Webutil killed reports

I recently updated my configuration files for the developer 10G servlet (running locally) to run webutil so that I can test my apps prior to uploading to the common server. Although it was not exactly straight-forward and took some time, I did get everything working in regard to the webutil upgrade. Much to my dismay, I now find that reports that were happily called from my forms prior to webutil give only the error 'FRM-41213: Unable to connect to the report server <repsrv2.'. The report server is running (checked on services) and I can access directly from the rwservlet. Any known issues? Is Oracle ever going to make an appropriately integrated install program to set up reports, forms and webutil seemlessly? (or should we wait for Microsoft to do it for you!).

The headline of your psot is incorrect. It should have been : "After upgrading to Oracle Forms 10g, Reports Server is no longer found". We do know of a problem that is caused by a conflict between webutil.jar files and Reports jar files, but this is for Oracle Forms 9.0.2.
If the Reports Server works from the Servlet then - assuming the RWServlet test has a line server=repserv.. in its URL because otherwise you used the internal server process - you need to check if the Forms references the correct Reports Server name.
metalink.oracle.com, which is our customer suport contact site, has a note mentioning to copy webutil.jar file to the Reports classpath variable (Reports configuration). Similar, copy the content of the Reports Server classpath variable (Reports JAR file) to the Forms Services classpath (default.env file in forms90/server). As said, its a Form s9i problem and has been solved for Forms 10g, so chances are rare that this is the problem you are hitting.
This for the technical aspect of your question, now allow me a few private words
Is Oracle ever going to make an appropriately integrated install program to set up reports, forms and webutil seemlessly? (or should we wait for Microsoft to do it for you!).>
This line above is a bit too agressive and flaming for my taste. First, Oracle does set up Oracle Forms and Reports 10g to work out of the box!
Second, Microsoft is not a good choice to threaten us with, not in a sense that we are becoming more eager in answering your questions. In fact, many problems exist because of ...
Larry, this is a public forum where Oracle employees voluntarily spend their time to help customers. Mainly it is supposed to be a customer-helps-customer community forum in which peers share their knowledge. You come to this forum and ask a question. If we can, we are happy to help you out. I welcome you to this forum, but next time make sure you don't go overboard with your tone. I too have to balance my emotions sometimes and I hope I did it well in answering your question.

Similar Messages

  • Killing report using Killjobid in reportserver 10g hidden?

    Dear All,
    Actually i want to kill a running report in the report server by clicking such a button that have already the jobID.
    whithout opening the reportserver page so that no body see any other reports running.
    like in this example:
    L_URL Varchar2(1000);
    L_URL := :apps_server||'/reports/rwservlet/Killjobid'||:JOB_ID||'?'||'server='||:report_server;
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT ( l_URL,'_blank') ;
    this code is worrking verry well. but the problem is when it kills the job it open the webpage that contains the OK buttons to get back to the past running reports.
    So I used this command:
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT ('javascript:window.open('||l_URL||');self.close()','_blank') ;
    but nothing happend, even it doesnt give me any error.
    Is it posible to do that to kill the job without openning the report server, If so how can do it. and do i have to do any settin someware on the server like formsweb.cfg or reportserver.cnf.
    thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Ashraf Kittaneh on Jan 29, 2011 12:16 AM

    What about the iframe-solution provided in the other thread?

  • How to Use Webutil in Reports (in After Report Trigger)

    I am downloading from FORMS using Webutil is working fine and exporting data into excel.
    I have placed the same RPT2XLS package into the reports which i have used in FORMS but it is not working and "ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called" error is coming.
    The reason using RPT2XLS in reports to convert complex Matrix reports into Ms. Excel.
    Oracle Application Server, Reports & Forms Version is 10g.
    I guess, the reason is webutil configuration in reports (as its working for forms) but i don't know exactly where to configure for reports.
    Any idea?

    You use webutil in Forms, not in Reports:
    "WebUtil is a pre-packaged set of components which provide client-server type functionality in Web-deployed Oracle Forms applications." There is no client-server type functionality in Reports.

  • Can not kill report job

    Hi all,
    I uses OracleAS9i and run report services. I kill job id 28 but it show a error:
    "Cannot Kill Job with Job ID 28SQL-6550: ORA-06550: line 1, column 13: PLS-00201: identifier 'RW_SERVER.REMOVE_JOB' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored"
    I don't know why, can you hep me? Thanks a lot!

    Check http://technology.amis.nl/blog/2892/how-to-stop-running-rman-jobs-in-oem-grid-control

  • Killing reports in queue

    All too often a report job hangs in the queue. When I cancel the job, I get confirming messages, but the job remains in the queue (current jobs), The only way I have found to remedy this is reboot the machine the server is running on.
    So far I have been very satisfied with the way Forms runs (on the same machine), but reports seems to be a bit of a headache. Possibly, is there some documentation I have missed? Is there some update to reports to correct its unreliable behavior? I will say that when it does work, it is very fast, but I would hesitate to use this in a production environment if I have to keep rebooting all the time.

    Unfortunately, my stand alone reports server can be hung up by a job as well. I am able to see the queue in the browser and kill any successive jobs, but not the "first" job, which is the job that "blocks" the others. Is this a bug that I am not aware of?
    One good this is that I seem to be able to kill and restart the service (stand alone reports server) without having to reboot the entire machine, however I would like to have a report server which is as bulletproof as Oracle's RDBMS. Any help or comment is appreciated!

  • Need to get .ENV and reports.sh set up correctly for 9i/WebUtil

    We have been editing default.env, a app-specific version of default.env called duris.env, and reports. sh, trying to fix the conflict between Forms WebUtil and Reports in Now, it's to the point that I can't even run Reports from Forms without core dumping(direct URL calls to Reports work fine) .
    I am pasting the contents of these 3 files into this note, in hopes someone can look at them and tell me why Reports won't even run from Forms any more. Any suggestions are welcome. My email is [email protected].
    Here is the content of our default.env:
    # $Header: default.env@@/main/25 \
    # Checked in on Wed Apr 3 15:45:42 PST 2002 by vobadm \
    # Copyright (c) 2002 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. \
    # $
    # $Id: default.env /main/25 3-apr-2.15:45:42 vobadm $
    # default.env - default Forms environment file, Solaris version
    # This file is used to set the Forms runtime environment parameters.
    # If a parameter is not defined here, the value used will be that defined
    # in the environment in which the servlet engine (OC4J or JServ) was started.
    # NOTES
    # 1/ The Forms installation process should replace all occurrences of
    # <percent>FORMS_ORACLE_HOME<percent> with the correct ORACLE_HOME
    # setting, and all occurrences of <percent>O_JDK_HOME<percent> with
    # the location of the JDK (usually $ORACLE_HOME/jdk).
    # Please make these changes manually if not.
    # 2/ Some of the variables below may need to be changed to suite your needs.
    # Please refer to the Forms documentation for details.
    # Search path for Forms applications (.fmx files, PL/SQL libraries)
    # Java class path
    # This is required for the Forms debugger
    # You can append your own Java code here
    # The PATH setting is not required for Forms if the Forms executables are
    # in <ORACLE_HOME>/bin. However, it is required if Graphics applications
    # are called from Forms applications.
    # Settings for Reports
    # NOTE: This setting is only needed if Reports applications
    # are called from Forms applications
    # Settings for Graphics
    # NOTE: These settings are only needed if Graphics applications
    # are called from Forms applications
    # Please uncomment the following and put the correct 6i
    # oracle_home value to use Graphics applications.
    #ORACLE_GRAPHICS6I_HOME=<your Graphics 6i oracle_home here>
    # Search path for Graphics applications
    # Settings for forms9i tracing and logging
    # Note: This entry has to be uncommented to enable tracing and
    # logging.
    # System settings
    # You should not normally need to modify these settings
    # Path for shared library objects
    # This is highly platform (if not machine) specific ! At install time
    # <percent>LD_LIBRARY_PATH<percent> should be replaced with the
    # actual value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (at install
    # time). That should ensure we have the paths for such necessities as
    # the motif and X11 libraries.
    # Explanations:
    # - Reports needs the path for libjava.so
    # (/cdm/solaris/o_jdk/1_2_2_0_0/jre/lib/sparc)
    # - Forms needs two paths to the jre, for libjvm.so and libhpi.so
    # - In ojdk 1.3.1 the location of libjvm.so is lib/sparc (there is no
    # classic directory) so we do not include the .../classic directory
    # below. There are other versions of libjvm.so (in directories server,
    # client and hotspot) but we will use the version in lib/sparc for now.
    # Added for WebUtil
    Here is the content of our app-specific .ENV file, duris.env:
    # $Header: default.env@@/main/25 \
    # Checked in on Wed Apr 3 15:45:42 PST 2002 by vobadm \
    # Copyright (c) 2002 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. \
    # $
    # $Id: default.env /main/25 3-apr-2.15:45:42 vobadm $
    # default.env - default Forms environment file, Solaris version
    # This file is used to set the Forms runtime environment parameters.
    # If a parameter is not defined here, the value used will be that defined
    # in the environment in which the servlet engine (OC4J or JServ) was started.
    # NOTES
    # 1/ The Forms installation process should replace all occurrences of
    # <percent>FORMS_ORACLE_HOME<percent> with the correct ORACLE_HOME
    # setting, and all occurrences of <percent>O_JDK_HOME<percent> with
    # the location of the JDK (usually $ORACLE_HOME/jdk).
    # Please make these changes manually if not.
    # 2/ Some of the variables below may need to be changed to suite your needs.
    # Please refer to the Forms documentation for details.
    # Search path for Forms applications (.fmx files, PL/SQL libraries)
    # Java class path
    # This is required for the Forms debugger
    # You can append your own Java code here
    # The PATH setting is not required for Forms if the Forms executables are
    # in <ORACLE_HOME>/bin. However, it is required if Graphics applications
    # are called from Forms applications.
    # Settings for Reports
    # NOTE: This setting is only needed if Reports applications
    # are called from Forms applications
    # Settings for Graphics
    # NOTE: These settings are only needed if Graphics applications
    # are called from Forms applications
    # Please uncomment the following and put the correct 6i
    # oracle_home value to use Graphics applications.
    #ORACLE_GRAPHICS6I_HOME=<your Graphics 6i oracle_home here>
    # Search path for Graphics applications
    # Settings for forms9i tracing and logging
    # Note: This entry has to be uncommented to enable tracing and
    # logging.
    # System settings
    # You should not normally need to modify these settings
    # Path for shared library objects
    # This is highly platform (if not machine) specific ! At install time
    # <percent>LD_LIBRARY_PATH<percent> should be replaced with the
    # actual value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (at install
    # time). That should ensure we have the paths for such necessities as
    # the motif and X11 libraries.
    # Explanations:
    # - Reports needs the path for libjava.so
    # (/cdm/solaris/o_jdk/1_2_2_0_0/jre/lib/sparc)
    # - Forms needs two paths to the jre, for libjvm.so and libhpi.so
    # - In ojdk 1.3.1 the location of libjvm.so is lib/sparc (there is no
    # classic directory) so we do not include the .../classic directory
    # below. There are other versions of libjvm.so (in directories server,
    # client and hotspot) but we will use the version in lib/sparc for now.
    # Added for WebUtil
    Here is the content of reports.sh:
    # $Header: reports.sh@@/main/pl_hpux_formsreports_9i/8 \
    # Checked in on Mon Apr 8 19:40:42 PDT 2002 by diglesia \
    # Copyright (c) 2002 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. \
    # $
    # Copyright (c) 60, 2002 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    ## Example file to set environment variables in Bourne-shell or K-shell
    ## for Oracle Reports 9i. Refer to Install Doc for more detail on each
    ## of these environment variables. You need to modify some of the environment
    ## variables before doing source on this file ( % . reports.sh ).
    ##DISPLAY=< your unix machine name:0.0 >; export DISPLAY
    DISPLAY=localhost:5; export DISPLAY
    ## ORACLE_HOME=< oracle home >; export ORACLE_HOME
    ## if you need more than one diretory in your path, all directories should be
    ## separated by ':'
    PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:${PATH}; export PATH
    ## Platform specific settings
    ## HP-UX settings
    if [ `uname -s` = 'HP-UX' ]
    SHLIB_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/PA_RISC:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/PA_RISC/classic:$ORACLE_HOME/lib32:${SHLIB_PATH}; export SHLIB_PATH
    ## Linux settings
    elif [ `uname -s` = 'Linux' ]
    ## Compaq Tru64 settings (OSF1)
    elif [ `uname -s` = 'OSF1' ]
    ## Default settings
    ## end platform specific settings
    ## You need to set TNS_ADMIN and TWO_TASK or ORACLE_SID to connect to database
    ## Some default values have been set below
    TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin; export TNS_ADMIN
    ## TWO_TASK=< two task name >; export TWO_TASK
    ## setting for Reports Runtime
    RW=$ORACLE_HOME/reports; export RW
    #REPORTS_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/reports/templates:$ORACLE_HOME/reports/samples/demo:$ORACLE_HOME/reports/integ:$ORACLE_HOME/reports/printers; export REPORTS_PATH
    REPORTS_TMP=/tmp; export REPORTS_TMP
    REPORTS_TAGLIB_URI=/WEB-INF/lib/reports_tld.jar; export REPORTS_TAGLIB_URI
    REPORTS_CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/reports/jlib/rwbuilder.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/reports/jlib/rwrun.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib/zrclient.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/lib/ojsp.jar;export REPORTS_CLASSPATH
    ##This section added by configurefont.sh
    PRINTER=fontprinter;export PRINTER
    #REPORTS60_PATH=$REPORTS60_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/guicommon6/tk60/admin/TTF;export REPORTS60_PATH
    TK90_UNKNOWN=$ORACLE_HOME/guicommon9/tk90/admin; export TK90_UNKNOWN
    TK90_PPD=$ORACLE_HOME/guicommon9/tk90/admin/PPD; export TK90_PPD
    TK90_AFM=/opt/rational/base/cots/acrobat.4.0/hppa_hpux/Resource/font:$ORACLE_HOME/guicommon9/tk90/admin/AFM; export TK90_AFM
    TK90_FONTALIAS=$ORACLE_HOME/guicommon9/tk90/admin; export TK90_FONTALIAS

    I tried these steps here:
    However I don't have a selection called share Windows in my sharing prefs, nor do I have a Utility called Directory Access

  • How to kill/stop a report from InfoView/CMC ?

    Hi All,
    I have CRS2008 v1 environment running reports against Sybase database. Users run reports from Infoview. I would like to know what the best way to kill or stop a report that has been triggered from Infoview? Kill the spid from sybase or is there a way to kill it from Crystal?

    I want to kill reports run by users if they affect the system performance due to large volume. In that case the stored procedure that the report uses to select data might run for longer periods and I want to able to kill that process. So the question is which is better ?
    1. Kill the spid for that report stored procedure in Sybase
    2. Stop/delete the report instance from crystal if it is possible.

  • Using WebUtil on the report

    can the same webUtil be used for the report?
    What i'm trying to do is that I have a link within the report as a hyperlink, when
    user clicks on that, it opens a file(stored on the client's terminal) from client's machine.

    U can use Text_io package in Reports 9i which reads & writes on Application server .I have never used webutil in reports but guess it can be used in Reports as well.

  • How to cancel a report from web?

    i want to cancel some reports i have made from web.
    i have made two kinds of reports,one from web using /cgi-
    bin/rwcgi60.exe?runrep... and another from DOS command line
    using rwcli60.exe.Then i use /cgi-bin/rwcgi60.exe/showjobs?
    server=myreportserver and the web shows all the report jobs.
    i can kill report jobs from the web while clicking on the
    coloum 'job status',but i can't cancel all the jobs.that is to
    say i can cancel the jobs made from rwcgi60.exe?runrep... and
    cant cancel the jobs made from Dos because i have no privileges
    and the two kinds of reports belong to different owners.
    i can cancel them all from report queue manager using
    ADMINISTRATOR,but i must made the two kinds of report from web
    and dos and must cancel them all from web.
    anybody can help me how to solve the problem?
    another question:can i assign the report's owner to a special
    personal while using rwcgi.exe and rwcli60.exe?
    thanks in advance!

    The below link will be very useful for one who need idea on calling Oracle Report from Java Application,
    Thanks & Rgds,
    M T

  • Web Util & Report integration to gather.

    Hello all
    I have configured webutil and report integration in Developer suite 9i.
    and it is working very fine.
    now I am upgrading it to 10g.
    I have configured web util and it is working fine.
    and now I am getting problem to integration for "reports" as follows.
    FRM-41213 Unable connect to the report server cyan.
    I have developed one form for testing the report integration with form.
    but when i am running this form with default configuration of formsweb.cfg then
    it is working fine as follows.
    when i am running this form using web util configuration then i am getting
    the abouve error.
    but my application in Ds9i have used both webutil and report integration
    so i have to find out the same thing in DS 10g.
    Following are the code of report integration.
         mreport_other varchar2(4000);
         mreport_other := 'p_report_title="'||:control_blk.report_title||'" ';
         mreport_other := 'p_user_name="'||'CHIRAG'||'" '||mreport_other;
         report_status     varchar2(30);
         rep_id                    REPORT_OBJECT;
         v_rep                         varchar2(100);
         mreport_file     varchar2(200) := 'C:\CYAN'||:control_blk.report_path;
         rep_id := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('cyan');
         v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(rep_id);
         report_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
         if Report_Status = 'FINISHED' then
              WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT('http://'||'chirag:8889'||'/reports/rwservlet/getjobid' || substr(v_rep, length('cyan') + 2, length(v_rep)) || '?server=' ||'cyan');
         end if;
    formsweb.cfg as follows
    BaseHTMLJinitiator= c:\oracle\cyan\server\webutiljini.htm
    pageTitle=Cyan Ltd
    webutil.env as follows
    Please assist me to solve this problem
    Chirag Patel

    I remember that in 9i we had a problem that required both the Reports and the WebUtil java libraries to be in teh Forms classpath in the default.env. This however should have been fixed in Forms 10g.
    For what it is worth, can you try
    - In the registry variable "REPORTS_CLASSPATH", add the path of the jar file that will be used by webutil (webutil.jar basically)
    - In the default.env file, add the Reports jar (see REPORTS_CLASSPATH for values)files to the classpath of Forms

  • WebUtil Configuration Issue

    I have successfully configured my IDS for WebUtil, but
    have been unable to accomplish same for iAS10g, while
    following the documentation and the various threads on
    this forum. My forms configuration works if I use a
    config= with NO webutil involved, but with WebUtil in the
    picture, it fails. All the details are as follows:
    WebUtil is installed physically at d:\OraAsMTier\forms90\webutil
    The configuration has been double checked against documentation and
    forum posts/responses. The jacob.jar file has been installed, signed
    and configured. Configuration elements are included below.
    JVM Console Output (Chopped to conserve lines)
    Oracle JInitiator: Version
    Using JRE version Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    ------ <chopped> ------
    JAR cache enabled
    Location: C:\Documents and Settings\hankf\Oracle Jar Cache
    Maximum size: 50 MB
    Compression level: 0
    ------ <chopped> ------
    java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in socket input stream read
         at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Native Method)
    ------ <chopped> ------
    WARNING: Unable to cache http://msiasvr.tmspc.internal/forms90/webutil/webutil.jar
    Loading http://msiasvr.tmspc.internal/forms90/webutil/jacob.jar from JAR cache
    load: class oracle.forms.webutil.common.RegisterWebUtil not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
    ------ <chopped> ------
         at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.readChunkSize(Unknown Source)
    ------ <chopped> ------
    Configuration elements added to files for WebUtil
    In file: forms90.conf
    # 04/29/2005 Added this alias to map the WebUtil utility package
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/webutil/(..*) "D:/OraAsMTier\forms90\webutil/lib/$1"
    In file: formsweb.cfg
    # A separate section in formsweb.cfg is used to configure webutil for testing
    # That (trimmed to conserve lines) section follows:
    # System parameter: default base HTML file
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with JInitiator client
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with Sun's Java Plug-In
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer
    # (when using the native JVM)
    # System parameter: delimiter for parameters in the base HTML files
    # System parameter: working directory for Forms runtime processes
    # WorkingDirectory defaults to <oracle_home>/forms90 if unset.
    # System parameter: file setting environment variables for the Forms runtime processes
    # System parameter: JVM option for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
    # This parameter specifies how to execute the Forms applet under
    # Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x or above. Put IE=native if you want
    # the Forms applet to run in the browser's native JVM.
    ------ <chopped> ------
    # Forms applet parameter: URL path to Forms ListenerServlet
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    ------ <chopped> ------
    # Forms applet archive setting for JInitiator
    # Forms applet archive setting for Microsoft Internet Explorer native JVM
    # Forms applet archive setting for other clients (Sun Java Plugin, Appletviewer, etc)
    ------ <chopped> ------
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Page displayed to users to allow them to download Sun's Java Plugin.
    # Sun's Java Plugin is typically used for non-Windows clients.
    # (NOTE: you should check this page and possibly change the settings)
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # EM config parameter
    ------ <chopped> ------
    # Parameter which tells App server where to find the JAR file for the WebUtil utility package. WebUtil is from Oracle, and provides pre-coded routines to replace missing client-side Client-Server functionality, like text io, file read-write, etc.
    In file default.env:
    In file webutil.cfg
    # No changes. File is default included with download of V1.05
    In the browser (Netscape 7.2) I get Applet
    oracle.forms.engine.main notinited
    and that's it. Nothing in logs anywhere on the
    application server anywhere, although logging and tracing
    for forms are configured.
    I have checked many times my configuration against all the
    notes and documents and posts I can find, but I have to be
    overlooking something. Any assistance is greatly

    Additional information: Thinking there might be a problem
    with the signing of the jar files, I re-signed both
    webutil.jar and jacob.jar with the original certificate
    created the first time I signed them. When testing my forms
    app the java console indicated the same errors for webutil
    as reported previously, but it did note that jacob.jar was
    out of date, and re-downloaded it. Both jacob.jar and
    webutil.jar are in the exact same physical folder on the
    AppServer filesystem: D:\OraAsMTier\forms90\webutil\lib
    where jacob.jar refreshed properly and webutil download
    failed with the error "java.net.SocketException:
    Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in socket input stream
    read...". In case it is helpful.

  • Report Script Help Needed

    I have not written one in years and am having trouble with a fairly simple one (I think). Was wondering if you could take a look. Anyways we have 11 dimensions which may make this impossible due to performance. I basically need a report script to perform a data extract. Data requirements for each dimension would be:
    Scenario: Budget
    Version: Final
    CCCC: Tot_CCCC (Rollup)
    SCCC: Tot_SCCC (Rollup)
    Charge_Type: Charge_Type_Total (Rollup)
    Resource: NU_RESC (Rollup)
    SAU_CAU_Facility: Zero level members of "NU_Consolidated"
    Account: Zero level members of "TOTCO_FERC"
    Activity: Zero level members of "NU_Actv"
    Years: Children of "YEARS"
    Periods: Jan to Dec only
    Report format would suppress the PAGE thus Budget and Final would not appear.
    Was also hoping to somehow suppress CCCC, SCCC, Charge_Type and Resource(Not sure if possible).
    Thus format would look something like this tab delimited:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
    SAU_CAU_Facility Account Activity Year 100 200 100 100 010 100 200 300 100 100 100 100
    Here is what I have so far. I have not been able to get it to return any results even though I have loaded one row of fake data. Does anything jump out at you as to what I'm doing wrong? Appreciate any help you may have as I'm really stuck as it's been years since I have tried this.
    //ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
    // This report script extracts data from NUMaster
    {DECIMAL 4}
    {NAMEWIDTH 25}
    <DIMBOTTOM "SAU_CAU_Facility"
    // Limits the members within the specified dimensions to the correct zero level members of the specified rollup

    One thing that may help - it looks like you're using both <DIMBOTTOM and <LINK for three of your dimensions.
    <DIMBOTTOM "SAU_CAU_Facility"
    You should just need the <LINK and not the <DIMBOTTOM. <DIMBOTTOM's can really kill report script performance.
    Whenever I do these, I try to start small, and then open the report script up to more and more members to see what's affecting performance. I'd start with one year, one facility, one activity, one account, etc. Then slowly add in the full member specifications you want.
    Hope this helps,
    - Jake

  • Junk characters are displayed in report output

    Hi Gurus,
    We are facing an issue while generating a report developed in Oracle 10g, while fetching the data in one column the report is displaying junk characters although while running the query on the database the value is coming correct for the same column. We are writing the report data on the AIX and with the help of WEBUTIL the reports gets transferred on the client machine which is having windows XP as operating system. Although we have many reports running on the same concepts but only in this particular report the issue is coming.
    Our AS Version is
    OS Version is AIX 5.3
    Please provide some solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Roberto,
    Thanks for your reply.
    As per your suggestion , I had checked with both DB & AS both are same i.e.
    In DB it displays the value AMERICAN and for AS it displays NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
    Please give some idea. Sometimes this report gives the right output and sometimes gives output having one column with junk character of CSV file.

  • Which document root from webutil functions?

    I have a form where I want to get reports output to the client using the URL_To_Client function from webutil (the report is run with run_report_object). The URL to the reports servlet should best be given as a relative URL, e.g. /reports/rwservlet/etc. But this does not work. The URL seems to be relative to the Forms document root (http://server:port/forms) and not against the HTTP document root! The problem can be solved by prepending '..' before the relative path, but when calling a URL from web.show_document the URL is relative to the HTTP document root.
    Can anybody explain the difference?

    Actually I mean the document root in webserver. I have put servlet in doc-root/servlet so I would like to find doc-root in an applet when I can get URL from getCodeBase(). So that I can make open a connection to servlet.

  • Error occured when sending mail with PDF attachment

    Dear Experts
    When i trigger email through SMTP server with PDF attachment using application server 10g , i got following error :
    REP-50159: Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output
    i am using web.show_document utility
    str1:='http://erp.ruchi.com:7777/reports/rwservlet?destype=mail'||'&desname='||c1rec.hist_email||'&from=[email protected]'||'&subject=Your Payslip for Month '||to_char(c1rec.tran_month,'Mon-YYYY')||'&desformat=PDF&server=rep_erp_bi&report=/asdeploy/webutil/pay/reports/payslip.rdf&userid=qwqwqw/aasasas@DIAMOND'||'&COMPANY='||:parameter.para_comp_code||'&LOCATION='||:parameter.para_loc_code||'&MONTH='||to_char(:sdate,'MM/YYYY')||'&ECODE='||c1rec.tran_ecode;
    previously i had successfully using this utility but now i am facing above error
    Pl suggest

    Dear Experts
    I already configured application server configuration file with specifying SMTP mail server IP in pluginParam parameter
    <pluginParam name="mailServer"></pluginParam>
    <property name="enableSSL" value="no"/>
    <property name="mailUserName" value="%[email protected]%"/>
    <property name="mailPassword" value="%soyacl#123%"/>
    what is the issue
    Pl clarify
    Please reply it's urgent

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