Website name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

I have designed my website using iWeb in iLife '08 and I cannot get the name of my website to view properly. I can't get away from the above name and in search engines this latin name comes up and not my own. The page name and the site name are both correct in iWeb so what can i be doing wrong?
Any ideas greatly appreciated

you're right, there was a text box from the welcome page template that was hidden under the image on my home page. Now deleted and the title comes up in the title bar properly. Many thanks!
Next question, yesterday when i typed 'dare to know ltd' into Google it was no. 2 and I was overjoyed! Today it has disappeared. Know anything about such mysteries???

Similar Messages

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet comes up on google search

    I have created a new website using iWeb 2009 which has been uploaded successfuly.  The Website's URL is:
    However, when doing a google search for
    this comes up:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet - Cached 
    Welcome to Sewing Bug~. Offering sewing lessons to children in the Aptos, California area. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...
    You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 8/10/11
    Looking at a previous post on this site from 2007 with the same issue, I discovered that a text box with this template holder phrase was hiding behind a photo I placed on the website Welcome Page.
    I deleted that text box and I have gone through the welcome page and deleted all of the text boxes templates that were on the page.  There is no sign of a "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"  on that welcome page.
    I have published the site again but the problem persists. I still get the "Lorem......"  when running a search with google as shown above.
    Any suggestions on how to fix this problem would be appreciated.

    Use iWeb SEO Tool to change both the title tag and enter a meta description....
    ... then create and upload a new sitemap.xml...
    ... and submit it to the search engines.
    "I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link."

  • When I click the Sections button then click on the 1st page I get  a page that is titled "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"! Where did it come from and how do I get rid of it. I have tried deleting and "dont save" but it comes back.

    In Pages when I click the 'Sections'  button then click on the 1st page I get  a page that is titled "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"!  Where did it come from and how do I get rid of it? I have tried deleting and "dont save" but it comes back. It is a full page in some unknown language. The only thing I can decifer is 'cupy uf cak'.   Rdal

    The icon is +Sections, not just Sections, as in "Add a Section". When you click that icon you get a section break and and a new section template, complete with preformatted text called placeholder text. The reason "Lorem ipsum" is there is so you can see what the format looks like. The reason that it is Latin gibberish is so you won't get hung up on, or distracted by, what it says. It's just a display of format. Select the "Lorem ipsum" text and start typing your content.

  • Lorem Ipsum dans Dreamweaver CC

    je constate que plus aucune extension qui générait du faux texte dans Dreamwaver (Lorem Ipsum et Lorem and More) n'est compatible avec la dernière version (Dreamweaver CC).
    Je pensais trouver une option de remplissage de texte de substitution comme c'est le cas dans InDesign, mais je ne trouve rien.
    Que proposez-vous pour remplacer ces extensions qui étaient fort utiles?

    Et que pensez-vous conserver ce texte dans un fichier texte:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat diam at mauris eleifend mattis. Sed eleifend odio consequat, pellentesque tortor rhoncus, varius arcu. Aliquam purus ligula, lacinia at metus at, imperdiet tristique felis. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam non velit eu diam dignissim lobortis. Nam fermentum vehicula sodales. Sed ultricies velit in molestie porttitor. Pellentesque hendrerit tempus nulla, vitae faucibus magna auctor nec. Quisque vitae placerat magna. Donec feugiat porttitor facilisis. Pellentesque molestie laoreet faucibus. Vestibulum feugiat aliquet dui id posuere. Curabitur ullamcorper sagittis ligula sit amet accumsan. Quisque vel suscipit est, vel convallis nibh. Proin lobortis eu elit a ultricies.
    Nullam sit amet gravida nunc, id aliquet est. Maecenas commodo ultricies diam id tempus. Curabitur ultrices elit in aliquet suscipit. Pellentesque eleifend ultricies dapibus. Aenean a iaculis sem. Maecenas dictum lobortis eros, sit amet consectetur ante dapibus a. Nulla sed urna ullamcorper, elementum sapien accumsan, luctus nibh. Curabitur enim sem, dictum volutpat justo sed, cursus condimentum mi. Nam ac risus arcu. Mauris varius lobortis ligula in dapibus. Suspendisse condimentum orci diam, eget adipiscing est tempor rutrum. Nulla sagittis orci sit amet magna rhoncus, et fermentum mauris viverra. Aliquam sagittis, diam in luctus cursus, tellus urna fringilla erat, et auctor odio magna id purus. Maecenas velit nunc, bibendum vel metus ut, mattis vestibulum tellus.
    Sed mollis commodo tellus eu rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam mauris nunc, convallis vel neque eu, euismod dapibus quam. Nam non ligula rhoncus, dapibus diam eu, tristique eros. Pellentesque quis ipsum mollis, porta nunc quis, auctor elit. Curabitur pharetra odio vel rhoncus dignissim. Vivamus vitae justo non quam ullamcorper varius non vitae odio. Ut at quam a nibh adipiscing ultrices et ut sem. Donec quis faucibus lectus. Phasellus egestas consectetur tortor, vitae bibendum tortor dictum aliquam. Proin eget mauris ut elit vestibulum dictum. Duis aliquam ullamcorper egestas. Nam ante erat, ultrices at dolor at, pretium venenatis quam. Cras porttitor justo ac vestibulum adipiscing. Proin molestie mattis libero, quis tempus libero dapibus eu.
    Etiam eget velit scelerisque, iaculis metus a, posuere massa. Aenean nec nulla sit amet eros porta luctus non adipiscing arcu. Nunc suscipit at tellus sed pellentesque. Proin ut tempus tortor. Sed in augue vitae eros gravida tincidunt. Phasellus eget ultricies est. Praesent bibendum placerat gravida. Suspendisse nec convallis ligula, vitae sollicitudin metus. Sed id sem imperdiet, volutpat diam accumsan, ullamcorper orci. Praesent in augue vel arcu facilisis lobortis et non libero.
    Suspendisse luctus nisl ac elementum feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse vitae erat sollicitudin, laoreet arcu sed, interdum neque. Suspendisse potenti. Proin varius leo augue, eu gravida sapien congue non. Fusce semper sed nisl a tincidunt. Proin vehicula dui nec nunc luctus, a placerat metus iaculis. Praesent sodales faucibus elit, ac fringilla turpis mollis eu.
    Praesent et turpis id dolor pretium ultricies ac non nibh. Nunc molestie adipiscing eros, et egestas libero cursus imperdiet. Cras in dapibus massa. Vestibulum lobortis mauris egestas odio ornare, et ornare erat feugiat. Proin non eros pretium, posuere ligula in, sodales erat. Morbi faucibus mauris sed nisl gravida aliquam. Aenean congue nunc tristique feugiat fermentum. Cras et nunc quis enim adipiscing dignissim sit amet at velit. Praesent placerat dapibus ligula, tincidunt volutpat nunc gravida luctus. Vestibulum sagittis pharetra enim eu blandit. Maecenas convallis cursus luctus. Maecenas id commodo justo. Sed consequat turpis sit amet rhoncus faucibus.
    Vivamus dignissim, magna et dictum dictum, sapien nisl hendrerit sapien, in ultrices est lacus a nulla. Suspendisse placerat quam sed orci vehicula, non cursus ipsum mattis. Nunc ut mauris ullamcorper erat posuere posuere et vel nibh. Curabitur euismod elit eget eros convallis suscipit. Etiam sit amet malesuada felis. Phasellus vitae molestie tellus, eget bibendum mauris. Cras varius posuere felis, sed fringilla orci tristique in.
    Nam placerat mollis sapien id porttitor. Sed rhoncus volutpat ante, non pharetra enim rutrum vitae. Donec erat urna, cursus in tristique nec, posuere a ipsum. Donec nec libero tempor, varius est a, auctor nisi. Aliquam volutpat pellentesque dolor id porttitor. Praesent eu convallis enim, sed rutrum magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec gravida scelerisque enim non ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Integer rutrum, lacus id tristique aliquam, est diam fringilla arcu, in venenatis justo velit venenatis erat.
    Quisque eu sapien ut odio varius tristique. Ut fermentum, tellus id suscipit aliquet, turpis ipsum facilisis felis, sed accumsan ipsum mi a dolor. Quisque venenatis enim at libero consectetur porta. Nullam mollis, dui at consectetur dapibus, turpis est sollicitudin risus, sit amet tincidunt est nisl laoreet risus. Praesent eu eleifend arcu. Aliquam et arcu sed mi molestie aliquet eu nec ligula. Aliquam non leo eget ligula ultricies imperdiet. Curabitur in condimentum eros.
    Vestibulum eget orci vel justo laoreet commodo. Donec rutrum, justo a interdum convallis, ligula felis auctor elit, a sagittis ipsum tortor sed quam. Nulla convallis tellus suscipit ullamcorper porttitor. Nunc nunc dui, congue tincidunt egestas ac, tempus sed libero. In id vehicula mauris. In eu neque leo. Donec eget justo tortor. Suspendisse facilisis enim ultrices tellus congue, et vehicula urna feugiat. Donec ac felis consequat, congue enim et, fringilla enim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus id magna convallis, scelerisque eros ut, mollis odio. Curabitur pretium posuere orci, nec suscipit nunc.
    Nulla eget ultricies neque, a tempus est. Fusce dignissim lacus vel sodales elementum. Mauris dignissim augue dui, eget faucibus turpis ullamcorper vitae. Mauris dignissim ante a magna tristique, vitae dictum metus viverra. Aenean at tristique velit, vitae vulputate metus. Sed ut ultricies massa. Praesent varius justo a libero iaculis ultricies. Sed aliquet odio quis arcu venenatis pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam convallis tincidunt nulla, a hendrerit ligula dapibus ac. Donec odio dolor, feugiat viverra quam id, egestas dignissim eros. Nam hendrerit ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sollicitudin lectus velit, et interdum erat tristique id. Ut id dolor sit amet odio suscipit fermentum ac in augue.
    Duis nulla lorem, mattis dignissim elementum vitae, feugiat sit amet dui. Donec aliquam elit eget feugiat interdum. Maecenas ultricies tellus libero, ut mattis enim interdum at. Etiam pretium ultricies nisi ut feugiat. Praesent in molestie purus. Sed imperdiet et purus vitae tincidunt. Vivamus tincidunt nunc eget lacus condimentum, in adipiscing nibh consectetur. Suspendisse faucibus laoreet consectetur. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam posuere sapien non mi tristique ultricies. Aliquam euismod orci id erat rhoncus elementum. Praesent eleifend neque ante, ac viverra felis pellentesque in. Vestibulum dolor metus, sodales ac magna et, sollicitudin scelerisque libero. Sed eleifend tellus lacinia suscipit lobortis. Donec sed commodo urna.
    Nam adipiscing ante laoreet lorem ultrices, non mattis nunc convallis. Aenean urna leo, tristique et adipiscing eu, pretium vel est. Morbi vitae blandit dui. Curabitur libero risus, egestas non metus fermentum, eleifend lacinia massa. Duis massa tortor, ullamcorper at placerat at, accumsan eu purus. Quisque lacinia laoreet nibh vitae rhoncus. Vestibulum adipiscing porta sapien at sollicitudin. Vivamus pretium ornare justo, quis pellentesque tortor imperdiet et. Suspendisse adipiscing ultrices est eu elementum. Ut auctor ante in augue hendrerit lacinia. Donec venenatis rhoncus sem a feugiat. Donec consectetur et magna non sagittis. Etiam sit amet tortor feugiat, facilisis tortor ultricies, imperdiet nisl.
    Donec quis leo sit amet nisl congue egestas id nec est. Nulla varius eget ipsum id euismod. Quisque quis porta massa. Sed augue tellus, mattis non dolor at, sagittis facilisis diam. Integer rutrum, lorem sit amet egestas tempus, velit libero porttitor purus, quis consequat lacus dui eget est. Nunc varius non justo eu sollicitudin. Fusce porta, velit auctor suscipit faucibus, quam leo tristique metus, a condimentum ante dui ullamcorper libero. Phasellus mollis pharetra est, commodo ullamcorper risus semper ultricies.
    Ut in lobortis magna. Duis imperdiet lacus et eros bibendum, eget tempor purus auctor. Vestibulum hendrerit dui mauris, in sagittis massa varius at. Suspendisse pretium malesuada metus ac condimentum. In elementum rhoncus convallis. Phasellus sed nibh erat. Nunc varius massa nisi, ac volutpat enim cursus a. Nulla urna tellus, placerat fringilla nulla vitae, blandit iaculis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent lacinia mauris ut felis consequat, vel fringilla leo faucibus. Aenean mollis, nunc sit amet interdum aliquet, erat lectus volutpat enim, sit amet pellentesque neque est vel neque.
    Generated 15 paragraphs, 1367 words, 9444 bytes of Lorem Ipsum

  • Add placeholder text / Lorem ipsum

    Does anyone know how to add placeholder text in Illustrator? I know it can be done in ID, but I haven't been able to find it in Illustrator. I know I could copy & paste, but I'd like to see if there's a better route. I checked scripting forums as well, but was unable to find anything. Thanks!

    I have a big snippet of placeholder text in TextExpander.
    When I want a load of Lorem Ipsum, I just type
    lorips and the following text pops into place in front of the flashing text cursor, in any app:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus.
    Morbi gravida lacus sed lorem. Mauris vestibulum. Cras vehicula porta eros. Curabitur ut justo vel pede elementum semper. Integer pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ut nisl non lectus porta feugiat. Mauris iaculis pede a risus. Suspendisse mollis. Donec suscipit. Sed tellus magna, tempus a, ultricies in, dignissim et, nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Proin viverra vulputate pede. Sed nec mauris ut turpis convallis tempus. Maecenas id justo vitae lacus fringilla interdum. Nulla diam.
    Phasellus interdum dictum tellus. Donec convallis leo in orci. Vestibulum eget nibh. Nullam consectetuer blandit elit. Cras non ipsum ut nulla pulvinar consequat. Maecenas tincidunt, dui sed interdum vehicula, justo arcu tempus risus, id semper arcu velit sit amet mi. Donec sem. Sed pulvinar fringilla elit. Quisque ante. Cras tempor lobortis velit. Phasellus porta arcu sit amet libero. Aenean aliquet, leo in porta aliquam, est tortor accumsan justo, vel ultrices leo dui nec velit. Etiam vel nibh. Quisque eu ante ut diam auctor molestie. Nullam mattis, nulla et molestie cursus, neque orci consectetuer nisl, eget consequat sapien pede vitae augue. Fusce pretium velit et lacus. Cras commodo sagittis velit. Proin lobortis, diam in semper viverra, enim pede adipiscing massa, a convallis enim sem consectetuer odio.

  • Lorem ipsum placeholder text generator

    I'm looking for some loren ipsum text that I can use for the Dreamweaver tutorial. Where can I find this text?

    I keep some inside my Snippets folder.  Copy & Paste the following:
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    Below are some links to Generators:
    Dummy Lipsum :: Add-ons for Firefox
    || Dummy Text Generator | Lorem ipsum for webdesigners ||
    Nancy O.

  • Since upgrading (FF29.0-Windows 8.0), only the active tab on any given Firefox window has the website name;other tabs have no name,only site logo. How do I fix?

    I recently upgraded to Firefox 29.0 (running Windows 8.0). Since upgrading, only the active tab on any given Firefox window has the site name. All other inactive tabs generally have a site logo on the left side of the tab, but none of the other tabs have the website name. If I push Alt + Tab to cycle through the windows, the website name will then show up on each tab, but once I select a window to work in the website names disappear from the tabs again, except for the active tab. Is this a feature of the upgrade? Is there a setting to have the site names appear? I would really like to have the ability to see what site is on each tab without selecting.

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode|Firefox Safe Mode]] is a troubleshooting mode that turns off some settings and disables most add-ons (extensions and themes).
    ''(If you're using an added theme, switch to the Default theme.)''
    If Firefox is open, you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu by clicking on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item:<br>
    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Safe Mode as follows:
    * On Windows: Hold the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac: Hold the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux: Quit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run ''firefox -safe-mode'' <br>(you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]] article to find the cause.
    ''To exit Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help others with the same problem.

  • "Lorem ipsum"-izer script to make your documents make less sense

    I made some newspaper mock-ups and needed to change the text of existing pages into lorem-ipsum nonsense, while keeping the formatting and amount of text the same. So I made this scripts. It will change any words in the current selection into nonsense.
    It's a bit slow because it loops through every single word in the selection and changes it into latin-sounding words with the same number of characters, and then adds or subtracts some letters to make sure the text is pretty much the same number of lines in the end.
    I have only tested it with CS3.
    for (var n=0; n<app.selection.length; n++){
    function loremIpsumize(myText){ // myText could be a TextFrame, Story, InsertionPoint, Word, Text etc...
         var loremIpsumDictionary = [[""], // this is the dictionary of words sorted by number of letters. The words are taken from InDesigns "fill with placeholder text"-feature
         var myStory; // the parent Story of myText
         if (myText instanceof Story){
              myStory = myText;
         } else if (myText instanceof InsertionPoint){
              myText = myStory = myText.parentStory;
         } else if (myText.hasOwnProperty("parentStory")){ // myText instanceof Word, TextFrame, Character, TextColumn or Paragraph
              myStory = myText.parentStory;
         } else { // myText is not text, but some other object
         if  (myText.hasOwnProperty("paragraphs") && !(myText instanceof Paragraph)){ // The script returns better looking results when one Paragraph is processed at a time
              var myParagraphs = myText.paragraphs.everyItem().getElements();
              for (var n=myParagraphs.length-1; n>=0 ; n--){
                   loremIpsumize(myParagraphs[n]); // clever recurson
         } else if (myText.contents!=""){
              app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "[\\u\\l'@\u00E6\u00C6]{1,"+loremIpsumDictionary.length+"}"; // only looks for word-characters and leave punctuation, spaces as they are
              var storyLineNumber = myStory.lines.length; // remembers how many lines the story has, and tries to make the new text the same number of lines
              var myWordMatches = myText.findGrep(); // an array of Word references that fit the grep
              for (var i=myWordMatches.length-1; i>=0; i--){
                   myWordMatches[i].contents = loremipsumWord(myWordMatches[i].contents); // changes the word into a random latin-sounding one
         function fineTuneText(targetNumberOfLines){ // tries to make the text the correct number of lines by adding or subtracting one letter at a time
              var myNumberOfCharacters;
              var newWord;
              var myWord;
              while (targetNumberOfLines != myStory.lines.length) {
                   myNumberOfCharacters = myText.characters.length;
                   for (var changeWord = myWordMatches.length-1; changeWord>=0; changeWord--){          
                        myWord = myWordMatches[changeWord];
                        if (targetNumberOfLines>myStory.lines.length){
                             newWord = loremipsumWord(myWord.contents+"a"); // adds a letter
                        }else if (targetNumberOfLines<myStory.lines.length){
                             newWord = myWord.contents.length>1? loremipsumWord(myWord.contents.slice(0,-1)): myWord.contents; // removes a letter                    
                        } else {
                             return true; // targetNumberOfLines == myStory.lines.length
                        myWord.contents = newWord;
                   if (myNumberOfCharacters == myText.characters.length){
                        return false; // Every word in the text has been reduced to a single character, and the text is still too long.... Give up.
                   } else {
                        myWordMatches = myText.findGrep(); // Need to do a new search, since the text has been changed
         function loremipsumWord(myWord){ // takes a string and returns a random word with same number of letters, and the same capitalization
              var replacementWord = "";
              var correctCaseWord= "";
              var wordLength = myWord.length;
                   if (wordLength >= loremIpsumDictionary.length){ // in case myWord is longer than the longest words in the dictionary
                        replacementWord = loremipsumWord(myWord.substr(0,loremIpsumDictionary.length-1))+loremipsumWord(myWord.substr(loremIpsumDictionary.length-1)); // The word is longer than the longest words in the dictionary. So it's split in two.
                   } else {               
                   replacementWord = loremIpsumDictionary[wordLength][Math.floor(Math.random()*loremIpsumDictionary[wordLength].length)]; // finds a random word of the same length
                   if (myWord.toLowerCase()!=myWord){ // the word contains uppercase characters
                        correctCaseWord = "";
                        for (var n=0; n<wordLength; n++){ // loops through each character in the original word, checking if it's upper or lower case.
                             correctCaseWord += myWord.charAt(n).toUpperCase()==myWord.charAt(n)? replacementWord.charAt(n).toUpperCase(): replacementWord.charAt(n); // makes the character the correct case
                        replacementWord = correctCaseWord;
              return replacementWord;

    Thank you Haakenlid, exactly what I needed now.

  • Changed website name in iweb won't show up in  dot mac my pages anymore

    After being able to see my site on .mac my web pages area i changed the name of the site from Site to something else... after that it dissapeared. I can create new sites and they will show up and even change the names from site1 site2 to George, Baby whatever... how do i get my first site back to my pages area? I can manually enter the website name and it will show up. I have tried changing name back to Site or Site2 nothing republished. Thanks

    I don't know what governs what sites or pages get shown on that .Mac account page, but one thing you can try is to do a "Publish All to .Mac" and see if it makes a difference.

  • Problem with website name and hyperlinks

    searching for the website name and clicking on it on google or simply typing it into the web search bar, it loads without a problems. the website is on the internet. However, when I hyperlink/send the name of the website to someone via email to announce it, the hyperlink doesn't work, it simply opens up an external page to whatever wi-fi server you are using and says it cannot find the page... whatever the website name is. why does the internet fail to load this site as a hyperlink via email but works fine on google or by typing it into the search bar?

    the website name is
    typing it in the search bar of the browser or clicking on the link on google works, however when I send this via email to someone to show them the site, it doesn't load. depending on the wi-fi server, I use talktalk, a different window will appear from the wi-fi server saying it cant find that website, although of course it does exist.

  • My Website name

    I know I know there are a ton of questions like this, but I think mine is hopefully simple one. My website name is suppose to be when my publishing was done (by the way I am new to this how long does publishing take?) I was able to visit my website and everything looked fine besides one small things. When I looked at the top my website name was What am I doing wrong exactly? Thank you in advance.

    so you are saying that it would then show up as
    Yes, although the last item would normally have .html at the end.
    do you have any rough idea on how long it does take to publish something?
    Longer somethings take longer to publish than shorter somethings, it depends on your connection, the server, etc. I'm afraid you are the only one who can determine how long it takes to publish your site.

  • Dreamweaver content zeroed out - Lorem ipsum

    I created content in dreamweaver. Do I use business catalyst to publish it? I am a CC subscriber. My subscription includes web hosing, is this Business Catalyst? Everytime I attempt to create a Business Catalyst site in Dreamweaver, it wants to overwrite my content with the Lorem ipsum content. When I manage to put content up, it is promptly zeroed out. What is the problem?

    Hi Nancy,
    Thank you for the information but I think I was not clear in my question.
    It is my desire to create original content in Dreamweaver and publish it as I design it.
    It is not my desire to use Business Catalyst but it is difficult to get information from Adobe about site hosting.
    My Creative Cloud subscription allows me to host 5 web sites on Adobe but it is not clear how to use that aspect of my subscription. Adobe support does not appear to understand anything about this and refers me to Business Catalyst. For this reason, I ask "Do I have to use Business Catalyst?"
    My desire is to create content in Dreamweaver. I would love to have an FTP account that allows me to put my Dreamweaver content up some of my 5 hostings that come with my Creative Cloud subscription. Adobe cannot tell me how to do that.
    Dreamweaver has a button to create a Business Catalyst site. When I do this, a test site is created that contains Lorem ipsum placeholder content in a structured site. I want to create my own in Dreamweaver. If I am not careful, Dreamweaver will download this placeholder content and overwrite my content on my computer. I have lost work this way and now create a backup before risking letting Dreamweaver and Business Catalyst do their thing on my computer.
    When I do manage to push content up to my test site, the content is promptly zeroed (the file sized change to zero and my content is lost).
    Is there a way to talk to someone at Adobe that understands their web hosting?
    Any help?
    Thank you.

  • Dreamweaver CS4 - Existing Site Name Changed in Manage Sites

    Please help me! I have an existing site name from Manage Sites become slightly different site name from original.
    For example, existing site name was fashionstars, now become ftp://fashionstars, with ftp:// in it. ( It happen when I did some try and error approach to do certain task, or press the wrong buttons etc) Is there any possibility to change back to original name fashionstars and how to do it? Otherwise I won't be able to upload files to remote site because of different site name appeared in Manage Sites.
    Should I remove the modified site name ftp://fashionstars and recreate a new site name fashionstars and copy all exiting files from local site folder to new fashionstars?

    Additional information, I use MacBook Pro to run Dreamweaver CS4.  The existing site has 150 MB file size, hundreds of files, so to recreate new site name, it has to start to create all manually, will take a long time. Is there any other ways I can recreate site fashionstars without to start all over again?
    I am very worry about this, it may not be able to fix it. My website is stuck, won't be able to upload files any more.
    Another problem is that I lost the SITE DEFINITIONS for fashionstars or htp://fashionstars . When I go to Manage Sites to edit site of ftp://fashionstars, it goes to CONFIGURE SERVER, not the SITE DEFINITIONS for fashionstars or ftp://fashionstars. Please help me.
    ( note  that I use the name fashionstars as an example only, not my real site name)
    Thank you.

  • My MacBook Pro won't load any websites on Safari (except this site, Facebook and Google), Opera, or Mozilla Firefox. I already did the "Reset Safari", restarted the computer half a dozen times, and I can't find this alleged "caches.db" file to delete.

    My MacBook Pro won't load any websites on Safari (except this site, Facebook and Google). Opera and Mozilla Firefox won't load any sites whatsoever. I already did the "Reset Safari" several times, restarted the computer half a dozen times, and I can't find this alleged "caches.db" file to delete. I virus scanned the computer with Sophos, Avast, and iAntiVirus and it looks clean.

    Is iAntiVirus the best virus protection to use for a MacBook?
    The best anti-virus protection is your own common sense, and what you already bought and paid for with your Mac. Third party products such as "iAntiVirus" convey no additional benefit, and as you already determined are very capable of causing trouble.
    OS X already includes everything it needs to protect itself from viruses and malware. Keep it that way with software updates from Apple.
    A much better question is "how should I protect my Mac":
    Never install any product that claims to "speed up", "clean up", "optimize", or "accelerate" your Mac. Without exception, they will do the opposite.
    Never install pirated or "cracked" software, software obtained from dubious websites, or other questionable sources. Illegally obtained software is almost certain to contain malware.
    Don’t supply your password in response to a popup window requesting it, unless you know what it is and the reason your credentials are required.
    Don’t open email attachments from email addresses that you do not recognize, or click links contained in an email:
    Most of these are scams that direct you to fraudulent sites that attempt to convince you to disclose personal information.
    Such "phishing" attempts are the 21st century equivalent of a social exploit that has existed since the dawn of civilization. Don’t fall for it.
    Apple will never ask you to reveal personal information in an email. If you receive an unexpected email from Apple saying your account will be closed unless you take immediate action, just ignore it. If your iTunes or App Store account becomes disabled for valid reasons, you will know when you try to buy something or log in to this support site, and are unable to.
    Don’t install browser extensions unless you understand their purpose. Go to the Safari menu > Preferences > Extensions. If you see any extensions that you do not recognize or understand, simply click the Uninstall button and they will be gone.
    Don’t install Java unless you are certain that you need it:
    Java, a non-Apple product, is a potential vector for malware. If you are required to use Java, be mindful of that possibility.
    Java can be disabled in System Preferences.
    Despite its name JavaScript is unrelated to Java. No malware can infect your Mac through JavaScript. It’s OK to leave it enabled.
    Block browser popups: Safari menu > Preferences > Security > and check "Block popup windows":
    Popup windows are useful and required for some websites, but popups have devolved to become a common means to deliver targeted advertising that you probably do not want.
    Popups themselves cannot infect your Mac, but many contain resource-hungry code that will slow down Internet browsing.
    If you ever see a popup indicating it detected registry errors, that your Mac is infected with some ick, or that you won some prize, it is 100% fraudulent. Ignore it.
    Ignore hyperventilating popular media outlets that thrive by promoting fear and discord with entertainment products arrogantly presented as "news". Learn what real threats actually exist and how to arm yourself against them:
    The most serious threat to your data security is phishing. To date, most of these attempts have been pathetic and are easily recognized, but that is likely to change in the future as criminals become more clever.
    OS X viruses do not exist, but intentionally malicious or poorly written code, created by either nefarious or inept individuals, is nothing new.
    Never install something without first knowing what it is, what it does, how it works, and how to get rid of it when you don’t want it any more.
    If you elect to use "anti-virus" software, familiarize yourself with its limitations and potential to cause adverse effects, and apply the principle immediately preceding this one.
    Most such utilities will only slow down and destabilize your Mac while they look for viruses that do not exist, conveying no benefit whatsoever - other than to make you "feel good" about security, when you should actually be exercising sound judgment, derived from accurate knowledge, based on verifiable facts.
    Do install updates from Apple as they become available. No one knows more about Macs and how to protect them than the company that builds them.
    Summary: Use common sense and caution when you use your Mac, just like you would in any social context. There is no product, utility, or magic talisman that can protect you from all the evils of mankind.

  • How to add website name to video with QTX?

    I want to add the name of my website to video clips in such a way that it will be difficult for others to copy the video, remove my website name and republish it without any credit to me. At present I am using QuickTime to 'Save for Web' and then uploading the resultant file (M4V) to my website. The videos are just video blogs so they're not high-tech productions!
    I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.7. I used to have Quicktime Player 7 Pro. I now seem to be running QuickTime Player 10.0
    I cannot find a User Guide to QTP 10. The user guide for QTP7 does refer on page 35 to adding text to a video but a) it refers to a Clipboard I can't find and the menu options don't match what I'm looking at in QTP10; and b) if I can find a way to follow these instructions, how easy will it be for someone to simply download my video file and remove the text anyway?
    I'd appreciate any help or advice you can offer.

    I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.7. I used to have Quicktime Player 7 Pro. I now seem to be running QuickTime Player 10.0... The user guide for QTP7 does refer on page 35 to adding text to a video but a) it refers to a Clipboard I can't find and the menu options
    If you had QT 7 keyed for "Pro" use when you upgraded to OS X.6, then a Snow Leopard versions of the QT 7 Pro player should have been placed in the "Applications/Utilities" folder automatically. Alternately, if you still cannot find QT 7 on your upgraded system, you could try using the free MPEG Streamclip application. In many ways it functions as a QT 7 Pro alternative for conversions, merging files, and such but does not have QT 7 Pro's layering and masking features. However, it does have a built-in text "watermarking" feature in the "Adjustments" window. I.e., instead of using the QT X "Save for Web" option, you would use the MPEG Streamclip "Export to MPEG-4" option and add your "text" watermark before actually performing the export. Alternatively, many QT 7 Pro users add a graphic watermark or logo as a means of identifying their content. If interested, here are a couple of old QT "Quickie" tutorials for adding a graphic logo/watermark:
    Adding a Graphic Logo
    Adding a Graphic Watermark
    how easy will it be for someone to simply download my video file and remove the text anyway?
    If you embed a watermark or logo before exporting your file to its final compression format for posting to your site, then it is virtually impossible to remove totally without editing each frame of your clip at the pixel level. (It would, however, be easy to cover the logo or watermark with an opaque mask.) On the other hand, if you add the logo or watermark, text or graphic, as a post export edit in its own track layer, then it is quite easy to remove it using an application like QT 7 Pro or, in rare cases, by simply copying the main audio/video tracks to a different file container type.

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