WebApp Search Results 'effect' parameter

The BC documentation here: http://helpx.adobe.com/business-catalyst/kb/modules-quick-reference.html#id_44532
lists available parameters for the module {module_webappsresults}.
The first parameter is 'effect'. What values can we use here? and what do they do?
I'm assuming 'ajax' would be one such value (like we can use on the FAQ module) but this does not seem to work.

Ignore that Adam, the docs are a mess:
{module_webappsresults,notUsed,targetFrame,useBackupTemplate,resultsPerPage,hideEmptyMessa ge,rowLength,sort}
Displays web app search results in a list according to the list or a backup list layout
notUsed - RESERVED (please do not use this space)
targetFrame - e.g. _blank. Specify the frame you want the item to open in
useBackupTemplate - specify True if you want to use the backup list template or leave empty
resultsPerPage - total number of items per page before pagination is used
hideEmptyMessage - specify True if you don't want the No Items Found message to be displayed.
rowLength - will limit the number of items per row when items are displayed as a list. Default is 1 item per row.
ALPHABETICAL (default) - items are sorted in alphabetical order form A-Z
DATE - items are sorted from newest to oldest. The most recent item is displayed first.
DATEREVERSE - will display the web app items oldest to newest
weightreverse - allows you to display the web apps by weight but in reverse, that is the item with the smallest weight is displayed first.
Its not used.

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    Hi Enjin Powerhouse,
    Please review the following thread: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5668839#5077760. Unfortunately {module_webappsresults} is not a supported layout.

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    Hi Prakash,
    SharePoint indexes each list item with the display form of the items in the lists.
    Although the web part is added to the page, the items in the web part are still be indexed from the original list. That is because the web part is rendering the items from the database where the original list stores.
    So per my knowledge, we can only get the list items with the display form in the search results.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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    You seem to have found the right setting. From my notes:
    Add the following line to $ORACLE_HOME/search/webapp/config/search.properties and then restart oc4j:
    Maybe you didn't restart oc4j (using "searchctl restart")?

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    Hi there,
    we had the same issue - I opened an OSS and got following reply :
    <b>08.03.2007 - 12:45:49 CET    SAP    Reply</b>
    I have checked from my development colleague and confirmed that
    this parameter is not supported currently and development has recently
    no plans to support this feature.
    I apologize for the inconvenience caused here.
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    Best Regards
    Can you believe this ? I don't, as this parameter has been around since SP12 or so and still there is no official note regarding this issue.
    > Please reward points :o) <

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    What i have to do?
    Best regards,

    Hi there,
    we had the same issue - I opened an OSS and got following reply :
    <b>08.03.2007 - 12:45:49 CET    SAP    Reply</b>
    I have checked from my development colleague and confirmed that
    this parameter is not supported currently and development has recently
    no plans to support this feature.
    I apologize for the inconvenience caused here.
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    Best Regards
    Can you believe this ? I don't, as this parameter has been around since SP12 or so and still there is no official note regarding this issue.
    > Please reward points :o) <

  • Outlook 2013 crashes when opening Calendar search result

    I have a user who uses her Outlook 2013 calendar extensively, mainly to note for herself when she has spoken to a customer, and creating appointments for when she needs to speak to them again. (This is outside of our policy to note the contact in
    MS CRM.) She can have scores of such Calendar items each day.
    When seraching for these appointments in her Calendar, she gets the list of results, but Oulook crashes when she tries to open any of them. Sometimes Outlook restarts on its own, sometimes she must relaunch it herself.
    Related threads reference a wwlib.dll error, but she is not getting that. It is Outlook.exe itself that is crashing. There are other threads that reference other open windows, or items containing webpages or tables, but these do not apply to her, either.
    Event Data (two related entries) contain the following:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE
    Not available
    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\163947659.cvr C:\User\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVR780F.tmp.cvr
    On answers.microsoft.com, Girish M (Support Engineer who eventally directed me here), asked me to run Scanpst.exe. I would paste the results here, but this window does not seem to allow pasting. A summary description of what it found on her .ost file (no
    .pst in use) is basically this:
    **Beginning NDB recovery
      **Attempting to open database
      **Attempting to validate header
      **Attempting to validate AMap
      **Attempting to validate BBT
      **Attempting to validate NBT
      **Attempting to validate BBT refcounts
        ??Couldint find BBT entry in the RBT (E025CC)
      **Attempting to validate header NID high-water marks
    **Beginning PST/OST recovery
      **Attempting to recover all top-level objects
        **Store created by biuld: 15.4517
      **Attempting to walk all folders
          Failed to add row to the FLT, RowID = 719
          Failed to add row to the FLT, RowID = 6CD
          Failed to add row to the FLT, RowID = 6DE
          Failed to add row to the FLT, RowID = 6D8
    and so on, and so on, with a few hundred more FLT RowID errors, finally ending with:
      **Attempting to locate any orphaned folders/messages
      **Performing Final HMP validation
      **Attempting to check top-level objects for consistency
      **Updating folder hierarchy
      **Verifying message moves
    My understanding of the Scanpst.exe process is that it also disables any addons which might cause crashing, but the issue is still being experienced. Running Scanpst.exe a second time (appending the previous log, although it seemed to actually prepend the
    file) only returned a few lines from the top of the result above ending with "Attempting to validate BBT."
    Fixes not attempted yet that I have found performing searches include running the Office Repair tool, or checking for KB2817631 (a Word update that is apparently having adverse affects on Outlook, not attempted yet because it seems to be related to the wwlib.dll
    error, which is not happening here).
    Any thoughts out there? Thanks!

    Thanks for the reply. Running Outlook using /cleansharing and
    /cleanroamedprefs did not have any effect when used individually or in combination with each other.
    Running the Search Index Rebuild option also did not seem to do anything, as the pop-up message indicated that it may take a long time to finish, and yet seemed to finish instantaneously, not giving any indication that the indexing took place. The option
    window immediately said "Indexing complete" for 23,755 items.
    As to the Outlook Forum, they are the ones who directed me to this forum (you can see the thread on the Answers support page under Office - Office 2013 - Microsoft Office Outlook - Office on Windows 7, under the title "Outlook 2013 restarts when
    opening Calendar Search result item" first posted on Dec 11, 2013), as Girish M felt that it might be due to Exchange, and not Outlook. (I have no reports of any of our other users on the same Exchange server having the problem with their Outlook, but
    they also do not use it the way this user has been.)
    I can repost the issue there, or continue the same thread, if you think the issue lies with them. Was the "Answers" site the improper place to post, perhaps? Should it go in a different thread on Technet instead?
    Thanks for your assistance!
    Edited to add:
    Here are the KBs installed just before or on the date the problem started (12/6/2013):
    12/5/2016 (Office updates, all 32-Bit):
    Security Update Office 2013 KB2768005
    Office 2013 KB2768016
    Office 2013 KB2817640
    Office 2013 KB2827228
    Security Office 2013 KB2837618
    Word 2013 KB2817631
    InfoPath 2013 KB2752078
    Office 2013 KB2817493
    Office 2013 KB2760539
    Office 2013 KB2827235
    Office 2013 KB2827225
    Security Excel 2013 KB2827238
    Office 2013 KB2760242
    Office 2013 KB2817626
    Office 2013 KB2817314
    Office 2013 KB2760610
    Access 2013 KB2768008
    Office 2013 KB2738038
    SkyDrive Pro KB2825633
    Security Office 2013 KB2817623
    Office 2013 KB2760267
    Visio Viewer 2013 KB2768338
    Office 2013 KB2827230
    OneNote 2013 KB2810016
    Office 2013 KB2827228
    Office 2013 KB2767845
    Definition Office 2013 KB2760587
    Office 2013 KB2726996
    Security Office 2013 KB2810009
    Office 2013 KB2817316
    Word 2013 KB2817631
    Lync 2013 KB2817621
    Office 2013 KB2760224
    Office 2013 KB2726954
    Office 2013 KB2817640
    Publisher 2013 KB2752097
    PowerPoint 2013 KB2817625
    Office 2013 KB2760257
    Office 2013 KB2817309
    Security Outlook 2013 KB2837618
    Visio 2013 KB2752018
    Office 2013 KB2817490
    Word 2013 KB2827218
    Office 2013 KB2760553
    12/6/2013 (for Windows, all Security):
    I listed all updates because there have been reported instances of a Word update causing Outlook to crash, but she is not getting the wwlib.dll error related to that KB. If you are aware of any issues with these updates, and which ones might be worth uninstalling
    in an attempt to fix, please let me know.
    Thanks again!

  • Pass query result as parameter to javascript

    I'm a beginner with javascript, so (maybe) sorry for this
    Is it possible to use a query result as parameter in a
    javascript function
    for example like this?
    <cfquery name="select_data">
    select name from user_table
    <script language="javascript">
    Background is: I have to validate an input field with some
    values which are saved in a database table.
    This values can be dynamic , so I don't want to put this
    values into the cfm-file.
    Any ideas?

    Each column in a cf query is effectively a 1D array. You can
    use the toscript function to send this array to js.

  • Safari 5.0.2 doesn't save any more google search results in the history.

    Hello together,
    Safari doesn't save any more google search results in the history.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1.) go to google.com
    2.) search for "APPLE"
    3.) open the history
    Result: the search for "APPLE" is not saved - only the Google mainpage.
    This has something to do with the new search string in the Location bar. Safari does not save URL with /#.
    For example:
    the new string is http://www.google.de/#hl=...
    the old one is: http://www.google.de/search?hl=....
    The change must something to do with the new Google-Search-Feature. When I deactivate it, then google works with the old string and I found the searches in the history.
    The second negative effect is, when you type "apple" into the location bar (after a search), the autocomplete shows the search result, but when you hit enter, you are redirected to the Google-Mainpage.
    Very annoying
    Can somebody confirm.
    Message was edited by: memo_78

    Thanks for your reply!
    Could you post the bug here, too, please:
    I have done it
    Thanks in advance !

  • Search result in CRM_KW

    we save documents on the content server from the document tab on BP. In transaction CRM_KW the documents can be search for by using attributes like keywords. The problem is that the search result in CRM_KW only presents 100 hits. Does anyone know where this is controlled and is there a way to get access to all documents matching a relevant key word.
    NB! We use CRM 4.0
    Best regards

    In class CL_KWUI_QUERY, method DISPLAY -> Parameter MAX_NUMBER_OF_HITS

  • Search Preview, Open Search Result, Authentication, Security Trimming Users - Domain

    hi all
    Good morning. I hope someone can direct me in the right path.
    Server Setup 1 - SharePoint 2013 (using as search engine - fileserver)
    SharePoint 2013 Foundation - Latest Patches with HTTP
    Windows Server 2012
    Server Setup 2 - Office Web Apps 2013
    Office Web Apps - Latest Patches with HTTP
    Windows Server 2012
    Issues that I am facing - Search preview
    a. I have configure SP2013 as a search for my file server. I get all the searches but I cannot preview them. I have configured the Office Web Apps 2013 and can successfully see the XML file in various TechNet article's. No event errors.  I have ran
    various PowerShell commands, to see if SP connects with Office Web Apps and it connects. This is all Internal network and so I have used HTTP.
    Issues that I am facing - Open Search Result
    b. I have faced this when search a document, I tried to click on OPEN and nothing happens. The document doesn't open and no errors. However, if I send the document to a user, the path opens it directly.
    Issues that I am facing - Authentication
    c. I would like to provide our users the opportunity to search without entering username and password on a domain computer but required on a non-domain joined computers. Can this be done?
    Issues that I am facing - Security Trimming - File Share
    d. I have a file share with Access Based Enumeration enabled. Some users are given access and some others no access to view certain folders and files. Will this reflect the searches ?. I have set a READ-ONLY access account to the complete fileShare. Does
    the searches appear to those who have access and doesn't appear to those who don't have.
    I am willing to learn and so I ask some guidance where I have gone wrong with the setup.
    Thanks in advance for all the help.

    Hi Jo,
    #1. Per my knowledge, the files in file share cannot be previewed with Office Web Apps in SharePoint search results.
    If the documents in the site cannot be previewed, I recommend to use command
    New-SPWOPIBinding to re-create the binding without Action parameter and then do a full crawl tosee how it works.
    #2.  Please check the URL of the file in your search results and then copy the URL in the browser to see if the document can be opened.
    #3. I recommend to extend the web application to the internet zone and do not grant anonymous permission on the search results page in the internet zone. Then when the user wants to do search, then he will need to sign in to access the search results page.
    #4. Yes, if the user has no access to the files, then he will not be able to search the documents in SharePoint and the documents will not appear in search results.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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