"Waiting for receiver...attach a receiver to continue"

Just purchased yesterday and trying to use it for the first time, but I am getting this error message. The receiver is very much plugged in, but for some reason my nano is not relizing that it is there. Help!??
Message was edited by: runnergal_1

Have the same problem : receiver and sensor worked fine for 10 months (500 km) and now I got the message "waiting for receiver ...". Receiver and ipod seem ok (no water or meachnical stress between the runs!). I am thinking about buying a new receiver + sensor or sneding my defect parts to apple. Any experience?

Similar Messages

  • Nike+ "Waiting for Receiver... Attach a receiver to continue" Won't connect

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    Have the same problem : receiver and sensor worked fine for 10 months (500 km) and now I got the message "waiting for receiver ...". Receiver and ipod seem ok (no water or meachnical stress between the runs!). I am thinking about buying a new receiver + sensor or sneding my defect parts to apple. Any experience?

  • Waiting for receiving whole data in data receive event of serila port

    0down votefavorite
    I want to migrate one VB6 project to C#. In VB6 project MSCOMM control is used for serial port communication. Instead of using same control in C# application I have used serial port class.
    Initially I am sending 4 consecutive commands to serial port. When I tried to debug the code I found
    DataReceive event is working in separate thread.
    I need 15 bytes response for first command 17 bytes response to second command.
    But as we know DataReceive event for one byte also.
    I want to get whole 15 bytes response for first command and then want to send second command.
    I have tried following code.
    private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
    if (serialPort1.ReceivedBytesThreshold > sent_command.Length)
    string data = serialPort1.ReadExisting();
    int bufferLengh = data.Length;
    string output_str;
    char[] array = data.ToCharArray();
    string final = "";
    foreach (var i in array)
    string hex = String.Format("{0:X}", Convert.ToInt32(i));
    final += hex.Insert(0, "") ;
    final = final.TrimEnd();
    output_str = final;
    Using above code I am getting data filled with one or two bytes and rest data bytes as "0" but data byte length is correct. (for first command it is 15 and second command 17 bytes)
    Or sometimes data = ""
    My question is how to wait in data receive event to get whole response and then it will receive the response for second command.
    In VB6 application one polling timer is used.
    If I used a timer in C# application then in that timer event timeout exception get fired and data receive event does not get fired.
    Please help me to resolve this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Perhaps the solution discussed in this thread will help:

  • Stuck on waiting for device to become ready...

    I did a slide show on iDVD now I'm trying to burn it on a Phillips dvd but it reads waiting for device to become ready. this continues & it does not burn the dvd. I tried the save as disk image but the same thing happens. the utility was no help on getting it started

    Hi Don't:
    Just assuming here (which is always dangerous)...
    Is there any audio associated with your slideshow?
    PS Verbatim DVD-R (you are using DVD-R, right?) is about the best there is....

  • MMP 5.2p2 'waiting for connection; X on queue' errors, X increasing

    Shortly after manually upgrading our standalone POP/IMAP multiplexors to 5.2 Patch 2, we started experiencing problems where the CPU utilization of the AService process would drop to almost nothing, and this message would begin to appear in the logs:
    20060328 161950 PopProxyAService.cfg (ldap 0x4bb0d8) (uid=redacted) waiting for connection; 10 on queue
    20060328 161952 PopProxyAService.cfg (ldap 0x819c50) (uid=another.redacted) waiting for connection; 11 on queue
    20060328 161952 PopProxyAService.cfg (ldap 0x817918) (uid=redacted3) waiting for connection; 12 on queueThis message continues with the value increasing:
    20060328 163719 PopProxyAService.cfg (ldap 0xcae928) (uid=redacted4) waiting for connection; 235 on queue
    20060328 163733 PopProxyAService.cfg (ldap 0xcb13c8) (uid=redacted5) waiting for connection; 236 on queue
    20060328 163809 PopProxyAService.cfg (ldap 0xcb5250) (uid=redacted6) waiting for connection; 237 on queue... until AService is restarted.
    At first blush, it looks like something is making the LDAP connection wedge, and it's not timing out for some reason, but that's a guess.
    I see that someone on the Info-iMS list had the same problem shortly after installing 6.1 back in September 2004:
    Has anyone else seen this or know if this has been identified as a specific bug ... or is a symptom of something else?

    That's the problem. THere IS no timeout for the
    situation you've gotten into, where MMP (or messaging
    server itself) believes a connection exists, and is
    active, but gets no response.That's unfortunate. It sounds like a useful timeout for a number of circumstances.
    The solution is to refresh all connections so you
    don't get into this situation.Unfortunately, the LdapRefreshInterval doesn't appear to be a documented option for 5.2p2, but only for 6. Can you confirm this?
    The overhead of binding and unbinding once every 10
    minutes or so is very, very minimal.Fair enough.
    The latter, if it exists, would be a much more
    precise way of handling our symptom. Well, actually, the real problem is that the
    connection between MMP and LDAP is getting silently
    severed by the load balancer. That's something
    that's BAD for both LDAP and for MMP.
    Causes fd leaks in ldap, as it never knows when to
    close what it beleives is an active connection. It
    will attempt to close, but, since it can never get an
    ack back after the load balancer severs the
    connection, it can't fully close it.
    This is truly a bad situation, and it's easy to fix.
    recycle the connections before the LB cuts you off.It looks like our LB has an idle timeout of 1 hour, with any traffic at all resetting the timer. In other words, it doesn't look like the LB that's causing the wedge. There is also no internal LB probing going on.
    From ulimit/plimit/pfiles output, I've also learned that the slapd user currently has a 65536 FD cap. I've been monitoring the FD usage of the slapd process for the past couple of days, and our LDAP servers have not been getting above 1000. We've also had multiple lockups in that period of time. So running out of FDs may not be causing our problem.
    You're very clear about what you want.
    Unfortunately, you are not correct about what is
    s possible.Perhaps our definitions of 'possible' need some negotiation. :) You're saying that the MMP can't do this today, which I accept as fact. But the pieces are all there, as far as I can see.
    The MMP keep close track of how many queries have been served by a particular LDAP connection, how many are on queue without being serviced, and the age of the existing connection. In other words, the app has all the information necessary to do what I'm describing: notice that a connection hasn't actually gotten a response back in X seconds, and terminate it.
    Since the app doesn't support what I'm yearning for, this is academic at this point, so I agree that it's time to take a different tack. I don't want to appear ungrateful for your responses. I appreciate the time you've spent on this issue with me. I'm just trying to understand the underlying issues.
    So I find myself in these unfortunate circumstances:
    1. 5.2 doesn't lock up.
    2. No other applications using our LDAP are experiencing any hung LDAP connections (neither at the TCP level nor at the LDAP application level), even though they're using the same LB front-end.
    3. From the output of plimit/pfiles, our LDAP servers are configured to handle far more file descriptors than they're consuming. The FD theory appears to not apply.
    4. Our LB is configured to time out after 1 hour of inactivity.
    5. It seems unlikely that any of the LDAP connections coming from the MMPs are reaching the 1-hour threshold, considering how high-volume they are for POP, unless they are distributing queries across connections very asymmetrically. Even at 3am, there are enough people who leave their computers on all night who check every 1 minutes that the connections are almost never idle for more than a few tens of seconds.
    Based on the above, it's hard for me to not conclude that 5.2.p2 appears to either have a regression bug that's causing the wedge itself, or has changed the way that it handles some types of timeouts.
    We cannot use 5.2 because we need a bugfix that is in 5.2p2. We appear to not be able to use 5.2p2 because it has this lockup problem that 5.2 does not.
    My 'strings' search for LdapRefreshInterval on the AService binary and Pop/IMAP libraries turns up nothing. Can you confirm that 5.2p2 does or does not support this feature?
    If not, and the only solution is to use LdapRefreshInterval, do you know if II can run 6.x MMP on our multiplexor boxes and leave 5.2 running on our back-end systems?

  • IMessage waiting for activation. Phone number not listed in Send and Receive at?

    I'm going to try to be as descriptive as possible, as I'm not too sure what else I can possibly do to resolve this issue.
    3 or 4 days ago I requested a number change through my provider. Not knowing that I had to turn off iMessage whilst waiting for the change to occur, I left it on.
    Later that day my friends were complaining that I was sending them texts from two different numbers, one being my new number, one being my old number. The thing is, I'm using the exact same SIM card and it's a little unusual to have two numbers for one SIM. I then realised that iMessage is ONLY registering my iTunes e-mail address and OLD phone number as an option to 'Send and Receive at'. I have spoken to Optus (my provider in Aust.) and Apple, I have gone into an Apple store, had the phone replaced, restored newtwork settings, restored phone altogether, turned on/off iMessage and Facetime, checked date and time, made sure my correct number is listed in Settings > Phone, etc etc etc I've done EVERYTHING listed in all forums that I've read from people experiencing this same issue.
    I can choose to select my old phone number in iMessage, and can then send messages to others using iMessage from the old number, and if I switch it off, I'm then using SMS to send messages, and it's from my new number again! It's very frustrating not having all features on my phone working correctly.
    If I switch iMessages and Facetime on, not using my Apple ID to sign in, it simply says 'waiting for activation' and after a few hours, tells me it was unsucessful and to try again. I'm all out of options now, Optus don't know what to do, Apple don't know what to do and I don't know what else to do! It's been 4 days! Someone please help!?

    Just thought I'd let everybody know how it finally got resolved 1 week later!
    After trying absolutely everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that Apple support, apple forums etc told me to do, the only thing that worked was turning iMessage off, waiting for at least 24 hours at then turning iMessage back on.
    It activated itself within a few minutes, no dramas at all!
    Hope this helps!

  • How to keep same sender file name for receiver mail attachement

      i am working with File to Mail scanario. There i want to pick a flat file from native file system and then send it as email attachment. Now i am able to send the file but the flat is getting converted as an xml file. is there any method to keep the same sender file name and type for receiver mail attachment. i am not using any mail package. i am using XI payload and keep attachments.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes,With out using the mail package u can send the Mail Attachments to the receiver side,
    In that case no need of Integration Repository objects.
    Chck this links.
    If u dont get ur requirement then let me know ur Mail id i will send u a Doc.
    Reward points if Helpful

  • 10g OCP certificate not received(waiting for 2 months)

    I have sent details requested for cetificate processing to [email protected] and given below is the copy of the details.
    Full Name: xxxx
    Oracle Testing id: xxxxx
    Exam Taken : 1Z0-040-ENU: Oracle Database 10g: New Features for Administrators
    Score: 100%
    Email address:xxxxx
    I am waiting for my OCP 10g certificate. I completed the Oracle exam 1Z0-040 on Dec 1,2010  and its been more than 2 months now....
    I completed Oracle 9i OCP in 2007.
    Please let me know why i dint receive the ceritifcate (or anything is needed from my side) and when can i receive the certificate.
    There is no reply from Oracle for couple of my mails.
    I dont know how to escalate this matter and whom to escalate..
    Please guide me...I want this certificate..

    DB wrote:
    Thanks for the reply.
    I have already registered my details with certview. Sorry, I dont like getting sympathies from anyone.
    I figured out the issue.
    Since I completed Oracle 9i OCP with prometric and did 10g OCP with pearson, details of my 9i OCP are not reflecting in Pearson VUE.
    I dont remember the prometric id.
    But once i get the prometric Id, Can you please let me know how to merge the 9i OCP details in pearson VUE site?
    DBOK. .... No sympathy then ;-)
    However .....
    It may (or may not) be you are suffering from having taking exams under two Oracle Testing Id.
    What should have happened is that when you registered with Pearson VUE for your exam you existing Prometric Id should have become your Oracle Testing Id. If however you were allocated a new Oracle Testing Id then the exams will be against two different Oracle Testing Id's, and it will be as if 2 different people have taken the exams.
    Please note exams passed under Prometric will never be shown on the Pearson VUE system .... however exams taken under both Pearson VUE and Prometric will show under Certview. So it is Certview where you need to look.
    If you look under Certview and only see some of your exams, in particular those from Pearson VUE and not Prometric (allowing for lag of a week after you pass them), then you probably have taken exams under two Oracle Testing Ids.
    To Summarise:
    1) If under Certview you can see all of your exams .... then you do not have a problem of having two or more Oracle Testing ID's.
    2) If under certview you can see all of your exams, but you do not have the certfications awarded you expect, then there would appear to be a problem with the pre-requisites Certview (and the Oracle Certification database) thinks you need and you think you need.
    3) If under certview you can see your exams under Pearson VUE, but not under Prometric, then you probably have taken exams under two Oracle Testing Id's. You need to establish both of these and follow the procedure for + I have taken my tests under two different candidate IDs. How can I get these merged? + under the FAQs.
    Basically certview helps to confirm if the certification was actually awarded (and a little investigation should show why it was not) or if the problem was a shipping error.
    rgds - bigdelboy.

  • Broker wait for all receiver to acknowledge before returning from publish()

    Does the broker wait for all receiver to acknowledge before returning from publish()?
    If suppose i had 10 subscribers. I observerd 10th subscriber getting message late. I thought publisher will wait for acknolodge for each subscriber ? else why it getting message late ?

    I assume you are questioning why the subscriber's onMessage() is getting
    called way after the publisher's publish() had returned.
    The JMS publishers only know that it is sending msgs to a destination.
    Whether there are 0 or 100 subscribers to the destination is something it
    doesn't know or care about.
    The message is sent to a destination on the broker first and then it is
    delivered to the subscribers of the destination.
    The publisher's publish() method will not return until the message has
    been successfully delivered (and persisted if necessary) to the broker.
    Note that this does not mean that the message has been successfully
    received by any subscribers.

  • Iphone 3 doesn't send or receive text Imessage waiting for activation

    my iphone 3 doesn;t send or receive text messages   under settings, Imessage is waiting for activation.  I have downloaded Itunes again but still doesnt work

    Do you have iMessage on? I couldn't send iMessages and still don't know how to fix it. I switched it off and the phone started sending plain "green" SMS.

  • CSS is not ready. Received status 3 from CSS. Waiting for good status ..

    Hi gurus
    I am patching CRS Installation to on a two-nodes RAC,I have finished the first node patch.But
    When I ran root102.sh required by the Installer,I encounterd the problem as follows:
    WARNING: directory '/oracle/app/oracle/product/10g' is not owned by root
    WARNING: directory '/oracle/app/oracle/product' is not owned by root
    WARNING: directory '/oracle/app/oracle' is not owned by root
    WARNING: directory '/oracle/app' is not owned by root
    WARNING: directory '/oracle' is not owned by root
    Preparing to recopy patched init and RC scripts.
    Recopying init and RC scripts.
    Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.
    Starting up the CRS daemons.
    Waiting for the patched CRS daemons to start.
    This may take a while on some systems.
    Timed out waiting for the CRS daemons to start. Look at the
    system message file and the CRS log files for diagnostics
    And in the crsd.log file,I saw a lot of these:
    +2010-03-29 15:47:22.336: [ COMMCRS][903]clsc_connect: (600000000033e030) no listener at (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=OCSSD_LL_njzdb12+
    +2010-03-29 15:47:22.336: [ CSSCLNT][1]clsssInitNative: connect failed, rc 9+
    +2010-03-29 15:47:22.337: [  CRSRTI][1] CSS is not ready. Received status 3 from CSS. Waiting for good+
    And the output of ps command:
    +njzdb12[oracle/app/oracle/product/10g/crs/log/njzdb12/crsd]#ps -ef | grep css+
    root  8676     1  0 15:35:13 ?         0:00 /bin/sh /sbin/init.d/init.cssd oclsomon
    root  8957     1  0 15:35:30 ?         0:00 /bin/sh /sbin/init.d/init.cssd fatal
    oracle  8801  8676  0 15:35:14 ?         0:00 /bin/sh -c cd /oracle/app/oracle/product/10g/crs/log/njzdb12/cssd/oclsomon; ulimit -c unlimited; /oracle/app/oracle/product/10g
    root  6464     1  0 15:26:27 ?         0:00 /bin/sh /sbin/init.d/init.cssd oclsomon
    root 12554  6123  0 15:54:00 pts/ta    0:00 grep css
    oracle  6587  6464  0 15:26:27 ?         0:00 /bin/sh -c cd /oracle/app/oracle/product/10g/crs/log/njzdb12/cssd/oclsomon; ulimit -c unlimited; /oracle/app/oracle/product/10g
    What could be the problem and how to overcome this?
    Thank you very much.
    Edited by: KevinMao on Mar 29, 2010 12:54 AM
    Edited by: KevinMao on Mar 29, 2010 12:55 AM

    hi gurus
    And from ossd.log I saw the following:
    Oracle Database 10g CRS Release Production Copyright 1996, 2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:20.221 >USER: Copyright 2010, Oracle version
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:20.221 >USER: CSS daemon log for node njzdb12, number 2, in cluster crs+
    +[  clsdmt]Listening to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=njzdb12DBG_CSSD))+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:20.230 [1] >TRACE: clssscmain: local-only set to false+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:20.240 [1] >TRACE: clssnmReadNodeInfo: added node 1 (njzdb11) to cluster+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:20.247 [1] >TRACE: clssnmReadNodeInfo: added node 2 (njzdb12) to cluster+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:20.255 [5] >TRACE: clssnm_skgxninit: initialized skgxn version (2/0/Hewlett-Packard SKGXN 2.0+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:30.296 [1] >TRACE: clssnmNMInitialize: misscount set to (600)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:30.298 [1] >TRACE: clssnmNMInitialize: Network heartbeat thresholds are: impending reconfig 300000 ms,+
    reconfig start (misscount) 600000 ms
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:30.303 [1] >TRACE: clssnmDiskStateChange: state from 1 to 2 disk (0//dev/vgcrs1/rvote_256m_01)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:30.304 [6] >TRACE: clssnmvDPT: spawned for disk 0 (/dev/vgcrs1/rvote_256m_01)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:30.307 [1] >TRACE: clssnmDiskStateChange: state from 1 to 2 disk (1//dev/vgcrs2/rvote_256m_02)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:30.308 [7] >TRACE: clssnmvDPT: spawned for disk 1 (/dev/vgcrs2/rvote_256m_02)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:30.310 [1] >TRACE: clssnmDiskStateChange: state from 1 to 2 disk (2//dev/vgcrs3/rvote_256m_03)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:30.312 [8] >TRACE: clssnmvDPT: spawned for disk 2 (/dev/vgcrs3/rvote_256m_03)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.314 [6] >TRACE: clssnmDiskStateChange: state from 2 to 4 disk (0//dev/vgcrs1/rvote_256m_01)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.314 [7] >TRACE: clssnmDiskStateChange: state from 2 to 4 disk (1//dev/vgcrs2/rvote_256m_02)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.317 [9] >TRACE: clssnmvKillBlockThread: spawned for disk 0 (/dev/vgcrs1/rvote_256m_01) initial sleep+
    interval (1000)ms
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.317 [10] >TRACE: clssnmvKillBlockThread: spawned for disk 1 (/dev/vgcrs2/rvote_256m_02) initial slee+
    p interval (1000)ms
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.318 [6] >TRACE: clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(1) is down. rcfg(9) wrtcnt(8169) LATS(5115064) Disk las+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.318 [7] >TRACE: clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node(1) is down. rcfg(9) wrtcnt(8169) LATS(5115065) Disk las+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.324 [8] >TRACE: clssnmDiskStateChange: state from 2 to 4 disk (2//dev/vgcrs3/rvote_256m_03)+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.326 [11] >TRACE: clssnmvKillBlockThread: spawned for disk 2 (/dev/vgcrs3/rvote_256m_03) initial slee+
    p interval (1000)ms
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.327 [1] >ERROR: Internal Error Information:+
    Category: 1234
    Operation: scls_scr_setval
    Location: open
    Other: cant open file
    Dep: 2
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.327 [1] >ERROR: clssscSclsFatal: failure 8 reading fatal mode+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.327 [1] >ERROR: ###################################+
    +[    CSSD]2010-03-29 16:31:32.327 [1] >ERROR: clssscExit: CSSD aborting+

  • I ordered two iphone 6 devices on 10/1/2014, one has shipped and will arrive tomorrow, the other is still saying ship by 10/24.  Others have already gotten their phones and I am still waiting, even received the envelope to send my old phone back for trade

    I ordered two iphone 6 devices on 10/1/2014, one has shipped and will arrive tomorrow, the other is still saying ship by 10/24.  Others have already gotten their phones and I am still waiting, even received the envelope to send my old phone back for trade in program but still no word on my iphone shipment?  What is going on?

    Hi Brian1676,
    I am sure that you are excited about the arrival of your new phones. I don't blame you! We are certainly working hard to get these out as fast as we get shipments in from Apple. Have you checked your order status' here: http://bit.ly/RjmCUB? This is the most up to date information that we have available. Once the device becomes available in our warehouse, we will ship it out to you. I hope you receive it soon!
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Anyone still waiting for xgrade? Or: I still haven't received my discs....

    Hi all,
    I ordered my XGrade discs on 2/7, and they were shipped on 2/29. I am in Los Angeles. I still haven't received them, and I am getting a little antsy.
    THe email describes media mail as '3-7 days' (I am beyond that now) and I don't think it can be tracked....
    Is anyone else still waiting for their crossgrade discs to arrive, with a similar ship date as mine ?

    Media mail IS totally dependent on the originating post office. Some have managers/supervisors who say: If it comes in today, it goes out today. Others could give a rat's behind, and they let it pile up in a big hamper. When it gets too heavy to deal with, they load it on a truck to go to a sorting station.
    don't get me started on the postal service. If junk mailers had to pay full freight on all the cr@p they send, OUR rates would still be about 14 cents for first class.
    When did we all stop being citizens and start being consumers? We are subsidizing the junk mailers. My favorite revenge is taking one mailers stuff and putting it in another's prepaid envelope and sending it. If we all did that, maybe SOMEONE would wake up to the whole stupidity of junk mail.
    OK-- off soapbox now.

  • I dropped my iPhone 4 & cracked its screen. Apple wants me to pay for replacement unit (I agree), turn in my old phone (??) & wait for 6 days (no problem). What do I do to access emails, Internet & make/receive calls during these 6 days?

    I dropped my iPhone 4 & cracked its screen. I went to the service center to get it repaired. SInce it is not under warranty, i was willing to pay for repair charges.
    They told me that the screen can not be repaired or changed, but they can replace my damaged set with an equivalent set, on payment of RM 760, roughly, 25-30% cost of a new one. I agreed.
    They told me to:
    1/ pay upfront
    2/ leave my old set with them
    3/ and the replacement unit will be delivered in 4-6 days.
    I agreed on 1& 3 but not to leave my damaged set with them because it is still working and I don't have another spare phone with me, to serve me the 4-6 day waiting period.
    THe service center guy told me that if I want a replacement, I have to agree to all 3 conditions and that I should buy another phone for 6 days. I told him that I constantly need email & Internet access, as part of my work responsibilities, so I can not do with a simple phone. It obviously, doesn't make sense to buy an expensive smart phone, go thru the trouble of transferring my data & mails & contacts - just for a week.
    Unfortunately, all these logics fell on deaf ears & the service centre guy kept insisting on ALL of the above conditions.
    I came back so flustered & upset.
    I thought customer service was about solving problems & not creating hurdles for customers.
    what should I do?
    ANy advice?

    What would you do for transportation if you drove your car into a tree and had to wait while it was fixed? You'd need to rent, borrow or buy another car, no? The same applies to your phone. This is not Apple's problem; if the service center does not have replacements in stock for immediate swap-out, then it's up to you to provide a backup device or do without.
    If you're in a country where Apple provides direct service for iPhones, you may be able to call Apple support and arrange for advance replacement, where they send you the replacement phone and then you send back the old one. Apple offers such service in several countries, though you have to pay an extra fee for the service. If not, then you'll just have to wait for the service center to get in the replacement, and will have to arrange an alternative to use during that time.

  • My sync won't start. It stays on step 1. waiting for sync to start, then i receive a notification that it cant

    My sync won't work, it can't start past step 1

    I've been having the same problem. It would either get stuck at "Waiting for changes to be applied" or "Waiting for items to copy". My last successful sync was on 10/15. Tried a number of times either via wifi or direct connect.
    Solved it in the following fashion:
    Connected the phone to the computer via Lightning cable.
    My phone was set to back-up to iCloud. Changed that setting to back up to the computer.
    Unchecked the "Sync Music" option under the music tab.
    Hit apply.
    After a wait - the back-up completed and all the music was removed from my phone.
    Once it was done, re-checked "Sync Music" - it got past "Waiting for Changes to be Applied" at this point.

Maybe you are looking for