Watermark Script - not embedding font

Im using the addwatermarkastext feature to place the current date on the bottom of a file. Have noticed that this font is not embedded. If I use the Acrobat Document Add Watermark feature it embeds the font.
How do I get my script to embed this font -- using same font so it is not a licensing issue

Ok given what you stated I did the following:
1 Embedded my Frutiger font using Flash CS3 (simply Frutiger 55 Roman & bold)
2.My css looks like this:
        fontFamily: "Frutiger 55 Roman";
        fontStyle: normal;
        fontWeight: bold;
        /*fontStyle: normal;*/
        font-size: 28px;
        font-family: "Frutiger 55 Roman";
        font-Style: normal;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-Style: "75 Black";
        fontFamily: "Frutiger 55 Roman";
        font-weight: bold;
        fontStyle: normal;
        fontSize: 28;
        fontAntiAliasType: normal ;*/
        color: #EE8011; /* orange */
The result is that nothing shows up (not even a system substitute font). If I change my font-family to Arial in the TextTitleBlue class of course the text will show, so obviously its a problem with my font. I even tried taking out  " font-Style: normal; font-weightBut" out of my TextTitleBlue class but still no luck. You said if I simply have fontStyle as  italic or normal and fontWeight as  bold or normal it should work right?....

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    Hi guys,
    I need to show embedded and not embedded font in my TextField at the same time. TextField has embedFonts = true and isHTML = true.
    Any ideas?

    Two different font won't work for me because I need to support all UTF glyphs.
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  • Embedding fonts in css

    The following file uses two approaches to style text: CSS and TextFormat They result in different results that are very similar, but different. I suspect that I am not embedding fonts properly when using CSS. Am I correct and, if so, what should I be doing?
    Main file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"  creationComplete="init()">
        <mx:Style source="styleSheet.css" />
    import flash.text.*;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    private var textFormats:TextFormats=new TextFormats;
    private function init():void{
        var spellingExplanation:TextField=new TextField
        var container:UIComponent = new UIComponent()
        <mx:VBox id="textContainer">
            <mx:Label    text="Characters" styleName="buttonStyle1"/>       
    @font-face {
        fontFamily: FranklinGothicMedium;
        src: url("framd.ttf");
    .buttonStyle1 {
       color: #000000;
       fontSize: 14;
       fontFamily: FranklinGothicMedium;
        import flash.text.TextFormat;
        public class TextFormats{    
        [Embed(source='framd.ttf', fontName="FranklinGothicMedium", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype")]
            public static const FranklinGothicMedium:String;
            private var _buttonStyle1:TextFormat;
            public function TextFormats(){
                buttonStyle1 = new TextFormat();
                buttonStyle1.color = 0x000000;
                buttonStyle1.font = "FranklinGothicMedium"//"Franklin Gothic Medium";
                buttonStyle1.size = 14;
            public function get buttonStyle1():TextFormat {
                return _buttonStyle1;
            public function set buttonStyle1(value:TextFormat):void {

    I've attached a file to show the differences. The top image shows the result of the css and the bottom image the result of using the TextFormat. The differences that become clear when the text is examined in Photoshop.

  • Module not unloading if embedded font was ever used

    So, I have a test app that uses modules with the font embeded. Using ModuleManager I am able to load up the module. Once I call   IModuleInfo.factory.create(), I am then able to setStyle("fontFamily", "BPDiet") and the font does show up. The issue I am now having is that once I have used a font from a module, even if my TextArea is no longer using it (I even tried removing the textArea, and replacing it with a new one), the module will not unload.
    I read through this "What We Know About Unloading Modules" and I think I am not leaving any references around.They are loaded using the load() defaults. There is no code (that is used) in the module. The modules are not being added to the display, so they never receive focus.
    Note that I am unable to run the profiler as suggested in the article as I don't have the premium Flash Builder 4. <grrr>
    Note that the first module that is loaded, I can never get to unload, even if I never used the font embedded in it, but all subsequent modules will unload, if I do not use the embedded font. I can live with the first one being pinned as long as I can unload the others that are not in use.
    Here is the code from one of my modules:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Module xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                import spark.components.TextArea;
                public static var BPDietNormal:Class;
                public function GetSampleTextArea():TextArea {
                    var SampleTextArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                    SampleTextArea.text = "Test BPDiet please!";
                    SampleTextArea.setStyle("fontFamily", 'BPDiet');
                    return SampleTextArea;           
    And here is the App that is loading and using the modules:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="400" minHeight="400">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.core.UIComponent;
                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
                import mx.managers.SystemManager;
                import mx.modules.IModule;
                import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
                import mx.modules.Module;
                import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
                import spark.components.TextArea;
                private var _ta:TextArea = null;
                protected var _moduleInfo:IModuleInfo;
                private function LoadFontTextArea(fontSwf:String):void {
                    status.text = "Loading the font pack";
                    _moduleInfo = ModuleManager.getModule(fontSwf);
                    // add some listeners
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReady);
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, moduleLoadErrorHandler);
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, moduleUnloadHandler);
                private function onModuleReady(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "The font pack swf Ready \n" + event.module.url;
                    //All I had todo was create the module, then I could access the embeded font by name
                    var fontMod:* = event.module.factory.create();
                    //_ta = fontMod.GetSampleTextArea();
                    fontMod = null;
                    //fontNameForSample = event.module.url.replace(".swf", "");
                private function moduleLoadErrorHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "Font Module Load Error. \n" +
                        event.module.url + "\n"+ event.errorText;
                private function moduleUnloadHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "Font Module Unload Event. \n" + event.module.url;
                private function fontChangedHandler():void {
                private function unloadCurrentFont():void {
                    if (_ta != null) {
                        _ta = null;
                    sampleTextArea = null;
                    sampleTextArea = new TextArea();
                    sampleTextArea.id = "sampleTextArea";
                    sampleTextArea.text = "Some text for your viewing pleasure. " + colorForBK.toString(16);
                    if (_moduleInfo != null)
                        _moduleInfo = null;
                private function DoNonImportantWork():void {
                    colorForBK -= 0xFAA;
                    if (colorForBK < 0x0) colorForBK = 0xFFFFFF;
                    var foo:* = {prop1: "yea" + colorForBK.toString(), prop2:"boo" + colorForBK.toString()};
                    var hmm:String = foo.prop1 + " " + foo.prop2;
                    regedFonts = new ArrayCollection(Font.enumerateFonts(false));
                private var colorForBK:int = 0xFFFFFF;
                private var fonts:ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(new Array("AlexandriaFLF.swf", "BPDiet.swf", "ChanpagneFont.swf", "KidsFont.swf"));
                private var regedFonts:ArrayCollection;
                private var fontNameForSample:String = "";
        <s:VGroup id="panelToStuff">
                <s:Label id="status" text="status area" backgroundColor="{colorForBK}"/>
                    <s:DropDownList id="availFonts" dataProvider="{fonts}" change="fontChangedHandler()" />
                    <s:Button label="UnLoad" enabled="true" click="unloadCurrentFont()"/>
                    <s:Button label="doSome" enabled="true" click="DoNonImportantWork()"/>
                <s:Button click="fontNameForSample = 'BPDiet';" label="BPDiet"/>
                <s:Button click="fontNameForSample = 'Champagne';" label="Champagne"/>
                <s:Button click="fontNameForSample = 'Kids';" label="Kids"/>
            <s:Label text="{regedFonts.length} reg'ed"/>
            <s:TextArea id="sampleTextArea" fontFamily="{fontNameForSample}" text="Some Sample text for your viewing"/>
    A couple things to note; I am calling System.rc() in the unloadCurrentFont() method just to speed up seeing the SWF unload in the debug console. The DoNonImportantWork() is there to just cause some events to happen and to create some objects that will need to be GC'ed. It also let me know that the fonts are not getting registered in Font.
    I'm going to have 30 fonts (and more, that designer is busy) that I will need to be able to dynamically load, but right now, loading them with CSS style modules blows up after about 15 because style modules register the font so I cannot unload the CSS swf.

    To help eliminate the question of whether the TextArea is being held by something else, I have removed it from the MXML, and now programatically create it. That did not help.
    So, I got the trial version of Flash Builder 4 installed on another machine in the office so that I can use the profiler. (The profiler is pretty cool by the way).
    After a lot of profiing, I found four paths to the module's FlexModuleFactory.
    Two of those paths go to EmbeddedFontRegistry, whose data is static. I could get into it and remove font entry and free up the moduleFactory from there. This is a hack, that entry in/on EmbeddedFontRegistry.font should have been cleaned up by the code removing the fontFamily from the TextArea. (Note that EmbeddedFontRegistry is marked [ExcludeClass], which I assume means I should not really be messing with it.
    The other two I cannot get to as they are anonymous. They also don't appear to be referenced, as the Object References shows them both as GC root objects. Here is a screen shot:
    I did a search through the sdk code and 'fbs' only shows up as a parameter on the init function of various Marshal support classes, but is not used in the init()
    Anyway, these references to the FlexModuleFactory do not get held if I do not use the embeded font in the module.
    Here is the updated code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="400" minHeight="400">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.core.EmbeddedFont;
                import mx.core.EmbeddedFontRegistry;
                import mx.core.IEmbeddedFontRegistry;
                import mx.core.UIComponent;
                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
                import mx.managers.SystemManager;
                import mx.modules.IModule;
                import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
                import mx.modules.Module;
                import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
                import spark.components.TextArea;
                private var _ta:TextArea = null;
                protected var _moduleInfo:IModuleInfo;
                private function LoadFontTextArea(fontSwf:String):void {
                    status.text = "Loading the font pack";
                    _moduleInfo = ModuleManager.getModule(fontSwf);
                    // add some listeners
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReady);
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, moduleLoadErrorHandler);
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, moduleUnloadHandler);
                private function onModuleReady(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "The font pack swf Ready \n" + event.module.url;
                    //All I had todo was create the module, then I could access the embeded font by name
                    var fontMod:* = event.module.factory.create();
                    fontMod = null;
                private function moduleLoadErrorHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "Font Module Load Error. \n" +
                        event.module.url + "\n"+ event.errorText;
                private function moduleUnloadHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "Font Module Unload Event. \n" + event.module.url;
                private function fontChangedHandler():void {
                private function unloadCurrentFont():void {
                    if (_ta != null && _moduleInfo != null) {
                        var fontName:String = _ta.getStyle("fontFamily");
                        _ta.setStyle("fontFamily", "");
                        if (_ta.textDisplay) {
                        _ta = null;
                        //This I should not have to do, but the framework is not doing it
                        var embFontReg:IEmbeddedFontRegistry = EmbeddedFontRegistry.getInstance();
                        var embFonts:Array = embFontReg.getFonts();
                        for each (var curEmbFont:EmbeddedFont in embFonts){
                            if (curEmbFont.fontName == fontName){
                                embFontReg.deregisterFont(curEmbFont, _moduleInfo.factory);
                    if (_moduleInfo != null)
                        _moduleInfo = null;
                private function AddTA():void {
                    _ta = new TextArea();
                    _ta.text = "Some text for your viewing pleasure. " + colorForBK.toString(16);
                private function DoNonImportantWork():void {
                    colorForBK -= 0xFAA;
                    if (colorForBK < 0x0) colorForBK = 0xFFFFFF;
                    var foo:* = {prop1: "yea" + colorForBK.toString(), prop2:"boo" + colorForBK.toString()};
                    var hmm:String = foo.prop1 + " " + foo.prop2;
                private var colorForBK:int = 0xFFFFFF;
                private var fonts:ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(new Array("AlexandriaFLF.swf", "BPDiet.swf", "ChanpagneFont.swf", "KidsFont.swf"));
        <s:VGroup id="panelToStuff">
                <s:Label id="status" text="status area" backgroundColor="{colorForBK}"/>
                    <s:DropDownList id="availFonts" dataProvider="{fonts}" change="fontChangedHandler()" />
                    <s:Button label="UnLoad" enabled="true" click="unloadCurrentFont()"/>
                    <s:Button label="AddTA" enabled="true" click="AddTA()"/>
                    <s:Button label="doSome" enabled="true" click="DoNonImportantWork()"/>
            <s:Button click="_ta.setStyle('fontFamily', 'BPDiet');" label="BPDiet"/>
    I really think I've reached the end of what I can do. This really seems like a bug.

  • Cannot extract the embedded font arial.Some char might not be displayed

    Hi Folks,
                  Our requirement is to generate the customer account statement for a set of cusomters during a particular period.
                         we  use a script to generate the statement and convert it to pdf.This pdf is then stored in the application server and retrived using cg3y transaction.The transaction allows the statement to be generated for multiple customers and company code.
    the problem that we face is that the first customer account statement is generated properly the rest of the statements are not displayed properly.When we open the customer account statement we get the error 'Cannot extract the embedded font arial.Some characters might not be displayed properly'.All the Headings that we of the font BOLD ARIAL were not displayed.
    This error does not occur for the first pdf file generated.(say we have 3 customers  for the 1st customer pdf is proper however for the next two error'.
                         When I checked the application server I found that the first file has font subtype as Type1 and then rest of the files have font subtype as Truetype.
    This is working fine.I downloaded the file to pc using cg3y.the pdf looks fine.                   
    Directory:  /home/nwfound/n_us_cas
    Name:       0010798791US13122009.PDF
    2 0 obj#
    3 0 obj#
    %Devtype SAPWIN   Font COURIER  normal Lang EN#
    /Type /Font#
    /Subtype /Type1#                       ****see here font subtype is type1
    /BaseFont /Courier#
    /Name /F001#
    /Encoding 2 0 R#
    4 0 obj#
    /Filter 5 0 R#
    /Length 6 0 R#
    /Length1 352224#
    This one is not working fine.Gives an error 'Cannot extract the embedded font arial.Some characters might not be displayed properly when downloaded to pc using cg3y.The heading that were of font ARIAL BOLD were not displayed.
    Directory:  /home/nwfound/n_us_cas
    Name:       0010000105US13062010.PDF
    2 0 obj#
    3 0 obj#
    %Devtype SAPWIN   Font COURIER  normal Lang EN#
    /Type /Font#
    /Subtype /TrueType#                - see here the subtype is True type.How can i change this?
    /BaseFont /Courier#
    /Name /F001#
    /Encoding 2 0 R#
    4 0 obj#
    /Filter 5 0 R#
    /Length 6 0 R#
    /Length1 352224#
    I have to change the tont subtype to Type1 as in my first cust. statement.Is there a way to this???????
    There can be no problem with the code cause the account statement generated for first customer is perfect.
    Any suggestions will be appreciated.
    IF hotfdata[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    *Convert otf data to pdf lines.
            format                = 'PDF'
            bin_filesize          = l_size
            otf                   = hotfdata
            lines                 = li_pdf_output
            err_max_linewidth     = 1
            err_format            = 2
            err_conv_not_possible = 3
            err_bad_otf           = 4
            OTHERS                = 5.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *clear hotfdata otherwise next empty cust acc. statement may have
    *this data.
        CLEAR   hotfdata.
    *If account statement is generated then set w_flag to generate email.
        w_flag = 'X'.
    *The converted pdf lines are of char132 format.
    *They have to be converted to char255 format.
        LOOP AT li_pdf_output INTO lwa_pdf_output.
          TRANSLATE lwa_pdf_output USING ' ~'.
          CONCATENATE l_gd_buffer lwa_pdf_output INTO l_gd_buffer.
          CLEAR lwa_pdf_output.
        TRANSLATE l_gd_buffer USING '~ '.
        REFRESH li_mess_att.
          li_mess_att = l_gd_buffer.
          APPEND li_mess_att.
          SHIFT l_gd_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
          IF l_gd_buffer IS INITIAL.
        CLEAR   x_objcont.
        REFRESH x_objcont.
        LOOP AT li_mess_att.
          x_objcont = li_mess_att.
          APPEND x_objcont.
    *application file name
        CONCATENATE po_filun kna1-kunnr save_bukrs datum02+4(2)
                      datum02(4) lc_pdf INTO l_filename.
        CONDENSE l_filename NO-GAPS.
        CONCATENATE file l_filename INTO file.
        CONDENSE file NO-GAPS.
    *Transer pdf data to app. server.
        "data len type i.
        LOOP AT x_objcont.
          TRANSFER x_objcont TO file.
        CLOSE DATASET file.
        CLEAR   hotfdata.

    this can be related to the compression of the PDF file.
    You can turn off the FlateDecode compression again via report RSTXPDF3 as described in Note #843480. It is a little confusing. The option 'FLATE_COMPR_OFF' needs to be set to 'On' to turn off the FlateDecode compression.
    To set this please run as follows:
    se38 -> RSTXPDF3 -> enter 'FLATE_COMPR_OFF' in the 'Name' field -> Select 'Change Settings' radio button
    You will get a pop-up 'Do not use flat compression'.
    Select the 'on' button.
    After this check if the PDF is created correctly.

  • Arabic vocalization diacritics are not rendered correctly using Adobe Arabic as Embedded Font

    Vocalization diacritics are rendered as independent characters.
    Vocalization diacritics should be rendered combined and merged with the characters preceding them like in the third line of the attached image.
    Have a look at the SWF:
    1) The first line is aTextLayoutComponent which uses Adobe Arabic as en Embeded Font.
    2) The second line is using the System Font Adobe Arabic.
    Does anyone have an idea ?
    I personally think, when you choose System Font, it uses System Text rendering Engine. But if you embeed font flash has problem with rendering the diacritics properly.

    this is my whole code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   minWidth="1024" minHeight="768"
        <s:layout >
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            <s:HTTPService id="httpServiceObj" url="TopFirst.txt" result="handleResult(event)"
            @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
            @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/halo";
                fontFamily: ArabicFont;
                fontWeight: normal;
                advancedAntiAliasing: true;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
                import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
                private function init():void{
                private var _str:String;
                private function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
                    _str    =    event.result as String;       
                private function handleFault(event:FaultEvent):void{
                    Alert.show("fault is = " + event.fault.faultString);
        <s:TextArea text="{_str}"  width="100%"
    As you can see from the code, I am not given any font to the TextArea , even  after giving the font which I have embeded ,out is the same.
    Where I am going wrong..

  • How can I create a PDF with embedded fonts (not a subset of the font) from Excel?

    I need to create PDF's from Excel spreadsheets. The PDF needs to have embedded fonts but every time I create one it only has a subset of the embedded font.  I have tried setting preferences in the Acrobat add in (unchecked the "Subset Embedded Fonts" option and also tried with the Subset Embedded Fonts checked but the percentage set to only 1% in an attempt to force full font to be embedded.)
    I also tried opening the resulting PDF with Acrobat Pro XI but could not figure out how to add the font in.
    A method to accomplish the results from either tool would be great.

    Unless you can add those fonts to your system via the Font book and then substitute them in iPhoto, you'll have to either user the available fonts or create your own pages, 8.5 x 11, in an image editor like Photoshop Elements and use them on pages that are one photo per page. Other's have done that with some success.
    If you has PS or PSE create an 8.5 x 11" canvas at 300 dpi. Then you can add your photos, add text (if PS can use the text), and create your own layout.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Error message from Adobe Reader. cannot extract the embedded font 'LICCMC+MyriadPro-Light'. some characters may not display or print correctly. Print looks like gibberish

    Trying to view/print PDF documents from website. Print looks like gibberish and is unreadable. Problem is with the embedded fonts. Error message from Adobe says cannot extract the embedded font 'LICCMC+MyriadPro-Light'. some characters may not display or print correctly.

    Try Adobe support, that's not a Firefox support issue. <br />

  • My computer is on a local network. When I access my computer as a local user, Firefox does not render any @font-face embedded font correctly for any website.

    I have tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling, creating a clean profile, and other things. The CSS is correct because it works for every other supported browser...event this particlar installation when used with a network login. Other computers on our network (but not ALL) seem to have similar problems, but only when someone logs on to the machine locally (not via Windows Active Directory).
    The browser attempts to render the embedded font, but it appears jagged, so it's not that the CSS isn't getting seen, the browser just doesn't render it smoothly. Are there any particular settings that I should look at? On every machine I've tested, both the gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled (true) and gfx.use_text_smoothing_setting (false) configuration settings have been the same.
    I realize that there could be some differences regarding network local computer policy for network logins vs. local logins, but I have no idea how that might pertain to Firefox specifically.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems. <br>
    See '''Creating a profile''':
    If the new profile works then you can transfer files from a previously used profile to the new profile, but be cautious not to copy corrupted files to avoid carrying over the problem <br>
    '''Profile Backup and Restore'''

  • Fonts not embedding for iOS app in App Store

    Hi all,
    I'm having an issue using embedded fonts. Currently, I use 6 or so font files throughout my app. These fonts all display properly in the AIR simulator, as well as developer builds installed on the actual device. The problem comes about when I make actual builds for the App Store. The only thing I'm changing is the provisioning file and certificate, and yet none of these fonts display correctly. It looks like it's defaulting to Arial or something, like when you set embedAsCFF incorrectly.
    I'm currently waiting on a build to be approved where I can switch between two versions of the fonts, one as embedAsCFF=true, the other as embedAsCFF=false.
    Because the stock SDK wasn't working, I'm using Apache Flex 4.11 SDK, with AIR 13 beta and I'm SURE that I installed the Font Embedding tools with the SDK. I just realized while writing this post that Flex 4.12 is now available, so I'll try to download and make a build with that.
    Does anyone have any idea why these fonts would be missing when going from the developer build to the App Store build? The intensely frusterating thing about this is that everything will work in the test builds, and a week later when my update makes it to the app store it isn't working and I have to wait another week to try to fix it.

    Don't worry it's not your device.  A lot of people using IO5 are having this problem for the past 6 hours.  Apple should address it soon.  If you need to search for apps you can either google the name of app in Safari and click on the link.  This should open the app in the App Store.  Other work around is if you have a program like AppShopper it will let you do a search that opens the App in the App Store. 

  • Fonts not embedding when "save as" pdf

    Version: Photoshop CS4 64 bit on Windows Vista 64.
    Issue: fonts not getting embedded during conversion to pdf.
    I am attempting to save files for commercial printing in Photoshop pdf format (file-save as-pdf). In the past, using previous versions of Photoshop, the fonts have always been embedded in the pdf document when I choose the "Press Quality" pdf preset. However, now, even when I simplify my Photoshop source file down to the most basic level (one non-background layer with one line of type using a font I KNOW has successfully embedded before) the resulting pdf reports NO embedded fonts (no fonts at all, actually) and when sized up a great deal in Acrobat Pro shows pixelation as though the type was converted to a graphic. If I open the resulting pdf file in Photoshop the text is still editable though...
    I have Photoshop files that were built using a previous version of Photoshop (CS2). When I open these in Photoshop CS4 and save as pdf the fonts are embedded just as they always were so the problem lies not with the CS4 version of Photoshop itself but rather with NEW files created by it. It seems that any NEW files I create using Photoshop CS4 wil not embed their fonts when saved as pdfs.
    Help !!?!! (example file attached)

    Good points. To test that out I tried substituting different non-commercial fonts (Arial, Tahoma, Times, etc.) and then saving as a pdf. No matter what fonts I try they don't get embedded. So that would seem to rule out the idea that Photoshop CS4 is now restricting the embedding of fonts to non-commercial ones.
    I have poured through the save-as-pdf options in GREAT detail - have tried many various options and don't see any settings that have either made a difference or seem relevant. According to Adobe documentation anytime you select "Press Quality" as the preset the fonts should automatically be embedded.
    The really odd thing is, if I take a psd file that was originally created using a previous version of Photoshop, delete all the layers and then create one single line type layer so that it is identical in every way to my CS4 test file, any font I select gets embedded when I convert that file to pdf - same exact pdf preset - all file settings the same - everything! - except that it was originally created using a previous Photoshop version.
    Does that make ANY sense??

  • Embedded Fonts are not shown anymore

    When I create a PDF from a Word Doc, the embedded Fonts are not shown anymore. In the previous Version it was working perfectly. My version is currently 11.0.10.

    Thank you for your feedback. The Job im using is simple take a word document converting it into a pdf format. If this is done I will see it in my Acrobat view. There is no fonts at all. The System is notifying me that the font "ETBFGYI+DIN-Regular" are not embedded. And there will be some character not shown or printed correctly. I didn't change anything on the setting of Acrobat. I'm using this Acrobat almost for 2 years and I never had any problem. The Problem came up after the last update of the software to version 11.01.10.

  • Fonts not embedded in PDF -- how to fix?

    I've been given a PDF that I need to place in an ID file (ID CS3).
    Several fonts are not embedded in the PDF (Univers and Stone Informal) so Adobe MM fonts are being substituted, and I get error messages about the missing fonts when I place the PDF pages in my ID file.
    I do happen to have all of the missing fonts, but loading them (and restarting Acrobat) didn't fix the problem. The PDF was created on Mac (according to the properties) so maybe my PC version of Acrobat isn't recognizing my fonts as being the same (font internal names or something being different?). When I try using Text Touch-Up, I'm told that, for example, the Stone Informal system font isn't available.
    Is there any way to fix this problem? I have no way of getting the source files or another copy of the original PDF with fonts embedded.
    FWIW, when I open one of the PDF pages in PS, PS does find my versions of the fonts and gives me no error messages. And I can see that the fonts are showing up correctly in the PS file.
    But I'd rather not use a bitmap -- I want to use the original PDF if possible (if I can figure out how to embed my fonts in it).
    The final product, BTW, will be a press-ready PDF of the ID file.

    I've got Acrobat 8.
    So if there's no way to embed fonts in the original PDF, I assume they also will not embed when I drop the PDF into my ID file and then create a new PDF of the ID file?
    I guess my only viable option is to open the PDF in PS and save the pages as TIFFs, and drop those into ID. I really hate to do that -- too much tiny text that gets fuzzy.

  • Fonts not embedding when making PDF from PM 7.1

    In making a PDF from a PM file, I am having trouble getting the fonts to embed.  The interesting thing is that the fonts that are not embedding are Times Roman and Arial; other fonts are being embedded.  These fonts are installed and I have the "Embed Box" checked in the job type font options.
    I'm using Windows XP SP2 OS and Acrobat 7.0 Pro.
    Should the fonts be in a special folder ? Not sure what I'm mimssing here . . . .
    I had SP3 installed for the OS and was having no trouble . . . . but then InDesign CS2 would not open PM files . . . At your recommendation I uninstalled SP3 but had to reinstall the OS which meant reinstalling PM and In Design CS2.
    Any suggestions?

    PM7 will run just on WinSP3 provided it's a clean install. That is, you install WinXP SP2, clean, straight the setup disk, and then apply the service pack 3 update.  The usual problem is the unnecessary junk which Windows collects which screws things up.  See here: PM7 and WinXP SP3
    I've now moved onto the Win7 and not even bothered with PM7, so I'm going on memory.
    If InD CS2 says your PM files are corrupted, then I'd be worried.  It's time to run diagnostics and make sure you have backups.
    Re:  the fonts, I suggest you check all your style palettes.
    You could just create a PS file using any PS printer driver with the output as FILE:, and the load Distiller, input the PS file and create the PDF.  That's about as fool proof as it gets.
    Also see my now ancient trouble shooter about creating PDFs using the Export… AdobePDF… macro here: Installing and Setting Up PM7's Export… Adobe PDF… using the “Application” CD-ROM   In this cae, make sure you are running PM7.01a - the update is here: PageMaker 7.0.1 update - English as there were some glytches when creating PDFs in the earlier macro.

  • Cannot extract the embedded font 'F2'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.

    This question was previously published but no answer has been found.
    Error message is :
    "Cannot extract the embedded font 'F2'. Some characters may not display or print correctly."
    Many pdf documents display this error with Adobe Reader 8.1.0. We have errors for embedded fonts 'F0','F3','F7' and so on.
    It looks like a Adobe Reader bug because :
    - All PDF files can be opened with Acrobat Reader 5.0.5, 6.x and 7.x, can't be opened with 8.1.0 version.
    - the 8.1.1 update removes only the bug for 'F0' error message (issue #1572280).
    The solution :
    - to publish a 8.1.2 update to fix this important bug
    - is there a registry parameter or tool option to disable the checking added in 8.x version of Adobe Reader ? The 8.x version catches more errors to be compliant with Adobe specification but Adobe reader must be
    compliant with all documents generated by third party products.
    This Adobe Reader bug applies to Windows Vista, XP Pro SP2, 2000.

    Just to let you know, for anyone else with this problem. I had this problem occur on a MAC when you tried to do save to PDF in excel. This was all happening at the point of generation of the PDF in my case.
    The fix was to delete ALL the microsoft preferences, but perahps only the font cache needed to be deleted.
    I deleted the following areas from the local users userprofile on the mac. On windows, I would probably log in as a differnet user to try to see if the problem just exsists for one particular user.
    Here are the sections I deleted:
    Username/library/preferences/com.microsoft* ( and anyhting with microsoft in it)
    I did leave the entourage settings though.
    hope it helps someone with a similar issue.

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