Web stats

We're using the basic stat providers (
http://www.analog.cx/) for a site
and I'm trying to understand what the results mean.
We're driving traffic to a site via a newspaper ad as well as
a flash banner on the newspaper's site.
There are only three graphics on the landing page, which
contains a form for the user to fill out and submit.
When I see this:
Number of requests: 10,296 and then
Number of page requests: 2259
all for one day's worth of reporting, I'm trying to
understand what a request versus a page request means.
The scant documentation says a request is essentially a hit
for the url while a page request is a hit on a specific page of the
However, there is only one page (3 graphics and a form) that
the banner links to which is just the url so nobody is typing in or
getting directed to anything other than the url...which is just the
index.html page.
The paper is giving us a click-through rate on the Flash
banner but it's much lower than what we're seeing on these stats
that use
at the host.
Can anyone make any sense of what an actual 'request' is
versus a 'page request'?

On Fri, 4 May 2007 14:34:48 +0000 (UTC), "CanonBoy"
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Can anyone make any sense of what an actual 'request' is
versus a 'page
As far as requests, the source doesn't make any difference,
of whether the visitor types the url or clicks the banner,
the result is
exactly the same:
1 request for the index.html file
3 requests (one each for the three images)
If you have any external .css or .js files, each of those
would be a
separate request.
If they submit the form, that would be at least one more
request, more
if the result page includes any external files like images,
.css or .js

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    Does your APP's/HTTP Server supports loading the http log files in to the Oracle Database. If it supports then you can upload this data into Oracle Database and then run analysis on that.
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    Hi there,
    [Have a look at this|http://alyeska.altervista.org/en/iWeb_Statcounter.html]

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    please take these points into your considerations:
    - OWA server can be installed on Windows server 2008 R2 or Windows server 2012
    - Log in as administrator and preferred to use domain administrator account specially to create new office web apps farm
    - run the script  
    Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,InkandHandwritingServices,NET-Framework-Features,NET-Framework-Core
    It takes approximately 20 minutes :)
    Also check this link for Required Server Roles, and Features for Office Web Apps
    Ahmed Said Moussa SharePoint Consultant

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    Hi John,
    Please reboot the server at the very beginning and test the issue again.
    Quote from you:
    Problem is I get Internet Web Page cannot display the webpage everytime I click in a excel document, powerpoint document, notebook link or the preview
    Please post the url in browser address here.
    If you just executed the command below:
    Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,InkandHandwritingServices
    It just install some windows feature to the current server, we can find it should be done before installing several server products.
    Could you please verify if the command you executed is the same as the one above?
    You could also go to local disk and check if there is OfficeWebApps folder under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\?
    If you check in Control Panel > Programs, is there any feature related to Office Web Apps?
    If you have confirmed there is no Office Web Apps feature installed, please go to SharePoint document library settings, and make the document to open in client, does it work?
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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    I don't think it's documented anywhere, but if you sign the jar, that message will go away.

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    Any suggestions?

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    Any help on this would be appreciated
    Update 2: Ended up uninstalling the web console again. Ran the prerequisites again using
    Import-Module ServerManager 
    Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core,Web-WebServer,Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Dir-Browsing,Web-Http-Errors,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Http-Logging,Web-Request-Monitor,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Filtering,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-Metabase
    %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -r
    Both found on this page
    And now it seems to be working correctly

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    Has anyone got any recommendations on what to use to do this?
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    Any feedback appreciated!

    user645399 wrote:
    Right now, I am displaying a table in the web by selecting all the records from a particular table.
    This is how I do it.Not a great way to display a report. This is not re-usable code. Difficult to maintain. Difficult to add or change the presentation of data.
    The proper way to do it, will be to use a DBMS_SQL cursor. After the cursor is opened, you use the describe function on the cursor that returns the number of columns in the cursor, the names of the columns, and their data types.
    This data is then used to fetch a column value from the cursor, and render it (as per its data type). This can easily be extended to make use of reporting templates and defaults and even style sheets to make rendering easy and flexible.
    DBMS_SQL is detailed in the [Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/d_sql.htm#BABEDAHF] guide.
    Should I include a search engine? or how should I go about it? Is there a way to break the table into smaller parts using the dealer id?Why not use APEX? The above method that I've described is what is employed by APEX. So instead of writing that yourself, having to deal with dynamic variable binding, pagination, web state and security and so on.. APEX does all of this, and more, for you.

  • Refresh my memory (stat counters)

    A client has asked for a stat counter on each page of their
    web site....yuk.
    What's the technical information about why these are not a
    good idea? I
    would just usually say f--k off tosser but I need to be a bit
    diplomatic and convincing by provide an alternative option
    for getting
    that information. (hey after all I'm dealing firstly with
    designers and secondly the client themselves, not a great
    I know counters don't provide any 'real' information but I
    need to put
    forward a convincing argument as to why they don't. I also
    need to
    provide an alternative method as to get access to how many
    visitors have
    accessed certain pages. This is done via the web stats right?
    Do all
    servers provide easy access to web stats. I'm not hosting
    particular site someone else provided that part of the
    service so I
    don't know what's available.
    As an aside note is there a resource where I can download
    little icons
    of master/visa cards. I could just get them from any site I
    guess but
    does an official resource exist?

    > Hummmm so trying to find out how many visitors access
    the site is a
    > pointless excerise?
    Yes, as far as these client-side counters go. Ask the client
    what kind of
    information they expect to get from this.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Osgood" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Michael Fesser wrote:
    >> .oO(Osgood)
    >>> A client has asked for a stat counter on each
    page of their web
    >>> site....yuk.
    >>> What's the technical information about why these
    are not a good idea?
    >> The information can _never_ be accurate, because
    there's no way to
    >> identify a particular user. HTTP is a stateless
    protocol. There could be
    >> a single user with a dozen different IP addresses or
    a hundred users all
    >> with the same IP. The first would be counted as a
    dozen visitors, the
    >> latter would usually only count as one, because most
    counter scripts
    >> keep track of the IP addresses to prevent simple
    page reloads to
    >> increase the counter.
    > Yup.....I'll snip that piece of info and use it.
    >> So something like "1234 visitors since ..." really
    means _nothing_. In
    >> fact it could also have been just 100 or even 10000
    real visitors. Stat
    >> counters are as accurate as rolling a dice. You
    could also use a script
    >> that increases the counter every hour by a randomly
    chosen number ...
    > ok, I hope the client doesn't mis-interpret this as "I
    don't know how to
    > include a stat counter' ....hmmmm. At the moment I seem
    to always be
    > advising clients the best options without the real
    conviction of knowing
    > if they are totally satisfied with my
    >>> I know counters don't provide any 'real'
    information but I need to put
    >>> forward a convincing argument as to why they
    don't. I also need to
    >>> provide an alternative method as to get access
    to how many visitors have
    >>> accessed certain pages. This is done via the web
    stats right?
    >> Yes. Every webserver writes access and error
    logfiles. The raw logs are
    >> hard to understand, but there are a lot of logfile
    analyzers available.
    >> On my servers for example AWStats is already
    >>> Do all servers provide easy access to web stats.
    >> Logs - yes, analyzers - no. The latter have to be
    installed separately
    >> on the server or you would have to use a stand-alone
    program. Then you
    >> just have to download the raw server logs and feed
    them to the analyzer.
    > That's what I thought. I dont really want to get
    involved with analyers
    > myself as I wouldn't get paid to do so. I'm not sure if
    this client is up
    > to anything other than the simplest procedure to access
    this information.
    >> But remember: HTTP is stateless. What was said above
    about counters also
    >> applies to the logfiles. The informations presented
    by an analyzer can
    >> never be accurate, they're also based on assumptions
    and estimations.
    >> Different analyzers use different algorithms, so
    you'll get different
    >> results from the same logs!
    > Hummmm so trying to find out how many visitors access
    the site is a
    > pointless excerise?
    >>> As an aside note is there a resource where I can
    download little icons
    >>> of master/visa cards. I could just get them from
    any site I guess but
    >>> does an official resource exist?
    http://images.google.com ;-)
    >> I usually look there first if I can find something
    useful. In case of
    >> such logos I look for images with the best quality
    and modify/resize
    >> them in my image editor as needed. Of course I never
    use downloaded
    >> images directly in my own projects (unless it's
    allowed explicitly).
    >> I always modify them or just use them as a template
    for my own work.
    >> For an official source I would probably look at the
    company's websites
    >> first.
    > Yeah ok....I was just being a it lazy....its Friday lol.
    > Thanks for the input. I'll definitely use some of it to
    put up an argument
    > as to why counters are pretty pointless.

Maybe you are looking for