WEB-INF folder name

Can anyone tell me why the folder WEB-INF folder name so? Does it mean anything?

Can anyone tell me why the folder WEB-INF folder name
so? Does it mean anything?I suppose the particular name has been chosen to indicate that it is supposed to contain information related to web applications, like deployment descriptors...

Similar Messages

  • Crystal Report Images Not Showing - JSP inside /WEB-INF folder

    Hi Experts,
    I am using Crystal report for Eclipse and also using Struts2 and tiles framework combination.
    The problem is when viewing the report all I've got is red X on all images and the graph image also not showing. This is when I use tiles and my jsp is inside the web-inf folder.
    This is my struts link: href="s:url value='/report/reportOpen.action?report=1'
    I've checked that the path to the viewer generated HTML is not correct. see code below.
    But when I test to access a simple jsp viewer that resides on the web root folder, this works fine but of course this is not what I want to have. I need to have my banner and menus on top of the report page (using tiles)
    This is my jsp link: href="s:url value='/ReportViewer.jsp?report=1'
    Viewer generated HTML below.
    This might be a common problem and that you can share to me your solution.
    Note: I removed the script tags because I can't submit this entry.
    Thank you  in advance,
    Rulix Batistil
    Crystal Report Images Not Showing - JSP inside /WEB-INF folder

    Hi Saravana,
    After a few experimentation from your idea i was able to figure out the problem and now it is working.
    I don't have to copy the folder to where my jsp resides but still maintains it in the root location:  web/crystalreportviewers
    The changes should always be in web.xml.
    1st: change the crystal_image_uri value to ../crystalreportviewers
    2nd: change crystal_image_use_relative value to "web"
    Change to "web" instead of webapp because that is what I named my web root folder.
    Thank you. You showed me the way on how to solve the 3 day problem.
    BTW, my next problem is when clicking on any buttons prev/next/print/export, I got this error HTTP Status 404.
    Well, at least for now I can view my initial report.  I just need to figure out the next issue and with the help of the great people here in the forum.
    Thanks a lot.
    Edited by: Rulix Batistil on Nov 26, 2008 7:27 AM

  • How to access the file in the WEB-INF Folder

    i want to access a xml file, using servlet, which is placed under WEB-INF folder.
    Please tell me how can i access the file.
    I am using WSAD to develop the application
    Thanx in advance.

    I haven't tried accessing an XML file that is placed in WEB-INF folder.
    Files under WEB-INF are usually protected from client/browser access, but a Servlet may be able to access it (not sure though).
    What problems are you facing when you try to access an XML file in the WEB-INF folder?
    If you can't access it from the WEB-INF folder , place it in any folder except the WEB-INF folder.
    Also, if you want to protect the XML file then you could password protect it or deny access to it via .htaccess file, or simply return a 403 forbidden header.

  • Run jsp pages that are in WEB-INF folder

    I am using struts and
    I moved my jsp pages from web content to Web-inf folder.
    Now how do i access them .

    Why did you put them in WEB-INF in the first place? What's using Struts do that makes you think you should?

  • When is it mandatory to create a taskflow under WEB-INF folder?

    Today, I accidentally created a taskflow with a folder structure which is not under WEB-INF. To my surprise it is working. :)
    1) Is it safe practice to create a taskflow not under WEB-INF folder?
    2) When is it mandatory to create a taskflow under WEB-INF folder?

    Placing the taskflow in a) inside WEB-INF or b) outside WEB-INF folder will work as expected.
    But when a taskflow is placed inside the WEB-INF folder, it is secure.
    The blog post by Andrejus Baranovskis (http://andrejusb.blogspot.com/2011/02/beware-of-hackers-keep-adf-task-flows.html) suggested by Vinod has the detailed information regarding this.

  • Help required with downloading files from inside WEB-INF folder

    I am working on a web application and I have an upload script which uploads different files to a foler called 'uploads' . To stop users from accessing the folder content I have put it in the /WEB-INF/.
    In my JSP file, I used to link to the uploaded files like this before for users to download them :
    files = (FilesBean)filesListIterator.next();
    <tr><td><a target="_new" href="<%=files.getFileName()%>">"<%=files.getFileName()%></a></td></tr>
    }I need to know how to alter the above link to make it access/download files from the /WEB-INF/uploads/ while still restricting direct access to the files.
    Message was edited by:

    Anything under WEB-INF is not directly accessible via the browser/ client. You could try defining the JSP/ Servlet inside web.xml deployment descriptor and see if you can access the file from there.
    I think a better way to accomplish this would be to keep the file outside WEB-INF , and use other techniques to protect the folder that contains the file - for example password-protection, or defining a .htaccess file and serving a 403 Forbidden error.

  • Flex 2.0 Final - Not able to Find WEB-INF/Flex Folder

    I am having trouble with the Final Flex 2.0 Finding the
    WEB-INF/Flex folder in my root directory of C:\CFusionMX7\wwwroot\
    It will not let me validate a Location. Everthing is
    installed correctly and I am able to run and connect with previous
    projects created with Beta 2 & 3. I am not able to create a new
    project for some reason. FDS works fine just not Coldfusion Flash
    Do I need to reinstall Coldfusion ??? or can I change a
    Config File Somewhere???
    Any one run into this problem?

    I received this problem a while ago, when learning flex i
    didnt think it was a back idea to copy the web-inf folder to where
    ever my web root was going to be... but the one downside is that if
    any updates come out, i think in order to make sure all stays up to
    date, you should probably re copy the web-inf folder. it's manual
    and could become tedious if you copy this folder into any number of
    places.... and then you dont remember where you put it.... i would
    think there is a way to map the web-inf folder some how to your
    project... but i dont know how? anybody?

  • WEB-INF/web.xml not found exception for deployed war on server startup

    Weblogic server is throwing an exception indicating that it can't find
              web.xml on startup when a particular war file is deployed. The exception
              and my web.xml follow below.
              There are some other strange elements to this:
              1) The deployed war in the application directory has a valid web.xml in the
              web-inf folder.
              2) The war in the servers temp directory corresponding to my war contains
              only the files found in WEB-INF in the deployed jar, but not those found in
              web-inf (case matters). These files are in the root of the war, not in a
              WEB-INF folder!
              3) The servlets in the war do load and are invokable.
              4) If I redeploy the jar while the server is still running, I get no
              exception, and the temp war then has the correct structure (with a WEB-INF
              folder and contains web.xml).
              The exception:
              <Oct 14, 2001 8:15:46 PM CDT> <Error> <HTTP> <[HTTP PPSserver]
              Could not find Web application
              java.io.FileNotFoundException: WEB-INF/web.xml XML file not found in jar
              at weblogic.j2ee.WebAppComponent.deploy(WebAppComponent.java:74)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.addComponent(Application.java:133)
              at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.addDeployment(J2EEService.java:115)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy32.addWebDeployment(Unknown Source)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy29.updateDeployments(Unknown Source)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy23.start(Unknown Source)
              at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:494)
              at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:431)
              at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:170)
              at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35)
              <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
              <display-name>Controller Unit Tests</display-name>

              Here it is.
              Kumar Allamraju <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
              I have a webapp with the following entries in my web.xml and i can't seem to duplicate your problem.
              Can you send us your webapp? I will try to duplicate it in my environment.
              Steve Demuth wrote:
              Already tried that. No difference. Kumar Allamraju <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
              This shouldn't happen though.
              Can you stop the server delete the .wl_temp_do_not_delete
              dir? Let's see if that makes any difference.
              Steve Demuth wrote:
              Weblogic server is throwing an exception indicating that it can't find
              web.xml on startup when a particular war file is deployed. The exception
              and my web.xml follow below.
              There are some other strange elements to this:
              1) The deployed war in the application directory has a valid web.xml in the
              web-inf folder.
              2) The war in the servers temp directory corresponding to my war contains
              only the files found in WEB-INF in the deployed jar, but not those found in
              web-inf (case matters). These files are in the root of the war, not in a
              WEB-INF folder!
              3) The servlets in the war do load and are invokable.
              4) If I redeploy the jar while the server is still running, I get no
              exception, and the temp war then has the correct structure (with a WEB-INF
              folder and contains web.xml).
              The exception:
              <Oct 14, 2001 8:15:46 PM CDT> <Error> <HTTP> <[HTTP PPSserver]
              Could not find Web application
              java.io.FileNotFoundException: WEB-INF/web.xml XML file not found in jar
              at weblogic.j2ee.WebAppComponent.deploy(WebAppComponent.java:74)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.addComponent(Application.java:133)
              at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.addDeployment(J2EEService.java:115)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy32.addWebDeployment(Unknown Source)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy29.updateDeployments(Unknown Source)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy23.start(Unknown Source)
              at weblogic.management.Admin.finish(Admin.java:494)
              at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(T3Srvr.java:431)
              at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:170)
              at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35)
              <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
              <display-name>Controller Unit Tests</display-name>

  • WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml???

    I am confused about this file and it's location. In my
    environment (MX
    7.02/Apache/Linux) the WEB-INF/flex/ folder resides here:
    However, the server is configured to serve web pages from
    this location:
    my /CFIDE/ folder is located at /apache/html/CFIDE/ but I
    have no WEB-INF
    folder except in the default location that isn't served up by
    the web
    server. As I understand it, for flash remoting to work, I
    must have the
    WEB-INF/flex/ folder in the root of my web server or in the
    working folder
    of my flex project ON the web server? Is this correct? If so,
    must I copy
    the WEB-INF folder to my working web document root folder?
    I'm very
    confused and so far have had HORRIBLE luck trying to get the
    most simple
    examples to run between Flex and Coldfusion. I am hoping
    someone can tell
    me what I'm doing wrong or at least point me to some
    documentation that
    doesn't appear to assume you are running Coldfusion in
    Developer mode from
    your local workstation (which ALL the samples appear to do).
    Thanks for any help, I configured the coldfusion servers here
    so I can make
    the needed changes, if I only knew what they were and the
    hasn't helped me much.

    Run the wizard, select ColdFusion as the server technology, but don't
    check the option to use remote object access service. Then, open the
    project properties dialog, go to the Flex Compiler page, and add a the
    compiler flag: -services
    "C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml" (obviously
    changing the path as appropriate). This flag is what gets set by the
    wizard when you opt to use Flash Remoting.  -http://www.feed-squirrel.com/index.cfm?evt=viewItem&ID=77732
    Above is a work-around/solution that was successful for me.  Below are screen shots of how I initially configured the project, following the above solution.
    In the image above, notice how I didn't tick the "Use remote object access service" checkbox.
    For the image below, the 'Y:\' value is a mapped network directory to my server (IIS) webroot, which is "\\windowsserver/Inetpub/wwwroot/".  Root URL is the name of my server.  Fill in the fields with correct values and hit finish.
    Then navigate ( Project>Properties>Flex Compiler ) to this project's 'Flex Compiler context menu.
    And 'W:\' is another mapped network directory that points obviously to my Coldfusion's WEB-INF\flex.
    I hope that this helps.  As you may see, I'm hoping that this will help you and others that are likely to come across problem.

  • HELP! Working with WEB-INF.

    I'm working on a project where I want to change what subdirectory my web-inf folder shows up as.
    Here's what I'm after, let's say my site URL is:
    servlets in my WEB-INF are linked with the URL:
    and my project is in the directory:
    and I would therefore like my servlets to be linked to the URL:
    www.fu.com/bar/MyServlet? or www.fu.com/bar/servlet/MyServlet?
    I'm thinking that the real directory that my servlets are held in is WEB-INF, and the referenced directory is "servlet", this seems to be an arbitrary name, and if it is, can't I change it somehow? using a .htaccess file or PHP or something?
    By the way, I'm using Tomcat on Unix, and Perl/CGI, JSP, & PHP are at my disposal.

    Editting the web.xml will work but you'll need to give each servlet a unique name. (I wouldn't use "/bar" )

  • Weblogic only deploys 'WEB-INF' directory....

    I desperatly try to deploy an exploded war file - but it seems weblogic just pics the web-inf folder & leaves everything else behind. Deployment failes because during startup the application tries to access a file stored outside the WEB-INF, which would be the top-level of the war archive.
    Anyone knows why this is the case? Is this configureable somehow?
    Weblogic version is 11g (10.3.2) under Windows....

    Thanks for the quick response!
    It's a Webservice using Axis.
    I know that during startup, a servlet tries to load stuff like configuration details, logging details etc. "Unfortunatly" those files are stored in a config folder on the "root" level of the war file.
    In essence, the structure looks like this:
    ---| some_webservices.war
    ------| WEB-INF
    ---------| lib
    ---------| ..........
    ------| META-INF
    ------| config
    ---------| ...some files...
    If i deploy the whole thing as a archive, the applicaton works fine - but if I explode the war file & choose to deploy the root folder, weblogic just grabs the web-inf folder, copies it to the server & starts the application (which leads to the problem).
    To answer your other questions:
    - no there are no "weblogic" errors in the logfile - the only error comes from the application, because it tries to load a file from the config directory...

  • Access JSP pages under WEB-INF

    Hello, I have a web application and i use Java,JSP, servlets etc.
    In my webpage i have three different categories of users
    *1)* Registered users
    *2)* Not Registered users
    *3)* Administrator
    I would like the welcome page index.jsp and register page be accessed by everyone.
    But as far as the other pages are concerned , i would like to be accessed only by the registered users.
    What shall i do??
    I placed the index.jsp and register.jsp under the public folder and the other pages under WEB-INF folder in order to be accesses only from the registered users.
    But it's not working!
    What exactly shall i do in order to make that work??
    Thanks, in advance!

    g_p_java wrote:
    Thanks for the link! As i understood i don't have to place my web pages under WEB-INF (only the web.xml which is already there).
    *1)* So i have to follow the steps that are being mentioned there for all the users right??
    Registered , Not Registered and admin.
    Yes, security constraining through web.xml is a url pattern based protection for your resources. You could create multiple urls - /secured/* and map them to your resources accessible to registered users only or you may have /admin/* and define that only 'admin' roles have access to these resources. Some portions of such setup would be server specific (eg: how you create users and map them to roles)
    *2)* I would like to make a question: Who is the "FrontController" in the link you posted me? [http://onjava.com/onjava/2001/08/06/webform.html]
    It's the Container. Because such features are mandated by the spec, the container provides an implementation and options to customize the implementation (for example in weblogic, you can specify that your users are bound to an LDAP or configured in a Users table in the db)
    Nevertheless, you would have your own Controllers for your application management (Struts or Spring or whatever suits your need). On the same note, you should have your own Filters to implement whatever common logic you have across your application.
    Madathil_Prasad wrote:
    2. Write a filter that checks for the presence of a session (and entitlements possibly) before allowing access to a resource.
    *3)* when you write "_entitlements_" what exactly do you mean??
    This is the other road I was talking about. You could throw all configuration and j2ee based security configuration out of the window (they do have their limitations) and implement custom security logic in a Filter. For example,
    String urlPattern = request.getRequestURI();
    if(urlPattern.indexOf("/secured") != null{
             if(request.getSession(false) == null){
                   //redirect to login page.
                  //valid session
                  //now check specific entitlement to see whether user has access
    }Here entitlement refers to permissions at a granular level (authorization if you wish to call it). For example, you have 2 kinds of admin users - some who can generate reports of web activity and another who can change application settings.

  • When to use WEB-INF?

    I am seeing some projects I workd on the past, and I noticed that I used to put all my pages inside the WEB-INF folder, and then an index.jsp page outside it, just to redirect to a page inside that WEB-INF file.
    Now the WEB-INF folder is there so that pages can not be directly accessed from the outside. Am I right? So am I also to right if I say that it is also incorect to put all files inside the WEB-INF?
    I tought that in the WEB-INF folder only pages like something that can only be accessed if loged in or something like that! is that right?
    thanks and regards,

    Just one last question to make sure I get this right.
    Any content which should not be protected then
    n should NOT be in the WEB-INF, and if it needs to be
    protected, (for example only internal users shold
    access it) then it should be there. (Real Life
    Example)This forum is not in the WEB-INF since I can
    access it directly and read posts without having to
    be loged in.Well, yes and no. If you are directly accessing something, like web pages or JSPs maybe, you cannot have them in WEB-INF. The posts are not something which are directly accessible, the page for posts is. The data comes through a few layers from some data store, which is render onto a page which is accessible to the user logged in [that could be implemented through some conditional checking as well, it need not be essentially protected by placing it in WEB-INF]. Some frameworks liek Tapestry [which I am presently working with] places even the HTML files under WEB-INF because it parses and generates all the content, unlike what a JSP engine does.
    I hope I did not confuse you in the process. ;)

  • Forwarding to jsp page inside web-inf

    hi everyone,
    i have a question. i have jsp pages inside web-inf folder and i have welcome page of project(outside web-inf) in pages from where i want to give link to jsp page inside web-inf folder. this project is absed on spring framework. how can i do this?
    thanks in advance

    hi everyone,
    i have a question. i have jsp pages inside web-inf folder and i have welcome page of project(outside web-inf) in pages from where i want to give link to jsp page inside web-inf folder. this project is absed on spring framework. how can i do this?
    thanks in advance

  • Putting javascript inside WEB-INF

    I could not call a javascript function test() from JSP. my function is defined in .js file places inside WEB-INF/javascript/script.js
    and my JSP is inside WEB-INF/jsp/report.jsp. Its says object expected. I have tried all ways but could not access that function from JSP. Both javascript and jsp are inside WEB-INF folder. This is required.
    Following is the code...
    <html><head><title>Main Menu</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../javascript/tabpane.js"></script>
    <link type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" href="../css/tabpane.css" />
    <body><h1>Report types</h1>
    <div class="tab-pane" id="tab-pane-1">
    <script language="javascript">

    I could not call a javascript function test() from
    JSP. my function is defined in .js file places inside
    and my JSP is inside WEB-INF/jsp/report.jsp. Its says
    object expected. I have tried all ways but could not
    access that function from JSP. Both javascript and
    jsp are inside WEB-INF folder. This is required.
    Following is the code...
    <html><head><title>Main Menu</title>
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <link type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet"
    href="../css/tabpane.css" />
    <body><h1>Report types</h1>
    <div class="tab-pane" id="tab-pane-1">
    <script language="javascript">
    </script>The script element includes a client-side script into the document. Client-side script is executed by web browser in this case, while WEB-INF is an "protected" area and is not accessible to web browser. So you can not put javascripts, images and css files into WEB-INF directory.

Maybe you are looking for

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