Voice-activated universal search

Another problem with my Blackberry 9860 is showing voice enabled universal search is unavailable.
Could it be that it is not installed or not switched on somewhere.
Anyone help!!!!!
Go to Solution.

Remove, Download and install new Blackberry desktop.
Reinstall Blackberry 9860 software.

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    Hi Jean,
    first, I had to let you know, and I am by no means connected in any form shape or manner with Dragon Naturally Speaking software.
    Second, I am actually dictating this message to you utilizing this voice activation software. I have been utilizing the Dragon for many years and this particular version happens to be one of the best that they have ever marketed.
    To give you an idea of the different commands that I utilized when creating very simple voice commands in the Dragon, here are some of the commands I created:
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    Once again, I am dictating this message and not typing it.
    Hopefully you can see we have a mouse in your hand, or a pen tablet and you are looking at the screen and reciting commands, and not having to look at the keyboard or the mouse or the walkom pen or what ever, and when you speak a command the application does exactly what you want, this allows you to concentrate on what you are trying to create as opposed to how to create it!
    This is the major differentiator between working manually (and trust me the pros on this forum can work very very fast manually), and working allowing your creativity to come to the front as opposed to your technical specific knowledge of the application and how to maneuver it.
    Anyway, I come out of many many years of information technology and this is probably one of the best combinations of applications that increases the efficiency of the individual working with said applications.
    I probably should go back and correct any recognition errors that the Dragon might have made (which were probably made because of my poor pronunciation were slurring of words), but I would rather not.
    It would be better for you to see (and I guess the other members of the form to see) the voice activation software can do for you.
    In closing, and once again I have to stress I am in no way affiliated with the Dragon, combining these two applications increases your productivity tenfold.
    Good luck, and I hope you shoulder feels better.
    ps., ok so i lied, I corrected 5 small errors the Dragon made.... but you would have understood what I was trying to say anyway....

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    Hi Kilted Tim, thank you for your quick response.
    Yup, I've had the unlimited plan for about 4-5 years, and I do everything I can to keep from losing it, for obvious reasons.
    As you advise, I've been using the iphone in airplane mode with wifi activated which works fine when I am in wifi range. But of course when I'm out and about I want to use my data roaming for internet, maps, skype, whatever so I take it out of airplane mode.
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    Many thanks!

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    If you bought the iphone in the US and it is locked to a specific carrier, then you can't use a different sim (from another carrier).  Is this your situation?
    Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean by "trying to unlock my SIM".  In which country did you buy the iphone?  Who's your carrier?

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    Yes, you can do something like that. What you would do is create a button for each image and then hide them. When I do this type of thing I place all of the buttons on a template page and then hide the template.
    You can then use JavaScript to copy the icon from any of the hidden buttons to the main button that you've set up to display the image. For example, suppose you set up 10 buttons named b1, b2, b3, ...b10. The code to copy the icon from one of them to the button used to display the image (b0) would be something like this:
    // Get the icon from the b3 button
    var oIcon = getField("b3").buttonGetIcon();
    // Get  reference to the b0 button
    var f = getField("b0");
    // Set the icon of the b0 button to the icon retrieved from the hidden button
    // Show the b0 button
    f.display = display.visible;
    This code would go in the Mouse Up event of the smaller button.

  • 3.1 activity universe error - incorrect objects returned for a universe

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    thanks in advance
    shawn jones
    sql generated by bo from the activity universe 3.1:
         AUDIT_EVENT.Server_CUID, AUDIT_EVENT.Event_ID, RTRIM(To_CHAR(AUDIT_DETAIL.Detail_Text),CHR(0)) as Detail_Text
         (AUDIT_EVENT.Server_CUID = AUDIT_DETAIL.Server_CUID) and
         (AUDIT_EVENT.Event_ID = AUDIT_DETAIL.Event_ID) and
         (AUDIT_DETAIL.Detail_Type_ID = 2)
         AUDIT_EVENT.Server_CUID, AUDIT_EVENT.Event_ID, RTRIM(To_CHAR(AUDIT_DETAIL.Detail_Text),CHR(0)) as Detail_Text
         (AUDIT_EVENT.Server_CUID = AUDIT_DETAIL.Server_CUID) and
         (AUDIT_EVENT.Event_ID = AUDIT_DETAIL.Event_ID) and
         (AUDIT_DETAIL.Detail_Type_ID = 3)
       DERIVED_UNIVERSE_NAME.Detail_Text  In  ( 'Qwest Usage Gross Margin'  )
       AUDIT_EVENT.Start_Timestamp  >=  '01-06-2009 00:00:00'
       AUDIT_EVENT.Duration  >  0

    Thanks Rupali.. 
    I guess we can migrate 3.1 into 4.0 but can not save it in UNX....
    However I solved this issue.  Its JDBC.SBO issue...

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    Thanks, I was looking under the XIR3.1SP2 documentation listings and the Admin Guide doesn't appear to exist, but it does for XIR3.0.  I have found the Audit Information located there as you have advised.

  • Voice activation button

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    This button is easily depressed accidentally.
    Go to Solution.

    Try turning the mute button to off where you see 'open with the mute key' under ' settings/voice control '

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    I tried this setup, Jeff... gets me to the login page fine... but doesn't seem to recognize any of my email logins (all which are virtual).
    I have a website setup as MAIL.MYDOMAIN.COM... port 80...performance cache OFF... and pointing to /usr/share/squirrelmail. I tried these settings with OPTIONS-->WebMail both checked and unchecked. Doesn't seem to make any difference.
    So, does the problem have to do with the fact that I have Mailstore partitions setup by domain, as per Alex's guide to Making Virtual Users?
    As Alex mentioned, turn off the performance cache.
    You can change the port in ServerAdmin to something
    else (you mentioned 8010, which is fine).
    You may need to create a seperate Site for Webmail if
    you don't have one already.
    To take this a step further....
    My preferred (non-SSL) setup is this:
    - Assuming you already have DNS of mail.domain.com
    - Create a site for mail.domain.com (port 80)
    - In Sites/General, port 80
    - In Sites/General Web Folder
    - In Sites/Options, turn off Perf Cache.
    If you do the above, when you hit
    You will go straight to Squirrelmail without having
    to add a /webmail to your url and without having to
    use a different port #.

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    Try triple clicking the home button.

  • 6233 voice activated dialling feature. TERRIBLE!!!

    For the last 30 mins I have been trying to find a way of recording my own voice tags for voice activated-calling on my 6233. What a waste of time. I think it is ridiculous that Nokia has not included this feature and according to the previous posts they are not going to put it into an firmware updates. I still have my Nokia 6230i which I think I will start using again. There are things I like about the 6233 but there are to many glitches, also the font for the time whilst in stand-by mode not only looks terrible but is hard to read. What are the people at Nokia thinking? They have put a load of junk on to the 6233 and not put the useful stuff that was on the 6230i on it. I've used Nokias for 8 years and I am now seriously considering getting a Sony Ericsson next time I can get an upgrade. WISE UP NOKIA!!

    11:45 AM
    kludgefactor wrote:
    The new voice recognition that appears in almost all of Nokia's latest products does have built-in training, called adaptation, which means over time and with use the accuracy should increase.
    The trouble with speaker independent voice recognition is that for some people, the accuracy is good enough from the outset, but for others it is not. This is why adaptation is included in the Nokia version to help improve the accuracy - but it is hidden from the menus.
    You can test this adaptation by using the voice dialler and if it gets the name or command correct, select that name or command. This tells the voice recognition to adapt to your voice. If you don't select, then it won't adapt.
    If this is repeated for several names or commands, then the accuracy should start to improve.
    Another problem is that sometimes people have strange names in the phonebook that can sometimes spoof the voice recognition - it is worth listening to any strange phonebook names using the "playback voice tag" just to make sure.
    that's alot to do especially when you don't have lots of time on your hands. its kind of ridiculous IMO. if it wasn't like that then names wouldn't make a difference whether its french or spanish or transfered from your sim, that's the names that confuses the voice dialler and causes it to come back empty, with the wrong name or a list of names. a headache while driving.
    everything happens for a reason
    check out my blog @ http://mycellife.blogspot.com/

  • Activity Universe + Audit / Creating a new report

    We are using the audit & Activity universe reports, but some user have asked to make a new report that is not in the packaged reports in the Audit folder.
    He needs for all exisitng reports :
    - report name
    - date of the last refresh
    - author of the last refresh
    - and if possible ... the folder where is the report
    They asked me too a list of all Users with their "Groups" related ...
    is it possible to have report on the CMC datas ?
    We are on BO XI R2 - ServicePack 5 - FixPack 5.6
    Thank you very much

    Hi !
    Thanks to everyone who answered to my question, I was able make something now.
    I have one more problem with my query on the Activity universe : I always have the old reports (deleted or moved into another folder), even with the condition even_type_id = 65543 = "Object deleted" !
    Here my query on BO :
    SELECT DERIVED_DOCUMENT_NAME.Detail_Text, AUDIT_EVENT.User_Name, max(trunc(AUDIT_EVENT.Start_Timestamp)), TO_CHAR(TRIM(AUDIT_DETAIL.Detail_Text))
    FROM (select AUDIT_EVENT.Server_CUID, AUDIT_EVENT.Event_ID, RTRIM(TO_CHAR(AUDIT_DETAIL.Detail_Text), CHR(0)) as Detail_Text
            from AUDIT_EVENT, AUDIT_DETAIL
            where (AUDIT_EVENT.Server_CUID = AUDIT_DETAIL.Server_CUID)
            and (AUDIT_EVENT.Event_ID = AUDIT_DETAIL.Event_ID)
            and (AUDIT_DETAIL.Detail_Type_ID = 8)
      AND  ( AUDIT_EVENT.Event_Type_ID = 19     /* Document refreshed */  )
      AND  ( AUDIT_DETAIL.Detail_Type_ID = 43  )  /* Object Folder Path */
      AND  (AUDIT_EVENT.Event_Type_ID  <>  65543 )  /* Object deleted */
    someone have an idea ?
    maybe it's a parameter ?
    Thanks again.

  • Current Android 2.1 OS Not Compatible with Bluetooth Voice Activation

    After spending two frustrating days trying to make Bluetooth Voice Activation work with the HTC Incredible Android, I found out from HTC technical support that the Android 2.1 OS is not compatible with Bluetooth Voice Activation.  Supposedly changes to the operating system will correct the problem, but you're out of luck until then.....whenever 'then' is!  It appears that Verizon and HTC  have not choosen to include that information in their marketing material.  A bit irresponsible, especially if you live in a state that requires handsfree operation of your phone in an automobile.   

    It seems that Moto has a workaround in 2.1 on the Droid X:
    I was just at VZW store this morning looking at the Droid X (which is currently at 2.1), and specifically asked an employee about this and he showed that it's solved on the Droid X -- he paired his bluetooth and demo'd handsfree dialing it for me.
    Unfortunately, the Droid X is probably too large for me or my wife and the Droid Incredible doesn't have a solution for bluetooth handsfree dialing (yet).

  • Activity Universe

    Post Author: Suyin Ferro
    CA Forum: Auditing
    I'm setting up Auditor in my BOE instance. I use the Import Wizard to import the Activity universe from a biar file, after creating a DNS to access the data. I realized that I don't need a new DNS so I decided to delete the DNS and use one that is already in place. The problem is even deleting the DNS and the Activity Universe in CMC, when importing the universe again the connection associated to it is the unexisting DNS.
    I research the registry and I found a couple of keys with the erased DNS name, how can I fix that?
    Suyin Ferro

    It depends on how you installed and migrated the system.
    If you specified your Audit database during the installation process, the correct sample reports will have been installed for your Audit database.
    If you want to change the database or set it up after the installation is already complete, the packages for each database are stored in audit_bi.cab under package folder on the CD:
    For DB2 auditing_db_db2.biar.xxxxxx
    For MySql auditing_db_mySql.biar.xxxxxx
    For Oracle auditing_db_oracle.biar.xxxxxx
    For SqlServer auditing_db_sqlServer.biar.xxxxxx
    For Sybase auditing_db_sybase.biar.xxxxxx
    (xxxxx is an unconcerned alphabet and number, remove this after extracting the file from the cab archive)
    Have you used Import Wizard to move any reports across from the R2 system? Depending on the setting used there the newly installed sample reports might have been overwritten.
    I would not use the old sample reports if you dont have to, as audit database fields might have been changed between version and the data might be invalid.

Maybe you are looking for