Walled Garden Functionality

We have 18 controllers running
We have a captive portal page for our guest access WLAN using web passthrough.
We have a custom Accept Page. Our legaleese on that page is sooooooo long that I want to know if we can simply place a URL on our custome Accept Page pointing that boilerplate language. So if, on the outside chance, someone actually wanted to read the terms of use and clicked the URL - the server hosting that page would have to be in the walled garden because the user would have not yet clicked the Accept Page allowing them hotspot access.
I can't see many configuration options in the WLC Web Auth menus other than a External Webauth URL field where we have the URL to our lengthy Accept Page.
Can this be done?

Since you are already using an external web auth URL, can't you just add some extra java script (or someting) to the code for your web auth page that would simply open up another window to display the text when the user clicks a button?

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    I have run packet captures of an iPhone and iPad attempting to get to the app store servers, and it appears to be attempting to connect to many many many servers - too many to load each one individually into the firewall. I believe apple uses some DNS magic for redundancy an simplicity but I cannot seem to find the right combination to allow this.
    Is there anyone else out there that has solved this problem? or if anyone knows a better place I could ask this question that would be great.
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    Thank you,

    Thank you for the response!
    Yes you are correct (sorry I am not a software guy so I dont run into it used that way at all).
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    Ah!  I am having the same problem!  All charging methods were working fine, and all of a sudden only the computer charger works.  I've got two cables, and both charge via computer, and neither charge via the wall or car charger.  The connection automatically starts the iPod, but charging does not occur.  Have you resolved this issue yet?  Thanks!

  • Problem oraganizing a page

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    When this was done I opened the HTML page I just created in Dreamweaver.
    The source code at this point is:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    I then got the table code from my current website which is:
    <table border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#C0C0C0" height="94">
        <td width="11%" align="center" height="94">
        <b><font size="2" face="Arial">
        <a href="ECCOM13079.htm">
        <img border="0" src="Pictures/ECCOM13079/ECCOM13079-1.jpg" width="120" height="89"></a></font></b></td>
        <td width="10%" align="center" height="94"><b><font size="2" face="Arial">
        <td width="8%" align="center" height="94"><b><font size="2" face="Arial">
        <td width="64%" height="94" align="justify">
       <p style="text-align:justify">
        <b><font face="Arial" size="2">
        Great opportunity to purchase a freehold bar with
        exceptional living accommodation adjacent. Both the bar and house have
        recently undergone extensive and high quality renovations. The house
        comprises of large lounge with separate dining area, fully fitted kitchen, 2
        bedrooms and a modern family bathroom. Spiral stairs from the living area
        lead to a sunny roof terrace with sea views. The bar comes with a tenant
        providing an income and has good trade all year
        with tourists in the summer months and long term residences over the winter
        period and offers good indoor and outdoor space along with a fully equipped
        kitchen. Ref: ECCOM13079</font></b></td>
        <td width="11%" align="center" height="94"><a href="EC29111.htm">
        <img border="0" src="Pictures/EC29111/EC29111-1.jpg" width="120" height="89"></a></td>
        <td width="10%" align="center" height="94">
        <font face="Arial" size="2"><b>NERJA</b></font></td>
        <td width="8%" align="center" height="94">
        <font face="Arial" size="2"><b>€475,000</b></font></td>
        <td width="64%" height="94" align="justify">
        <p style="text-align:justify"><font face="Arial"><b>
        <font size="2">This </font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">lovely villa is
        hidden in secluded walled gardens just 10 minutes walk from Nerja Town
        centre in the </font></span><font size="2">desirable </font>
        <span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">Exotica</font></span><font size="2"> ar</font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">ea
        of </font></span><font size="2">Nerja</font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">.
        A 180 m2 villa s</font></span><font size="2">tanding on a promin</font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">e</font></span><font size="2">nt
        raised plot </font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">of 600m2, </font>
        </span><font size="2">with stunning views </font><span lang="EN-GB">
        <font size="2">whilst </font></span><font size="2">affording a high level of
        privacy. The </font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">1st floor of the
        property</font></span><font size="2"> has </font><span lang="EN-GB">
        <font size="2">an open plan</font></span><font size="2"> lounge</font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">
        / diner / kitchen, with traditional beamed ceiling leading to a very large
        sunny terrace with a sea view.  The kitchen is ultra modern and fitted to a
        high standard with granite surfaces. The rest of the furnishings give a
        super contemporary finish within a Spanish Cortijo. Also on this level are 2
        good sized bedrooms with fitted wardrobes serviced by a modern family
        bathroom. On the ground floor level ther</font></span><font size="2">e
        </font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">are 2 further bedroom and a very
        large family bathroom. In addition there is a </font></span><font size="2">
        laundry room, </font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">and an enormous
        storage area opening up further possibilities. O</font></span><font size="2">ut</font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">side
        are several </font></span><font size="2">dining areas plus an outdoor BBQ
        kitchen. The </font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">grounds</font></span><font size="2">
        ha</font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">ve</font></span><font size="2"> a
        nice secure feel with mature gardens</font><span lang="EN-GB"><font size="2">,
        and plenty of space, with a private driveway and plenty of parking. </font>
        </span><span lang="ES"><font size="2">This is a must view to
        appreciate…..Ref: EC29111</font></span></b></font></td>
        <td width="11%" align="center"><a href="EC13113.htm">
        <img border="0" src="Pictures/EC13113/EC13113.jpg" width="120" height="90"></a></td>
        <td width="10%" align="center"><b><font size="2" face="Arial">CORTIJO SAN
        RAFAEL</font></b><p><b><font face="Arial" size="2">(Nerja - Frigiliana)</font></b><p>  </td>
        <td width="8%" align="center"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">
        <font color="#FF0000">SOLD</font><br>
        €495,000</font><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#FF0000"><br>
        REDUCED FROM €595,000 FOR
        FAST SALE</font></b></td>
        <td width="64%" align="justify"><p style="text-align:justify">
        <b><font face="Arial" size="2">
        Constructed in 2000 for the present owners own occupation, this is a
        delightful detached villa of some 230m2 on a southwest facing plot of
        1720m2, located just a few kilometres from Nerja town centre and the award
        winning hillside village of Frigiliana on the areas most exclusive
        residential estate, Cortijo San Rafael. On entering the property you are
        greeted by a pleasant hallway which in turn leads to a bright and spacious
        open plan lounge kitchen dining room with patio doors leading to covered
        terracing with lovely views ideal for dining alfresco. Also on this level
        are two double bedrooms with built in wardrobe and a family bathroom. A
        marble staircase from the hallway leads to a good size master bedroom with
        en-suite bathroom and both covered and open terraces with lovely sea and
        mountain views. Below the main property with its own access is a charming
        apartment comprising of a open plan lounge, kitchen dining room, a double
        bedroom and shower room. The apartment also benefits from its own terrace
        space. Externally the plot is well planted with several mature pine trees
        giving a peaceful country feel and is easily maintained. There is a good
        size private pool surrounded ample sunbathing terraces and a BBQ area. A
        large driveway with parking for several cars leads to a good size garage.
        The property could be easily extended if required as the current
        construction is well below the limits for this plot. Ref: EC13113</td>
        <td width="11%" align="center"><a href="EC04093.htm">
        <img border="0" src="Pictures/EC04093/EC04093.jpg" width="120" height="90"></a></td>
        <td width="10%" align="center"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">NERJA</font></b></td>
        <td width="8%" align="center"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">€495,000</font></b></td>
        <td width="64%" align="justify"><p style="text-align:justify"><font face="Arial"><b>
        <font size="2">
        Built by the present owner for their own occupation this is a delightful
        south facing detached villa of some 148m2. Ideally located in a quiet
        residential area it is within a stones throw of local shops and bars and
        comfortable walking distance to the town centre and the famous Burriana
        Beach. The spacious accommodation over two floors comprises of a large
        L-shaped lounge dining room with an attractive feature fireplace and wide
        patio doors to a large covered terrace with lovely sea views. Also on this
        level are a large fitted kitchen, separate utility room and cloakroom with
        shower. The sleeping accommodation on the upper level comprises of a large
        master bedroom with a fantastic en-suite bathroom and patio doors to a
        magnificent private terrace with tremendous sea and mountain views. There
        are two further very spacious double bedrooms with built-in wardrobes and a
        very large family bathroom. Externally the property has a fantastic 8x4
        metre private swimming pool with sun terrace and BBQ area. Sold furnished. Ref: EC04093</td>
    I paste this code just before the end body tag. when i preview in browser i see that there is a massive gap between my menu bar and the table.
    Gyazo - 9b71d252216aff6bf7a9b8f3691d94f2.png
    how can i delete this gap?

    Managed to do it!
    Thanks for offering to help me though Nancy!
    I have got another problem but it is slightly different problem so i created a new thread, if you could kindly look at the thread and give your advice I would appreciate it.
    edit accordion widget

  • An Important AS3-based Multi-Platform Framework for Developers and Adobe

    Hello to all developers and to all representatives at Adobe!
    We're all fortunate for Adobe's progressive thinking and their immensely helpful programs to battle against device fragmentation.  In order to advance our efforts, we, as developers, must also permit our creative juices to flow to allow the cup of opportunity to runneth over -- not just for our and Adobe's benefit, but for the benefit of businesses and consumers who demand innovation.
    There are, however, barries in the shape of human form that deter potential developers, businesses, and consumers from embracing and capitalizing on such a powerful platform.  These obstructions aren't only coming from behind walled gardens; unfortunately, they're entrenched within our own camp.
    Ignoring rules of optimization and taking careless shortcuts, combined with not possessing an optimized and simplified alternative to targeting a wide range of browers and devices in one fell swoop, are the ammunition needed for skeptics to plant seeds of doubt about such a useful and future-proof ecosystem.
    Much like any platform and object-oriented programming language, the Flash Platform and ActionScript 3 are powerful weapons that must be wielded with responsiblity, or risk creating wounds that, in the minds of consumers, aren't easily healed.
    And since this is OUR responsibility, I've decided to take on that burden...which then became a challenge...which soon became the innovative answer we so deperately need.
    As an offering to my fellow developers, and as a proposal to Adobe -- the company in which I'm devoted to -- I've created an OOP-based framework that simplifies the process of developing optimized applications that cover a broad spectrum of browsers and devices.
    It's called Cross Model View Controller™, or XMVC™ for short, and it offers the following features:
    -Imagine using one base source code -- which you build just once -- to target a multitude of platforms: from smartphones and tablets, to desktops and browsers, and even to smart televisions.
    -Your concrete View classes determine the layout of components and animations for each targeted device; once your base classes are built, your concrete View classes are the ONLY classes that require alteration (see diagram).
    -Utilize the flexibility of the XMVC UI Components to work across ALL devices and browsers.  You simply specify the platform type (mobile, desktop, browser, or television) in the concrete view classes, and the XMVC UI Components do the rest.
         Example: The XMVC Container (which holds child elements and incorporates scrolling): When set to "mobile," it incorporates touch scrolling; when set to "desktop" or "browser," it incorporates a scroll bar; when set to "television," its scrolling is controlled by remote control directional events, as well as incorporates virtual directional buttons.  And this is all from ONE instance of the XMVC Container component; this eliminates switching out various types of containers for each targeted device.
    -Animations are created using Greensock's TweenMax platform, for lightweight, optimized animations.
    -For complete orientation control, you can assign custom animations for orientation changes.  It even incorporates an Upside Down view for Android devices.
    -You can allow users the preference of turning animations on or off, with a flip of a switch (litteraly).
    -XMVC automatically removes event listeners for better Garbage Collection processing.
    -XMVC accepts various data structures, including XML, PHP/AMFPHP with SQL, SAP, and HTTP Web Services.  It would be incredibly beneficial to allow incorporation of ColdFusion, LiveCycle Data Services, and BlazeDS data structures, as well.
    Necessity is indeed the mother of invention, and possessing and utilizing a powerful tool is necessary to progress our efforts in reaching an abundant amount of individuals and entities.
    The primary functionality of the framework (as displayed in the diagram) is complete; improving and adding additional XMVC components are the primary objective at this point of the development stage.
    Very soon, I will upload the source code to an outlet (such as Google Code) for developers to download and experiment.  Within the same timeframe, anticipate demo apps within App Markets to test on your devices.
    Adobe has such an incredible development community, and my hope is that XMVC provides these developers, as well as Adobe, an incredible amount of leverage to persuade businesses, consumers, as well as other developers to embrace and utilize a platform that can withstand the change of time.
    Imagine businesses excelling beyond their self-imposed barries due to the robustness and flexibility of a platform and framework that can function in any environment.
    Imagine liberating consumers to allow them to use your applications whenever, wherever, and on WHATever they desire.
    Think of the possibilities of quickly submitting applications -- with very little, or no, alterations to your programs -- once device manufacturers like Windows Mobile, webOS, and Symbian finally accept Adobe AIR.
    If there are developers out there who share the same sentiment, and if there are Adobe representatives who find this framework intriguing and effective, by all means, contact me.
    The possiblities are endless...so must be our efforts.
    Onward and upward,
    Adrian-Cortez Jackson
    [email protected]

    Thanks for posting.

  • Hello, are there many others having problems with creating Genius Playlists from their iPhone 5's

    Hello People,
    are there many others experiencing problems creating Genius Playlists from their iPhone 5's???
    I have a 64GB Black iPhone 5 and a 32GB White iPhone 5, I have recently performed a fresh install (wiped phone memory and installed Apps individually again) yet even after this and no less then several calls to Apple I am still unable to create a genius playlist on either phone. The message I receive after hitting the Genius "star" is "The operation couldn't be completed. Operation timed out" Operation timed out."
    I have tried this also on 3G and receive the same message........

    Lawrence Finch
    ShadowDancer1000 wrote:
    I wish Apple would have provided more detail on how it worked. I wouldn't have posted this if I new that SMS & Mac Calling had nothing to do with Bluetooth pairing.
    You mean like this? Get help using Continuity with iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite
    Please note how Apple articulates this though.
    Check your settings
    Check the following settings on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch:
    Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn on Wi-Fi if necessary.
    Make sure your iOS devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network by going to Settings > Wi-Fi and comparing the name of the network each is on.
    Go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn on Bluetooth if necessary.
    Go to Settings > General > Handoff & Suggested Apps and make sure Handoff is on.
    Go to Settings > Phone. If you see Wi-Fi Calling, turn it off.
    Sometimes things have to be explained in more detail for the general consumer who has been conditioned for decades to think about wireless  cellphone audio / light data to [anything other device else] connectivity in a certain fashion. That is to say Bluetooth dependent ...
    For the non-technical person, which overwhelmingly many Apple users are, they would see that bulleted point and think if Bluetooth is not paired and active, then they would not received the full scope of their Continuity features.
    It would have been better for the copywriter who wrote this to (*) footnote this entry and explain that while Bluetooth recognition may be necessary between Yosemite and iPhone, SMS Push to iMessage and Mac Calling does not require an actively paired connection as these functions are dependent on iCloud and both devices being registered on the same WiFi network.
    Thank you to all who helped me get my mind around and figure this out.
    It has also opened my eyes to how iCloud has become a critical link in Apple's overall walled garden  and business strategy.

  • IPhone 5's Bluetooth Not Staying Connecting For Continuity Support on Yosemite

    Macbook Pro Mid-2010 running OSX 10.10.2
    Iphone 5 running iOS 8.1.3
    *NOTE: I understand that due to the version of the Bluetooth protocol in my machine, not all continuity features are available (Handoff, Air Drop, MBP Instant Hotspot)
    However SMS to IMessage and the ability to make and receive calls from my Mac should be OK according to Apple's system requirements one-sheeter:
    System requirements for Continuity on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac - Apple Support
    ================================================================================ =====================
    Here's my problem.
    I finally took the plunge last night and updated my iPhone 5 from 7.1 to 8.1.3 to access the iCloud Drive and additional continuity features integrated into Yosemite.
    When I tried to pair my iPhone 5 with my MBP over Bluetooth, all seemed to go well for the first 5 seconds.
    - Both devices were in discovery mode.
    - Mac saw the phone and displayed a security code
    - iPhone displayed the same security code and asked if I would like to pair with MBP
    - Pairing took place. Each devices Bluetooth profile / device showed up in my MBP Bluetooth's Preferences  and in my iPhone's Bluetooth.
    - 5 seconds later, there's no connection between devices.
    My iPhone displays:
    "Connection Unsuccessful: Make sure [Macbook Pro] is turned on and in range." (The phone is 5 inches away)
    Then sometimes I get this message:
    "Connection Unsuccessful: [Macbook Pro] is not supported.
    No rhyme or reason between the two either.
    Here's the baffling part: When I activate my Phone's HotSpot function, the Bluetooth works and connects with my MBP allowing it to use my cell phone network's data for internet connectivity.
    I don't understand what is going on or how to correct this? Can anyone succinctly explain how to correct this problems in layman terms?
    If the devices can communicate long enough to exchange security codes and verify their identities, then use Hotspot,  there is clearly a data exchange happening. Where is the break down taking place when it comes time to stay connected to so I can continue to use the limited continuity features.
    I've seen this question posted before by people having problems with many different model years of MBP including the most recents models, so I know it's not mutually exclusive to my model year, but cannot seem to find clarity on an answer.

    Lawrence Finch
    ShadowDancer1000 wrote:
    I wish Apple would have provided more detail on how it worked. I wouldn't have posted this if I new that SMS & Mac Calling had nothing to do with Bluetooth pairing.
    You mean like this? Get help using Continuity with iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite
    Please note how Apple articulates this though.
    Check your settings
    Check the following settings on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch:
    Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn on Wi-Fi if necessary.
    Make sure your iOS devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network by going to Settings > Wi-Fi and comparing the name of the network each is on.
    Go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn on Bluetooth if necessary.
    Go to Settings > General > Handoff & Suggested Apps and make sure Handoff is on.
    Go to Settings > Phone. If you see Wi-Fi Calling, turn it off.
    Sometimes things have to be explained in more detail for the general consumer who has been conditioned for decades to think about wireless  cellphone audio / light data to [anything other device else] connectivity in a certain fashion. That is to say Bluetooth dependent ...
    For the non-technical person, which overwhelmingly many Apple users are, they would see that bulleted point and think if Bluetooth is not paired and active, then they would not received the full scope of their Continuity features.
    It would have been better for the copywriter who wrote this to (*) footnote this entry and explain that while Bluetooth recognition may be necessary between Yosemite and iPhone, SMS Push to iMessage and Mac Calling does not require an actively paired connection as these functions are dependent on iCloud and both devices being registered on the same WiFi network.
    Thank you to all who helped me get my mind around and figure this out.
    It has also opened my eyes to how iCloud has become a critical link in Apple's overall walled garden  and business strategy.

  • Westnell 7500 wirelss connection headache

    I'm having major problems setting up my wireless network. I received a Westnell 7500 to replace my old modem which I had connected to a D-Link router. I have an iMac that runs Snow Leopard and my wireless network operated fine up until my router died. I can browse the internet just fine with my wired computer but when i go to connect any of my wireless devices (iPod Touch, Wii, PS3) to the network i receive an internet connection fail signal from each device. On my PS3 I set thru the Network Setup screen and when I test my connection it is able to obtain my IP address but fails when it tries to connect to the internet.
    I've downloaded the In-Home Agent which was no help and have called Verizon customer support numerous times. I was told that I need to purchase the Advanced Customer Support  Package to solve this problem, which seems ridiculous to me since I had no problem connecting these devices with my previous modem/router combo. When I try to reset my network using non-Verizon supported modem/routed combos i get stuck in the Walled Garden and am forced to call Support and receive the same run around about the Advanced Customer Support  Package.
    I'm at my wits end with this problem and would really appreciate any assistance with this problem. I like Verizon's DSL, when functioning properly, and no do wish to switch ISP's, but this problem has been unresolved for a month and I see no other choice but go to a company that is more willing to assist me with their products.
    Thanks for the help in advance

    It MAY be as simple as the network password setup. When I switched to Verizon from Comcast, I already had a wireless network setup with a long WPA password allowing all my devices to connect securely. The default WEP settings of the 7500 won't be recognized by your devices. Go into your advanced settings of your modem after loggong on. You'll need to enter a user name and password for that section -- use something you can easily remember but NOT "admin" or "password". You can then select your security -- even though Verizon defaults to WEP, that's the least secure so I'd go with WPA. You can then enter the old pass code setup and SSID you had before or configure a new one -- just be sure all your devices have the same code or they won't be able to log on to the network.
    ALSO -- if you ever need to use the red reset button on the 7500, you will  lose all your settings and will need to re-enter the passcode. I found that out by bitter experience.

  • Belle, E7, Exchange mail, freeze, hang

    Severe problem with Belle.
    email acess is most of what I need; don't have many applications, don't have any running.  
    Have an Exchange mail account but if I reply to or send any message the screen becomes totally unresponsive. 
    Physical buttons still work, phone is not completely frozen - just can't do *anything* with it.
    Power cycle restores functionality until email is accessed again.
    Phone is basically useless now. 
    Also: Is this related to Lync? I will never have any use for Lync but it always runs despite unchecking 'run at start', and it seems to hang waiting for a Lync server service that doesn't exist.
    I love the idea of Lync but my comany doesn't use it, so... uninstall....
    ETA: Uninstalled Lync, problem persists. Replied to an email and now the phone is inoperable.

    How long? The answer is 11 days.  Worked fine until this morning, now entering Exchange messages freezes the touchscreen.
    A hard reset every 11 days is not going to work for me.  No other Nokia phone in sight suits my needs, so this will be the end of the line for us. 
    Really hate all the alternatives. Walled garden iOS or cludgy invasive Android.  Would have bought a 950 in a blink.

  • BBSM content filtering

    We are keen to introduce wlan hotspots in our libraries to allow the public access to the internet, however we really require content filtering. Has anyone out there managed to filter content while using the BBSM? Can the BBSM perform content filtering at all or is the functionality limited to the "walled garden" feature? Can a proxy running Webmarshal or similar be used along with the BBSM?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Scott,
    We use a product called SurfControl on a Windows box to filter web traffic that flows through the BBSM. We set up a SPAN (or monitor) session on the switch to which both the BBSM and SurfControl Server are connected. I have not tried the built-in ISA feature in the BBSM, but it is my understanding the you can do filtering and monitoring with this feature enabled.

  • Actiontec GT784WNV modem ISSUE

    I was unable to remotely access my devices connected to my Actiontec GT784WNV home network. I sent someone to my home and upon accessing  In the "status tab" connection status showed that the Broadband was "connected", however the ISP was "connecting" and continuously refreshing to try to get a connection. Hitting disconnect and connect buttons did not help. He also rebooted the gateway. The last resort was to go to "Quick Set Up" and enter my username and password. This fixed the problem and enabled me to go on-line and remotely access my devices. Upon contacting Verizon cust. support, they told me that there was a problem at the Verizon central office that caused my modem to go into default mode. When this happens, I can not access my devices remotely and can not get on the internet at home location. The only way to fix is for me to be at home and go to "Quick Set Up", and and enter my username and password as described above.  When I am far away from home, it is physically impossible for me to locally log onto the modem to do "quick Set Up" and fix the issue. Also, since there is no internet connection, I can not perform this function remotely. I have to pay someone to physically come to my house and perform the "quick set up" so that I can again access my remote devices. Is there anything I can do or add that will prevent or easily solve this issue when it happens again? I do not want to have to continuously pay someone to come to my house everytime this issue occurs. Too bad that Verizon tech support is unable to fix this issue for me when I call them with this issue when I am away from home. They say that someone MUST be at home to locally access the modem. Thank you.

    In the past, there have been some known issues with the older ActionTec gateways losing their configuration. For a start, try this: *note, I am not very familiarized with the ActionTec gateways*
    Configure the modem the way you like it, and save the configuration if possible via the Advanced page if such an option exists. Now, reboot the modem. If your options do not save, the modem isn't writing data back to the NVRAM. If you were able to save a copy of your configuration file to the computer, try to load it back into the modem. Once loaded back, reboot the modem once more and see if it stores your configuration.
    Alternatively, try this:
    Press the reset button on the back of the modem down for 30 seconds, and then swith it off for 30 seconds while holding the reset button down. From there, power the unit on for 30 seconds, and then release the reset button. Allow the modem to reboot, and then log into the modems' Web UI to perform the quick setup again. See if after rebooting the modem once again using the power switch, you are able to maintain your configuration.
    Make sure you are shutting off the Walled Garden! is the URL to the Walled Garden. It should be disabled. The login username and password is the same used to access the Web UI of the modem itself.
    If the modem isn't retaining your information, ask Verizon for a replacement device. They have to fix the firmware bug causing that to occur.
    The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

  • Several Pro Audio Questions re FCPX

    I'm a composer and music producer who uses Logic and Pro Tools.
    I'm wondering how I would deal with the following scenario:
    Footage is captured into FCX and edited. At this point I would like to export the audio (only on location sound from the footage) to PT with video.
    In Pro Tools or Logic I would score and mix the final soundtrack.
    My questions are....
    1 What frame rate would be correct to use in that this footage will be captured via Firewire from an amateur Sony handcam?
    2  What would be the suggested settings from exporting the audio from FCX for use in a 44.1/24 bit Pro Tools session? Or should that PT session be set to 48?
    And should I assume Pro Tools would be set to the same frame rate as the video capture was done in FCX?
    3 A reference video would need to be output from FCX  for use in PT during mixing/scoring....what would be the best way to do this?
    4 Finally, once the mix was done in Pro Tools, I assume I would create a master stereo file (at 48K?) and that this would easily be able to be imported back into FCX and used in place of the original source audio for the final output.
    Thanks and sorry for all the questions..but if you don't ask....

    Tom Wolsky wrote:
    3. There is no reference output function in FCP.
    There should be.
    Apple ignores the fact that there are other ouput formats that customers demand besides Apple formats.  Yet FCPX and Compressor only output formats compatible with Apple products.  The "walled garden" approach of Apple overall is fine, but for "professional" apps like FCPX, it limits the capability of the professionals using the app.  That's just plain stupid.
    This is supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL product, right?  So why doesn't it offer output options that professionals would need?
    The best way to do this is to allow for QUICK TIME REFERENCE files, so editors can bring the reference file into a third-party encoding app (like Sorenson Squeeze, to name one) that will allow the editor output to a variety of non-Apple formats (Windows Media, for example).  (And for what it's worth, Squeeze is also much, much, much faster at encoding than Apple Compressor.)
    Yeah, you can output a self-contained Quick Time file and than re-encode that.  But to use a self-contained QT file as an intermediate file from which you'd encode another file, the best bet is to output the highest quality possible QT file.  So you're going to output an ENORMOUS file (what if the sequence is an hour or longer?  It could be tens of GBs.)  All this, just to create an intermediate file from which to encode the final output.  An enormous waste of time and hard drive space.  Whereas a QT Reference file is usually only KBs in size, as it's only a pointer file.
    Apple needs to pull their head out of their azz on this and make Quick Time Reference as an available output option.  To not allow it is to prevent FCPX from being a "professional" app.  And every pro editor knows it.

  • E3000 Cascade - disables Cisco Connect

    I have a 2621XM router that I use for my gateway and firewall and wish to keep this as my main security device.  I liked the parental control and USB storage features of the new E3000 and purchased this to replace my WRTG54.
    My problem is that  when attached to the same LAN segment (LAN to LAN cascade) I loose the ability to use Cisco Connect and thus loose the ability to manage guest access, parental controls and such.
    I've read that disabling DHCP server on the E3000 disables Cisco Connect.  Is this true?  I have internal DHCP and DNS servers and do not wish to separate the scopes and manage them from two devices with yet another IP scope.
    In my opinion...the lack of the ability to manage these advanced features from the WEB interface is a serious flaw.  Loosing the walled garden type features just because you choose not to use the E3000 router or DHCP function is just not acceptable.  I hope this is being addressed by Cisco/Linksys.  

    If you connect the E3000 with a LAN port to your main router then you operate it like a simple access point and ethernet switch. All internet related functions won't work then. Parental control, access restrictions or other things like DDNS, port forwarding etc. won't work because those functions operate only when traffic is routed through the router. If you don't use the internet port traffic is not routed through the E3000. This is always the case.
    Regarding the guest access you can only hope that they'll add it to the web interface very soon. I suggest calling Linksys support and telling them. Maybe if a lot of users call them and ask for this they'll add it sooner.

  • Images displayed in Labview do not stay synchronized across multiple frames

    I'm a little new of a poster, but a long time lurker. I'd like to thank everyone that answers here for all of the questions that I have previously read and from which I have learned so much.
    I am creating an Labview FPGA based solution in Labview 12.0 32bit on Windows 7. I have a target FPGA module which captures data from an external apparatus, does some processing locally, and then uses a DMA FIFO to send this data to the host, one sample/pixel at a time.
    The host takes this pixel data, does a little bit more processing to it and adds each row to a queue. This queue is then looked at, some more processing is done to the rows and they are combined together, finally resulting in a 2D array that is displayed using the 'intensity chart' indicator.
    I have managed to get this running at around 10 fps, creating essentially a movie. The synchronization is done via a trigger signal sent from my external apparatus to the FPGA to keep both each row and each frame displaying correctly.
    The problem has been that as I try to add a little bit more functionality to the host (specifically - I'm trying to send across 2 channels simultaneously from the FPGA by combining them into a U32, and so I need to pull that combination apart and translate it back into fixed point in an automatically indexed for loop, at which point I pass one of the channels through same processing as before before displaying just that one channel), I have seemed to hit some sort of wall of functionality in that my synchronization no longer works. That is, my image, instead of being properly centered, it is skewed so I see only half of each frame each time I display the image. Finally, when I move my mouse around, or scroll my front panel, or even hover over the start bar (and have the Windows 7 window previews pop up) or do pretty much anything else with the Windows UI, my frames start 'skipping' and they change where they overall in the horizontal and vertical direction.
    This leads me to conclude that there is some resource that I am unaware of that is limited and that overflows whenever I do anything with the UI. This resource then overflows and drops some lines of pixels. When the program recovers, it goes back to displaying full frames, but by this point things are out of synch already, so I never return to a 'correct' image, although this is just a hypothesis.
    Does anyone know if there is a hidden resource that Labview is using that would cause degradation of performance tied to UI changes in Windows or in Labview proper? If so, is there anything that I can do to increase this resource? If not, then is there another approach that I should be using for these type of high throughput requirements?
    Thanks everyone!

    Hi Florian,
    Thanks for your response!
    I can try that - thanks.
    In terms of giving more, unfortunately, I am unable to post the actual code, or else I would have already. I will try to describe the problem as much as possible:
    I am processing data points in the FPGA, then transferring to the host. At the host, I am combining the elements together into a 2D array, transposing them, and sending them back to the FPGA. On the FPGA side, I am again operating on each element, before transferring back to the host. Now that the final values are at the host, I am displaying them.
    1. Is there a quick way to transpose a 2D array on the host? I assume that I will need to gather all of the elements together into a 2D array and then transpose it, before splitting it up again. Is that correct?
    When I split it out again, is there a faster way to do it than to auto-index this array in a for loop and feed that into a DMA FIFO back to the FPGA?
    2. My assumption is that the host cannot process things fast enough and that it is the cause of the dropped pixels. Is there a way to see where a buffer is dropping data during operation? Other than the 'timeout' states on the DMA FIFOs, is there a way to check on queues or other host constructs? Would this be purely through the queue 'get number of elements left' method?
    3. My algorithm is reliant on a transpose, which is why I have a back and forth between the FPGA and the Host. Do you know of a good way to apply a transpose on an array purely in the FPGA? That would eliminate a round trips and thus reduce a lot of the load on the host.
    Thanks for your help!

  • Remote Itunes Streaming?

    Our house has macbooks, ipads, iphones, and an apple tv.  Right now, I have smaller music and photo libraries on the local drive of my macbook, and larger "master" libaries that live on an external hard drive.  What I'm looking for is a way to set up an external hard drive that can accomplish the following tasks- and was hoping the time capsule may do it-
    1.) work as backup/time machine for the macbooks
    2.) work as a "remote" itunes and iphoto library that can be accessed via airplay/wifi by the macbooks and ipads, and more importantly apple tv (home stereo is wired to use airplay via apple tv)
    3.) be accessed remotely from work via wifi (to stream content, pull up or save files remotely)
    From what I can tell, I may not be able to do #2 or 3 with a Time Capsule.  But it looks like I maybe can with a Seagate Personal Storage Unit (http://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Central-Personal-Storage-STCG2000100/dp/B00ARB5FPM) or by building my own enclosure. 
    The key here is making it a recognized itunes and iphoto libraries with home sharing.  If it's just a remote drive, I'd have to close the program ,open with option-t, and open the master library files on the remote drive and do everything that way.  I'd prefer to just be able to see them as shared libraries within the programs, if that makes sense?
    Thanks in advance for any help or direction!

    The problem is that TC is a dumb hard disk in a router.. it has no media extensions and indeed hardly any controls of any kind.. worse it cannot back itself up.. so as a location for a library it is exceedingly poor.
    iTunes will work much better using a local drive.. the TC is now and forevermore a network drive..
    The way I would do this setup is use a MacMini as a kind of itunes and media server. (itunes though has not been designed as real server).
    Use a large external drive as the data location.. you do not need a brand new mini.. 2010 would the earliest I would use though.. and the big advantage with the 2012 model is USB3 ports instead of USB2 in prior ones.
    You can also replace the internal drive.. use a small SSD for the OS and a 1TB disk for data storage although doubtless you will need more.
    As a central fast itunes media store you now have excellent setup for use anywhere in your local network. You can also simply connect to this via BTMM remotely and play itunes or copy files. You do not need to use a TC at all but you do need backup so if TC suits for that purpose go for it.
    That is best I can figure out at this point in time.
    Note my being a recent immigrant to Apple walled garden.. and I find occasionally the walls are closing in.
    The system is designed to protect Apple copyright.. and is occasionally difficult in the extreme as this seems paramount.
    itunes in home network.

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