Websites w/ Free VIdeo Tutorials

Let's get a list of the best online free website that have video tutorials of Motion.
What is your favorite?

_Same question_ posted in FCP forum, _same answer_.
*the user manual never hurt either...

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    I recently purchased logic studio.I remember reading somewhere on the apple website that there were free video tutorials available for logic studio from the apple website.But I cant seem to find them anywhere.Does anyone know about this or how to access them.Thanks.

    Hi Kilmar. Don't know about the apple site, but as others have replied have an excellent range. There are free downloadedable examples and some to watch on their site. The tutorials that come with V8 are only song files; not actual tutorials. I was looking for them too! There are also a couple of books from Apple pro training. Logic Pro 8 and Logic express 8 by David Nahmani. Also Logic Pro 8 Beyond the basics by David Dvorin. Both come with a DVD with 30 day version of expres and work files to go with the various topics described. I've got the Version 7 books and they are excellent. Version 8 won't be published until end of OCt and 1st week Nov in the US. In Australia, where I live, not until Feb 2008. {boring!] but they are available from US publishers. Let me know if you want more info. Hope this helps. Scorpii.

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    neeshu30 wrote:
    Where can I find free video tutorials for Adobe indesign i searched youtube but they were rather small and lacked detail can someone please share some good resources
    Have you tried a Google search for "free indesign video tutorials" without quotes?
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Have You Problems Using LiveType? Then Download These Free Video Tutorials.

    I have been dabbling with LT for over 3 years and although I can just about manage, I don't really know much.
    Yesterday, Allosaurus, from the FCE forum posted details of this site giving away free video tutorials.
    I have found them very informative and useful, as they explain many of the basic processes that I was clueless about.
    Of course they are hoping you will buy their "LT Expansion Packs", but most (at least 9) of the tutorials are fine for people who haven't got them ......... particularly the 4 Basic Tutorials, which explain so much I don't know after nearly 4 years.

    Great link, Ian. Thanks.
    Bookmarked for future reference.

  • Free video tutorials for Premiere Pro CS6

    Jeff Sengstack and Infinite Skills just put out a huge training series about Premiere Pro CS6. I think it's very well done. Good job, Jeff! You can preview 22 of the video tutorials from the Infinite Skills website or my blog.
    A blog with links to the tutorials are found here: remiere-pro-cs6/

    Can't wait to check 'em out.

  • Xmas is Coming! Would You Like 50 FREE Video Tutorials for FCE/FCP?

    Ripple Training produce some excellent tutorials on CD.
    However, they also give away over 50 video tutorials for FCE/FCP.
    Many of them are for FCP BUT (most) also apply to FCE.
    They deal with each topic in a short and punchy style. I found them easy to follow and learned some useful quick tips.
    They are QT movies which can be downloaded so that you can use them whenever you want. (Allow about an hour to download them all - you have to do them one at a time). I found it quicker to download all of them (except for a few dealing with multi-camera work etc.) rather than viewing them on the website to sort them out.
    Hope you find them as useful as I did.

    Just a couple of additional points for newcomers:-
    1. The estimation of an hour (or so) to download them all refers to Broadband (ADSL). Normal "Snailmail" internet will take around 10 hours!
    2. To download each lesson choose File>Save Page As. A window will appear saying it will be saved as a QuickTime Movie on the Desktop. Click Save.

  • Free (Video) Tutorials

    I wondered if there was any free tutorials, (video ones even better) on the internet that I could use?

    I can't do more than second that reading the manual is imperative. Even more use it frequently for advice; and this goes not only for Shake but for all software.The query box is a frequent saviour for all of us.
    Still-coming from a place where local training for such software is inexistent- organised and orthologically structured information training is also a very important tool.Those who can acquire it (free or not) get a leap forward.

  • Any Good FREE FCP Video Tutorials Like LiveTypeCentral Do For LT ?

    Recently my attention was drawn to some very good FREE video tutorials provided by LiveTypeCentral:-
    I was wondering if there are any similar free ones covering FCE/FCP or the other FCS apps?
    I don't need them of course ....... they are just for friends! (If you believe that you'll believe anything).
    Incidentally I have done a search and had a look at the Creative Cow ones, but they tend to be on somewhat random esoteric subjects.
    I am looking for something that starts with the basics of the apps.
    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

    Sorry, I didn't make it clear.
    I mainly wanted freely available tutorials that I could direct others to on the FCE and other forums. Frequently newcomers don't know where to start, and I don't have time to write a new manual, so it is very efficacious to be able to point them to a site with free tutorials.
    That LiveType source I quoted is excellent. So now, basically all I am looking for is a similar one for Soundtrack and FCE/FCP.
    The first one you linked is probably fine except for the download time which would probably have taken several hours per tutorial, which is going to put off many newcomers looking for a quick-fix.
    I must admit I also like looking at tutorials (I never used to!) because every one of them has a different angle and it's surprising what you can pick up, that you have missed in others.

  • Need Video Tutorials

    hi frntz,
    Is there any website that contains free video tutorials for oracle technical streams especially Workflow,Reports etc...,

    In YouTube, you will find plenty of them. You can find some good videos at

  • Att: Steve - Customer's Deserve FREE Video Support (NOT DVD RELATED)

    So in the end Steve, you cannot refute my logic on a factual basis, you can, and have only, disagreed with it based on YOUR perceptions. Perceptions that are fallible, just as my own are to a lesser or greater extent, based on the fact that your mind is pre determined to maintain it's presently accepted course. So what? You have not proved me wrong. You do not refute the fact that other software manufactures/developers that are just as potential as is Adobe, with respect to music related software, do offer excellent quality free video tutorials as a part of their basic support.
    You maintain in your closing statement that Adobe has no logical reason to change their present course of action with respect to an absence of free video tutorial support. Do you realize what a foolish and illogical statement that is? I & THOUSANDS of others like me are that reason Steve. Certainly we may not constitute a majority of users, so what? We are customers Steve, and frankly therefore, we are right. Period. That is irrefutable business logic Steve. It's grounded well within the reality that this type of support is more than precedented within their very own jungle so to speak. This is not some whacked out eccentric's request Steve. This is as basic as basic gets.
    You made the assertion that Videos were too expensive to be incorporated within the scheme of Adobe's operations without having a negative impact on the software's cost. I CLEARLY showed you that it could. You simply disagreed and returned insults as if "you knew it all" (which you don't & that's YOUR problem incidentally) without the slightest shred of proof to back up your disagreement. That's called being stubborn Steve. Just because it's YOUR way of doing something Steve, does not make it the only effective way it can (and is being done in reality)accomplished.
    We have both made our case clear. I stand fully by mine and contend that it is both fair & reasonable.
    Incidentally Ozpeter, I NEVER suggested free DVDs be included. Better go back and reread what I did suggested instead of fabricating reality to best serve your position.

    Indeed, you referred to "comprehensive training video tutorials". I stand corrected. But none the less the subject has been discussed sufficiently.

  • What happed to the iPad video tutorials on Apple's website?

    I can't locate any of the extensive video tutorials on iPad (or for much else for that matter) on Apple's website - did they remove them or put them in some incredibly secret place?  They used to have them for most all of their products -- now it seems they are only available for software products.

    Complete guide to using iOS 6
    You can download a complete iPad User Guide here:
    Also, Good Instructions
    Apple - iPad - Guided Tours
    Watch the videos see all the amazing iPad apps in action. Learn how to use FaceTime, Mail, Safari, Videos, Maps, iBooks, App Store, and more.
    How to - Articles & User Guides & Tutorials
    iPad How-Tos
    You can download this guide to your iPad.
    iPad User Guide for iOS 5
     Cheers, Tom

  • Video tutorials from Apple website

    I have suddenly become unable to play video tutorials on the Apple website. I get the sound but no video. can anyone help?

    My experience with the plug-in happened in the first release of QuickTime 7 and was repeated for a few updates.
    Because I had moved many "older" files via OS X upgrades to my user account I tested for errors by making a new user account. Since the same errors occurred I had to expand the search to the HD/Library and that's where I found a solution.
    Moving the QuickTime Plugin.webplugin to my Desktop fixed the Safari (only) browser issue.
    Subsequent updates of QuickTime have properly updated the plugin.
    Why it happens I haven't a clue. But it's been happening with Safari and some users for a long time. The .webplugin is supposed to be used for Dashboard Widgets and some QuickTime content or formats used in them.

  • I have looked through the video tutorials for CS6 and cant find any help for PHP using SQL.

    Where is a good place that I can go to learn more about using dreamweaver and different languages than html.  Is there a service that adobe offers that I could buy that would take me from rookie all the way to professional with a good easy to use structure such as adobe tv but more advanced and thorough?  I am trying to build a website with a log in page and registration.  I have the HTML part down well enough but need help writing the php scripts and using SQL to store the user info

    I'm moving this to the main Dreamweaver support forum.
    In answer to your question, you need to be aware that the PHP server behaviors in Dreamweaver CS6 use the original MySQL functions that are scheduled to be removed from a future version of PHP. The server behaviors have already been removed from Dreamweaver CC. If you are planning to create a site using PHP and MySQL, do not rely on Dreamweaver's server behaviors. You must use either MySQLi (MySQL Improved) or PDO (PHP Data Objects) instead.
    If you're looking for video tutorials, you might be interested in the courses I have created for As a beginner, a good place to start would be PHP for Web Designers or Introducing PHP (there are several sample videos that you can watch for free on my website). Both courses were recorded on Dreamweaver (PHP for Web Designers on Dreamweaver CS6, Introducing PHP on Dreamweaver CS5.5). PHP for Web Designers shows how to connect to MySQL with MySQLi. You need a subscription to to watch the complete courses, but you can get a seven-day free trial by following the links on my website.
    If you don't want to commit to a subscription service, I have also written a book called PHP Solutions, which covers MySQLi and PDO in depth. It also shows how to build a login system. At the moment, the second edition is available, but a revised third edition is due to go on sale in December.
    There are also a lot of free resources on the web that you can find. The important thing to beware of is that a lot of old material relies on the original MySQL functions. Whichever resource you use, make sure it shows how to use MySQLi or PDO.

  • How to add website name to video with QTX?

    I want to add the name of my website to video clips in such a way that it will be difficult for others to copy the video, remove my website name and republish it without any credit to me. At present I am using QuickTime to 'Save for Web' and then uploading the resultant file (M4V) to my website. The videos are just video blogs so they're not high-tech productions!
    I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.7. I used to have Quicktime Player 7 Pro. I now seem to be running QuickTime Player 10.0
    I cannot find a User Guide to QTP 10. The user guide for QTP7 does refer on page 35 to adding text to a video but a) it refers to a Clipboard I can't find and the menu options don't match what I'm looking at in QTP10; and b) if I can find a way to follow these instructions, how easy will it be for someone to simply download my video file and remove the text anyway?
    I'd appreciate any help or advice you can offer.

    I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.7. I used to have Quicktime Player 7 Pro. I now seem to be running QuickTime Player 10.0... The user guide for QTP7 does refer on page 35 to adding text to a video but a) it refers to a Clipboard I can't find and the menu options
    If you had QT 7 keyed for "Pro" use when you upgraded to OS X.6, then a Snow Leopard versions of the QT 7 Pro player should have been placed in the "Applications/Utilities" folder automatically. Alternately, if you still cannot find QT 7 on your upgraded system, you could try using the free MPEG Streamclip application. In many ways it functions as a QT 7 Pro alternative for conversions, merging files, and such but does not have QT 7 Pro's layering and masking features. However, it does have a built-in text "watermarking" feature in the "Adjustments" window. I.e., instead of using the QT X "Save for Web" option, you would use the MPEG Streamclip "Export to MPEG-4" option and add your "text" watermark before actually performing the export. Alternatively, many QT 7 Pro users add a graphic watermark or logo as a means of identifying their content. If interested, here are a couple of old QT "Quickie" tutorials for adding a graphic logo/watermark:
    Adding a Graphic Logo
    Adding a Graphic Watermark
    how easy will it be for someone to simply download my video file and remove the text anyway?
    If you embed a watermark or logo before exporting your file to its final compression format for posting to your site, then it is virtually impossible to remove totally without editing each frame of your clip at the pixel level. (It would, however, be easy to cover the logo or watermark with an opaque mask.) On the other hand, if you add the logo or watermark, text or graphic, as a post export edit in its own track layer, then it is quite easy to remove it using an application like QT 7 Pro or, in rare cases, by simply copying the main audio/video tracks to a different file container type.

  • Does anyone know good free internet tutorials for final cut express 4?

    ok, so i finally have my final cut express 4, it seems very intimidating and i get sacred just looking at the program! i need 2 things, online FREE tutorials, other than the ones apple offers, and a good stock footage website that is also free... HELP!!!
    Message was edited by: James31

    There are dozens of free tutorials on the web, both written and in video format.
    Ripple Training has about 50 video tutorials which you can download free of charge;-
    HOWEVER they are useless for beginners because all the available tutorials tend to be on interesting BUT RANDOM SUBJECTS which I believe is something you DO NOT WANT ?
    I think you are probably looking for something that will take you in an orderly and logical fashion from installing FCE and setting up your camera so you can capture the footage, through all the basic processes of editing, explaining them clearly and unambiguously.
    If that is the case, you cannot do better than to get one of the books suggested by Michel and written by Tom Wolsky.
    It will not only enable you to master the basics quickly and easily but will take you up to a high standard of film-making competency.

Maybe you are looking for

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