Vista brings new plugin headaches?

With the release of Vista and/or CS3, I'm seeing more support issues for my plugins: New crashes and other regressions.
Now, of course, this could all be in my code; but the same DLLs are all mature and well tested under XP and other versions of Windows and are not generating support issues there (not to mention on five distinct Mac runtime platforms).
Any other plugin developers seeing a spike in support problems? Any explanations or specific new issues/workarounds? If so, are they related to Vista in general or CS3 specifically? Is Adobe seeing glitches caused by Vista? Is there a correlation with development systems?
Don't be afraid to speak out... haha.

The instructions in state:
Contact Sheet II and Picture Package
The ability to create contact sheets and picture packages as a PDF presentation is now available in Adobe Bridge CS4 Output Module. We highly recommend creating your contact sheets and picture packages this way. If you would like to continue using the legacy ContactSheetII and/orPicture Package plug-ins, please follow these steps:
   1. From the Photoshop CS4 install disc, drop the //<language>/Goodies/Optional Plug-Ins/Automate/ContactSheetII plug-in into the //Adobe Photoshop CS4/Plug-ins/Automate folder (this is for both Contact Sheet and Picture Package).
   2. From the Photoshop CS4 install disc, drop the //<language>/Goodies/Presets/Layouts folder into the //Adobe Photoshop CS4/Presets folder and restart Photoshop.
Optional: To add this legacy functionality back into Bridge (as a menu item), do the following:
   1. From the Photoshop CS4 install disc, drop the //<language>/Goodies/Optional plugins/Bridge Startup Scripts/photoshop_contact_sheet_ii folder and the photoshop_contact_sheet_ii.jsx file into following locations:
          * Mac OS: //Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CS4/Adobe Photoshop/
          * Windows XP: //Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Startup Scripts CS4/Adobe Photoshop/
          * Windows Vista: //Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Adobe/Startup Scripts CS4/Adobe Photoshop/
   2. Restart Bridge.
I would assume from the preamble in that Tech Note that they are installed only in the 32-bit version of Photoshop, ie in C:\Program files (x86).
That means you would need to fire up the 32-bit version of PS to use it.

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    Begginer's question:
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    Hello miro A, welcome to the forum!
    i'm having some trouble understanding the process you're creating, so i have a couple of questions:
    1. is your effect a layer effect? (like "gaussian blur")
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    no, there is no way of knowing what effect to access on a layer without iterating through them at some point in time.
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    to know the index, you must iterate though the effects on a layer and check each one for it's name or matchName.
    you don't have to do it every time.
    you can store the index for later use, but keep in mind that the user might move effects around,
    so make smart decisions.
    wait. it gets worse.
    now you want to affect a parameter on a different effect.
    that can be done using streamRefs. these refer to the different parameters on all effects.
    once you obtain the streamRef of a wanted parameter, you can read it or write to it.
    to get a param's stream ref on an effect for which you already have an effectRef, you must know it's index in the effect. (for example, the "blurriness" on "gaussian blur" is 1 (never 0. zero is the input buffer))
    the index is not always what it seems. there may be hidden params (and other stuff in the way).
    the param index might change if the vendor of the other effect decides to change it.
    in short:
    yes, it's as complex as you feared it would be, and as you saw in the "projector" sample.

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    - SUM Compliance Deployment" SUG. 
    Do I just simply deploy the "2014 - SUM Compliance Deployment" SUG without running any report and let the clients figure out what to install?
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    Unlike our other plugins, this one is not structure-oriented and can be used on any FM 7, 8, or 9 file.
    Russ Ward
    Owner, WSC

    [email protected] schrieb:
    > You can download it here:
    Doesn't work for me on Windows. Calls to LrTasks.execute() in
    LRMogrifyExportTask.lua fail. I spent quite some time on it. Quotation
    of file paths really introduces trouble. Seems there is some problem
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    "c:/some path/someexecutable" c:/anotherpath/file
    c:/somepath/someexecutable "c:/another path/file"
    If I quote both paths, blanks in the first path don't get escaped. Even
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    quotation marks. Something like "\ " -- no chance(?). I even had a look
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    system() call. No idea what LrTasks.execute() does.
    My suggested work-around would be like this, as LR at least allows use
    of native file system calls:
    -- LRMogrifyExportTask.lua --
    -- Run Mogrify
    local command = '"' .. opts.path .. '" ' .. commandLine
    -- added
    local realCommand = command
    if WIN_ENV == true then
    -- default folder on Windows is user dir -> good
    local batchFileName = "lr_mogrify_runner.bat"
    io.write(command .. '\n')
    realCommand = '"' .. batchFileName .. '"'
    -- /added
    -- changed
    if LrTasks.execute(realCommand) ~= 0 then
    -- /changed

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    2. Build the sample plugin from Eclipse
    3. Add the pluging to the IAS lib directory (directory called with the same name of the jar, filter-htmlmetatags, which contains the jar file generated and the plugin.xml file)
    4. Activate the plugin for the Web Crawler (copy the plugin.includes and plugin.excludes properties from default.xml to site.xml in both polite-crawl and non-polite-crawl directories)
    5. Run the Web Crawler with a new plugin (sample plugin from the guide called HTMLMetatagFilter)
    And when I run the web crawler I get the follow error:
    c:\Oracle\Endeca\IAS\3.1.0\bin>web-crawler.bat -c c:\Oracle\Endeca\IAS\workspace\conf\web-crawler\polite-crawl -d 0 -s c:\Oracle\Endeca\IAS\workspace\conf\web-crawler\default\endeca.lst
    INFO    2013-12-03 20:18:46,104 0       com.endeca.eidi.web.Main        [main]
    Reading seed URLs from: c:\Oracle\Endeca\IAS\workspace\conf\web-crawler\default\endeca.lst
    INFO    2013-12-03 20:18:46,104 0       com.endeca.eidi.web.Main        [main]
    Seed URLs: []
    ERROR   2013-12-03 20:18:46,354 250     com.endeca.eidi.web.Main        [main]
    Crawler failed on crawler initialization. Shutting down.
    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/endeca/eidi/web/parse/HTMLMetatagFilter : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
            at Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
            at org.apache.nutch.plugin.Extension.getExtensionInstance(
            at org.apache.nutch.parse.ParseFilters.getExtensionList(
            at com.endeca.eidi.web.process.ExtensionInstances.<init>(
            at org.apache.nutch.parse.ParseFilters.<init>(
            at com.endeca.eidi.web.UrlProcessor.<init>(
            at com.endeca.eidi.web.Crawler.<init>(
            at com.endeca.eidi.web.Main.main(
    Crawler failed on crawler initialization.
    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/endeca/eidi/web/parse/HTMLMetatagFilter : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
            at Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
            at org.apache.nutch.plugin.Extension.getExtensionInstance(
            at org.apache.nutch.parse.ParseFilters.getExtensionList(
            at com.endeca.eidi.web.process.ExtensionInstances.<init>(
            at org.apache.nutch.parse.ParseFilters.<init>(
            at com.endeca.eidi.web.UrlProcessor.<init>(
            at com.endeca.eidi.web.Crawler.<init>(
            at com.endeca.eidi.web.Main.main(
    I do not understand why this error appears and why there is a problem with version?? How can I make this sample work?
    Note: this is my configuration system:
    * OEID 3.1
    * IAS installed with Jetty
    * Windows 7 x64
    * Any server running (endeca_server_domain, endeca_studio_domain, endeca_ps_domain)
    * Endeca IAS service running

    I'm using Java 6 update 43 for all Endeca 3.1 products, because is the recomended version to use. I did an installation with Java 7u45 in other machine and Endeca did not works well. (
    But I know when is installed the Integrator, it has integrated Java 7. And I think when I generate the .jar file from the Integrator, it has data with Java 7, so, when I run the Web Crawler with this plugin from the command prompt of Windows, the crawler Installation works with Java 6 (which I already installed).
    So, what should I do if all endeca 3.1 (except Integrator) has to work with java 6u43 and the Integrator generates files with java 7?

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    Dimensions is a Configuration Management tool -version control. If you don't have Dimensions, you don't need the SQL Developer plugin.

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    I got the about the same problem with my Satellite Pro U200. After rebooting from "sleeping-mode" Vista is looking for a driver for the new found device PCMCIA MTD-0002, although there is no card installed.
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    You can use the [ Hendrix feedback channel] if you have remarks or suggestions and want to pass them on to Mozilla.<br />
    Your comments will be visible in one of the news groups:
    * [ Mozilla feedback news groups]

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    You'll get a variety of earlier versions of iTunes here: Old iTunes for Mac

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    How do I update InDesign CS5 to get new plugins or Get a CS5.5 update.

    You probably don't. CS5.5 was a paid upgrade, not free, and it is no longer distributed by Adobe or resellers.

  • Help me bring new life to Mid 2009 Macbook Pro

    I have a mid 2009 15" Macbook Pro, 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo, 2x 2g 1067 MHz DDR3 memory, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, 320G HD w/ rotational rate of 5400.  I purchased the computer back in 2009 and it's beginning to show it's age.  I have read this entire thread here ( and heard many claims of read/write speeds after installing an SSD, although none of them include what the speeds were with there original (spinning type) HD.
    My computer needs:
    I am currently in my 4th year as an electrical engineering student, so I use the computer for tasks such as Matlab, analyzing and plotting the output of an analog to digital converter (sometimes resulting in 3-4 thousand data points to be plotted at once), and general report typing.  I may one day soon begin running parallel desktops as I often use a program called Multisim that is only available on Windows.  The machine is also my personal computer and contains an itunes library consisting of ~2k songs, many of which have uncompressed bit rates (Im a sq car audio guy).  Im currently using ~250G of my 320G HD.
    The point:
    I can't afford a whole new computer right now and also may end up receiving one in the near future from an employer.  With that being said I would like to upgrade some of the components of my existing laptop, as I have plenty of room for expansion.  What I see as my best options are as follows, in order of preference:
    (1) Upgrade to a SSD.  I would like to do this to bring back some of the responsiveness to my machine.  I also favor this option because I'm beginning to reach capacity on my current HD.  In the thread I linked I learned some people favor putting a 128-256G SSD in their optical drive, and leaving the HD untouched.  I would be in favor of just replacing the entire current hard drive with a 512G or larger SSD, to keep the optical drive functional. 
    - is the smaller SSD in the optical bay a more cost effective solution?
    - what drives are recommended/ not recommended? In the other thread guys spoke of having trouble with certain brands, but assuming the drive doesnt physically break isnt memory just memory?
    - will I need any other components to transfer my current HD data to the new SSD? (I like the idea of a fresh OS install afterwards)
    - where could I find a walk through on how to install new SSD/transfer HD files/install fresh OS?
    serial-ATA specs:
    NVidia MCP79 AHCI:
      Vendor:          NVidia
      Product:          MCP79 AHCI
      Link Speed:          3 Gigabit
      Negotiated Link Speed:          1.5 Gigabit
      Description:          AHCI Version 1.20 Supported
    (2) Upgrade the memory.  Im hoping this will remove the pinwheel I get when performing calculations/plotting large data sets in Numbers.  I would replace the current two 2G memory sticks with two matching 4G sticks for a total (and I believe max) of 8G memory.  I believe any DDR3 1067MHz sticks would work, but correct me if Im wrong.
    - is any brand recommended or not recommended?
    - Swapping memory is as simple as powering down the machine, popping the old out, popping the new in right?
    For either upgrade I would most likely be going with after market brands, as I just dont see Apple parts as cost effective, unless it is recommened I stick with Apple products. 
    -I realize that both of these options will result in improved performance, but what I ask is is it worth the money (and potential headaches) to upgrade? 
    -If the performance of my machine were a chain, what do you feel is my weakest link? I feel the SSD will result in a larger overall performance improvement but currently the 4G of memory is my weakest link and the most cost effective of the two options. 
    -With the parts of my chain that cannot be upgraded, such as the processor, serial-ATA, are any of these upgrades worth it?
    Sorry for the long post, but I hope I was complete in describing my current situation.  Please advise me and thank you to anyone kind enough to read this and shed some light. 
    Cheers, Matt

    (1) Don't put a SSD in your optical bay if you're going to use it as a boot drive. MacBook Pros assume that the boot drive is going to be in the hard drive bay and you're just asking for trouble if you put the SSD in the optical bay. See my (long overdue for an edit) user tip -> Upgrading your MacBook Pro with a Solid State Drive. It should answer some of your questions.
    (2) Most of us around here recommend Crucial or OWC RAM. You are correct in saying that your machine can utilize up to 8GB of 204-pin PC3-8500 (1066 MHz) DDR3 SO-DIMMs. Visit the Crucial website and, under the System Scanner tab, download a small zipped app that, when run, will report your model back to Crucial and you'll be offered potential upgrade paths.
    Is it worth it? You might run into a SATA cable problem with the SSD when you install it as mid-2009 MBPs are notorious for having faulty SATA cables - but that's of little concern in determining if the upgrade is worth it. The only two parts of your machine that are upgradeable are the drive and RAM and you'll certainly notice a difference in performance. But, in the end, only you can determine how much longer you're going to use your machine and if you'll get a good ROI.
    Good luck - I know that I haven't helped you with all your questions, but it's a start...

  • How to Create a new plugin in Strobe Media PlayBack?

                  i want to create a plugin for swf,and added into the Strobe media Playback.i follow this link:
    But my plugin is Not Loaded ,i dunno wats the reason.Anybody kindly Help me,am new for creating a plugin.
    Thanks in advance!
              import flash.display.Sprite;
              import com.realeyes.osmf.plugin.swfPluginInfo;
    public class swfPlugin extends Sprite
              public function swfPlugin()
                        _pluginInfo = new swfPluginInfo();
              // OSMF will invoke this getter to retrieve the plug-in's
              // PluginInfo object.
              public function get pluginInfo():swfPluginInfo
                        return _pluginInfo;
              private var _pluginInfo:swfPluginInfo;
    package com.realeyes.osmf.plugin
              import org.osmf.elements.VideoElement;
              public class swfPluginInfo extends PluginInfo
              public function swfPluginInfo()
                        var items:Vector.<MediaFactoryItem> = new Vector.<MediaFactoryItem>();
                        // Create the MediaFactoryItem and add to our list of items.
                        var item:MediaFactoryItem = new MediaFactoryItem
                                  ( "com.realeyes.osmf.plugins.WatermarkPlugin"
                                            , canHandleResourceFunction
                                            , mediaElementCreationFunction
                        // Pass the list to the base class.
              private function canHandleResourceFunction(resource:MediaResourceBase):Boolean
    var result:MediaElement;
                        // Only return true if the resource is an URLResource...
                        var urlResource:URLResource = new URLResource("");
                                  // ... and if the URL starts with "rtmp".
                                  return result = urlResource as MediaElement;
              private function mediaElementCreationFunction():MediaElement
                        return new VideoElement();

                  i want to create a plugin for swf,and added into the Strobe media Playback.i follow this link:
    But my plugin is Not Loaded ,i dunno wats the reason.Anybody kindly Help me,am new for creating a plugin.
    Thanks in advance!
              import flash.display.Sprite;
              import com.realeyes.osmf.plugin.swfPluginInfo;
    public class swfPlugin extends Sprite
              public function swfPlugin()
                        _pluginInfo = new swfPluginInfo();
              // OSMF will invoke this getter to retrieve the plug-in's
              // PluginInfo object.
              public function get pluginInfo():swfPluginInfo
                        return _pluginInfo;
              private var _pluginInfo:swfPluginInfo;
    package com.realeyes.osmf.plugin
              import org.osmf.elements.VideoElement;
              public class swfPluginInfo extends PluginInfo
              public function swfPluginInfo()
                        var items:Vector.<MediaFactoryItem> = new Vector.<MediaFactoryItem>();
                        // Create the MediaFactoryItem and add to our list of items.
                        var item:MediaFactoryItem = new MediaFactoryItem
                                  ( "com.realeyes.osmf.plugins.WatermarkPlugin"
                                            , canHandleResourceFunction
                                            , mediaElementCreationFunction
                        // Pass the list to the base class.
              private function canHandleResourceFunction(resource:MediaResourceBase):Boolean
    var result:MediaElement;
                        // Only return true if the resource is an URLResource...
                        var urlResource:URLResource = new URLResource("");
                                  // ... and if the URL starts with "rtmp".
                                  return result = urlResource as MediaElement;
              private function mediaElementCreationFunction():MediaElement
                        return new VideoElement();

  • The Firefox plugin page said I needed to install a new plugin for Shockwave Flash, but after doing the installation I checked back to see if the installation took place and the "action" column still says "update now" and potentially vulnerable."

    After downloading the new version of Shockwave
    flash the message in the box said the download was completed; however, the information on the Firefox plugin page keeps saying "potentially vulnerable" and "update now" as though no download took place. I repeated the download 2 more times and got the same results.

    Your plugins list shows outdated plugin(s) with known security and stability risks.
    # Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32
    # Java Plug-in 1.5.0_06 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
    Update the [[Java]] and [[Flash]] plugin to the latest version.
    See (you need JRE)
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

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