[WAS-MY-MISTAKE] Pacman's regex behavior with plus symbols

I think this is best explained with examples.
There's a 'libxml++' package in official repositories. It doesn't find it if I do this:
pacman -Ss ^libxml\+\+$
Even if I use no caret and/or dollar sign. It finds 'perl-xml-libxml' if I do this:
pacman -Ss libxml\+\+$
Which is really strange. And if I do this:
pacman -Ss gtk-++
It finds all 'gtk-.*' packages.
I know there was a bug saying that devs should make pacman search regex-like and non-regex-like when it comes to pluses, but at the moment the regex way isn't working properly.
Is this a bug, or was support for regex pluses completely dropped? If yes, how would one search for exact match with string that contains pluses?
Last edited by Camus (2011-09-06 12:48:04)

Camus wrote:
I think this is best explained with examples.
There's a 'libxml++' package in official repositories. It doesn't find it if I do this:
pacman -Ss ^libxml\+\+$
your escapes are not working properly. try:
pacman -Ss ^libxml\\+\\+$
or, more generally:
pacman -Ss '^libxml\+\+$'

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  • Pacman -Sc chnged behavior, network-cached packages get deleted!

    Hi everybody,
    As of V 3.1 pacman -Sc changed behavior to delete all but the installed packages on one machine. I use a network shared pacman cache as described in this wiki entry:
    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/How … me_Network
    This change killed the ability to only keep the newest packages in cache. If I do a
    pacman -Sc
    it deletes all packages that are not installed on this particular machine. If you have several machines with different setups this is not what is intended. Wouldn't it have been better to leave pacman -Sc as is and introduce a new option? Is there a way to work around that or do I have to keep track of whats new by myself?

    Harey wrote:
    Hm, looking at this solution, it's actually pretty close to the current algorithm pacman uses.
    But instead of checking if the package is in the local database, you check if it's the sync database.
    Close, but no cigar
    Indeed, there are still problems remaining. If there are different repos enabled on different machines, the sync database of the actual machine where the script is started is used as reference. If others have more repos enabled, for example 'testing' these packages will be deleted, even if newer. Don't know how to work around this one by now. But my machines all have the same repos enabled, so it won't hurt me much.
    Otherwise, if you run it on the box which has the most repos enabled, you should be fine.
    So it is very easy to implement this in pacman. The problem is that the current behavior is better
    for caches that are not network shared, so we cannot simply replace it.
    And if we add this other -Sc behavior, we then need a way to choose between the two behaviors.
    Any suggestions?
    Well you changed behavior before
    But actually I wouldn't change it back either, because the majority of users will need the current implementation. I would tend to make it an extra option, if possible.
    Sorry if it wasn't clear, that's what I was asking, which extra option it could be?
    Because we would need a clear name and/or shortname to avoid confusing users with two different -Sc behaviors possible.

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    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
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    Hi all,
    My report seems to be behaving correctly once i set it to "Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)" :)

  • Strange window behavior with CS5

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    To be sure about CS5, I completely deactivated, deinstalled, and reinstalled it. The same issues occurred. Now, I have to admit that I let PS run its update process so that I brought it back to the most recent version in this step of my troubleshooting. So, I can't be certain that the issue isn't with some update of CS5.
    I might add that I have been running CS5 in 32-bit mode, for compatibility with certain plugins. This may or may not be an issue, since I have limited experience with running in 64-bit mode. At this point, I should add a bit more about the confusing behavior.
    While messing around with CS5, I also suspected the GPU support, since my problem had to do with windows. When the problem presents itself, the usual cycle through window views that you get by pressing the "F" key seems to get messed up. In particular, the "F" key doesn't work at all. Next, if you use the View menu to select different views, the full screen with menu bar view will often have garbled pixels, while the full screen view will show a blank grey screen. Then, cycling back to a window view will show a window with blank grey contents. This is interesting since the starting point was no window at all; but going into full screen and then back will produce a window with bogus contents.
    Now, the next strange thing, having to do with the GPU, is that CS5 often fails to recognize the Radeon HD 2600 card. Oddly enough, it did originally. And I had it running in Basic mode. However, CS4 does recognize the GPU; and I can set it in any variety of modes: Basic, Normal, and Advanced. This behavior is not consistent at all either; that is, while CS5 almost always now fails to detect the GPU, sometimes it does. As near as I can tell, this failure to detect the card does not depend upon whether I start CS5 in 32-bit or 64-bit mode. OTOH, CS4 always recognizes the GPU.
    Another form of this odd behavior arises if I start CS5 cold, and then just open a new blank window. This almost always works. I get a blank white window, and I can paint on it with a brush, etc. However, if I go ahead at this point and open a file, then the new file takes over the window; and there are no tabs. If I select the original new file, usually labelled "Untitled", the window bar will show the change of filename but the window's contents and the layers palette will continue to show the old file that I had opened. Cycling through views can sometimes get back to the new Untitled file, but just selecting file windows never works.
    Yet another aspect of this messed up window behavior is that the workspace bar, which shows the Bridge, MiniBridge and view icons on the upper left and the various workspace options and CS Live on the upper right, is present but blank. OTOH, the tool bar is always displayed correctly, as is the horizontal bar that shows the various tool options. Likewise, the palettes for the workspace such as layers, swatches, adjustments, and so on, are always correctly displayed on the left.
    My next steps in trying to figure this out will be to ensure that I am running the latest of all plugins so that I can get everything running in 64-bit mode and try this again. However, the single factor that seems consistent in this whole mess is that whenever I do find this odd behavior, the performance preferences window will indicate that CS5 is not detecting the GPU. Whenever this happens, if I open up CS4 and check the same performance preference in it, the GPU is detected. I can have the two preference windows side by side on the screen in fact, CS4 sees the GPU and CS5 does not. The counter-indication is that sometimes CS5 will work properly and the preferences window still shows that the GPU has not been detected. Having said that, I can add that if I have opened up CS5, and it has found the GPU, and I have set it into, say, Basic mode, and then later found CS5 messing up, and I go back and check the performance preferences again, the GPU has always been lost. So, CS5 can mess up windows with or without the GPU detected and active; but when if it started with the GPU present, it will show up as lost after the weird behavior starts.
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    I could load up this message with screen shots of all this nonsense, but I'm not sure what that would add to the strange tale, other than I'm not pulling your legs. I am, however, pulling out my own hair.
    As I stated before, this began quite suddenly a couple of weeks ago, early Feb 2011. My best guess as to cause is some combination of incompatible updates between CS5, OSX, and maybe some plugin or other. I found unusual behavior with onOne's FocalPoint v2 last year after Apple updated GPU drivers in some OSX update, and cratered that program. It took onOne a month or two to fix that. I have CS5 on a laptop with the same OSX version, and on that I haven't seen these issues; but then, I haven't been using it as intensely over there. Also, that machine has different CPU and GPU models than this iMac.
    So, to the community: is anybody else starting to see this odd stuff? Am I alone?

    Here's the reason I say that the same plugins exist for both CS4 & CS5. Sometime last year, the internal hard drive on this computer died (as they so often do), and it was replaced under the Apple care warranty. As a consequence, I decided to rebuild the OS and applications from scratch and bring back my user files from backup. I among other things, I reinstalled all of CS4 as well as CS5 (and I had to put CS3 back too for reasons having to do with printing calibration images for Quad Tone RIP). Then, I went to reinstall the plugins that I needed. I use Nik Software, onOne, Portrait Professional and various Topaz plugins. To my recollection, most of these install in PS CS3, CS4, CS5, Aperture, and Lightroom. In short, it is not that I've copied or moved plugin folders from one application folder to another, just that the installers automatically detect the presence of the various applications and put the various plugins into each, as appropriate.
    The only 32-bit plugins that I have that don't fit into this category are from Vincent Versace. He provides special versions of certain Nik plugins (Tonal Contrast, Contrast Only, etc) that function with some Acme Educational extensions for performing B&W conversion, sharpening, blah blah blah. These plugins are only 32-bit and the extensions are only CS5 compatible. I've installed these ones only into CS5; so, you've got me. OTOH, I've had these from Vincent as soon as CS5 was available; and they've worked so far without problems. Perhaps I should just edit the extensions so I could use the latest plugins direct from Nik instead of the Versace special editions...
    I've checked fonts and repaired permissions. I am presently going through the rather tedious process of disabling plugins and extensions to see if anything yields consistent results. The rather random arrival of the strangeness makes ensuring that a change is really having an effect more difficult to validate, as you will appreciate.
    I apologize for my long-winded original post. I add all of the detail so that anyone who'd experienced similar strange behaviors might properly pattern-match what they were seeing. On the one hand, in finding the cause of a problem, you look for what's changed; and theoretically nothing is new. On the other hand, there's always so much changing behind the scenes with automatic updates of this, that, and the other thing that it's impossible to make the claim that nothing's new. 

  • Strange Permissions Behavior with Public/Private Drop Box

    Strange Permissions Behavior with Non-Course Drop Box
    In an effort to promote iTunes U on campus this semester (and to get people working with audio and video more) we're having a contest in which people can submit personal or group audio/video projects.
    This being an iTunes promo, we intend for students to submit their contributions via a drop box.
    To that end, I began experimenting with drop boxes in iTunes U, which I haven't done much of previously. I've created a course called "iTunes U Drop Box Test" under "Campus Events". Within that, I have two tabs: "Featured Submissions" and "Dropbox". My goal with this drop box was to allow faculty, students and college folks the ability to use the drop box ("college" being a role I've defined for those who don't fit into the faculty/student roles).
    When I first started experimenting, access to the "iTunes U Drop Box Test" course looked like this:
    --- Credentials (System) ---
    Edit: Administrator@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:lafayette.edu
    Download: Authenticated@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:lafayette.edu
    Download: Unauthenticated@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:lafayette.edu
    Download: All@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:lafayette.edu
    --- Credentials ----
    Download: College@urn:mace:lafayette.edu
    Download: Instructor@urn:mace:lafayette.edu
    Download: Instructor@urn:mace:lafayette.edu:classes:${IDENTIFIER}
    Download: Student@urn:mace:lafayette.edu
    Download: Student@urn:mace:lafayette.edu:classes:${IDENTIFIER}
    For the "Featured" Submissions tab, I gave the non-system credentials the "download" right, and for the "Dropbox" tab I gave the non-system credentials the "dropbox" right.
    My understanding of this setup is that everyone should have had the ability to view the course and the contents of the "Featured Submissions" tab and that those in the College/Instructor/Student roles would be able to upload files via the "Dropbox" tab ... but not see the contents of said tab after the files were uploaded (aside from any files they uploaded themselves).
    This is not the behavior we saw however. While the College/Instructor/Student roles could upload files to the dropbox, everyone (including the unauthenticated public) was able to see all of the contents of the dropbox.
    The only way I could get this to work as advertised was to change all of the system credentials save the "Administrator" to "No Access":
    --- Credentials (System) ---
    Edit: Administrator@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:lafayette.edu
    No Access: Authenticated@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:lafayette.edu
    No Access: Unauthenticated@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:lafayette.edu
    No Access: All@urn:mace:itunesu.com:sites:lafayette.edu
    Once I did this, everything worked as advertised: College/Instructor/Student roles could upload tracks, and the "Dropbox" tab would only display tracks they uploaded.
    So my question is ... is this the correct behavior for the drop box? It looks like when the system credentials are in play, they're simply overriding whatever the normal "view" rule is for the drop box, which doesn't seem right.

    Your current configuration where things work as you wanted does seem correct to me. You are not using any System Credentials to accomplish the functionality and that's fine.
    Here's some more info to clarify how / why this is working for you and why you had to set "No Access" for the System Credentials:
    The System Credential "Authenticated@..." is going to get assigned to any user that goes through your transfer script. Even if you transfer script assigns no credentials to a user, upon entering iTunes U they will have at least 1 - the "Authenticated@..." credential. Therefore, unless you block access using "No Access", any user that passes through your transfer script is going to be able to access the area in question.
    When you change values for "Unauthenticated@..." or "All@..." you are defining what someone that DOES NOT pass through your transfer script can do. You want both of those to be "No Access" at the top level of your site if you do not want unauthenticated visitors.
    The distinction between "Unauthenticated" and "All" is that "All" applies to all users whether they pass through the transfer script or not.
    Here's another way to remember things:
    User passes through your transfer script, iTunes U automatically assigns:
    User does not pass through your transfer script and instead access your iTunes U site through derivable URL*, they get assigned:
    *The derivable URL for a site is: http://deimos.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Browse/site-domain-name
      Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • HT1725 hey guys u charged me for this rental movie and couldn't see it ,because was a mistake when i was downloading what i need to do because i want my money back  thakns:Ivan

    i was rentin the movie men of black 3 and i couln't watch it because was a mistake on  the downloading

    These are user-to-user forums, you are not talking to Apple here.
    Try the 'report a problem' link from your purchase history : log into your account on your computer's iTunes via Store > View My Account (Store > View My Apple ID on iTunes 11) and you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it ; click on that and you should see a list of your purchases ; find that rental and use the 'Report a Problem' link and fill in details about the problem (iTunes support should reply within, I think, 24 to 48 hours).

  • Get default audit field behavior with an external datasource

    Others have posted and blogged extensively about creating a robust audit trail for LightSwitch. However, if you are looking to achieve the default behavior with an external datasource, you could simply add the fields to your database
    and write code in every entity's Inserting() and Updating() method.  However, if you have many tables in your app this can be a lot of work.  Here is a very easy way to DRY this up. 
    1. Add the audit fields to your tables
    - CreatedBy
    - DateCreated
    - UpdatedBy
    - DateUpdated
    2. Use this code in the DataService class for your datasource.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.LightSwitch;
    using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Security.Server;
    namespace LightSwitchApplication
    public partial class ApplicationDataService
    partial void SaveChanges_Executing()
    EntityChangeSet changes = this.Details.GetChanges();
    IReadOnlyCollection<IEntityObject> addedEntities = changes.AddedEntities;
    IReadOnlyCollection<IEntityObject> modifiedEntities = changes.ModifiedEntities;
    if (addedEntities.Any())
    foreach (IEntityObject entity in addedEntities)
    if (modifiedEntities.Any())
    foreach (IEntityObject entity in modifiedEntities)
    private void InsertAuditFields(IEntityObject entity)
    string userName = this.Application.User.FullName;
    DateTimeOffset currentDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
    entity.Details.Properties["CreatedBy"].Value = userName;
    entity.Details.Properties["DateCreated"].Value = currentDateTime;
    entity.Details.Properties["UpdatedBy"].Value = userName;
    entity.Details.Properties["DateUpdated"].Value = currentDateTime;
    private void UpdateAuditFields(IEntityObject entity)
    string userName = this.Application.User.FullName;
    DateTimeOffset currentDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
    entity.Details.Properties["UpdatedBy"].Value = userName;
    entity.Details.Properties["DateUpdated"].Value = currentDateTime;
    Hopefully this helps someone.

    This version will check whether the table has the audit properties, thus allowing you to opt in.  Paul's solution is going to be better in the long run because it checks at compile time.  This was meant to be a quick way to get the default behavior. 
    This is not a substitute for a full audit capability (see Paul's blog) if that is your requirement.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.LightSwitch;
    using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Security.Server;
    using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Details;
    namespace LightSwitchApplication
    public partial class ApplicationDataService
    partial void SaveChanges_Executing()
    EntityChangeSet changes = this.Details.GetChanges();
    IReadOnlyCollection<IEntityObject> addedEntities = changes.AddedEntities;
    IReadOnlyCollection<IEntityObject> modifiedEntities = changes.ModifiedEntities;
    if (addedEntities.Any())
    foreach (IEntityObject entity in addedEntities)
    if (AuditProperties(entity))
    if (modifiedEntities.Any())
    foreach (IEntityObject entity in modifiedEntities)
    if (AuditProperties(entity))
    private bool AuditProperties(IEntityObject entity)
    bool hasAuditProperties = true;
    bool createdBy = entity.Details.Properties.Contains("CreatedBy");
    bool dateCreated = entity.Details.Properties.Contains("DateCreated");
    bool updatedBy = entity.Details.Properties.Contains("UpdatedBy");
    bool dateUpdated = entity.Details.Properties.Contains("DateUpdated");
    bool[] checkForAuditProperties = new bool[]
    if (checkForAuditProperties.Any(a => a == false))
    hasAuditProperties = false;
    return hasAuditProperties;
    private void InsertAuditFields(IEntityObject entity)
    string userName = this.Application.User.FullName;
    DateTimeOffset currentDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
    entity.Details.Properties["CreatedBy"].Value = userName;
    entity.Details.Properties["DateCreated"].Value = currentDateTime;
    entity.Details.Properties["UpdatedBy"].Value = userName;
    entity.Details.Properties["DateUpdated"].Value = currentDateTime;
    private void UpdateAuditFields(IEntityObject entity)
    string userName = this.Application.User.FullName;
    DateTimeOffset currentDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
    entity.Details.Properties["UpdatedBy"].Value = userName;
    entity.Details.Properties["DateUpdated"].Value = currentDateTime;

  • Weird behavior with Ctrl-Tab

    Dear members,
    (Forms 6i c/s)
    I have two tab canvases in one form. For each one, the first tab page is a master list, and the second one is a single-record detail block.
    I try to prevent the user from going to the second tab page if the list is empty, so I check the cursor-block in the When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger.
    It works fine when I use the mouse, but I get a different behavior with the Ctrl-Tab keys:
    In the first canvas, when WTPC trigger fires, the cursor-block is the list block, which is fine.
    But in the other canvas, the cursor-block is already the detail block as soon as the trigger fires.
    I don't understand where the difference comes from, and I don't really know where to search.
    Does anyone have a clue ?
    Thanks for your help.

    I don't, since my code has to be generic (it's the same for both canvases, and many more).
    And I can only get the name of a canvas from a block, not the name of a block from a canvas.
    That's why the cursor-block was the best solution.

  • "Run Script" (F5) Flacky Behavior with CREATE PROCEDURE and PACKAGE

    When I have the following create statement in a SQL Worksheet and run the script using "Run Script" (F5), I get the "PROCEDURE bogus Compiled." message. Why does it not tell me that there was a compile error? The procedure is marked with a little red "X" in the connections pane.
      x := 1;
    /Also, when I have the following command in a SQL Worksheet and run the script using "Run Script" (F5), I get the "PROCEDURE bogus Compiled." message. The difference is that I removed the slash after the CREATE PROCEDURE command. I can go into that procedure in the database via the Connections pane, click on the compile button, and the procedure compiles with no errors. Why does it not compile in a script when missing the slash?
    END;I noticed the same flaky behavior with CREATE PACKAGE BODY as well. This is in version on Windows XP. Has this been fixed in the latest version?

    I found a number of earlier posts on this (going back to at least v804), but I cannot find a thread with a response from the SQL Developer team - see:
    Package compilation error
    Succesful compilation message and Compiling Invalid Objects
    Creating a stored procedure from a file does not show compilation errors
    Re: Syntax Error Feedback
    I assume that it is just a bug with SQL Developer that it does not check for compilation errors when determining the status message to display (ie "PROCEDURE bogus Compiled"). At least now we get the little red cross on the navigator to tell us it is invalid :)

  • Bizzare behavior with RMI using the localhost

    I'm still new to RMI and I'm observing some strange behavior with RMI.
    I'm using RMI as a communication protocol in a client/server database application. Since I don't have access to a network at the moment I was running the application on a single host and using the local host parameter to test my RMI code.
    In my code if I do a naming lookup on the local host and it works as I would expect it to. (Note before this code fragment runs I've all ready started the rmi registry and bound the RemoteDatabase to it.)
    String name = "rmi://" + "" +":"+1099+"/RemoteDatabase";
    thedb = (RemoteDB)Naming.lookup(name);
    Now if I replace "" with a garbage value such as "12453" it still works!
    This is not the behavior I expected. I expected that the Naming.lookup would throw a exception of some kind.
    Can any one explain this behavior?
    The reason I would like this to work as I expected is that in my application the IP address string and port number are variables that I allow the user to set through a dialog. If the user puts in a garbage string for the IP address I want to catch the exception and display an appropriate warning dialog to the user. I can't seem to do that since the Naming.lookup() for a garbage IP address doesn't seem to throw any exception that I have been able to detect.
    I've actually observed even stranger behavior. If I use a garbage string such as, which is invalid IP address, the Naming.lookup() will throw an exception. If I put in a garbage string such as "aaaaaa" for the IP address the Naming.lookup() throws an exception. This is the behavior I would expect.
    However as I mentioned if I use a string such as "12345" for the IP address the code works! This seemingly inconsistent behavior is driving me nuts so if any of you RMI gurus out there can help me out I would very much appreciate it.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, there.
    lookup uses URI parsing so the fact that your using numbers being equivalent to localhost seems to be due to the fact that that is an invalid host according to the javadocs for the getHost primitive attached below(marked the most important parts). In this case returning null is interpreted as absent , therefore => localhost. Nothing about the port! Maybe you can take it from here. Seems you'll have to make some user input validation yourself, in your application. Hope I haven't missed anything.
    Good luck.
    public String getHost()Returns the host component of this URI.
    The host component of a URI, if defined, will have one of the following forms:
    A domain name consisting of one or more labels separated by period characters ('.'), optionally followed by a period character. Each label consists of alphanum characters as well as hyphen characters ('-'), though hyphens never occur as the first or last characters in a label.
    The last, or only, label in a domain name begins with an alpha character.
    A dotted-quad IPv4 address of the form digit+.digit+.digit+.digit+, where no digit sequence is longer than three characters and no sequence has a value larger than 255.
    An IPv6 address enclosed in square brackets ('[' and ']') and consisting of hexadecimal digits, colon characters (':'), and possibly an embedded IPv4 address. The full syntax of IPv6 addresses is specified in RFC 2373: IPv6 Addressing Architecture.
    The host component of a URI cannot contain escaped octets, hence this method does not perform any decoding.
    The host component of this URI, or null if the host is undefined

  • Broken Archive Behavior with Yosemite Mac Mail and Gmail?

    Hi -
    It seems that with the Yosemite upgrade of Mail, the archive behavior with gmail (google apps) has broken. You can not change the Archive command to select the archive folder. The command just seems just to move the message from the Inbox to to the All Mail folder and no longer shows any messages in my folder called Archive. I have to go to gmail web to view these messages. This broke from Mavericks where I was able to archive to a mailbox called 'Archive'.
    Is there anyway to change the behavior of Mail to select the archive folder and view the contents of my IMAP folder named 'Archive'?

    Hello VMH!
    When either one of us deletes a message, it is automatically deleted from the other's Mail Inbox
    That's exactly what IMAP is for: to sync mailboxes on different machines.
    We would very much like to find a simple way to make sure whatever messages get downloaded into our Mail Inboxes stay there regardless of what the other person does.
    As far as I know, that's not possible with IMAP. Besides, as I indicated above, it contradicts the idea behind IMAP. For info on IMAP and Gmail see this [Help Page|http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&ctx=mail&answer=75725] (click the link) and for info on deleting IMAP messages in Gmail see [this page|http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=78755] (again, click the link).
    In your case I would recommend using POP instead of IMAP. But you have to make sure that the messages you download are kept on the server, so that your wife can access them, too. In the following I'll give some instructions on how to accomplish that.
    *1) Switch from IMAP to POP in Gmail*
    1.1 Log into your Gmail account via mail.google.com, click "Settings" in the upper right corner of the window and select "Forwarding and POP/IMAP". Make sure POP is enabled for "all mail".
    1.2 Set the option "When messages are accessed with POP" via the drop-down menu to "Keep Google Mail's copy in the Inbox".
    1.3 Disable IMAP access.
    *2) Create a new POP mail account in Apple Mail*
    *3) Adjust Apple Mail's settings*
    In Apple Mail's Preferences > Accounts, select your new POP account and click on the "Advanced" tab. There you have to uncheck the checkbox next to "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message".
    (You'll have to repeat steps 2) and 3) on your wife's computer as well.)
    Hope that helps to get you started.
    Good computing.

  • Particular behavior with my Mac store

    Problem Description:
    Since I have reinstall my MacOS installation, I've some random behavior with my Mac App Store.
    Randomly, Mac App Store asks me to upgrade some applications never installed, not on my system, they appear to be linked with an another account !
    Here some example, this morning Mac App Store asks me to upgrade "Read Later" with an account name xxxxxx(note this software is note install on my Mac)
    An another special behavior, when I try to install a free software such as Twitter, the account used is again linked with an another account not my account
    Actions done:
    To solve this behavior I have try to run as without success:
    Upgrade problem
    I've a error message if I try to upgrade this app who indicate that some upgrade are available on other accounts please connect on it.
    Free App (twitter)
    I've try to add my account but I've the following error: Error Unknown
    I hope this information can help you to solve this behavior.
    Best regards
    <Edited By Host>

    Im back with my result,
    I have made a global search on my harddisk (name is HD) with the following search parametters Name contains _MASReceipt and click on find
    FAF give me 4 results:
    - Growl
    - MplayerX
    - The Unarchiver
    - Xcode
    Based on my search all appears to be free.
    I've try to remove my Twitter client (echofon light) and try to reinstall official Twitter app.
    I've exactly the same problem particular email address proposed : xxxxxxx
    Did you have any other idea ?
    Edited post: Many thanks for FAF, it's a very good app
    Message was edited by: LEFBE
    <Edited By Host>

  • Password - I said "never" and it was a mistake

    I entered my password for a site and when the dialogue came up asking if I want the iPad to remember the password my finger missed and hit "Never". That was a mistake. Thing is, it works. But how can I undo that?

    thank you for writing. I wonder if we have different software. Or if I live in an alternate universe. I have the latest iOS on my iPad.
    In Settings on the left column Safari is located a few down from General/ iCloud/ Mail.. Safari. I touch that and to the right in the General pane - the 2nd one down is AutoFill. So far so good. It is marked "On" with an arrow. I touch that.
    There are four choices from here. Use Contact Info/ My Info in one pane; and Names and Passwords/ Clear All in the pane just below that.
    Names and Passwords is "On". Touching that does nothing. The only option is to move the button to "Off".
    Clear All seems like touching it will do what it says, which is not my intention.
    Now ---  At the bottom of the first window, with General at the top, there is a tab "Advanced". On that window there is a listing for "Website Data" with an arrow. When I touch that there IS an edit button at the top right, and a listing of website names. But the only option having pressed the Edit button is all the "minus' signs to the left of the website names. I found the website in question. The only option I believe is to remove it.
    There is no "Username & Passwords" and no list of passwords for the website. And nowhere do I see an indication that I have pressed "Never Remember Password".
    I do think I got it though. In the first General window there is a tab for Clear Cookies and Data - as mentioned above by Fred*M. There was no specific mention of 'previously Never' but that worked, i think. Now when I go to the site the password is filled in with dots. I just click Login without needed to fill in the password. I think I'm good.
    But Rowenthomas -- I never saw what you talked about. Could that be for the Mac Safari only?

  • When i open itunes, it gives me a message "the folder itunes is on a locked disk or you do not have write permissions for this folder" i am the only user and it was working a week ago whats wrong with it? it will not open itunes

    when i open itunes, it gives me a message "the folder itunes is on a locked disk or you do not have write permissions for this folder" i am the only user and it was working a week ago whats wrong with it? it will not open itunes

    Hi lvdmerwe!
    I have two articles here for you that should be able to help you troubleshoot this issue further:
    Trouble adding music to iTunes library or importing audio CD
    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

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