Web Sites Dashboard broken

This morning at 6am, the Website monitor dashboard is not reporting any metrics for the previous hour.
if i switch to previous 24 hours, i can see that everything stopped at 6am, and if I switch to previous 7 days, again i see that no more statistics have been recorded after 6am this morning

Hi George,
Can you please share your website name? This will help us narrow down the region/stamp where the issue is going.
Shirisha Paderu

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    For the first two: When you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
    (1) Bypass Firefox's Cache
    Use Cmd+Shift+r to reload the page fresh from the server.
    Alternately, you also can clear Firefox's cache completely using:
    Firefox menu > Preferences > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now"
    If you have a large hard drive, this might take a few minutes.
    (2) Remove the site's cookies (save any pending work first). While viewing a page on the site:
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    Beyond making sure Javascript is enabled, see if this helps you. <br />
    As far as '''Report Broken Web Site''' goes, that was a Mozilla "Web Evangelism" project where Mozilla reps would "reach out" to web sites to encourage them to fix their web sites to conform with established standards. After doing that for the last 5 or 6 years, Mozilla has decided to discontinue that project. That menu item (feature) is gone from Firefox 4.0 betas for many months now. <br />
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    Your code is whacked. Your page can't find the Spry files. Your code is like this:
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarVertical.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    That dot-dot part (../) means the page needs to back up to the parent folder, then enter the SpryAssets folder. Same for your images and links:
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    Looks like you used a Dreamweaver template and somehow your links/references got messed up. It has nothing to do with uploading to a server. The problem is most likely caused by [a] Dreamweaver site not properly configured, or [b] improper use of a Dreamweaver template. You'll need to either manually fix all the bad code or try to recreate a page based on the template - or even recreate the template.
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    This particular problem has been reported at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=622472 I have just voted for that bug.
    Since my last report one month ago above, I have found the "Report Broken Website" appears under the Help menu item, is clickable when a webpage is displayed, but just endlessly displays a "Sending Report to server" dialog. It has never worked for me since several weeks ago. The moving blue bar under "Sending Report" just keeps moving but nothing happens.
    Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13 , the latest version according to Check Updates. Windows Vista Home Premium.
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    Expected behaviour: I guess the Report menu item should be grayed out or invisible until the reporting mechanism works.
    There are a few other related problems with reporting broken websites here:

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    My website has a username and password.  If someone from Adobe wants to replicate the problem send me an e-mail and I will send you the username and password.
    The videoplayer on my website is at this url:  http://www.jjjhi.com/TryMakingFlashVidPlayer/VideoPlaylist.html (but, you will need the username and password).
    The issue is that sometimes (not always) when you select a video to play, inistead of the video loading into the panel as it should (sized as 1025 x 578), instead, all you see is the control skin.  The video begins to play, but all you get is the audio.  It looks like this:
    You can recover from this error by using the skin control to make the image full screen, but, the video looks poor at fulls screen, because it is created at 1024 x 578.  You can then get the correct size by returning from full screen, but, I don't want the pepole who visit my cif\deo playet to have to go all through that.  Especially since most won't even know enough to try making the video full screen.
    This doesn't happen for every video on my web site, but, once it *does* happen once...it will happen for every video selection you make.
    This is unacceptable, and it absolutely a function of Flash version
    Adobe:  Please fix this bug as soon as possible.
    I've implemented an HTML5 based video player and have begun populating it with mp4 versions of my video clips, but, quite honestly, the playback using HTML5 is much worse than with Flash.  I encoded the clips in the HTML5 player with the same Variable Bit Rates as in the F4V clips, and, in the HTML5 player, there are missed frames, and the audio can get out of sync.  So, I *want* to keep using my Flash Based video player, but...if Adobe doesn;t fix this, I will just dial down my VBR till I find one that is slow enough to play in HTML5 and ditch Flash.
    My HTML5 video player is here:
    (again you need the username and password to use it, send me an e-mail and I will give them to you, I just don't want to post them in an open forum).
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    I Adobe can fix this issue with Flash Player  ASAP, else, I will  have to 'downgrade' to an HTML5 based video player, that, quite honestly does not perform as well as Flash.
    If you want to reproduce the problem contact me at my e-mail address: [email protected] and I'll send you the username and password.
    You can then prove that the problem does not exist with prior version of Flash player (before but *does* exist with this latest buggy release.

    I sent the username and PW to you and Chris.

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    Oh dear.... I just tried on my iPhone and that also failed to open the site.
    .....So does this mean that I need to contact the ASX tomorrow by phone or is there another possibility that I need to check.
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    Could it be the modem.... a NetComm NB9WMAXX
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:    iMac
      Model Identifier:    iMac7,1
      Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:    2.4 GHz
      Number Of Processors:    1
      Total Number Of Cores:    2
      L2 Cache:    4 MB
      Memory:    4 GB
      Bus Speed:    800 MHz
      Boot ROM Version:    IM71.007A.B03
    osx 10.6.8

    Just rebooted modem and now able to connect. I notice that the ASX web site has undergone a face lift so all the links in the spreadsheet may be broken and caused a bottleneck for me I suppose ????
    no replies thanks as is fixed now.

  • Incompatible web sites, playing wmv video on mac

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    This started with a conversation with apple support, where they indicated there were incompatible web sites.
    My business bank stops you cold and says you have to use IE; you can ignore it and move on and it seems to work ok.
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    What really concerns me are the ones that give you no warning, but just don't work. If you go to
    under the title of Video introduction:
    Mac Firefox - nothing displays for the video player
    Mac Safari - the video player displays, but the video will not play.
    PC IE - everything works as expected.
    The video format is wmv, which is an industry standard. I installed flip4mac, which is supposed to allow you to view wmv in quicktime, but it did work. Even after downloading the video (a link), I could not watch in on the mac. I had to go to a PC.
    This type of silliness is exactly why I am running from a PC. Now I am finding it prevalent on the mac.
    Question 1) specific to the wmv file format, how do you get it to run on mac?
    Question 2) is this just the way it is? You cannot depend on web applications working at all with mac?

    Hi Bob,
    Ok, I'll bite
    Apple has to understand that we don't care about who is at fault for web sites not working with Mac
    The WebKit team are more than aware of that fact, and where possible they work with popular websites to get them to correct their websites or add specific 'kludges' into the WebKit code to specifically support these sites.
    Apple has the ability to have an IE mode in safari to handle these situations, but hey choose not to
    I've not heard that before. Can you quote a source?
    If it takes IE compatibility mode to handle all web sites, then just do it.
    That of course costs money. And then there's the prospect of Apple having to license Microsoft's DRM solution to provide 100% compatibility with Windows Media files. As we all know, Apple like good P.R. as much as the next company and handing something like that to Microsoft is never going to happen.
    Microsoft clearly won't provide updated WMP technology for OS X as it gives them nothing, other than the extra impetus for people to switch away from Windows.
    So we're stuck with essentially badgering the broken sites to fix things, or going somewhere else (and spending our $$$ there if needed).
    The bar for a college student is much lower
    True, but today's college student is tomorrow's business person and Apple products are very popular with college students these days. Apple are in this for the long term. Things will change, but we have to live in the real world and know this isn't going to happen soon.
    The truth of the matter is that the sooner Microsoft get on board with being a responsible web-citizen then the better it will be for everyone (and by everyone I don't just mean Apple users, but anyone connected to the internet).
    Almost [1 in 3 browsers on the web are not Internet Explorer|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usageshare_of_webbrowsers] - that's a huge number and businesses on the web need to be aware of this.
    Please please please do not get me wrong - I would love it if Safari (or Firefox, or Opera, or Chrome, or ...) could handle every site that IE does but it's never, ever going to happen.

  • Removed Movie from .Mac Web Gallery But Broken Link Remains?

    I published a movie to my Web Gallery successfully. I then tried to republish but got two movies in the Gallery. One movie worked and the other was a broken link. I removed the movie from .Mac using Share>Remove From .Mac, and the working movie was removed. But I am still left with a broken link in the Movies section of my Web Gallery. How can I remove this broken link?
    I checked my iDisk and found \Web\Sites\_gallery, but I can't find the index file for the gallery (only folders for the albums).
    Thanks, Will

    I'm having the same problem (broken links after a republish) -- and a few others:
    1) After about the first time, I have been unable to remove a movie from the gallery. I just get a connection error. I'm able to add movies (somehow the connection magically works) but removing fails most of the time.
    2) When adding a movie, for some reason, the title of the movie ends up replacing the "My Gallery" title for my entire web gallery. On the web gallery home page (over my photo albums and videos) it shows the title of the first video.

  • Too many web sites that I go to do not work with your latest version. How can I use a previous version? Right now, I have to switch to IE because I do not upgrade it until I absolutely have to.

    I have to work with a lot of company web sites that are slow to adopt new browser features and expectations. The end result is that when Firefox updates my browser automatically, I frequently find myself broken, and in some cases, simply denied access, for having an "unsupported" browser or browser version. I would like to be able to open a previous version of Firefox, so that I can access that web site. But it appears that when you update, you remove/replace the previous version(s), and I am forced to use another browser.

    I am currently using HP Simple Pass version 6.0, and it had been working like a dream until Firefox recently upgraded to v. 30. Now it doesn't work at all :( The current software won't have anymore updates (last one in 2013), because the omnipresent Apple bought Aunthentec (the company that makes (made) Simple Pass) back in 2012. Dear Firefox, please update whatever you have to to make the 2 compatible again, or I won't be able to use Firefox anymore. :(

  • Visited web site flag

    When using Safari when I had visited a linked web site on a page, that used to be flagged with a color change for the link. Just a few days ago that stopped. Visited web sites are no longer flagged in this manner. What has changed and how do I fix this? Is it something I can fix or is it controlled somewhere else? It's very frustrating as I depend on being able to see what I have already visited and what I have not yet visited.
    I am running Safari 8.0.2 on a Mac mini running OS X Yosemite 10.10.1

    From your ip address. Each ip address is assigned a geographical location, so if you look up the ip address you get a rough idea of where it is located. On tiger there is a dashboard widget called "IP Locator", try that with your ip address and see what you get.
    To get your true IP address if your ISP is doing NAT or whatever you can find it out by going to http://checkip.dyndns.org/

  • A Web site won't load properly in Firefox, but will in other browsers, and most other sites load normally in Firefox.

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    I had this problem. I fixed it by right clicking on the website page and found I had inadvertently ticked "block images from this website". Uncheck this and it's fine!

  • Favicon on MobileMe web site won't display with Safari - OK with Firefox

    I have a web site published to MobileME using iWeb - I have added a favicon and updated HTML accordingly. Now after trying every combination of code and searching the Safari, iWeb and MobileMe forums I cannot figure out why my favicon will not display using Safari but will with just about every other browser (Firefox, IE, Netscape are the ones I've tried on a Windows PC - also won't dispaly using Safari for Windows). Any ideas???
    I've put the favicon file in the web.me.com/pat.schafer/web/sites folder as well as the web.me.com/pat.schafer/web/sites/sitename folder and added the HTML ref code to every html file - I'm going crazy.

    Hi Certified - tried your tips to no avail. I'm beginning to think it's some interaction (bug??) when using a site published to MobileMe (and iWeb?) and Safari. Note I also tried using Windows Safari on a PC which had never viewed the site and it still showed the Apple favico but as previously stated Firefox, and IE on this PC did show my favicon. (I have not tried to load Firefox on my iMac but may try this as well.) I'd try the Apple Support Center but I don't hold up much hope of their being able to assist - I was at the Genius Bar yesterday in the Sydney shop on another matter (broken mouse) and asked about this favicon issue and was told it was beyond the scope of what they can assist with.
    Hello Old Toad - thanks anyway for the tip on the OVI slideshow - also thanks to your earlier tips on using OVI I did know about the trick of using a transparent shape but had got around to doing this - I'm still in the early stages of learning using iWeb ... the site in question is just a bit of a "sandbox". In fact I'm pretty much on my way to a bookshop to get a book an HTML and other web design technologies - clearly one must really understand the underlying technology to make these things work.

  • Verizon Web Site NOT Secure?

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    I appreciate your reply.
    1) I still think SSL 2.0 should be disabled on a servers, meaning no connection allowed with its cryptographically broken key negotiation. I realize up-to-date OSs and browsers 'prefer' a better secure connection; however, Verizon (Akamai) servers still allow its use whie best security practices say to disable it.
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    2) Regardless of the foregoing, Verizon owes it to customers to eliminate the BEAST vulnerability, which is being actively exploited on the Internet as we speak.

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