Web Start use always the newest version instead version in jnlp

I have the following problem:
Problem is a JRE is installed on client but this jre shouldn't used. A jnlp file is started with a local copied jre and the javaws.exe. When the installed version is newer than copied jre then this jre is used to executed the jnlp. Is the installed jre is lower than copied jre than the copied version is used to execute.
The jnlp file contains the version with udpate '1.6.0_11' which should used (this is the copied jre) but when a newer version is installed than the javaws try to download the version but not used the copied jre.
I want that a copied jre is use to launch an application not the local installed version. A new JRE needs an approval from the producer of the application. For launching the jnlp a tool copied the jre to the client.
Is there any solution for this?

Christoph82 wrote:
..The jnlp file contains the version with udpate '1.6.0_11' which should used (this is the copied jre) but when a newer version is installed than the javaws try to download the version but not used the copied jre. As far as I understand from (my) document on JRE versioning that should work to specify the [micro-version|http://pscode.org/jws/version.html#micro].
I suggest you validate the JNLP using JaNeLA. If it reports no errors, search the [bug database|http://bugs.sun.com/], and if you can find no similar bug, report one.

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    -----------------------------------------------------------Main JNLP-----------------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jnlp codebase="$$context/CCA" href="$$context/CCA/AuthoringLaunch.jnlp">
         <title>Sample Learning Studio</title>
         <vendor>Sample Corporation</vendor>
         <icon href="$$context/CCA/resources/images/desktopIcon.png"/>
         <icon kind="splash" href="$$context/CCA/resources/images/splash-screen.png"/>
                   <menu submenu="Sample Learning Studio"/>
    <update check="always" policy="prompt-update"/>
    <resources os="Windows" arch="x86">
         <nativelib href="$$context/CCA/lib/swt-3.5M1-win32-win32-x86.jar" download="eager"/>
         <j2se version="1.6+"/>
         <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/jna_WindowUtils.jar" download="eager"/>
         <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/jna-3.0.7.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/MozillaInterfaces-" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/derby.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/ibatis-" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/xml.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/activation.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/mail.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringBuisnessObjects.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringBrowser.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringCore.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringCourse.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringCommands.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringComponents.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringDataObjects.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringDb.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringExceptions.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringLogger.jar" download="eager"/>
         <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringLicense.jar" download="eager"/>
         <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringMain.jar" main="true" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringRequestBeans.jar" download="eager"/>
         <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringUtils.jar" download="eager"/>
         <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/resources.jar" download="eager"/>
              <extension name="AuthoringInstaller" href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringInstaller.jnlp"/>
         <property name="application.context" value="$$context"/>
         <application-desc main-class="com.sample.authoring.main.ApplicationMainLaunch"/>
    -----------------------------------------------------------Main JNLP-----------------------------------------------------
    Here is the installer JNLP file
    --------------------------------------------------------------Installer JNLP-----------------------------------------------------
    <jnlp codebase="$$context/CCA/lib" href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringInstaller.jnlp">
    <title>Sample Learning Studio</title>
    <vendor>Sample Corporation</vendor>
         <j2se version="1.6+"/>
    <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/resources.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringExceptions.jar" download="eager"/>
              <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringLogger.jar" download="eager"/>
         <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringUtils.jar" download="eager"/>
    <jar href="$$context/CCA/lib/AuthoringInstaller.jar" main="true"/>
    <property name="deployer.context" value="$$context"/>
    <property name="deployer.codeBase" value="CCA"/>
    <property name="deployer.configFile" value="deploy.xml"/>
    <property name="deployer.configDir" value="conf"/>
    <installer-desc main-class="com.sample.authoring.installer.InstallationWizad"/>
    --------------------------------------------------------------Installer JNLP-----------------------------------------------------
    I'm not sure why the installer was getting fired twice .
    To solve this problem i tried to update      <shortcut> tag to have a online attribute <shortcut online="false">
    By doing this it prevented the installer from firing up twice but it alerts the user with another alert which tells "The application has requested to go online ".
    Can someone let me know why this would happen.
    Also let me know if there is a way to have java web start application always launch offline and check for updates?

    In this very same forum BenGlacy said he got there (no online launch and check for update) by removing the jnlp href attribute.
    Anyway there's something that doen't make sense in your post
    Chetan_Loves_Java wrote:
    When we install the application using the installer it installs correctly and everything looks good You don't install using an installer, it's meant to execute una-tantum tasks before app's first launch. If your installer does anything different, that could be the reason of your problems. By the way, in Java Web Start you don't install (period), you launch.
    If you, instead, mean the javaws -install option, please check all hrefs in JNLPs and look for 'twin' entries in your cache (javaws -viewer), resources are chached by URL, even the slightest difference can make them appear like 2 different voices.
    Application tries to go online 'cause it has an absolute href (instead of one relative to the codebase), althought, I gotta say, you may find in this forum that absolute href happened sometime to solve some problems. About this, why are you using absolute path (repeating codebase) on every resource (afaik, this never solved any probleam)?

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    igor wrote:
    Could you please collect and provide more info.
    In particular:
    0) Explain how exactly you launch JNLP when it does not work.We have a website with a link to a jnlp file. User clicks on the link the jnlp file downloads and installs.
    "install the jnlp from the dos window" - do you mean run "javaws applicationURL"?Yes. But actually that only worked because we had already installed a Java 6 version.
    When it does not work do you use Deployment Toolkit to embed link into web page?
    1) screenshot of the errorHere are links to several screenshots of errors we get:
    Here is a link to the error in the java webstart failure dialog (details):
    2) Enable full trace details (see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/tsg/TSG-Desktop/html/plugin.html#gcexdf)
    and post trace fileHere is a link to the java console with full trace details:
    3) Install WireShark and see what http requests are made. Please post all request/response pairshttp://dl.waterford.org/pics/packets.pcap
    Edited by: 933472 on May 10, 2012 1:30 PM

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    How would an attacker replace the jars with malicious ones? Through the initial signed jars? That means the initial ones are already malicious anyway, so why bother? After all, the user has already given those signed jars all-permissions anyway...
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  • Pick Your Web Start App Of The Week

    I invite you to post your comments about your favorite Web Start app here.
    Every week I will profile a different Web Start App at "The Saturn Times" - http://vamphq.com/times - including your quotes.
    Post early, post often and help promote all the great Web Start apps out there.
    - Gerald

    Your jnlp checker Vanessa is quite useful.
    Is the source available, because I would like to fix a bug or two I noticed.
    Then check out Gentleware's Poseidon.
    It is a commercial version of Tigris.org's ArgoUML, a free UML editor,
    which is webstartable as well:
    Interesting about Poseidon was how they implemented key registration for their JWS app, a common task for commercial applications.
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    Some days later it turned out that the disk I had the JWS cache on got full. Thus I wanted to move my precious downloads to another partition, which is not possible. You can't move cache contents elsewere, so I had to redownload it again later (ouch).
    An interesting bit about ArgoUML is how they speed up their large app by forcing class loading in a background thread. I saw that in their source and want to try out that technique myself soon, perhaps it gives a little speed advantage.

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    THX for all the help.

    Sorry for my earlier typo. I meant the Porsche 918 Spyder.
    To determine when to use the Titan X, use a rough rule of thumb like this formula:
    MIN (N, 1.5) x (physical cores/CPU) x (clock speed), where N is the number of CPU's.
    Your example with dual E5-2643v3 results in: 1.5 x 6 x 3.4 = 30.6
    With dual E5-2697v3, the result is: 1.5 x 14 x 2.6 = 54.6
    WIth a single i7-5960, overclocked to 4.5, the result is: 1 x 8 x 4.5 = 36
    When the result is < 40, it is highly doubtful the Titan X can be used to full potential, when the result is between 40 - 50, it may occasionally be used to full potential, when the result is > 50, it is very likely to be a very good choice.
    This statement assumes that memory is at least 64 GB and the disk setup is very fast on all volumes with transfer rates in excess of 800 MB/s.

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    Restart your Mac and immediately hold down the Shift key when you hear the startup chime to boot into Safe Mode. Keep holding the Shift key until you see a progress bar towards the bottom of the screen. You can let go of the Shift key at that point.
    OS X asks you to log in (you will get this screen on a Safe Mode boot even if your Mac is set to automatically log in). Let the Mac finish booting to the desktop and then restart normally. This will clear Font Book's database and the cache files of the user account you logged into in Safe Mode.
    Next, close all running applications. From an administrator account, open the Terminal app and enter the following command. You can also copy/paste it from here into the Terminal window:
    sudo atsutil databases -remove
    Terminal will then ask for your admin password. As you type, it will not show anything, so be sure to enter it correctly.
    This removes all font cache files. Both for the system and the current user font cache files. After running the command, close Terminal and immediately restart your Mac.

  • Poll: What is Your Web Start Project of the Year 2003?

    The Saturn Times announced the nominations for the "Web Start Project of the Year 2003" award today.
    The line-up includes:
    * NetX
    * OpenJNLP
    * Xito BootStrap
    * JDistro/Warf
    * Web Application Launcher (WAL)
    * Web Start Services Pack
    * Apollo
    * Rachel
    * Lopica Web Start Tools
    * Vamp Ant Task Suite
    Cast your vote today and help find the winner.
    Full story and pollstation @ http://lopica.sourceforge.net/times/2003/12/poll_what_is_your_web_start_project_of_the_year_2003.html
    - Gerald

    Due to popular demand here are the links to the ten Web Start Project of the Year 2003 contenders for easy reference.
    * NetX online @ http://jnlp.sourceforge.net/netx
    * OpenJNLP online @ http://openjnlp.nanode.org
    * Xito BootStrap online @ http://xito.sourceforge.net/projects/bootstrap
    * JDistro/Wharf @ http://www.jdistro.com
    * Web Application Launcher (WAL) @ http://w-a-l.sourceforge.net
    * Web Start Services Pack @ http://lopica.sourceforge.net/services
    * Apollo @ http://ajax.sourceforge.net/apollo
    * Rachel @ http://rachel.sourceforge.net
    * Lopica Web Start Tools @ http://sourceforge.net/projects/lopica
    * Vamp Ant Task Suite @ http://vamphq.com/ant.html
    - Gerald

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    Can this be fixed?

    You might like to look here!!

  • HT1657 I downloaded a movie, but when I go to play it the play button to typically start it is the "stop" button instead.  How do I fix this?

    I downloaded a movie, but when I go to play it the play button to typically start it is the "stop" button instead.  How do I fix this?

    Are you getting an "iTunes has stopped working" message after the black, screen? Or is something a bit different going on?

  • Launching an Web Start gives me error message(s), 1 for every .jnlp..

    / ! \ Expected ' ) ';
    | OK |
    I get this strange JScript error dialog everytime when i go launching an Web Start application from my PC XP PRO SP2 JRE6u1..
    i have reinstalled Java several times and reinstalling wont help..
    this error message dialog is getting a bit annoying and i really want to remove it from my .jnlp web starts..
    my knowledge of computers and java is not strong enough to help me carry why running an .jnlp file causes an JScript error..
    thank you, for helping me..
    JariTapio / Helsinki

    When Java Web Start starts up, it tries to determine the Proxy Settings from either the users deployment.properties file, or from the browser (if the deployment.properties setting is set to the default "Use Browser Settings"
    In either case the setting can be to use an automatic proxy configuration script. If it is, Java Web Start will invoke the MS java script engine to parse the config script.
    This sounds like an error message from there.
    To fix this, you could use the Java Control Panel to set the proxy directly, or change the setting in the browser.
    In versions before 1.5.0, Java Web Start would always go to the IE system settings for proxy. In JDK 6, javaWeb Start will read the proxy settings from the "default browser". If this is Firefox, it may return different settings than are set in IE (the default system proxy settings).

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    Re: "Alternatively, if you don't want to do this, the only other option I am aware of to solve this problem is to buy software like Fusion or Parallels and install Leopard (10.5) as your OS and run MX 2004 within a virtual environment."
    Just so this is perfectly clear.....   NO CAN DO
    I have VMWare and Parallels on a Brand New MacBook Pro. It came with 10.5.11 and that is absolutely the OLDEST Mac OS I can install in a virtual environment. Believe me, I tried Tiger, Panther and Jaguar to no avail.
    If the Mac in question came loaded with Snow Leopard, it has a "Snow Leopard or better" firmware write on the logic board and it will not allow an older OS to be installed.... even in a virtual environment, unless there's a secret that nobody I've spoken to in support for both VM clients knows.

  • My online classes require that I use 3.6 (because the newest 9.0 version is changing my answers) ... How do I reinstall Mozilla 3.6 on my computer ?? Please help me!

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    To downgrade to Firefox '''3.6.25''' ('''that is the only one supported except latest 9.0.x'''), download and run its installer from:
    [http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Installing%20a%20previous%20version%20of%20Firefox Installing a previous version of Firefox]
    thank you
    Please mark "Solved" the answer that really solve the problem, to help others with a similar problem.

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