Webaccess on linux with no local domain?

How can I install webaccess on a Linux box that does not have the domain directory?
The machine is puerly a gateway between the internet and the back end groupwise box.
SLES10 ( for web access )
NW6.5.7 ( For mta/poa/etc.... )

twinturbo wrote:
> I assume I have to create a "second domain" in my existing system
> But form console one on the linux box there is no way to access the
> domain directory on the netware box in order to add the second domain
> into the system.
You're looking at this backwards. You need to use the same ConsoleOne
you use today to manage your GW. *That* instance of ConsoleOne must be
able to map a drive to the new server. You need this anyways to be able
to admin it. The new server does *not* need to connect anywhere.
> Or do I create a new system on the Linux?
Massimo Rosen
Novell Product Support Forum Sysop
No emails please!

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    {quote}.local domains
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    This is the forum to discuss questions and feedback for Microsoft Office client. There is so much about Office 365
    Directory integration aspect here, I would suggest you to post in the forum of Office Community, where you can get more experienced responses:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Creating new users for SMB access is way too complicated, because Apple has not really implemented the "sharing user" fully for SMB users. Thus, when you create a new user, and go to System Prefs -> Sharing -> File Sharing -> Options, the sharing user is NOT listed under the users to enable for access via SMB.
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    1. Go to System Prefs -> Accounts. Click on the padlock to authenticate as admin.
    2. Then right click on your "sharing only" user (not Guest) and select "advanced...".
    3. There you will see that the Login Shell is set to a particular value (/usr/bin/false from memory). Take note of the value that is there.
    4. Change this value (from the drop down list) to "/bin/bash".
    5. Go to Sharing -> File Sharing -> Options... You will see that your sharing only user is now listed under SMB sharing.
    6. Tick the box for SMB sharing on the sharing only user and enter the password for that user.
    7. Go back to Accounts. Right click on your "sharing only" user and select "advanced..."
    8. Type in the value that you took note of in step 3 at "Login Shell" (and press ok).
    That's it! Now you can connect from Windows using the new sharing only user.
    In effect, this process temporarily enable the "sharing only" user for shell login to your Mac. By doing so, it enables the SMB password to be set. You then disable the shell login capability , and SMB sharing is enabled, whilst shell login is disabled.
    If you ever want to remove SMB access through that user, you will need to repeat the steps again, (although this time you will have to untick the box in step 6.
    p.s. I have done this, and it works well for me. That said, you should back up your system before mucking around with advanced options. Just to be on the safe side.

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    Thank you for checking this out -- I am confident the details of the problem are completely specified in this query but, if I'm wrong, please ask.
    Many thanks again,

    I would like to suggest you to follow the checklist.
    Checklist: Make RemoteApp Programs Available from the Internet
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thats quite simpel:
    .local domains belong to the zeroconf system ( linux: avahi, apple: bonjour, windows: zeroconf) - so if you enter a www.dummy.local than the request is not forwarded to the DNS server it is forwarded to the MDNS and in many networks simply not resolvable.
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    implementing corresponding ODCI interface functions.
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    SELECT /* +index(from_sample_index) */ * FROM index_in_partitioned_tbl WHERE position_between(card_no)  < 50 ORDER BY card_no DESC;
    Index creared in this way returns 3 rows:
    CREATE INDEX from_sample_index ON index_in_partitioned_tbl (card_no) INDEXTYPE IS position_indextype;
    When index has been creared with LOCAL option I got "ORA-01410: INVALID ROWID" :
    CREATE INDEX from_sample_index ON index_in_partitioned_tbl (card_no) INDEXTYPE IS position_indextype LOCAL;
    I don't post implementation's source code to reduce amount of text in post. It works for global index.
    If I copy rowid from index storage table and then put it into something like
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    then it will be executed successfully without any errors.
    I suppose the error could be somehow linked with "alter index" calls that Oracle makes when local domain index is created.
    The calls are made with option "AlterIndexRebuild" - possibly they mark index as invalid (though it's shown as valid in SQL Developer)

    Solved :)
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    Download the combo update (don't install it yet): http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1400
    SafeBoot your computer: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1455
    While in SafeBoot install the combo update
    Restart the computer to come out of SafeBoot
    Try running software update again and see if it works.
    Hope that helps.

  • Oracle10g Installation problem on Linux with DHCP IP

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    I got the following warning while installing even though I have loopback interface configured.
    Checking Network Configuration requirements ...
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    Problem: The install has detected that the primary IP address of the system is DHCP-assigned.
    Recommendation: Oracle supports installations on systems with DHCP-assigned public IP addresses. However, the primary network interface on the system should be configured with a static IP address in order for the Oracle Software to function properly. See the Installation Guide for more details on installing the software on systems configured with DHCP.
    Please help me in resolving this problem or Can I ignore this message?
    My Server Configurations:
    [root@SQAESMRH5 Oracle_Install_Errors]# ifconfig
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:12:3F:79:FA:2C
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::212:3fff:fe79:fa2c/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:20751998 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:19278549 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:2150795393 (2.0 GiB) TX bytes:438232502 (417.9 MiB)
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:12383146 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:12383146 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:1965045834 (1.8 GiB) TX bytes:1965045834 (1.8 GiB)
    [root@SQAESMRH5 Oracle_Install_Errors]# cat /etc/hosts
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail.
    #::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 localhost.localdomain localhost
    #::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
    [root@SQAESMRH5 Oracle_Install_Errors]#

    This warning means it is not recommended to install Oracle 10g on a DHCP assigned IP address. It could work, but you won't be able to configure Enterprise Manager, since this tool requires a fixed IP address. If possible, have the IP address fixed.
    ~ Madrid

  • "Sharepoint 2013" is giving error that prevents local domain users authentication for "Team Foundation Server"

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    1st Error (from administrative events):
    The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUsageImportJobDefinition (ID a51a0244-765d-433b-8502-0bb0540ad1fd) threw an exception. More information is included below.
    Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS' is denied.
    Tried so far:-
    - changed the path to another folder from "Diagnostic Logging" in another drive, but still getting the same error.
    2nd Error (from application server):
    DistributedCOM error
    The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID 
     and APPID 
     to the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
    Which I already got fixed using the following steps on a thread I opened before (but still getting the same error).
    Other Fixes I tried
    - Found on another topic that it is not sharepoint that is causing the problem, but it is the generated ASP.NET web pages used for testing is causing the memory to fill up due to cashing on RAM, the fix suggested to change IIS cashing from RAM to HD to prevent
    loading up using w3wp.exe from processes. 
    - by checking other topics for people having the same problem, it was mentioned that this error appeared after the lastest TFS update, is there is a fix for it ?

    Hi Kpdn, 
    Thanks for your post.
    All your participation and support are very important to build such harmonious/ pleasant / learning environment for MSDN community.
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    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Exchange 2013 / 2010 coexistence with different public domains

    Currently in my organization
    1x Exchange 2010 Standard w/SP3 - Client Access / Hub Transport
    1x Exchange 2010 Standard w/SP3 - Unified Messaging Server (we also have Lync 2013 in the environment)
    1x Exchange 2010 Standard w/SP3 - Mailbox
    In my organization, we have approximately 600 mailboxes - 100 office staff, and 500 field employees using a mixture of Outlook 2007/2010/2013 and various mobile devices. Most of our field employees are in remote locations, several hundred
    miles away. We have no IT staff in any of our field locations.
    We also have two public domains that we use, though we are trying to phase out the old one to unify everything.
    domain-old.com - Used when the company had a different name. All Exchange services are published with this one.
    domain-new.com - Used after the company changed names. The goal is to publish all Exchange services with this one.
    domain.local - Our internal Active Directory domain.
    We use Microsoft Exchange Online Protection for all inbound/outbound email. We publish OWA, ActiveSync, etc. through our Sophos firewall. Also, we have two KEMP LoadMaster appliances that for high availability that we currently use for Lync 2013; they are
    severely underutilized.
    Goals for the Exchange migration
    My primary goal is to introduce high availability into our environment by introducing redundancy on multiple levels. I would like to accomplish this by utilizing Exchange 2013 since we will need to purchase additional licensing anyway. My idea of the
    final topology is:
    2x KEMP LoadMaster appliances providing reverse proxy and load balancing to the CAS servers
    2x Physical servers running Hyper-V, separated physically but in the same AD site. Each one would run:
    1x VM with Exchange 2013 Standard w/SP1 - Client Access
    1x VM with Exchange 2013 Enterprise w/SP1 - Mailbox - Utilizing DAGs for high-availability
    I'd like all the new Exchange services to be published under the domain-new.com domain - such as mail.domain-new.com, mail.domain-new.com/owa, smtp.domain-new.com, etc.
    We have purchased two new physical servers that will be Hyper-V hosts running Server 2012R2. My timeframe to start this project is within the next two weeks, so I'll be running the new Exchange 2013 VMs under Server 2012, not R2 as it won't be supported
    until Exchange 2013 SP3 is released.
    Deployment Plan
    Install Exchange 2013 on new VMs.
    Create CAS Array object.
    Configure Exchange 2013 to publish under the new namespace.
    Perform mailbox moves to 2013 for a small group (1-5 users) at a time. Recreate Outlook profiles and mobile device profiles for that group. Test and move to the next group.
    Once all users are moved to the new namespace, decommission the Exchange 2010 servers.
    My primary unknown is about the namespaces. All of the guides I have read strictly deal with keeping the existing namespace and having the Exchange 2013 CAS proxy requests to Exchange 2010 for mailboxes still on 2010. This should never be an issue for us
    since we'll be using the new domain for each mailbox we move.
    My question boils down to, is this a supported way to migrate to Exchange 2013? And if so, are there some materials or information to help me perform it this way?

    From the description, you want to install Exchange 2013 in another domain and then migrate from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013. 
    About DAG, all servers in a DAG must be running the same operating system. If there is only one mailbox server, there is no need to deploy DAG.
    About CAS array, we should know that the CAS Array no longer exists in Exchange 2013.
    About the namespace, based on my knowledge, we can introduce a new namespace. Just as what you said "This should never be an issue for us since we'll be using the new domain for each mailbox we move".
    Here are some articles about how to upgrade from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013 in the same organization.
    Checklist: Upgrade from Exchange 2010
    Install Exchange 2013 in an Existing Exchange 2010 Organization
    Upgrade from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Local domain, IIS Hosting and SMTP issues.

    I have a local domain on Windows server 2012 with dns, dhcp, iis and smtp. (Yes, I am aware of the dangers of these combinations) it is for learning purposes only and not my main pc. 
    My local domain is willow.run and I am hosting a website, the domain for that is machinerylubricant.com I have IIS 8 installed (6.0 also for smtp) 
    My original issue was getting IIS to send an email to localhost through a php script for a contact form hosted on the website. I finally got to where it appears to be sending the contact form info to my drop folder but I ahve no idea how to get that .EML
    file to actually forward to gmail account or even outlook on my computer/server. 
    In the email file (.eml in drop folder) it says "To: *******@gmail.com" as it is supposed to but that email is not making it to the specified gmail account. Also no error messages in the ph logs or the log files for smtp. How would I go about setting
    up a email program to work on the lan with the acual www domain name I own? 
    I am learning everything at once basically, windows server, coding, protocols etc. Please bare with me.

    Rather than answer your specific question, how about I give you the best way to achieve what you're looking for?
    For inbound messages, you want to use the "aliasdetourhost" keyword. Check the documentation for how this is set up.
    For outbound messages, you want to use the "alternate conversion channel"
    When used together, this will achieve what you're looking for, without the looping that you have generated....
    The alternate conversion channel was written up here:

  • .local domain and autodiscover issues

    I want to preface this by saying I am a new administrator.
    Our SSL cert recently expired, and since .local domains can no longer be on certs, were registered a CA cert with autodiscover.domain.com and mail.domain.com. This new cert was successfully applied, but whenever someones opens their e-mail they get a warning
    about the name on the server not matching the cert. I
    I'm pretty sure this is juts a few DNS records I need to update but I don't know which ones and really need some guidance.
    Thanks for your time.

    So what you are saying is that his current DNS for company.com (which his internal users use for external access) needs to be duplicated internally, then modified to support his internal email access?  I've set up many systems where internal DNS and
    external DNS hosted the same name, and it is far from simple as "a new zone takes less than a minute to create".  How do you handle internal access to external sites (which is currently working just fine with his external DNS)?
    To answer your question, my recommendation is that his internal clients use AutoDiscover to gain their internal settings. Keep in mind that while the Exchange server may be in the .local domain, the SMTP domain they host is a .com domain. And since his servers
    are in a domain, any domain-attached Outlook client will be able to access the mailbox successfully.
    Just create a new DNS record pointing to the external host.  Or get a new domain name that doesn't have external websites, then create a new DNS zone for that.
    Alright, so with your recommendation - he updates his clients to use Autodiscover, which they are likely already using, to gain internal settings.  And then what do you configure the internal URLs as?  
    For example - Autodiscover.
    You set the AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI to servername.domain.local -> he still gets a cert prompt every time he opens Outlook.
    You set the AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI to mail.domain.com to match the certificate -> Now ALL autodiscover requests from all clients are going out to the internet, then back into the Public VIP.  
    Same with EWS.  And this is assuming he's using RPC/TCP rather than HTTP.  So then he's either going to get prompts for cert every time he opens outlook and checks OOF or mailtips, or all internal clients are going to use the external VIP for Autodiscover
    and EWS. 

  • Connect LDAP service to local domain

    Is there anyone who can tell me if it's possible to connect form the LDAP service to a local domain?
    I have made a new local domain with some groups and users in the Domain management in LC ES admin module.
    Now I want to retrieve those users to my prcess in workbench with the LDAP service, but I can't get it to connect to the new domain (it works fine when I connect to our company AD).
    I have tried with Base DN: DC=NewDomain,DC=local and Search filter: cn=* but with no luck :-(
    Is it possible to connect to the local domaim from the LDAP service if it is, what should the "Base DN" look like and what are the atributes to use in the search filter?

    I think you are getting a few things mixed up.
    When you create the users in a local domain, you're in fact creating them in the LiveCycle database. Not in a LDAP system. LiveCycle NEVER writes to an LDAP system. It only reads from it.
    When LC integrates with an LDAP system (like when you create an enterprise domain in adminui), it connects to an external LDAP system and sychronizes with it. I also adds a copy of the users in its database.
    The LDAP service does the same thing is the sense that it just connects to a external LDAP system to get a list of users.
    If you want to query the users from the livecycle database you can use the User Lookup service (under Foundation) instead.

Maybe you are looking for

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