Voicemail over bluetooth

I have a new 3g iPhone which is now paired with my Camery hands-free. This works fine EXCEPT for the voicemail - when I play back voicemail no sound comes out of anywhere. I saw some references to this for older versions of the software, but I am running 2.1
So, how do I get voicemail in the car?
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Message was edited by: ccvirginia
Message was edited by: ccvirginia

Check under "discussions.apple.com" by the caption "Bluetooth," and you will find a discussion on "voice mail won't work with 2.0 software. What I read here may have truly been done on purpose, but a couple of things still don't jive, particularly the fact that there ARE bluetooth headsets that will still give the "audio" choice in the visual voicemail.
I have a Plantronics Voyager 520 which, prior to getting my new iPhone, worked like a charm with the VVM. With the 3G, it does not. I went to the Apple Geniuses (per Apple support's suggestion and scheduling), and we did some tests with a gen 1 iPhone that had the old software, and the Plantronics worked, so it is the software, not the hardware.
Additionally, I have a Motorola H850 bluetooth headset, and it still DOES register with the VVM. So, if Apple's intent was to purposely shut down this functionality, they didn't get that entirely right either.
My main point, however, is not to despair. Although it looks like there are not that many people with this issue, rest assured there is another thread where this is being discussed under "bluetooth." Check it out.

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    • http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1715142
    • http://www.iclarified.com/38998/you-can-now-airplay-to-the-apple-tv-in-environme nts-where-bonjour-is-blocked
    • https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=9969

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    While it is not explicitly supported by OS X, both machines can be configured to do this. For lots of reasons, I don't think that this is a good idea. Your Bluetooth link is so slow compared to either a wireless—or even much faster terrestrial—ethernet link, that it's not worth the effort to enable this service.
    Save yourself a great deal of grief and disappointment, and get ahold of a relatively inexpensive ethernet gateway [wired or wireless] and set up a small local area network. You will be far more secure, and enjoy a far better level of performance than you would see if you attempted to create a Bluetooth LAN.
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    In the Bluetooth preference pane's sharing tab, make a new Serial Port Service and name it bt-ppp and make it an RS-232 device. If it's on, disable internet sharing in the Sharing prefpane. Then create the following script [shown below.]
    The script starts pppd on the new Bluetooth serial device you've created, then sets up IP forwarding, NAT, and the like. The en0 can be replaced with en1 if your primary net connection is AirPort. You can change the IP listed to something appropriate for your network, as well. If you put it in the range of IPs you're already using for your home network, natd is smart enough to work as a router instead of a gateway. Run as root, but—for the love of all that is holy and just—use sudo instead of su.
    This is the script you must run in terminal:
    /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty.bt-ppp 115200 noauth local passive proxyarp asyncmap 0 silent persist : &
    /usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
    /usr/sbin/natd -same_ports -use_sockets -log -deny_incoming -interface en0
    /sbin/ipfw add divert natd ip from any to any via en0
    If you are unfamiliar with issuing commands from the Terminal or are not familiar with what these unix commands mean, I would suggest that you proceed very cautiously, and do more research before attempting this.

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    Yes, this can be done with a purchase of "Softick PPP" found here:
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  • Using a wired shared printer over bluetooth

    With MSI 6967, the user manual says that you can only print directly to bluetooth-enabled printers.  This must be untrue?  Surely it would be relatively easy to construct simple SW that could send print jobs over bluetooth 'Network Access' to the other pc's local shared (and wired) printer?  
    I have seen utilities that do this on Mac, and I have seen something for pc altho it prints a watermark over everything until you buy it (I think it was £20, which seems a lot).
    I'm only after something simple and freeware/open source.  Any ideas?
    If there is nothing I may build something myself, if there is enough interest.

    I seem to have managed this with my desktop PC running XP Home with an Epson parallel printer and a laptop also running XP Home. I can't claim to understand exactly how I did it but would be more than willing to share any network setting information with you.
    Basically I set the printer to be 'shared' under printer properties and both PCs to belong to the same workgroup (MSHOME is the default name).
    After experimenting with all sorts of Bluetooth settings to no avail I eventually decided to explore My Network Places, View workgroup computers. Much to my amazement I could see the other PC with the attached printer and could make it the default printer for the laptop!! Needless to say I had to connect the laptop to desktop for network aceess (right-clicking the icon in systray)
    The only drawbacks are that 1) it doesn't start printing straight away - maybe 20 second delay and 2) the print monitor doesn't update (it won't tell me how much ink is left etc)
    I was pretty sure it should be possible but took me many attempts before I succeeded.
    You need to keep an eye on your firewall settings as I found this was blocking some of the attempts to print over the network.
    Hope this helps or at least gives some encouragement

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