Wait_cursor still does not show...

Hi all!
I'm simply trying to have the wait_cursor showing when event is thrown (for instance when mouse is clicked). I've tried to use the glassPane technique (as often recommended in this forum), but my code doesn't run as expected:
In the following button_mouseClicked method, I set the glassPane visible and set the cursor to wait_cursor.
But the wait_cursor only appears after the loops hava been run !?!?
Can somebody please tell me exactly how those cursors work !?...
Thanks in advance...
// Here's my test code...
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class testCursor extends JFrame
Container cp;
Component gp;
JButton button;
MyMouseListener mml = new MyMouseListener();
public testCursor()
cp = getContentPane();
gp = getGlassPane();
button = new JButton("click");
class MyMouseListener extends MouseAdapter
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
Object source = e.getSource();
if (source == button)
else if (source == gp)
public void button_mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
String sss = null;
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++){
for (int j=0; j<1000; j++){
sss = ""+i;
public void gp_mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){}
public static void main(String[] args)
new testCursor().setVisible(true);

I see this problem with older vers. (eg. JDK 1.2).
With JDK 1.3 seems work ok (some times, when the
work event is small, the cursor is not actualized).
And you can try call sync() from Toolkit object :
the java doc say :
     * Synchronizes this toolkit's graphics state. Some window systems
     * may do buffering of graphics events.
     * <p>
     * This method ensures that the display is up-to-date. It is useful
     * for animation.
Hope this help.

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    I'm happy you figured it out and just try to keep in mind that not everyone you talk to at support will give the same advice or have the same knowledge. Just like those who contribute to these forums. Sometimes Google is your best friend.
    I agree that Apple could probably make it easier, but as of yet prefer security over freedom. (sound famaliar?)
    Anyway, if you choose to do so, you can leave feedback here:
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    I would start with
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    //Timer is just a custom timer
    import java.util.Date;
    public class Timer {
         Date curr;
         public Timer() {
              curr=new Date();
         public void start() {
              curr=new Date();
         public int getSeconds() {
              return (int)(((new Date().getTime())-curr.getTime())/1000);
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    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Cover extends JButton {
         Dimension size;
         public Cover() {
              size=new Dimension(20,20);
         public Cover(String l) {
              size=new Dimension(20,20);
         public void setSize(Dimension s) {
         public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
              return size.getSize();
         public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
              return size.getSize();
         public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
              return size.getSize();
    //Flag subclasses JButton to flag a mine
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Flag extends JButton {
         Dimension size;
         public Flag() {
              size=new Dimension(20,20);
         public Flag(String l) {
              size=new Dimension(20,20);
         public void setSize(Dimension s) {
         public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
              return size.getSize();
         public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
              return size.getSize();
         public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
              return size.getSize();
    //Reveal subclasses JPanel to show what's underneath
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Reveal extends JPanel {
         Dimension size;
         int number;
         Color color[];
         public Reveal(int n) {
              size=new Dimension(20,20);
              color=new Color[10];
              //for(int x=0;x<10;x++) {
              //     System.out.println(x+"="+color[x]);
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
              int width=getWidth();
              int height=getHeight();
              FontMetrics fm=g.getFontMetrics();
              int fw=0;
              int fh=fm.getAscent();
              if(number==9) {
              else if(number!=0) {
         public void setNumber(int n) {
         public int getNumber() {
              return number;
         public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
              return size.getSize();
         public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
              return size.getSize();
         public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
              return size.getSize();
    //MineSweeper just launches the program and subclasses JFrame
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MineSweeper extends JFrame implements ComponentListener {
         public MineSweeper(String s) {
         public void quit() {
         public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e){}
         public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e){}
         public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e){
              MineSweeper temp=(MineSweeper)e.getSource();
         public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e){}
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              MineSweeper t=new MineSweeper("Inside Moves");
              t.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
              GameManager manager=new GameManager(t);
    //GameManager is the main program. This is where the JFrame is realized
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class GameManager implements MouseListener, ActionListener, Runnable {
         JPanel display;
         JPanel gameInfo;
         MineSweeper screen;
         JButton reset;
         JTextField tMine,time;
         Container pane;
         int clickX,clickY;
         int minesLeft;
         int gridX[],gridY[],mine[];
         static final int MAX_X=30;
         static final int MAX_Y=24;
         static final int MAX_MINE=667;
         JComponent grid[][];
         int board[][];
         int number[][];
         final static int OB=64;
         final static int BLANK=0;
         final static int MINE=1;
         final static int REVEAL=128;
         int level;
         final static int EASY=0;
         final static int MEDIUM=1;
         final static int HARD=2;
         final static int CUSTOM=3;
         int state;
         final static int START=1;
         final static int PLAYING=2;
         final static int DONE=3;
         Timer timer;
         int timeDisp;
         public GameManager(MineSweeper s) {
              pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              display=new JPanel();
              gameInfo=new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,3));
              reset=new JButton("Reset");
              tMine=new JTextField(20);
              time=new JTextField("0",20);
              grid=new JComponent[MAX_X+2][MAX_Y+2];
              board=new int[MAX_X+2][MAX_Y+2];
              number=new int[MAX_X+2][MAX_Y+2];
              gridX=new int[4];
              gridY=new int[4];
              mine=new int[4];
              timer=new Timer();
              Thread t=new Thread(this);
              Component cc[]=pane.getComponents();
              for(int i=0;i<cc.length;i++) {
         public void setup() {
              boolean done;
              for(int x=0;x<=gridX[level]+1;x++) {
                   for(int y=0;y<=gridY[level]+1;y++) {
                        if(x==0 || x==gridX[level]+1 || y==0 || y==gridY[level]+1) {
                        else {
              for(int i=0;i<mine[level];i++) {
                   while(!done) {
                        int x=(int)((Math.random()*gridX[level])+1.0);
                        int y=(int)((Math.random()*gridY[level])+1.0);
                        if(board[x][y]==BLANK) {
                             //System.out.println("Mine x="+x+" y="+y);
              for(int y=1;y<=gridY[level];y++) {
                   for(int x=1;x<=gridX[level];x++) {
                        if(board[x][y]==MINE) {
                        else {
                             //System.out.println("For board pos x="+x+" y="+y);
                             for(int i=-1;i<=1;i++) {
                                  for(int j=-1;j<=1;j++) {
                                       if(board[x+i][y+j]!=OB && board[x][y]==BLANK) {
              display.setLayout(new GridLayout(gridY[level],gridX[level]));
              for(int y=1;y<=gridY[level];y++) {
                   for(int x=1;x<=gridX[level];x++) {
                        Cover temp=new Cover();
                        //System.out.println("new button="+temp);
         void revealAround(int x,int y) {
              int index;
              Reveal tempRev=new Reveal(number[x][y]);
              if(number[x][y]==0) {
                   for(int i=-1;i<=1;i++) {
                        for(int j=-1;j<=1;j++) {
                             if(!(i==0 && j==0)) {
                                  if((board[x+i][y+j]&REVEAL)!=REVEAL && board[x+i][y+j]!=OB) {
         void startTimer() {
         public void run() {
              while(true) {
                   if(state==PLAYING) {
                        if(timer.getSeconds()>timeDisp) {
                   else {
                        try {
                        catch (InterruptedException e) {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              if(e.getActionCommand().equals("Reset")) {
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
              if(state==START) {
              if(state==PLAYING) {
                   Component tempComp=(Component)e.getSource();
                   boolean found=false;
                   int index=0;
                   int buttonPressed=e.getModifiers();
                   for(int x=1;x<=gridX[level];x++) {
                        if(found) {
                        for(int y=1;y<=gridY[level];y++) {
                             if(tempComp==grid[x][y]) {
                   if(buttonPressed==InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK && !(grid[clickX][clickY] instanceof Flag)) {
                        Reveal tempRev=new Reveal(number[clickX][clickY]);
                   else if(buttonPressed==InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) {
                        if(display.getComponent(index) instanceof Cover) {
                             Flag tempFlag=new Flag();
                        else if(display.getComponent(index) instanceof Flag) {
                             Cover tempCov=new Cover();
                   if(number[clickX][clickY]==0) {
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}

    setBounds() is only used for absolute positioning. I
    am using layout managers, so it should no be used.
    Thanks for you reply.Oh I get I did not look at your source code enought... can you post only the part that is bugy!?!?!

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  • ObjectNotFoundException still does not show object class

    I know I complained before but I want to emphasize it again
    Without missing object class it is very very difficult to figure out whats
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    Please, please fix it!!!!
    Exception in thread "main" javax.jdo.JDOUserException:
    kodo.util.ObjectNotFoundException: The instance "NO2" does not exist in the
    data store.[NO2]

    Straight forward getObjectById causes this:
    2422 TRACE [main] kodo.jdbc.SQL - <t 24347419, conn 30638546> [156 ms]
    executing prepstmnt 3874616 SELECT t0.JDO_LOCK, t0.DESCRIPTION FROM
    OBJECT_CLASS t0 WHERE t0.OBJECT_CLASS_CODE = ? [params=(String) xxx]
    Exception in thread "main" kodo.util.ObjectNotFoundException: The instance
    "xxx" does not exist in the data store.[xxx]
    at peacetech.nci.cs.jdo.CsJDOHelper.getObjectClass(CsJDOHelper.java:1626)
    at peacetech.nci.cs.jdo.CsJDOHelper.getObjectClass(CsJDOHelper.java:1664)
    at peacetech.nci.cs.LoadData.main(LoadData.java:224)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(AppMain.java:78)
    Another example:
    Exception in thread "main" kodo.util.OptimisticVerificationException: The
    instance "33.33" does not exist in the data store.[33.33]
    at kodo.runtime.AttachManager.attachAll(AttachManager.java:79)
    at peacetech.nci.cs.DetachTest.main(DetachTest.java:171)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)

  • I downloaded a book to my Ipad and when I went to sync with Itunes on my PC- it removed the book from my Ipad, but shows it on the PC.  I have it "checked" to be synced but it still does not show up on my Ipad?  This also happened after I downloaded IOS 5

    I downloaded a book on my Ipad and after syncing to my PC, it was dropped from the Ipad, but shows up on my PC?  I have it "checked" to be synced but it will not come back onto my Ipad.  This is also after I downloaded IOS 5.1 for the Ipad.  Does anyone know why it would be dropped from the Ipad?

    Sometimes simply restarting your iTunes, the computer and the iPad is all that it takes to correct an issue like this so try that. Quit iTunes, reboot your computer, and restart the iPad. Then try the sync again.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.

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    I hid all my TV show purchases to clean up my library by pressing the 'x' on the icon corners. I believe it would say "do you want to hide this from iCloud?" and clicked yes.
    Now, when I go to my iTunes account > Hidden Purchases, my shows are all there. But when I click 'unhide' and then return to iTunes home > Purchased, nothing has shown up and I can't click on anything (Seasons, Episodes, Sort by bar are disabled).
    Does anyone know where to retrieve these purchases? Maybe from iCloud itself?

    Try resetting the printing system:
    Resetting the printing system in Mac OS X v10.4.x
    To use the Reset Printing System function in Mac OS X v10.4.x, follow these steps:
    Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
    Choose Print & Fax from the View menu.
    Hold down the Option key while clicking the "+" (Add printer) button.
    As an alternative, you can choose Reset Printing System… from the Printer Setup Utility menu while in Printer Setup Utility (which open when the  "+" button is clicked).
    Download the driver here:
    HP LaserJet Mac OS X Installer Print Only Software Solution for v10.2, v10.3.x, v10.4.x, v10.5

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    Me too I have the same problem as MicheleP57!!!! What can I do???

  • TS1538 i've followed all the step in the article and the iphone still does not show in itunes. Running windows 7 on new computer.  iphone is version 4.

    can't see iphone in itunes.  installed itunes again.  reset phone.  shut off and restarted services.  running out of ideas.

    Follow ALL of the troubleshooting steps in the article from which the question was posted.

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    I ran permissions, relaunched, etc. One of the partitions still does not show up- very frustrating. I looked at info, preferences, etc. and can't figure it out.
    I plugged the hard drive into another computer and both show up there...
    So any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Hello markshepherd1,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    According to the following article, when you're going through the process of burning a playlist to a disc, you have the option to select "Include CD Text".
    If you’re creating an audio CD, choose your options:
    Change the recording speed:
    Choose an option from the Preferred Speed pop-up menu.
    When you burn an audio CD, iTunes automatically uses the best recording speed for the CD. However, if your blank CD is rated for a slower speed than the maximum speed of your drive, or if you experience problems creating CDs, you may want to change the recording speed to match the CD’s rating.
    Change the amount of silence between songs:
    Choose an option from the Gap Between Songs pop-up menu.
    Have all the songs on the disc play at the same volume:
    Select Use Sound Check.
    Include information that disc players in some vehicles can display:
    Select Include CD Text.
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Create your own CDs and DVDs
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • My Macbook Pro does not show up on my TV.

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    I restarted, tried every resolution, gathered windows, detected displays, and everything but my Mac still does not show up on my TV.
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    Hi Jacob,
    jacob tolstrup wrote:
    It used to work fine once but it does not work anymore.
    If the same MBP using the same connections to the same TV with the same settings on both the MBP and TV used to work, it appears there is a hardware problem. You might want to try a different TV or different MBP or different connectors.

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    I just bought a movie (Valkryie with Tom Cruise)...and for some reason it does not show up in my purchased movies on any of my devices (Apple TV, iPhone) and it also does not show up as purchased in my iTunes library.
    This is the only movie where this has happened. Even stranger, I could not find the movie via Apple TV (not even by search) but could find it in iTunes (bought it and it downloaded to my Macbook). Even after it downloaded, it still does not show up in my other devices.
    ANyone have any ideas??

    Apple has not reached a deal with all movie studios to allow the re-downloading of purchased content. The likelihood is that the movie you have purchased is from a studio that has not licensed its products for re-downloading.

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    Say you are working on a logic file in a folder and you have
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    Logic and via the open/save dialog window you add a few
    files to your song and in that dialog window you can see
    all the files in that folder.
    Then, in the Finder you add a few more files and movies to
    that folder and again use the open/save dialog window to
    add more files BUT the new files you added since launching
    logic are NOT SHOWN in the dialog window ! ?
    What's the deal with that?
    Every other app can show files added since the launch of the
    application, why not Logic?
    PowerBook G4 1GHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    project manager
    um, yeah.
    Should not need the project manager simply to see new files added to a directory in a Open/Save dialog window since last opening the app.
    I did a scan, a extended scan, opened all the little turn down arrows of the
    full path to the directory I knew there to be the new files and yes, Logic
    shows them there in the "Project manager".
    BUT Logic still does not show the files in the Open/Save dialog windows.
    This is strange because even simple app like TextEdit can show
    new files in it's Open/Save dialog function windows without the need of
    a project manager.
    I have to quit and re-launch each time to see any new files?

Maybe you are looking for

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