Weekly recurring reminders?

It's easy to set our FIOS "cable box" (QIP 6200-2) to turn on at a certain time, and tune to a specific channel, via the "reminder" feature of the program guide.   And that's great for the occasional one-time specials we don't want to miss. 
But, like most people, there are certain shows we want to watch EVERY WEEK.
So why is it so hard (impossible, apparently) to set weekly recurring reminders?  
This isn't rocket science, and this isn't a new idea.    Believe it or not, this was possible long ago, back when cable-TV was delivered via --- an actual cable!

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    Just tick the reminder as completed and it will reset it for you.

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    Tave 2

    With the event in Edit mode, open Repeat > Custom > Weekly.
    Best wishes
    John M

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    Unfortunatley there are certain repetitions that the iPad can't create. However if you make them elsewhere and import it onto the iPad, it'll respect it. So if you sync with a computer, make your appointment there and then import that onto the iPad and it'll be on your calendar.

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    Mozilla has nothing to do with YouTube and the manner in which they determine the age of their viewers. See Google for support.

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    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    The Pre does not currently support this function. I would suggest that you leave feedback to have this added to the Pre here: www.palm.com/feedback. This goes to our HQ and more importantly to our engineers and developers.

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    Try this: On your handheld or desktop (one, but not both), go to the first date of the recurring item you want to keep, and make a minor change (i.e. set a reminder time, or delete the reminder time, or add a period to the subject, etc), selecting "this and future" for what you want the change to refer to.  Synch, then go to one of the older items that you want to delete, and delete "all" of those items.  The one you changed should still remain on your calendar, and then you can fix that minor change that you made to keep it.  This works for me (Tungsten E2), so I hope it also works for you.

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    This is dependent on a lot of things, 3G or Wi-Fi? Any attachments in the email which may take a long time to upload, length of the email in general, corporate security checks could be in place and slowing it down as well?

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    I need an efficient and organized way to remind myself that my bills are due, and whether Ive paid this months bill or not (so I can remember on next pay day).
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    Thanks for your help,

    You could make a To Do for every bill you need to pay and attach a due date to it. When it is paid, you can click the check-box. In iCal's settings, you can change the way iCal displays completed To Do's. Problem is, you'll have to create a new To Do for the next month's bill.
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    I just use a weekly recurring event titled "Pay Bills" to remind me to go through my stack of mail and pay them.
    If you really want more control in paying your bills, you should probably look into using some financial software, like Quicken.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions,
    First make an iCal backup, File > Export > Archive.
    Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache)
    If the issue persists:
    1.) Delete the GoDaddy calendar from iCal > Preferences > Accounts
    2.) Re-add the GoDaddy calendar
    If the issue persists:
    Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    __NOTE: Removing these files will remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    Once the computer is back up and running re-add the GoDaddy account to iCal > Preferences > Accounts and test.
    Hope that helps.

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    Go to app store.
    scroll to bottom pf page
    select apple ID
    and under subscriptions select manage
    You can then make the necessary changes.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions,
    However, when my MacBook Pro goes to sleep, the networking shuts down, and no emails are sent until I get to work and wake it up.
    Hm. True enough. It wouldn't be asleep if it was still sending out emails in the background
    1) Is there a way to get iCal to send out reminders when the computer is sleeping?
    No way that I know. Sleep by definition means the computer's functions are suspended. The system would have to wake, spinning up the hard drive and loading the OS so that iCal could then trigger an email, and then go back to sleep.
    2) If not, is there a way to forward my iCal events to Google Calendar? I can download Google Calendar to iCal, but I can't seem to push stuff to Google Calendar.
    If you add your Google Calendar to iCal you should be able to put all your events into that calendar. That calendar is CalDAV so it will be updated on the Google server and then also update any other systems that are reading that calendar (Linux and otherwise)
    If you are unable to make changes to your Google calendar in iCal I would suggest you remove it and re-add it.
    Hope that helps.

  • Can't see daily/weekly/or monthly views with iCloud

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    I can see them in 'Active Appointment" view, but not on my daily/W/M view. 
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  • Reminders Apps and/or Alternatives

    hi everyone
    im new to using a mac
    so far this support community has been very helpful to me in getting to know my mac and its in's and out's
    so for that thank you all.
    I have many reminders throughout my day that i need to be made aware of .........many on a recurring basis (either day to day or recurring monthly)
    I cal doesnt seem to do the trick for me .....when i enter a recurring event it either doesnt pop up period {when i set it to pop up with sound and message}
    OR it pops up a half hour later than when i set it to pop up
    So the question is this......... can anyone recommend any good alternatives for a GOOD recurring reminders app/program that i can use in substitution for Ical [WHICH BY THE WAY ***}  either free or something that is not terribly expensive?
    Thanks in Advance

    Uninstall the Kaspersky software. Depending on the exact type/version you need a different method: http://support.kaspersky.com
    Also, you're running VMWare Fusion 6, which is not compatible with OS X 10.10. Uninstall it or upgrade.

  • Why do reminders keep popping up after I click "Close"?

    I have a couple of recurring reminders that are supposed to pop up once each day.  But when they pop up (as a notification) on my Macbook Air (OS 10.8.3) and I click "Close" they pop up again a few minutes later as though I had clicked "Snooze".  Its really annoying!  They just keep coming back.  Eventually, for some reason, they don't any more.
    Anyone else having this problem?

    One issue does arise from my idea (above)
    The "text to speech" - Announce when alerts are displayed  will now NOT work if banners is set as above

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