Webdynpro Popup

I have  created a webdynpro popup. I would like the data in the pop up to be reset when i close the pop up..
Is there a way to achieve this without explicitly setting each  context to null.
I am using interface view of another DC in the pop up.
Please let me know the best way ahead.

Hi Tiny,
if the context attributes are under any node then you can use invaldate() method inseted of setting null to each and every context attibute.
if any context attributes are binded directly to the root context node then you have to set null for each and every context attribute.
revert back if you have any quaries.
Thanks & Regards,

Similar Messages

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    I need to know if the following is possible.
    I have a requirement to call an ABAP WebDynpro Popup from a BSP view.
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    I do not want to rely on Portal Events as Portals may not be used, would really appreciate a clean simple solution.

    any webdynpro application has a URL behind it. Haven´t you tried to call that URL with Javascript code ??
    script language="Javascript"
          url = "test_page.htm" + "?field=" + param;
          window.open(url, "F4window", "width=400, height=400");
    You can pass data to the WD application using parameters as I show you after the "?".

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    - Akshay

    Maybe I understand your requirement now. Since you are calling a server side event i.e. to get the data, the page where you are currently gets lost and that's how it should be.
    Now as a workaround we can try setting the focus to the particular input field when the page is loaded with the selected value.
    1. For this create a boolean atrribute and set it to Y when value from poupwindow is  selected.
    2. Drag a textfield and bind it to this context. Make the field as invisble from Object palette.
    3. Now in the form:ready or layout:ready event of the top level subform write the following JavaScript:-
    if(popValSelected.rawValue == "Y")

  • ABAP Webdynpro Popup

    In abap webdynpro when i click save button I want to have a popup with two buttons asking for "do you want to continue"  'yes' or 'no'. if 'yes' navigate to next screen .if 'no' remain in same screen.How to get this done.
    Please help.
    Rheema Rahael.

    Hi Rheema
    lets say you want to generate a popup when user press the save button.
    Create the action associated with save button : SAVE_DATA.
    Go inside the code of action SAVE_DATA and add following code:
    DATA : lr_component_api TYPE REF TO if_wd_component.
    DATA : lr_popup TYPE REF TO if_wd_popup_to_confirm.
    DATA l_controller_api TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller.
    DATA : l_configuration TYPE wdr_popup_to_confirm.
    DATA : l_text_table TYPE string_table,
    ls_text_table TYPE string .
    l_controller_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
    lr_component_api = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
    ls_text_table = 'Are you sure you want to save record?'.
    APPEND ls_text_table TO l_text_table .
    CALL METHOD cl_wd_popup_factory=>popup_to_confirm
    component = lr_component_api
    text = l_text_table
    window_title = 'Confirmation'
    configuration = l_configuration
    popup_to_confirm = wd_this->popup.
    CATCH cx_wd_runtime_repository .
    controller = l_controller_api
    handler_name = 'ON_CONFIRM_SAVE' ).
    Go to the attribute of your view and add an attribute 'POPUP' of type IF_WD_POPUP_TO_CONFIRM.
    when you will press the save button the action SAVE_DATA will be triggered and a popup will be generated.
    To handle the action related to the buttons appearing on the popup window ( yes, no and cancel) create one more method in your view having name 'ON_CONFIRM_SAVE' (method type must be event handler) . in that event handler you can decide what to do when any of the button on popup window ( yes, no and cancel) is pressed.
    Go inside the event handler 'ON_CONFIRM_SAVE'
    write the code:
    CASE wd_this->popup->answer.
    WHEN if_wd_popup_to_confirm=>co_button_1_pressed.
    *your code regarding yes button.
    WHEN if_wd_popup_to_confirm=>co_button_2_pressed.
    *your code regarding no button.
    Vishal kapoor

  • WebDynpro Popup Cursor Focus Problem

    Hello WebDynpro experts,
    since CE7.1 (SP6) I am observing that an input field refuses to take the cursor focus after calling a popup window for a lookup.
    Only after some seconds the cursor appears again. Clicking the right mousebutton in this input field the cursor appears at once.
    It only happens on Internet Explorer. It does not happen in Firefox(but again when applying IE engine in Firefox).
    In some environments (different company, different IE settings) it works fine.
    This did not happen in NW04S/7.0.
    Does anyone know the reason, a fix or a workaround.
    Has it to do with JavaScript-settings?
    Thanks a lot for Your answers,

    [Follow this|requestFocus() doesn't work anymore in NW CE 7.1;
    Best Regards
    Satish Kumar

  • When Webdynpro popup is opened for the 2nd time, image is not shown

    Hi Experts,
    We have created a WebDynpro with a popup window.
    This is shown in an iView in the portal.
    If the popup is opened for the first time it looks good.
    If the popup is opened for the 2nd time the image is not shown and the title is shown with a different font.
    If we do a preview of the iView in PCD content area, the title and image is shown and the right font is used: also when you open this for the second time.
    If the iView is in a role the problem appears.
    How can this be solved?
    Thanks in advance,

    Sounds like a wrong reference to a stylesheet.
    Use IE Developer Toolbar or Firefox to debug the code. Or view source (of the popup) and search for .css. Do the same for the popup that doesn't work. Check if there are differences.
    Good luck!

  • Removing title bar from popup window

    Hi ,
    I have created an popup window and I have to remove the title bar of that window completely(either to make the title bar invisible or to remove the title bar completely).
    I have tried the following method but of no use,
    Please provide solutions.

    Hi Mahesh,
    Just try this out, it will resolve your issue.
    [WebDynpro Popup Window|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/a04870c5-749b-2b10-06ba-d25515ef39e3]

  • UWL and Webdynpro integration

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    I hope you can understand my requirement. Please let me know if you need any more clarification. I would greatly appreciate your help.

    Hi Gopal,
    In your case, you can open a webdynpro popup screen when the user clicks on the task item id of the task inbox.
    In the webdynpro popup screen you can give text edit UI element to enter the reason and Reject button to submit the task.
    If you are using ABAP w/f engine..
    Configuration to open customized WebDynpro application when user opens a task in UWL inbox in Portal.
    Go to the SWFVISU transaction in SAP GUI.
    It will show all the taks available in all the workflows in the ECC system.
    Select a particular task and select Visualization type for that task
    Here you have to select u201CJava WebDynprou201D
    And click on Visualization Parameters
    It will open the u201CChange Visualization Parameteru201D screen
    Here enter the WebDynpro application name which needs to be opened when user clicks on task item id.
    You need to confgure this taks item id in UWL standard XML file.
    Please go through this links as well.
    Hope this hels you..

  • Multipule line text in create_popup_2_confirm window

    Hi all ,
    Please can any one help how to get mutlipule lines in this popup window
    iv_title = 'Own Popup'
    iv_text = 'OWN text'
    iv_btncombination = if_bsp_wd_window_manager=>CO_BTNCOMB_CUSTOM
    IV_CUSTOMBUTTONS = lt_Button
    rv_result = Y_POPUP_AG_OR.
    IV_text takens only single line how to split multipule lines?

    Dear Arun kumar,
    Thank you, is it another way is used to WebDynpro Popup windo (if_wd_window_manager) like following way
      ls_text = 'Do you confirm....?'.
      INSERT ls_text INTO TABLE lt_text.
      l_popup = l_window_manager->create_popup_to_confirm(
                   text = lt_text
                   button_kind = if_wd_window=>co_buttons_yesno
                   message_type = if_wd_window=>co_msg_type_question
                   window_position = if_wd_window=>co_center ). "#EC *
    beacause webdynpro popup window can accept String table for the text column.

  • How to create popup Windows in WebDynpro

    I am learning WebDynpro and have developed a sample application where i ask the user to login. In case of incorrect login I want to display a popup window which shows an error message and has an ok button on it. On click of the OK button i want to close the Window.
    I have created a view for this popup... called errorView
    On click of login button i perform validations n incase the validatins fail i have put in the following code
    IWDWindowInfo myWinInfo = wdComponentAPI.getComponentInfo().findInWindows("Ra_ErrorView");
    myPopupWindow = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createWindow(myWinInfo,true);
    How should i proceed?
    Where should i write the myPopupWindow.close()
    Kindly give a step-by-step solution.

    Hi Reema,
    You want to close a window say window1 which you opened from a view.
    create an attribute. select its type from java native settings to IWDWindow
    1.create an event in component controller say event1
    2.In order to trigger the event in component controller create a method in it
    write this code in implementation of controller to trigger the event
    3.For catching whatever event that is responsible for closing the window create an event handler in view1 say eventhandler1.Choose the subscibed event to be event1
    4.In that eventhandler1 write the code in implementation
    IWDWindow window =
    Hope this helps you.Do revert back if you have more doubts
    Message was edited by: Rohit Radhakrishnan

  • Error message as popup in webdynpro for Abap

    Use method REPORT_ERROR_MESSAGE of interface IF_WD_MESSAGE_MANAGER to create an error message in the webdynpro application.
    This works fine, the message is shown in the message area.
    Now I want to have the error message in a popup.
    In the method REPORT_ERROR_MESSAGE i set the parameter SHOW_AS_POPUP on abap_true but i get no popup.
    Is anyone familar with this?

    Hi Vincent.
    That's one I fell into as well.  That importing field is not is use yet.  Perhaps in a future support stack.
    You can bypass that by using the CREATE_POPUP_TO_CONFIRM method.  Below, you'll find some code from SAP's documentation.  All you need to do is select the button type and create some actions to receive input from the popup.
    data: l_cmp_api type ref to if_wd_component,
        l_window_manager type ref to if_wd_window_manager,
        l_popup type ref to if_wd_window,
        l_text type string_table,
        l_api type ref to if_wd_view_controller.
    l_cmp_api = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
    l_window_manager = l_cmp_api->get_window_manager( ).
    insert `Data where changed` into table l_text. "#EC *
    insert `Do you want to save?` into table l_text. "#EC *
    l_popup = l_window_manager->create_popup_to_confirm(
        text = l_text
        button_kind = if_wd_window=>co_buttons_yesnocancel
        message_type = if_wd_window=>co_msg_type_question
        window_title = 'Test: Popup to confirm'
        window_position = if_wd_window=>co_center )."#EC *
    l_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
        button = if_wd_window=>co_button_yes
        action_name = 'YES'
        action_view = l_api
        is_default_button = abap_true ).
        button = if_wd_window=>co_button_no
        action_name = 'NO'
        action_view = l_api
        is_default_button = abap_false ).
        button = if_wd_window=>co_button_cancel
        action_name = 'CANCEL'
        action_view = l_api
        is_default_button = abap_false ).
    l_popup->open( ).
    Hope this helps.

  • Popup size error in Webdynpro for ABAP

    Hi Experts!
    Recently we upgraded our SAP HR system
    SAP_BASIS     700       0016
    SAP_ABA        700       0016
    SAP_BASIS     700       0017
    SAP_ABA        700       0017
    After the upgrade, all popup called with create_popup_to_confirm in our Webdynpro ABAP programmes, has become oversized. And we can't see the buttons just like links. As you can see at the links.
    [View before and after SP|http://www.geocities.com/bajusz79/popup.JPG]
    1. Oversized popup
    2. No buttons displayed, just links
    I cant find any usefull SAP notes. If you know a note number or any solution, please help me!
    Thank you!
    Edited by: Peter Bajusz on Jul 17, 2009 10:34 AM

    We faced a similiar problem. Luckily for us, we were supposed to upgrade to SP19 and the problem got resolved post SP19 upgrade.
    Pls. share if you've got any alternative solution.

  • Webdynpro for ABAP - Popup apearing for userid and pwd

    Hi Experts,
    We have implemented ESS and gone live. Now we have created one custom application in webdynpro for ABAP and attached with portal.
    Initially there was a problem, the application was not getting executed because of system configuration, then I have configured the host name, port number correctly. Then the iView is getting loaded in the portal.
    The problem is, when I am trying to access the iView, the popup apearing for the user id and password. This is happening only the webdynpro abap application, this is not happening for all sap standard iViews.
    Could anyone help me with this issue?

    Hi Jayanthi,
    as you had mentioned this is not happening for sap standard iViews(do you mean simple transaction iViews for which you have used a system alias, which was the same you had used for ABAP web dynpro iview)?
    Of courese ESS iViews works with their own JCOs which is no way helpful or connected with wd ABAP.
    So I believe if your SAP id and Portal id are different(or if they are same but SAP Logon ticket is not configured properly) then only it woudl ask for the authentication again- for Wd ABAP to work fine, only the connector property  and WAS to tbe configured in the system object(aka system alias) used for ABAP iview. Now once you enter the login credentials, it is working fine right, then could you please test the user mapping under the user you are logged in, select the alias that you had used while creating the abap wd iView and provide userid/password here, then run the wd ABAP application, it definitely would work.
    N.B: if you had provided the credentials once, then it woud be stored in the browser cache, so if you perform the user mapping in user admin, log off from portal, close all your browser windows, then clear cache,(cookies etc). then login to portal, run the wdABAP application, I am sure this would work(it worked for me!!!).

  • How to create popup in ABAP webdynpro.

    I found lot of examples to create a popup/ model window for java webdynpro.
    Could anyone give a pointer to an example which explains how to create popup in ABAP webdynpro??
    Kind Regards

    Hi Thomas:
    It worked fine the 1st time. Second time when the user clicks on the button to open up the popup it dumps.
    Here is the code in the action for popup:
    data: l_cmp_api type ref to if_wd_Component,
            l_window_manager type ref to if_wd_window_manager,
            l_api type ref to if_wd_View_controller,
            l_text type string_table.
      l_cmp_api = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
      l_window_manager = l_cmp_api->get_window_manager( ).
      if wd_this->m_popup is initial.
        wd_this->m_popup = l_window_manager->create_window(
                 window_name = 'DOCQSOW'
                 button_kind = if_wd_window=>co_buttons_ok
                 message_type = if_wd_window=>co_msg_type_none ).
               component_usage_name = 'DOCQUERY_USAGE_1'
        l_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
              button = if_wd_window=>co_button_ok
              button_text = 'Transfer'
              action_name = 'POPUP_CLOSED'
              action_view = l_api  ) .
        wd_this->m_popup->SET_REMOVE_ON_CLOSE( abap_true ).
      wd_this->m_popup->open( ).
    Second time when the popup tries to open, I get the following error:
    Method: RENDER_WINDOW of program CL_WDR_WINDOW_RENDERER========CP
    Method: RENDER_WINDOW of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
    Method: RENDER_POPUP_WINDOWS of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
    Method: RENDER_WINDOWS of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
    Method: IF_WDR_CLIENT~SEND_RESPONSE of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP
    Method: EXECUTE of program CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CP
    Method: IF_HTTP_EXTENSION~HANDLE_REQUEST of program CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CP
    Is there a way to destroy the instance of the m_popup?
    Any help is appreciated!

  • How to call parent view event or method from popup in java webdynpro

    Hi ,
    I have  view  in my webdynpro component. I created a  button, when i click i am opening  a popup window.
    In side  popup window i am doing some search criteria. I want call a parent view method from popup window and populate search results in parent view table control.I can able to pass the data through context mapping. But i want  a  custom method where i want  to write a code to populate the table control ( i don;t want  to use the wdDoModifyView() method).
    Please help me.

         The methods in a view are only accessible inside same view. you cannot call it outside the view or
         in any other view although its in same component.
         If you want to have a method in both views, then create the method in component controller and
         from there you can access the method any where in whole component.

Maybe you are looking for