Wanted: iPhone/iPod Touch Maps bookmark folders

Is there any way to create folders to organize my bookmarked locations in Maps? II want to organize them to reduce the amount of scrolling I currently have to do. I'd love to be able to group places by city or activity. Wouldn't it be great to be able to group all the locations you visited on vacation in one folder and then be able to e-mail them to friends and family? If folders can be created for Safari bookmarks, why not for Maps?
And while I'm asking, is there a way to ship the bookmarks to Google Maps or, better yet, Google Earth?

Since this is a user to user forum, you may want to put the request to Apple:

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    Greetings Tom;
    I watched the Apple's Keynote presentation and I'm amazed!  I'm really excited about the possibilities this opens up for educators.  I, like you am still processing all of the information and sorting out the possibilities.
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    Tennessee's Electronic Learning Center

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    bad ***!
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    Hi Alex, thanks for replying - I was hoping you would!
    Are you sure about that? It has been said that it is not possible, here: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/533885?tstart=0
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