WAP371: Log message from AP

I constantly have this log message comming from my wifi access point. How can I do to fix this issue.
Most of the LAN devices are Phone, Tablet that goes in sleep mode. I read previous message that says that the WAP371 device has difficuty to manage those devices (Phone, Tablet...).
How to desable those messages without giving up log and service continuity?
The log are under this message.
Log Message from AP (IP OF the WAP371 device)
 TIME                Priority  Process Id                Message
Apr 27 2015 09:3       3        hostapd[1757]           trying to update accounting statistics, station (MAC addresse of a device) not found

Hi Kuba,
The following works fine for adding messages in the trace, but ONLY when the trace string (the first argument in the trace method) is currently active (see System Administration screen).
For the example below to show up in your trace files, the active trace section should be (at least) "someTraceString".
Report.trace( "someTraceString", "some message", e );
Logging something with Report.info() should write the message to the UCM log files (@ $domain_home/ucm/cs/weblayout/groups/secure/logs/).

Similar Messages

  • Log messages from multiple instances in single file.

    I have a requirement that i need to log messages from muliple instances of the same object in a file. The new file will be created every day. Likewise, multiple objects might have various instances each.
    One class
    ->multiple instances
    -> log message stored in single file.
    Note :
    I am using the Message driven bean. I need to log from the bean class. JDK 1.3
    If u could help me out that would be great.

    As long as they are all from the same OS program (a single Java VM), that's OK - you can use Log4j, and use a rotating file logger.
    If you point two different virtual machine processes at the same file, one may have it open when the other is trying to rotate it, and your rotation may fail (at best) and/or you may lose the old log (the worst case).
    If you need to collect log messages from multiple processes (or even multiple machines), use a syslog-based logger (Log4j has a SyslogAppender) or use Log4j's SocketAppender to write to a log4j-builtin log listener (SocketNode).

  • Re: Remove log messages from loop

    CURSOR cur_item_rev_child IS
    SELECT ffv.flex_value, --org code
    FROM fnd_flex_values ffv,
    fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,
    mtl_parameters mp
    WHERE ffv.flex_value_set_id = ffvs.flex_value_set_id
    AND ffvs.flex_value_set_name = 'EMR Add Spec Org' -- Changed by WIPRO on 01-OCT-12 (SR # 1078990 )--
    AND NVL(ffv.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND ffv.flex_value = mp.organization_code
    AND mp.master_organization_id = v_num_master_org;
    CURSOR cur_item_rev (i_num_organization_id NUMBER)
    SELECT /*+ index(xvasd XXINV_VLVS_ADD_SPEC_DETAILS_N1 )*/mirb.inventory_item_id,
    MAX(mirb.revision) item_revision,
    msib.segment1, -- Added by Infosys on 19-May-09
    xvasd.spec_revision spec_revision -- Added by Infosys on 19-May-09
    FROM xxinv_vlvs_add_spec_details xvasd,
    xxinv_vlvs_item_add_spec xvias,
    mtl_parameters mp,
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_item_revisions_b mirb
    WHERE xvasd.spec_number = xvias.spec_number
    AND xvasd.spec_type = xvias.spec_type
    AND xvias.spec_type = v_chr_spec_type
    AND xvasd.spec_status='ACTIVE'
    AND xvias.inv_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
    AND mirb.inventory_item_id=msib.inventory_item_id
    AND xvias.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.organization_id = mirb.organization_id
    AND mirb.organization_id = mp.organization_id
    AND mp.organization_id = i_num_organization_id
    --AND LPAD (xvasd.spec_revision, 3, 0) LPAD (b.revision, 3, 0)
    GROUP BY mirb.inventory_item_id,
    o_chr_errbuf := 'Program Completed Successfully';
    o_num_retcode := 0;
    ' EMR INV Item Revisions Update Program VLVS');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '');
    --Starting the Program
    ' EMR INV Item Revisions Update Program VLVS');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, 'Input Parameter');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '---------------');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, 'Debug Mode: ' || v_chr_debug_mode);
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '');
    -- Get the value of the spec type from the lookup. If no value is set then display the error message and raise exception
    IF v_chr_spec_type IS NULL
    'Error: Set a value for the profile: XXINV : Additional Spec Type VLVS');
    RAISE excp_user;
    'Processing for the addition spec item type: ' ||
    END IF;
    -- Select all the eligible records for processing
    FOR rec_cur_item_rev_child IN cur_item_rev_child
    FOR rec_cur_item_rev IN cur_item_rev (rec_cur_item_rev_child.organization_id)
    -- v_chr_spec_rev := NULL;
    -- v_chr_item_number := NULL; Commented by Infosys on 19-May-09
    /* BEGIN --Start of comments by Infosys on 19-May-09
    SELECT segment1
    INTO v_chr_item_number
    FROM mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE inventory_item_id = rec_cur_item_rev.inventory_item_id
    AND organization_id=rec_cur_item_rev.organization_id;
    v_chr_item_number := NULL;
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Item Number not found in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Table for the inv item id '
    v_chr_item_number := NULL;
    RAISE excp_loop;
    END;*/--End of comments by Infosys on 19-May-09
    /*BEGIN --Start of comments by Infosys on 19-May-09
    SELECT MAX(spec_revision)
    INTO v_chr_spec_rev
    FROM xxinv_vlvs_add_spec_details xvasd,
    xxinv_vlvs_item_add_spec xvias
    WHERE xvasd.spec_number = xvias.spec_number
    AND xvasd.spec_type = xvias.spec_type
    AND xvias.spec_type = v_chr_spec_type
    AND xvias.inv_item_id =rec_cur_item_rev.inventory_item_id
    AND organization_id=rec_cur_item_rev.organization_id
    GROUP BY xvias.inv_item_id,
    v_chr_spec_rev := NULL;
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Spec Revision not found in Additional Specs Table for the inv item id '
    v_chr_spec_rev := NULL;
    RAISE excp_loop;
    END;*/--End of comments by Infosys on 19-May-09
    IF LPAD (rec_cur_item_rev.spec_revision, 3, 0) LPAD (rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision, 3, 0)
    v_num_total_cnt := v_num_total_cnt + 1;
    --to take count of the total records processed
    v_chr_error_flag := 'N'; reset the error flag to N before processing each record
    v_num_revision_id := NULL;
    IF v_num_total_cnt = 1
    v_chr_output_hdr := 'ORG CODE' ||
    RPAD('|ITEM NUMBER', 51, ' ') ||
    '|ITEM REV' || '|SPEC REV' ||
    END IF;
    -- Check if the revision on the spec is greater that the revision on the item
    IF LPAD (rec_cur_item_rev.spec_revision, 3, 0) > LPAD (rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision, 3, 0)
    SELECT mtl_item_revisions_b_s.NEXTVAL
    INTO v_num_revision_id
    v_chr_temp_msg := 'Error when getting the new revision id from the sequence MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S: ' ||
    RAISE excp_loop;
    -- begin block for assigning values and calling API to update the item revisions
    v_rec_item_revision.inventory_item_id := rec_cur_item_rev.inventory_item_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.organization_id := rec_cur_item_rev_child.organization_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.revision_id := v_num_revision_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.revision := rec_cur_item_rev.spec_revision;--v_chr_spec_rev;
    v_rec_item_revision.revision_label := rec_cur_item_rev.spec_revision;--v_chr_spec_rev;
    v_rec_item_revision.revision_reason := 'Updated the Item Revision';
    v_rec_item_revision.implementation_date := v_dte_sysdate;
    v_rec_item_revision.effectivity_date := v_dte_sysdate;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute_category := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute1 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute2 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute3 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute4 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute5 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute6 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute7 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute8 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute9 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute10 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute11 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute12 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute13 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute14 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute15 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.description := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.creation_date := v_dte_sysdate;
    v_rec_item_revision.created_by := v_num_user_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.last_update_date := v_dte_sysdate;
    v_rec_item_revision.last_updated_by := v_num_user_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.last_update_login := v_num_login_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.request_id := v_num_request_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.program_id := v_num_program_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.program_application_id := v_num_prog_appln_id;
    mtl_item_revisions_util.insert_row(p_item_revision_rec => v_rec_item_revision,
    x_rowid => v_chr_ret_rowid);
    v_num_succ_cnt := v_num_succ_cnt + 1;
    v_chr_temp_msg := 'Error when updating the revisions: ' ||
    RAISE excp_loop;
    ELSE -- LPAD (cur_item_rev.spec_revision, 3, 0) < LPAD (cur_item_rev.item_revision, 3, 0)
    v_chr_temp_msg := 'Item Revision is greater than the Spec Revision';
    o_num_retcode := 1;
    v_num_err_cnt := v_num_err_cnt + 1;
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '');
    'Organization Code: ' ||
    rec_cur_item_rev_child.flex_value); -- added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    'Item Number: ' ||
    'Item Revision: ' ||
    rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision); -- v_chr_item_revision_child -- -- added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    'Spec Revision: ' ||
    'Error: ' ||
    v_chr_output_msg := v_chr_output_msg ||
    RPAD(rec_cur_item_rev_child.flex_value, -- added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    ' ') || '|' ||
    ' ') || '|' ||
    RPAD(rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision, v_chr_item_revision_child, added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    ' ') || '|' ||
    ' ') || '|' ||
    v_chr_temp_msg ||
    v_chr_mail_body := v_chr_mail_body ||
    RPAD(rec_cur_item_rev_child.flex_value, -- added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    ' ') || '|' ||
    ' ') || '|' ||
    RPAD(rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision, v_chr_item_revision_child added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    ' ') || '|' ||
    ' ') || '|' ||
    v_chr_temp_msg ||
    -- Display the statistics details in the output file
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '');
    'Number of items selected for update: ' ||
    'Number of items updated: ' || v_num_succ_cnt);
    'Number of items not updated: ' || v_num_err_cnt);
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, v_chr_output_hdr);
    * Print out the output message from CLOB variable "v_chr_output_msg"
    * Substr each line whenever we find the separator CHR(10)
    * Print each line with fnd_file.output function
    v_num_offset := 1;
    v_num_instr := 0;
    EXIT WHEN v_num_offset > dbms_lob.getlength(v_chr_output_msg);
    -- Get the position of CHR(10) when first time appearence.
    v_num_instr := dbms_lob.instr(v_chr_output_msg,
    v_num_line_length := v_num_instr - v_num_offset + 1;
    -- Substr the each line and print it out
    v_num_line_length - 1,
    v_num_offset := v_num_offset + v_num_line_length;
    END IF; -- LPAD (cur_item_rev.spec_revision, 3, 0) < LPAD (cur_item_rev.item_revision, 3, 0) --
    'Porcessing next record as a Error occured in cursor loop cur_item_rev : ' ||
    END IF;
    END LOOP; -- cur_item_rev --
    END LOOP; -- cur_item_rev_child --
    -- calling the mail procedure --
    IF v_num_err_cnt > 0
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '');
    'Calling send_notification Procedure...');
    send_notification(o_chr_ret_code => v_chr_status,
    o_chr_ret_mesg => v_chr_temp_msg,
    i_chr_subject => 'EMR INV Item Revisions Update Program VLVS - ' ||
    i_chr_body => v_chr_mail_body);
    v_chr_temp_msg := 'Error when calling Procedure send_notification .';
    'Error details : ' || v_chr_temp_msg ||
    ' - ' || SQLERRM);
    RAISE excp_user;
    END IF;
    /*WHEN excp_loop THEN
    o_chr_errbuf := o_chr_errbuf ||
    'Program completed with error when getting the max revision';
    o_num_retcode := 2;*/
    WHEN excp_user THEN
    o_chr_errbuf := o_chr_errbuf || 'Program completed with error';
    o_num_retcode := 2;
    'Error in Item Revisions Update Program: ' ||
    o_chr_errbuf := o_chr_errbuf || 'Program completed with error';
    o_num_retcode := 2;
    END update_item_revision;

    I need to remove the log messages from loop...As currently log file printing is in loop....Can you please tell how to remove log file messages from loop.

  • Log Messages from Transaction Event Logger

    I have 4 instances of MII v12.1 and within a transaction I want to add a message to the log when the transaction runs so I can view it through the message logger. All 4 MII instances were installed by the same consultant a few years ago so there "should" be no differences in the log configs. On 3 of the instances this is working fine - I have created a very simple transaction with one Event Logger action configured with a message "Test Message" and when I execute the transaction I see the correct entry in the log viewer. On the fourth however, although the transaction executes without error I am not seeing anything in the viewer for this event. I am using the standard "last 24 hours" log viewer with no filters and no specific log locations selected, and no customisations. I am seeing other system generated messages. I found some documentation about logging and the viewer and I found the Netweaver log config but as far as I can see it looks consistent between the instance which is working and the one which is not working. Is there some other config which needs to be done to enable Event Logging from transactions? My user has the same access across all instances. Any guidance would be appreciated. I attach a screen shot of what I am expecting to see (taken from one of the instances which is working).

    Hi Partha
    Many thanks for your reply. I have tried this and unfortunately it makes no difference. I also checked on the other instances and found they have their tracing levels all set to error, not Info. I have also noticed that on the instance which is working, in the System Configuration section at the bottom of the Log Config page - for Applications and all sub categories I see the entry .\log\applications_00.log in the Pattern column. On the instance which is not working I see that entry for the Applications root but not for any of the sub categories (even after selecting Copy to subtree). I cannot see where I can set this value (there is no modify function available, even under Administrator login).
    Also, when I look at the log messages which have generated when setting the Event Type to Error on the instance which is not working, it shows one entry and the Category and Location columns show <com.sap.xmii.bls.executables.action.logging.LoggingActions>. When I generate an event with type Error on the instance which is working I get 2 log messages, one with the Category and Location <com.sap.xmii.bls.executables.action.logging.LoggingActions> and the other with Category /Applications/XMII/Xacute/Event and Location <com.sap.xmii.bls.executables.action.logging.LoggingActions>.
    I guess that the .\log\applications_00.log should be showing for all subtree items under Applications and because it is not then the messages are not going into any application log. Not sure how to fix this however.
    I have also reset to the default configuration and it does not change the above.
    Best Rgds

  • Lots of system log messages from nsurlstoraged, also systemstatsd

    I'm running Yosemite (10.10.2) on an old Mini (details below).  I am not having particular problems with slowness, crashes, etc., but I'm seeing repeated messages in the System Log which seem to be errors:
    nsurlstoraged[300]: ERROR: shrinkDB - shrink of file system cache did not fully complete.  Result: 11
    systemstatsd[1286]: assertion failed: 14C1514: systemstatsd + 3283 [A886B71F-3A31-3324-9B30-5143FDF4ECCB]: 0xb
    For at least the past 2 days, the systemstatsd messages have the exact same values.  When the computer is in active use, I get 2 of them every 3 to 4 minutes.
    The nsurlstoraged messages are a little more frequent but don't have such a clear pattern.  Some other messages from that source which are interspersed with the above message include the following:
    nsurlstoraged[1263]: realpath() returned NULL for /var/root/Library/Caches/ocspd
    nsurlstoraged[1263]: The read-connection to the DB=/var/root/Library/Caches/ocspd/Cache.db is NOT valid.  Unable to determine schema version.
    nsurlstoraged[1263]: ERROR: unable to determine file-system usage for FS-backed cache at /var/root/Library/Caches/ocspd/fsCachedData. Errno=13
    Should I be concerned about resolving these, or can I just ignore them?  I did run the string of commands provided in the forum by Linc which are intended to reset the privileges on everything in my home directory to the default values, and I also ran the password reset process via the recovery partition to reset the ACLs.
    Just a few quick notes about my system:
    - the volume My Mac system (external) is not the system or boot disk.  It has most of my image files (including iPhoto libraries) plus the iTunes Media folder.  I did not run any commands there to reset file/directory permissions.
    - the volume Macintosh HD is the system disk and contains my home directory.
    - I am planning to upgrade from to 4 GB to 8 GB RAM.
    Thanks very much for any insight into these messages!
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.8 (121)
    Report generated April 7, 2015 at 9:11:16 PM EDT
    Download EtreCheck from http://etresoft.com/etrecheck
    Click the [Click for support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Click for details] links for more information about that line.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        Mac mini (Early 2009) (Technical Specifications)
        Mac mini - model: Macmini3,1
        1 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2-core
        4 GB RAM Upgradeable
            BANK 0/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
            BANK 1/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
        Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
        NVIDIA GeForce 9400 - VRAM: 256 MB
            Acer P191W 1440 x 900 @ 60 Hz
    System Software: ℹ️
        OS X 10.10.2 (14C1514) - Time since boot: one day 22:49:30
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        Hitachi HTS543225L9SA02 disk0 : (250.06 GB)
            EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            disk0s2 (disk0s2) <not mounted> : 249.20 GB
            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
        OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5670S
    USB Information: ℹ️
        Generic Mass Storage Device
        Logitech Trackball
        Newer Tech miniStack Classic 2 TB
            disk2s1 (disk2s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            disk2s2 (disk2s2) <not mounted> : 249.25 GB
            My Mac Time Machine (disk2s3) /Volumes/My Mac Time Machine : 1.50 TB (831.73 GB free)
        Canon iP4300
        Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
        Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Firewire Information: ℹ️
        OWC Mercury Elite Pro Quad USB 3 800mbit - 800mbit max
            EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Macintosh HD (disk1s2) / : 319.21 GB (96.14 GB free)
            Recovery HD (disk1s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
            My Mac system (external) (disk1s4) /Volumes/My Mac system (external) : 499.46 GB (174.98 GB free)
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
        Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
            /Applications/TechTool Pro 7.app
        [not loaded]    com.micromat.driver.spdKernel (1 - SDK 10.8) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.micromat.driver.spdKernel-10-8 (1 - SDK 10.8) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.bresink.driver.BRESINKx86Monitoring (9.0) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.microsoft.driver.MicrosoftKeyboard (8.2) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.microsoft.driver.MicrosoftKeyboardBluetooth (8.2) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.microsoft.driver.MicrosoftKeyboardUSB (8.2) [Click for support]
            /Users/[redacted]/Downloads/LCC Installer.app
        [not loaded]    com.Logitech.Control Center.HID Driver (3.5.1 - SDK 10.0) [Click for support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
        Executor: Path: /Library/StartupItems/Executor
        Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Problem System Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [killed]    com.apple.CallHistoryPluginHelper.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.CallHistorySyncHelper.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.cmfsyncagent.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.EscrowSecurityAlert.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.sbd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.scopedbookmarkagent.xpc.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.xpc.loginitemregisterd.plist
        9 processes killed due to memory pressure
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [killed]    com.apple.ctkd.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.ifdreader.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.nehelper.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.softwareupdate_download_service.plist
        [killed]    com.apple.xpc.smd.plist
        [killed]    org.cups.cupsd.plist
        6 processes killed due to memory pressure
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.google.keystone.agent.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.bombich.ccc.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.crashplan.engine.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.google.keystone.daemon.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.micromat.TechToolProDaemon.plist [Click for support]
        [failed]    com.nalpeiron.netpro.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.prosofteng.DriveGenius.locum.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist [Click for support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [failed]    com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Click for support]
        [failed]    com.amazon.cloud-player.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.amazon.music.plist [Click for support]
        [failed]    [email protected]
        [failed]    com.citrixonline.GoToMeeting.G2MUpdate.plist [Click for support] [Click for details]
        [failed]    com.google.GoogleContactSyncAgent.plist [Click for support]
        [failed]    com.plexapp.helper.plist [Click for support]
        [failed]    com.yahoo.YahooContactSyncAgent.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    net.jonstovell.keepMinasTirithdata(external)Spinning.plist [Click for support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    Application Hidden (/Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesHelper.app)
        MiniUsage    Application  (/Applications/MiniUsage.app)
        Alfred    Application  (/Applications/Alfred.app)
        OpenDNS Updater    Application Hidden (/Applications/OpenDNS Updater.app)
        CrashPlan menu bar    Application  (/Applications/CrashPlan.app/Contents/Helpers/CrashPlan menu bar.app)
        OneDrive    Application  (/Applications/OneDrive.app)
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: Version:   - SDK 10.8 [Click for support]
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        EPPEX Plugin: Version: [Click for support]
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
        JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 15.0.0 - SDK 10.10 Check version
        o1dbrowserplugin: Version: - SDK 10.8 [Click for support]
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
        googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: - SDK 10.8 [Click for support]
        Silverlight: Version: 5.1.20125.0 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.8
    User internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        CitrixOnlineWebDeploymentPlugin: Version: 1.0.105 [Click for support]
        Picasa: Version: 1.0 [Click for support]
        Google Earth Web Plug-in: Version: 7.1 [Click for support]
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
        Add to Google Reader
        Ultimate Status Bar
        Evernote Web Clipper
        Turn Off the Lights
        The New York Times
        Better Facebook
        Save to Pocket
        Print Plus
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        Flash Player  [Click for support]
        Flip4Mac WMV  [Click for support]
        Microsoft Keyboard  [Click for support]
        TechTool Protection  [Click for support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Skip System Files: NO
        Mobile backups: OFF
        Auto backup: NO - Auto backup turned off
        Volumes being backed up:
            My Mac system (external): Disk size: 499.46 GB Disk used: 324.48 GB
            Macintosh HD: Disk size: 319.21 GB Disk used: 223.07 GB
            My Mac Time Machine [Local]
            Total size: 1.50 TB
            Total number of backups: 59
            Oldest backup: 2013-12-04 08:43:17 +0000
            Last backup: 2015-04-05 15:12:17 +0000
            Size of backup disk: Too small
                Backup size 1.50 TB < (Disk used 547.55 GB X 3)
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
             4%    top
             2%    WindowServer
             2%    systemstatsd
             1%    Safari
             0%    MiniUsage
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        266 MB    CrashPlanService
        112 MB    Mail
        86 MB    Finder
        82 MB    Console
        69 MB    Safari
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        106 MB    Free RAM
        983 MB    Active RAM
        895 MB    Inactive RAM
        870 MB    Wired RAM
        17.28 GB    Page-ins
        506 MB    Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
        Apr 6, 2015, 08:15:21 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/com.apple.MailServiceAgent_201 5-04-06-201521_[redacted].crash
        Apr 5, 2015, 10:35:53 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/QuickLookSatellite_2015-04-05- 223553_[redacted].crash
        Apr 5, 2015, 10:35:52 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/QuickLookSatellite_2015-04-05- 223552_[redacted].crash
        Apr 5, 2015, 10:16:51 PM    Self test - passed
        Apr 5, 2015, 03:58:09 PM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/CrashPlanService_2015-04-05-155809_[redacted].c pu_resource.diag [Click for details]

    I switched over to an early 2008 20-inch iMac (booting from same external disk) and the "ERROR:shrink DB" and "assertion failed" messages are continuing, so I doubt that it is related to the hardware unless it's the external drive itself or the Firewire cable.
    Any help would be appreciated...

  • GUI receiving log messages from JMS

    I have three classes: GUI, EventListener and JMSListener. What I want to do is to create a login dialog. The user enters his username and password, presses the login button and waits (as this process can take a while). While waiting, he can see log messages sent via JMS.
    I set up a TextListener (in my case a JMSListener) and a subscriber like it is described here: http://java.sun.com/products/jms/tutorial/1_3_1-fcs/doc/client.html#1027256.
    But the JMSListener never gets any message although the connection is set up correctly (this is just a guess as no exception is thrown). I think that this is a GUI problem. Because if only the JMSListener is running, it does receive messages. Is it possible that the GUI blocks somehow?
    Here is some code... First the class that holds the main method:
    package de.dtnet.client.run;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import de.dtnet.client.gui.SWDemoGUI;
    import de.dtnet.client.listener.SWDemoEventlistener;
    public class SWDemoClient {
        private static SWDemoGUI swdemo = null;
         * @param args
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            swdemo = new SWDemoGUI();
            SWDemoEventlistener listener = new SWDemoEventlistener(swdemo);
    }The code from the GUI (only the important parts):
    package de.dtnet.client.gui;
    import de.dtnet.client.listener.SWDemoEventlistener;
    public class SWDemoGUI extends JFrame implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         * Default constructor
        public SWDemoGUI() {
         * Creates widget objects and puts everything together
        public void initialize() {
            // GUI with JTextPane for log messages
        public void logOK(String msg) {
            log(OK, msg);
        public void logInfo(String msg) {
            log(INFO, msg);
        public void logWarning(String msg) {
            log(WARNING, msg);
        public void logError(String msg) {
            log(ERROR, msg);
        public void log(String level, String msg) {
            StyledDocument doc = messagesTextPane.getStyledDocument();
            try {
                doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), msg + "\n", doc.getStyle(level));
            } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        public void registerEventlistener(SWDemoEventlistener listener) {
    }The enventlistener:
    package de.dtnet.client.listener;
    // imports
    public class SWDemoEventlistener implements ActionListener, FocusListener {
        private SWDemoGUI gui = null;
        private String logLevel = null;
        private String logMessage = null;
        private TopicConnectionFactory conFactory = null;
        private TopicConnection connection = null;
        private TopicSession topicSession = null;
        private Topic topic = null;
        private TopicSubscriber subscriber = null;
        public SWDemoEventlistener(SWDemoGUI gui) {
            this.gui = gui;
        private InitialContext getInitialContext() {
            // set the properties for the InitalContext
            Properties env = new Properties( );
            env.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jnp.interfaces");
            try {
                // initalize and return the InitalContext with
                // the specified properties
                return new InitialContext(env);
            } catch (NamingException ne) {
                System.out.println("NamingException: " + ne);
            return null;
        private void initJMS() {
            try {
                // Obtain a JNDI connection
                InitialContext jndi = getInitialContext();
                Object ref = jndi.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
                // Look up a JMS connection factory
                conFactory = (TopicConnectionFactory) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
                        ref, TopicConnectionFactory.class);
                // Create a JMS connection
                connection = conFactory.createTopicConnection();
                // Create a JMS session objects
                topicSession = connection.createTopicSession(
                        false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
                // Look up a JMS topic
                topic = (Topic) jndi.lookup("topic/testTopic");
            } catch (NamingException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() == gui.getLoginButton()) {
                // Do some authentication stuff etc.
                /* Now awaitening messages from JMS */
        public void subscribe(Long sessionID) {
            String selector =  "SessionID='" + sessionID.toString() + "'";
            gui.logInfo("Selector: " + selector);
            try {
                //subscriber = topicSession.createSubscriber(topic, selector, true);
                subscriber = topicSession.createSubscriber(topic);
                JMSListener listener = new JMSListener(gui);
                gui.logOK("Verbindung zu JMS erfolgreich");
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    }and finally the JMSListener:
    ackage de.dtnet.client.listener;
    public class JMSListener implements MessageListener {
        private SWDemoGUI gui = null;
        private String logLevel = null;
        private String logMessage = null;
        public JMSListener(SWDemoGUI gui) {
            this.gui = gui;
        public void onMessage(Message incomingMessage) {
            System.out.println("You got message!");
            try {
                MapMessage msg = (MapMessage) incomingMessage;
                logMessage = msg.getString("Message");
                logLevel = msg.getString("Level");
            } catch (JMSException e) {
            Runnable logTopicMessage = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    System.out.println("Now updating the GUI");
                    gui.log(logLevel, logMessage);
            System.out.println("Message fully retrieved!");
    }I spent a whole day on this and I'm really becoming desperate as I can't see where the problem is and my time is running out (this is for my diploma thesis)! Does anyone of you? Please!
    Thank you!

    Hello Veronica4468,
    After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help in this situation. It contains a number of troubleshooting steps and helpful advice concerning Messages and SMS:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

  • Repetitive "Exception during idle processing" log message from servermgrd

    I'm at my wit's end trying to find the answer to this issue, and I don't have any clue where to begin. In /var/log/system.log, I'm receiving the following message approximately once per minute:
    Apr 17 13:51:21 www servermgrd\[83317\]: Exception during idle processing: * -\[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:\]: attempt to insert nil value (key: FilePath)
    There are usually no other messages in the log near these errors; when other messages are nearby, they are self-explanatory and appear unrelated. The message never changes except for the time stamp and the process ID for servermgrd.
    Any suggestions on where to begin would be extremely valuable. Thanks!

    check with this:
    <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/05a3d62e-0a01-0010-14bc-adc8efd4ee14">https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/05a3d62e-0a01-0010-14bc-adc8efd4ee14</a>

  • Crazy Amount of Log Messages From Kerberos

    Feb 11 16:05:33 bentzen.ws krb5kdc[73](info): routing socket readable
    Feb 11 16:05:33 bentzen.ws krb5kdc[73](info): routing socket readable
    Feb 11 16:05:33 bentzen.ws krb5kdc[73](info): got routing msg type 5(RTM_LOSING) v5
    Feb 11 16:05:33 bentzen.ws krb5kdc[73](info): got routing msg type 5(RTM_LOSING) v5
    Feb 11 16:05:33 bentzen.ws krb5kdc[73](debug): routing msg not interesting
    Feb 11 16:05:33 bentzen.ws krb5kdc[73](debug): routing msg not interesting
    Does anyone know what this is, it just appeared on the sixth of february and just spewed ~10000 messages a day.

    Having exact the same log, wold like to know to.
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](debug): routing msg not interesting
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](debug): routing msg not interesting
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](info): got routing msg type 5(RTM_LOSING) v5
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](info): got routing msg type 5(RTM_LOSING) v5
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](debug): routing msg not interesting
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](debug): routing msg not interesting
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](info): got routing msg type 5(RTM_LOSING) v5
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](info): got routing msg type 5(RTM_LOSING) v5
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](debug): routing msg not interesting
    Feb 20 11:57:00 user.domain.com krb5kdc[80](debug): routing msg not interesting
    Users have not reported anomalies... so far...

  • Unable to capture messages from java.util.logging

    I have a class called (Caller.java) which invokes a method called foo from another java class(Util.java) using reflection API.Now this method foo logs messages using Java's logger.My requirement is to call foo for 3 times from Caller and capture/redirect the log messages into 3 log files.
    But only the first log file is capturing the log messages(from logger) and other two are not ?
    Plz suggest if I am doing somethin wrong here ?
    package project2;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    import java.io.PrintStream;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    public class Caller {
        public Caller() {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Caller caller = new Caller();
            for (int i = 0 ;i<3 ;i++ )  {
                /*****************Invoking Util.java*****************************/
                Class clas = Class.forName("project2.Util");
                Method m = clas.getMethod("foo",null);
                Object obj =clas.newInstance();
        public void createLogStream(int i) throws FileNotFoundException {
            ps = new PrintStream(new File(System.getenv("HOME")+File.separator+"MyLog"+i+".log"));
        public void closeLogStream(){
            ps = null;
        private PrintStream ps = null;
        public PrintStream getPs() {
            return ps;
    } Util.java
    package project2;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    public class Util {
        Logger logger = null;
        public Util() {
            logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
        public void foo(){
            System.out.println("Hello out stream");
            System.err.println("Hello error stream");
            logger.info("This is an information");
            logger.warning("This is a warning message");
            logger.severe("This is fatal!! ");
    }First Log file MyLog0.log:
    Hello out stream
    Hello error stream
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    INFO: This is an information
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    WARNING: This is a warning message
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    SEVERE: This is fatal!!
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    INFO: This is an information
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    WARNING: This is a warning message
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    SEVERE: This is fatal!!
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    INFO: This is an information
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    WARNING: This is a warning message
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    SEVERE: This is fatal!! Other 2 log files have only this much
    Hello out stream
    Hello error stream

    A stale Connection Factory or Connection Handle may be used in SOA 11g

  • Mac starts up by itself at 1 am some nights... Can anyone help me stop this from happening based on reading my system log messages?

    My Mac starts itself automatically around 1:00 am about ever other night. I don't want it to do that. I had a backup program installed once that was set to do the backup at that time, but I have long since uninstalled that program. Yet the computer still powers on automatically. I checked in the control panels and don't see it set to do that. I used the Console program to check my log, but I don't know how to read what it says. Here are the log messages from the last time the computer started itself automatically:
    Sep 16 00:58:00 tio-E kernel[0]: System Sleep
    Sep 16 00:58:00 tio-E kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
    Sep 16 00:58:00 tio-E kernel[0]: Started CPU 01
    Sep 16 00:58:00 tio-E kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::restartShutdownWL this is a wake from sleep
    Sep 16 00:58:00 tio-E kernel[0]: System Wake
    Sep 16 00:58:09 tio-E lookupd[213]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Mon Sep 16 00:58:09 2013
    Sep 16 00:58:09 tio-E configd[37]: rtmsg: error writing to routing socket
    Sep 16 00:58:26 tio-E /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport: Could not find "CPL" on any channel (directed scan)
    Sep 16 00:58:26 tio-E /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport: Could not find "CPL" on channel(s) 6
    Sep 16 00:58:37 tio-E /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport: Could not find "default" on any channel (directed scan)
    Sep 16 00:58:37 tio-E /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport: Could not find "default" on channel(s) 6
    Sep 16 00:58:40 tio-E kernel[0]: WLC_E_COUNTRY_CODE_CHANGED
    Sep 16 00:58:40 tio-E kernel[0]: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'US'.
    Sep 16 00:58:40 tio-E kernel[0]: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 149 153 157 161 165 40 48 56 64 153 161 36 44 52 60 149 157
    Sep 16 00:58:41 tio-E kernel[0]: MAC AUTH succeeded
    Sep 16 00:58:45 tio-E configd[37]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
    Sep 16 00:58:45 tio-E lookupd[218]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Mon Sep 16 00:58:45 2013
    Can anyone help me get to the root of this problem?

    Hi Edwardo,
    Perhaps there's remnants of that App you're not aware of... what was it?
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport, or some USB or Firewire device, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts (Users & Groups in later OSX versions)>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...

  • Strange FWSM log message

    Dear expects,
    I have a strange problem with a FWSM on Catalyst 6509, this funny logging message keep generating on the FWSM
    %FWSM-3-106011: Deny inbound (No xlate) icmp src fwsm_212: dst fwsm_212: (type 8, code 0)
    %FWSM-3-106011: Deny inbound (No xlate) icmp src fwsm_212: dst fwsm_212: (type 8, code 0)
    Was it mean that a icmp packet source from to being denied in the FWSM in the first statement? it suppose to be on a same subnet (, not sure why it being detected and logged in the FWSM gateway
    I have surf some info from the Internet, in the CISCO FWSM log documentation mention this code of log message can typically be ignored, it's recommend to prevent this system log message from getting logged to the syslog server by entering the "no logging message 106011" command. But I have read also this log could be generated by various worms or trojans attempting to connect to known hosts, it may also indicate a port scaning
    Could someone explain to me what actually mean by the message log ? what is the best way to investigte this log, shoud I drill down focus and check on the host machine itself or can ignored this system log ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Other than what you are calling a "message", is the  preview functioning as desired?

  • Unsafe Javascript log messages

    My console.log has lots of log messages like this:
    Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://www.ebay.com/ from frame with URL http://my.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=getFavoriteNav. Domains must match.
    In many cases the domains really are unrelated; for instance, www.versiontracker.com tries to access img.mediaplex.com, and I suspect these are related to advertising banners.
    Are these causing these pages to misbehave in Safari? Is this a security precaution that other browsers don't perform? Should web site designers be fixing their sites so that they need to link between domains? Notice that in the case of eBay, they're just different ebay.com servers.

    Hi Barry,
    That doesn't seem related to this issue, it's not about a log message from Safari, it's about a message that a particular web site sends on their page.
    i did not know one way or the other, do you maybe have a ScamBlocker with
    your IP, maybe Earthlink,i have them & i get javascript errors at some sites,
    In fact, I'm kind of suspicious of the answer on that page. They say that the web site determines what country you're in by the browser language, but I think most sites actually do this by looking at your IP and matching it against geographic IP assignments (this isn't completely accurate, but it's what many sites do anyway).
    I do not really know much about this & how it is done, only that there is no such thing as anonymity on the web.
    Hope someone else chimes in with more info & helps you out.If i see any thing that seems related, i'll post back.
    good luck, Eme:)

  • Can't get syslog messages from Remote SA520 over VPN

    I'm trying to set up a central logging server on a debian system running rsyslog.
    The syslog server is local & I have a branch office connected via a VPN. Both buildings have SA520 routers.
    I have set up both firewalls to allow ANY from each network 192.168.150.X & 19.168.160.X
    (also tried to add a rule for UDP514 but that didn't help)
    The debian system is new & has no iptables set up
    I've entered the syslog server IP in remote logging.
    I've set up facilities in Send to syslog for both routers.
    I am logging messages from the local router but don't see anything from the remote.
    I've checked with wireshark & see no syslog packages from the remote (I do see SSL negotiation & others when using the web admin and of course the functioning vpn)
    I rebooted the router to see if that mae a difference but no luck.
    Any ideas why I can't get the syslog traffic across the VPN?

    I do have the correct IP address of the syslog server set up. I do not want email logs so have not enabled that.
    My setup is
    remote lan > SA520-remote ( > [ site to site IPSec VPN over WAN ] > SA520-local ( > syslog server ( & local lan
    Firewall is set up to allow ANY IN & OUT to local lan on both routers.
    I have also set up specific rules for UDP 514 Syslog traffic (no difference, currently disabled)
    syslog server has -no- firewall at the moment.
    Syslog server is receiving messages from the local router with no issues.
    Log Severity is set to Information &  Log Facility is set up to send to Syslog.
    I have also setup a SNMP trap on the syslog server & pointed the remote router to it in hopes of diagnosing the issue.
    Both routers have the latest firmware applied.
    Using wireshark on the syslog server I see no traffic on UDP 514 (syslog) or UDP 162 (snmp)
    I can use the WUI for the remote & ping the 160.1 with no problem. Both ping & TLS/TCP traffic show up in wireshark on the syslog server when I do so.
    It looks to me like there is a problem routing the syslog messages out of the router & then back through the VPN.
    Worst case I'll set up another syslog server on an old machine at the remote location & then cron the logs to the central syslog server but it really seems I shouldn't have to.

  • PL/SQL log messages are not printing from Java concurrent program

    I have a strange issue while submitting the Java concurrent program through PL/SQL.
    I have a PL/SQL concurrent program which will invoke the Java concurrent program inside the package by use of "FND_GLOBAL.SUBMIT_REQUEST". It worked and submitted successfully. From that Java concurrent program we are calling some other PL/SQL packages and printing some log messages over there. But problem here is the request is only printing the Java log messages in view log but not the PL/SQL log messages.  But if I submit the Java concurrent program directly from SRS form at that it is printing both Java and PL/SQL log messages.
    I am just wondering how the log messages has not printed. Please provide your inputs to solve this problem.

    I'm adding log messages in the package body , but these messages are not printing after completion of concurrent prog.
    Any suggestions.
    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Data Test :');Do you have COMMIT in your code?

  • I don't want the 'chat' option. how can I disable it? I often get the message that I am being disconnected from chat because i've logged on from another computer. I never use chat, and it just seems to be a problem. How can I get rid of it?

    I often get the message that I am being disconnected from chat because i've logged on from another computer. I never use chat, and it just seems to be a problem. How can I get rid of it?

    Don't expect any wonders. If you use it heavily with multiple applications running at the same time, nobody can help you. It's physics: more usage => higher energy consumption.
    Here you can find some tips to reduce the battery consumption. My tip: close applications if you don't need them right now and reduce screen brightness.

Maybe you are looking for