard in order to log in. When I try to type, it pops up for a second or so (varies in time), but then shrinks back down.
    Has anyone see this and is there any way I can sort it out without refreshing Windows? The amount of work to do in reloading programmes and apps is just too painful. If anyone can help I'd be very grateful.

    Hi Alaa
    Many thanks.
    No actually - I haven't set a restore point, or even thought of doing that. It was Lenovo support that suggested a Windows refresh but when I saw that I would have to re-load apps etc., I backed out. I've done too much for that.
    Are you suggesting that if I set a restore point, then I would keep everything already installed?
    I now notice that under some circumstances the virtual keyboard pops up. For example it came up when I experimented by trying to answer this in tablet mode. It didn't do it the first time but when I was folding back, it suddenly and randomly came up. Also I was able to search on Maps with a virtual keyboard. But no way will it let me log on.To begin with, (first time I try in a session), it seems to wait until it detects my hand over it,  and then disappears into its shell!

  • Not able to use online banking virtual keyboard with ios 4.3 neither 4.3.2. Used to use with ios 4.2

    I used to transfer money via ebanking with my ipad 1 ios 4.2. But since i updated to ios 4.3, i'm not able to do so. Then i bought an ipad 2 and still not able. I updated ios to 4.3.2 yesterday and the problem continue. I can open the bank page without any problem. But when i try to transfer money, it ask for a confirmation key and pops-up an virtual keyboard. Well with ios 4.2 i was able go see the virtual keyboard and enter the key, but with ios 4.3 and 4.3.2, not able to see the keyboard. Safari is set to allow popup windows, but still not able to do so. I installed another webrowser, which allow me to see the virtual keyboard, but when i type the key it doesn't do nothing. Does anyone have an idea how can i solvr this issue? Thanks

    it's a bit old but you have this information :
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Disable / Remove Control Key From Pop-Up Virtual Keyboard

    Hello. I am setting up a kiosk system using Microsoft Surface tablets. I wish to use the win8 virtual keyboard along with chrome in kiosk mode to run a web app. I am trying to edit the Keyboard Mapping in registry, which works with the physical keyboard
    but not with the virtual one. All I need to do is disable the control key so users can't do anything with browser shortcuts. Also, I can't just disable them in JS because the browser captures them before they even reach the js engine. 

    On Screen  Keyboard is one application that is used to simulate the keyboard to send the Key Events to system. It is not a physical keyboard but a built-in tool,
    After a lot of research, I am afraid there isn’t a solid way of disabling the Windows key on virtual keyboard, including the control key.
    Besides, Kiosk mode is  available for Internet Explorer according to the link below, and it is available for Internet Explorer 11 after a test:
    Another thing is, it fails to start the Kiosk mode with Chrome after remove Internet Explorer from the control panel, I tried with a test.
    Wade Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • I recently did a system reinstall, upgraded to Kaspersky Internet Security 2012, and am running Firefox 9.0.1 - Kaspersky virtual keyboard is not working - how do I fix this?

    I'm running Windows XP home edition. Virtual Keyboard works with Internet Explorer.

    Kaspersky is still behind on supporting Firefox 9 as per

  • Wacom Intuos 5 with mouse pops up virtual keyboard in Lightroom CC. How to stop that?

    I have Windows 8.1 and Lightroom CC.
    Whenever I use my Wacom mouse to navigate to a textbox to enter something (like keyword or someone's name) the virtual keyboard pops up and covers half the screen.
    As soon as I start to type, the keyboard disappears, but it is very annoying.
    This doesn't happen with other applications.
    This doesn't happen when I use touch or the pen to navigate to the textbox. Only when I use the mouse.

    I had the same problem with LR CC, W 8.1 and Wacom.
    This worked for me:

  • Controlling Virtual Keyboard icon visibility

    Hi everyone,
    I'm writting an application for Windows Mobile 5.0, in Java. I'm using the CrEmE VM v4.12, which supports most SWING components. The VM also supplied a small set of methods to hide and display the keyboard. However, I cannot find any information on how to hide the virtual keyboard icon. It stays on top of my application.
    Is there any known way to disable the icon in Java?

    I am encountering this problem right now. So far, the only thing that works for me (and it sounds like you too) is to use
    over and over again.
    The problem with this approach, is that any time another editable field gains focus, you need to call this method again. My entire application now has focus listeners on all of the editable fields, and whenever they gain focus, I call that method which hides the icon.
    I am developing a Swing application for the TDS Ranger, which has a hardware keyboard. There are also two other possibilities for disabling the keyboard entirely, but I have not successfully been able to get them to work yet:
    If you have a QWERTY keyboard based Windows Mobile pocket pc and the onboard virtual keyboard annoys you, here�s how you can disable it permanently
    Download a registry editor for the Pocket PC and navigate to:
    HKEY_Current_User\ControlPanel\Sip\AllowChange and set the value to number 0 and soft reset the device
    Anyone else attempt to tackle this problem?

  • Droid 4 virtual keyboard

    Having some irritations while texting or typing in general using the droid 4 virtual keyboard in portrait mode. I press a letter, it displays the "correct" letter, but soon as I lift my finger, it will drop in a different letter either neighboring letter or as far as 5 keys away. Tech support only suggests a factory default reset, helps for a limited time and I don't like having to restart or FDR the device daily. I'm not outside of the replacement 1 year window (even though this is about the 4th droid4 for speaker issues).
    What can I do? Its frustrating seeing my finger touch a letter, say letter "T", the phone shows its going to enter "T" then I get something like "Y, H, U, R, G" etc once I lift my finger off. Please advise !|___jive_emoticon_name=sad|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=!
    Noticed while sitting with a text message open to reply, the phone was dropping in letters randomly on its own. I was not touching the display of the device, it continued this for over a minute until I pressed back to drop out the keyboard, when I did this, the keyboard reopened itself and began texting again, it had dropped in about 20 random letters.

    Has it worked before and just now stopped?  Are you using the standard keyboard, Swype, or some other add on keyboard?  Even tapping in the field you need to type into doesn't bring it up?
    Try a system cache clear and see if that makes it work any better... it won't erase any of your data or settings but may make things run a bit more smoothly.
    Power down phone
    Hold volume up/down & power simultaneously until you see the Boot Mode Selection Menu
    Use volume down to navigate to 'Recovery', use volume up to select
    Should see screen with triangle and exclamation point next to an Android
    Press volume up/down simultaneously to go into system recovery
    Use volume rocker to navigate to 'wipe cache' and use power button to select
    Once finished, use volume rocker to navigate to 'reboot system now' and use power button to select

  • Problem "bug" iOS 8 iPad 2, virtual keyboard and stream hdmi cable (adapter)

    Hi all I have a problem with regard to virtual keyboard and streaming through the adapter HdMi, the keyboard when I want to write after a while, the horizontal bar where there google voice covers the top of the letters and unable to write and had to power cycle the device to return to how it was before, while streaming via hdmi between iPad 2 and a monitor when I run the stream, the screen is completely black but emits audio and iPad remains the streaming window with the window crashed the site, what not to do, if I make an end to the stream in full screen, you see a window but not full screen, if someone knows how to help me out on this, you have had the same problem as my'd be happy to hear from you soon and solve this bug in iOS 7.1.2 before that did not happen, thanks and warm greetings to all of you.

    Hi all I have a problem with regard to virtual keyboard and streaming through the adapter HdMi, the keyboard when I want to write after a while, the horizontal bar where there google voice covers the top of the letters and unable to write and had to power cycle the device to return to how it was before, while streaming via hdmi between iPad 2 and a monitor when I run the stream, the screen is completely black but emits audio and iPad remains the streaming window with the window crashed the site, what not to do, if I make an end to the stream in full screen, you see a window but not full screen, if someone knows how to help me out on this, you have had the same problem as my'd be happy to hear from you soon and solve this bug in iOS 7.1.2 before that did not happen, thanks and warm greetings to all of you.

  • No Sound From Virtual Keyboard In Logic Pro 8

    All of a sudden, there is no sound coming from any logic instruments via the virtual keyboard. Everything was working fine yesterday, when all of a sudden in the middle of making a beat, the sound stopped. I have tried changing the midi and audio settings, but there is still no sound. I don't have an external keyboard connected, just the logic virtual keyboard. It is like the virtual keyboard has no connection to logic at all, which I know may sound crazy.
    I have also tried loading other virtual instruments and it still won't work. It has to be something simple I am overlooking. Any assistance is GREATLY appreciated. PLEASE HELP!!

    OK, maybe I am not explaining this the right way. There is no sound coming out when I press keys on the capslock keyboard. I went into Window > Environment. Then I clicked on the drop down arrow in the top-left hand corner where the layers are usually located and went to "click & ports." I have everything connected properly, but I don't see "Caps Lock Keyboard" located in the "Physical Output" object box where it should be. Does anyone know how to get it back in there as I believe this is why I can't get any sound from the capslock keyboard.

  • Yoga 2 Pro No Virtual Keyboard in Tablet Mode?

    I can't find a way to get a virtual keyboard to come up when Yoga 2 Pro is in tablet mode...even when I click on a search box in my browser or any other text box nothing comes up. Is there a way to make a touch keyboard come up so you can still type?
    Many thanks!

    Hi. Here it is. I tried to record the off/on process of this problem. On the seond part i typing in notepad and you can see interuption of letters.
    Problem is still not solved

  • How can I create a virtual keyboard shortcut in my dock?

    So I started using my MacBook Pro as a device I connect to my TV. I have an HDMI adapter, and, after setting up the display and sound, it is awesome! I even purchased a Trackpad so I can sit on my couch and navigate. The cost of the adapter and Trackpad are more than paid for with my canceling of cable.
    Anyway, my question is about the virtual keyboard in OS X. It doesn't happen often, but I sometimes have to type in a user name or password for sites. I know how to go through "System Preferences", "Universal Access", and then "Keyboard Preferences" to turn it on, but is there a faster way?
    What I really want to know is if I can create a shortcut in my dock for the virtual keyboard?
    If not, does anyone know of any third party, virtual keyboard applications that would work this way?

    @ KA-BOOM!!
    Okay, try this:
    1. Copy to your Applications folder (or wherever you want it).
    2. Edit this copied bundle with TextWrangler or a comparable text editor or a property list editor, changing a single character in so that the value for NSUIElement is 0 instead of 1.
    3. Drag the new to the Dock.
    When you want to quit the application, do so from the Dock icon.  (If you click the red button--the usual way to quit KeyboardViewer when it has been invoked from the menu extra--the application will keep running facelessly in the background and you won't be able to get the KeyboardViewer GUI back again unless you kill its process or restart.  All in all, quitting from the Dock icon is the quickest solution.)

Maybe you are looking for