Weekly summary

1. The watch showed me my weekly summary on Sunday (calories burnt, standing, exercise etc.) - how do I pull it up again, once I dismiss it?

If you have any suggestions that you think might enhance the Apple Watch you can send Apple your feedback here.

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  • Cash weekly summary

    hi experts
    I am working on FI module cash weekly summary, in my output i should get particulars as
    1-Apr to 7-Apr          85,610.00          5,38,474.00           1,73,860.00 Dr
    8-Apr to 14-Apr             77.00           1,21,100.00            52,837.00 Dr
    15-Apr to 21-Apr        45,685.00              52,077.00                46,445.00 Dr
    1.here the dates should  be calculated as 1-apr + 6  =  7-apr, etc  according to the date what we enter in the selection screen. what ever date we enter it should be divided by 7 and the balance days should be displayed.
    2. amount 85,610.00 is the sum of 1-apr to 7-apr, similarly the other calculations also
    3. to find the highest  amount among the selection screen date
    iam attaching the specs and codes plz help me
    thanks in advance
                                              Weekly Summary
                                       1-Apr-2007 to 19-Jul-2007
                                                                                    Page 1
    P a r t i c u l a r s                     Transactions                          Closing
                                                Debit                 Credit                Balance
    Opening Balance                                                     26,724.00 Dr
    1-Apr to 7-Apr                    6,85,610.00         5,38,474.00             1,73,860.00 Dr
    8-Apr to 14-Apr                           77.00           1,21,100.00            52,837.00 Dr
    15-Apr to 21-Apr                       45,685.00                52,077.00              46,445.00 Dr
    22-Apr to 28-Apr                    1,04,382.00             1,02,619.00                 48,208.00 Dr
    29-Apr to 5-May                    3,01,532.00              2,78,110.00                71,630.00 Dr
    6-May to 12-May                      46,607.00                73,202.00                45,035.00 Dr
    13-May to 19-May                     91,607.00             1,01,719.00                34,923.00 Dr
    20-May to 26-May                     77,485.00                62,889.00               49,519.00 Dr
    27-May to 2-Jun                        62 ,411.00               69,738.00              42,192.00 Dr
    3-Jun to 9-Jun                          2,79,008.00            2,83,598.00              37,602.00 Dr
    10-Jun to 16-Jun                       1,02,153.00              93,729.00              46,026.00 Dr
    17-Jun to 23-Jun                      5,28,608.00             5,32,870.00             41,764.00 Dr
    24-Jun to 30-Jun                       43,333.00                 46,299.00             38,798.00 Dr
    1-Jul to 7-Jul                         2,49,350.00                2,18,776.00            69,372.00 Dr
    8-Jul to 14-Jul                          27,095.00                   58,599.00           37,868.00 Dr
    15-Jul to 19-Jul                        15,000.00                     7,233.00          45,635.00 Dr
    G r a n d T o t a l                   26,59,943.00               26,41,032.00        45,635.00 Dr
    A v e r a g e                           1,66,246.44                 1,65,064.50            55,107.13 Dr
    Highest                                (dt. 19-Jun-2007)       (dt. 19-Jun-2007)     (dt.4-May-2007)
    Balance                                 4,83,238.00                   4,95,563.00        2,88,728.00 Dr
    Lowest                       (dt. 14-Apr-2007)           (dt. 14-Jul-2007)                (dt. 2-Apr-2007)
    Balance                                        77.00                   533.00                 23,724.00 Dr
    my codings are as follows
    *& Report  ZCASH_WEEK
    REPORT  ZCASH_WEEK no standard page heading line-size 200.
    tables: bkpf,
    data: begin of it_skb1 occurs 0,
          saknr like skb1-saknr,
          end of it_skb1.
    data: begin of it_bkpf occurs 0,
          belnr like bkpf-belnr,
          gjahr like bkpf-gjahr,
          blart like bkpf-blart,
          budat like bkpf-budat,
          monat like bkpf-monat,
          end of it_bkpf.
    data: begin of it_bseg occurs 0,
          budat like bseg-augdt,
          belnr like bseg-belnr,
          koart like bseg-koart,
          shkzg like bseg-shkzg,
          dmbtr like bseg-dmbtr,
          hkont like bseg-hkont,
          end of it_bseg.
    data : it_closedbal like it_bseg occurs 0 with header line.
    data : Begin of it_data occurs 0,
            budat like bkpf-budat,
            debit like bseg-dmbtr,
            credit like bseg-dmbtr,
             clbal like bseg-dmbtr,
            end of it_data.
    data : Begin of it_clbal occurs 0,
            budat like bkpf-budat,
            debit like bseg-dmbtr,
            credit like bseg-dmbtr,
             end of it_clbal.
       data : v_closedate like bkpf-budat,
              v_closebal like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_cldeb like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_clcre like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_days(3) , v_week(4),
              v_budat like bkpf-budat,
              v_date(60), v_date1(11), v_dat(7),
              v_max_credit like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_min_credit like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_max_debit like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_min_debit like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_max_closebal like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_min_closebal like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_avg_credit like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_avg_debit like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_avg_closebal like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_grd_credit like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_grd_debit like bseg-dmbtr,
              v_grd_closebal like bseg-dmbtr.
    Selection-screen :begin of block b1.
        Parameter: p_bukrs like  bkpf-bukrs obligatory,
                  p_saknr like ska1-saknr.
                    p_hkont like bseg-hkont.
        select-options: s_budat for bkpf-budat.
      selection-screen end of block b1.
    to fetch data.
    perform get_data.
    to calculate the days.
    perform get_days.
    to fetch the closing balance
    perform get_CLOSEDBAL.
    to display the output
    perform get_output.
    to get the grand total.
    perform get_grandtot.
    to get the average balance
    Perform get_average.
    to get the max & min balances
    perform get_high_low_bal.
    *&      Form  get_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_data .
    select saknr from skb1 into table it_skb1 where bukrs = p_bukrs
                                           and saknr = p_hkont.
    select * from bkpf into corresponding fields of table it_bkpf
                       where bukrs  = p_bukrs
                       and budat in s_budat.
    select * from bseg into corresponding fields of table it_bseg
                        for all entries in it_bkpf
                        where  belnr = it_bkpf-belnr and
                        hkont = p_hkont.
    select * from bseg into corresponding fields of table it_bseg
                         for all entries in it_skb1
                         where  hkont = it_skb1-saknr.
    loop at it_bseg.
    select single budat from bkpf into it_bseg-budat where belnr = it_bseg-belnr.
    modify it_bseg.
    ***select max( dmbtr ) from it_bseg  into v_max_credit where budat between s_budat-low and s_budat-high
                                                    shkzg = 'H'.
    perform get_day.
    **move the documents into itab where date lies between input dates low & high
    loop at it_bseg.             "where budat between s_budat-low and s_budat-high.
    if it_bseg-budat >= s_budat-low or it_bseg-budat <= s_budat-high.
      it_data-budat = it_bseg-budat.
       if it_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
          move it_bseg-dmbtr to it_data-credit.
           move it_bseg-dmbtr to it_data-debit.
    append it_data.
    **move the documents into itab_close  one day less than low range ( s_budat-low - 1 )
    v_closedate = s_budat-low - 7.
    loop at it_bseg.
    where budat between v_closedate and s_budat-low .
    if it_bseg-budat >= v_closedate or it_bseg-budat <= s_budat-low.
       move it_bseg-budat to it_clbal-budat.
       if it_bseg-shkzg = 'H'.
          move it_bseg-dmbtr to it_clbal-credit.
           move it_bseg-dmbtr to it_clbal-debit.
    append it_clbal.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_data
    *&      Form  get_days
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_days .
    v_days = s_budat-high - s_budat-low.
    v_week = v_days / 7.
    *write:10 'days',  v_days,
          50  'week', v_week.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_days
    *&      Form  get_closedbal
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_closedbal .
    loop at it_clbal.
      v_cldeb = v_cldeb + it_clbal-debit.
      v_clcre  = v_clcre + it_clbal-credit.
    v_closebal =  v_cldeb -  v_clcre .
      v_closebal =   v_clcre - v_cldeb .
    skip 2.
    *write: 'Opening Balance' , v_closebal.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_closedbal
    *&      Form  get_day
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_day .
    loop at it_bseg.
    v_budat = it_bseg-budat.
        INPUT         = v_budat
       OUTPUT        = v_date.
       v_dat = v_date+0(6).
    move v_dat to it_bseg-date.
    write:/10 v_date , v_dat.
    modify it_bseg.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_day
    *&      Form  get_output
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_output.
          WRITE : /60 'Cash'.
          WRITE : /55 'Weekly Summary'.
         WRITE : /30 v_budat-low, 50 v_budat-high.
          write :/125 'Page 1'.
       skip 1.
       uline (135).
       write  : /5 'Particulars',  45 '|', 60 'Transactions', 120 'Closing'.
       write : /45 sy-uline(71), 120'Balance'.
       write : /45 '|', 55 'Debit', 90 'Credit', 115 '|'.
    write  : / sy-uline(135).
    write : / 'Opening Balance' , 120 v_closebal.
    write : / v_dat1.
    *loop at it_data.
    WRITE :  /1 sy-vline, IT_DATA-
    ENDFORM.                    " get_output
    *&      Form  get_grandtot
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_grandtot .
    loop at it_data.
    move it_data-credit to v_grd_credit.
    move it_data-debit to v_grd_debit.
    v_grd_closebal = v_closebal + v_grd_debit - v_grd_credit.
    write: 'Grand Total', 55 v_grd_credit, 90 v_grd_debit, 120 v_grd_closebal.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_grandtot
    *&      Form  get_average
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_average .
    write:/ 'Average' ,55 v_avg_credit, 90  v_avg_debit, 120 v_avg_closebal.
    skip 1.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_average
    *&      Form  get_high_low_bal
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_high_low_bal .
    write:/ 'Highest',55 '(dt.           )' , 90'(dt.           )', 120 '(dt.           )'.
    write:/ 'balance',55 v_max_credit,90 v_max_debit, 120 v_max_closebal.
    skip 1.
    write:/ 'Lowest' , 55 '(dt.           )' , 90'(dt.           )', 120 '(dt.           )'.
    write:/ 'balance',55 v_min_credit,90 v_min_debit ,120 v_min_closebal.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_high_low_bal

    If you have any suggestions that you think might enhance the Apple Watch you can send Apple your feedback here.

  • Alert me setting - daily or weekly summary

    When I add a alert to my document library, I get the confirmation that the alert has been succesfully created.
    A daily or weekly summary does not work.  Only an immediately alert works.
    Does anyone have an idea?

    Try running "stsadm -o getproperty -pn alerts-enabled -url http://sharepoint" from your box to start with.
    This should confirm that alerts are enabled. Then run...
    stsadm -o getproperty -pn job-daily-alerts -url http://sharepoint
    stsadm -o getproperty -pn job-weekly-alerts -url http://sharepoint
    This should return a value if set or false if not! If not, then this is your problem. To correct run...
    stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname job-daily-alerts -url http://sharepoint -propertyvalue "daily between 22:00:00 and 06:00:00"
    stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname job-weekly-alerts -url http://sharepoint -propertyvalue "weekly between Fri 22:00:00 and Mon 06:00:00"
    Replace http://sharepoint with the relevant value for your site collection and the -propertyvalue with the required value and you should be away!

  • 2 lines for agents on weekly summary report

                       I have used the attached report definition to run a report, when running it on the customer site, although I believe the week runs Monday - Sunday, when I run the report, whether it is Monday - Sunday  11th Feb - 17th Feb, or Sunday to Satuday  10th Feb -16th Feb, I still get 2 lines for some agents.
    It would appear that the extra line is the Sunday 17th Feb....
    We have checked that the agents are signing out, is there anything else we should be looking at.
    Has anyone else experienced this and how have they resolved it.
    Have attached the Report definition.
    thanks for helping.

    David writes:
    >Best practice is to have a single line. I think the SRND addresses this.
    Not so. The SRND defines the two-line paradigm. I'm with Chris.
    Two lines is fine. I like to have the first line the CC line. I like auto-answer on headset from CUCM and no call waiting, no voice mail on that line.
    The second line (the DID) should have the normal settings - call waiting, not auto answer, Unity voice mail.
    If the agents are in the ready state, they need to be reminded to not answer (or initiate) a call on their private line without going not ready. If they forget, it's not a big deal as auto-answer will not be activated - they will have to manually answer. They normally drop off the private line quickly and take the call. Some agents break this "rule" in order to be more productive - depends on how busy the CC is.
    While on a customer call, a call to their private line will ring a couple of times and go to voice mail. They are asked to just let it go.
    Aside: In the past I wrote a little Java app called Agent Toggle that connected to JTAPI and to the CTI server. When a call arrived on (or was made from) their private line, it made the agent not ready; when the call terminated, it made them ready again. A little science project that seemed to work fine.
    Some customers like to invert the lines because they want the red light to come on when voice mail is waiting. If it's the second line, the standard behaviour is to show the little envelope next to the line.
    Although Cisco recommend that the top line be the CC line, I can understand the inversion.
    You adjust the calling search spaces so that private lines cannot call contact center lines; but not the other way around. Non-agents just have the one "private" line.
    I believe this works correctly and efficiently, albeit with some agent discipline. Once the operating parameters are understood, the agent with two lines can be more productive.

  • Not getting Summary Email

    In My Ops Insights, I don't seem to have an option to receive summary emails to my organisational email address.
    If I sign in, there is no tick box under settings to "Receive email notifications of new Azure Operations Insights Alerts".  I'm presuming this is the weekly summary report setting.
    My account is a Ops Insights administrator.  I tried with another account that is just a "user". No option there either.
    If I sign in with a Microsoft Account outside my organisation, then the option is there, and by default that account has been getting the weekly emails.
    any help appreciated.

    Cool, let's cross-link it so more folks can find it

  • Data Summary Help

    I have a simple ordering application built with CF using an
    Access db. I need to produce some weekly summary stat reports and
    don't know how to go about doing it. I will be using sql.
    My db contains a date_submitted (when the order was entered
    into the system) and a date_closed (when the order was closed in
    the system after it is filled).
    For my report, I need to do the following :
    If 10 orders were submitted for 3/14/07 but only 3 of those
    ten were closed the same day, I need to show both summary figures
    along with a percentage (indicating on time percentage). Then the
    same summary for next day, etc., so each line of the report would
    contain 5 major column/headings for each day of the week, and each
    column/heading would contain three sub column/headings to represent
    total orders submitted for that day, of those submitted, how many
    were closed the same day, and the on time percentage. There would
    be four lines for the entire month, one line for each week.
    How can I do this, I have no idea where to begin. Thanks for
    any help.

    I would begin with baby steps.
    Start with a query that gets the number of orders submitted
    each day.
    Then add the part about the order being closed on the same
    day. (in access that's an iif function or something like that).
    Carry on until you get all your data. Then worry about the

  • Display difference current week to prior week

    Hi everyone,
    I have following question. I need to display in a Report the difference from the current week to the prior week. I need something like this:
    weeks       |      quantity      |    difference to prior week
    30          |     1000           |
    31          |      500           |     -500
    32          |      800           |      300
    33          |     1200           |      400
    34          |     1000           |     -200
    By starting the report the user enters the "start_date" and "end_date".
    For this example the user enters from "19.07.2009" to "22.08.2009"
    Do you have any ideas how to solve this?
    Many thanks in advance

    Hi Salah,
    many thanks for your answer but this doesn't work on my side because each week is a summary of many different records from the database. If I work with "previous" it only subtracts the last quantity from the weeks summary, not the last weeks summary from this weeks summary.
    Is it possible to change the formula to something like this:
    sum ({quantity}, {@calendarweek} ) - previous (sum ({quantity}, {@calendarweek} )
    something like this whould help me I think but I receive an error from the "previous" too much parameters
    Now I tried to create a new formula like this:
    = sum ({quantity}, {@calendarweek} )
    and used it with my previous formula:
    {@quantity_calenderweek} - previous ({@quantity_calenderweek})
    but now crystal sais that this field hast no prior or following value...

  • Alert set through timer job is not working in sharepoint 2010 as expected

    I create the standard sharepoint alerts through timer job.
    in my timer job, i loop through a list and based on the user value in the alert to field i create alert for the users and the condition for the alert are only when new items are created and something changes in the below view.
    all the properties are set fine. Email triggered on new items additions and on specific daily or weekly summary.
    The view filteration is not working at all:(
    But after the timer job ran and set the alert, if i open the alert settings on UI and without changing anything if i click ok , then the view filteration is happening and alerts are working fine.
    What is wrong here? is it a bug or anything am missing?
    SPList Configlist = web.Lists.TryGetList("Configuration");
    foreach (SPListItem oItem in Configlist.Items)
    ProfilePicker = oItem["ProfilePicker"].ToString();
    ProfileViewer = oItem["ProfileViewer"].ToString();
    string MIS = oItem["MIS"].ToString();
    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList(ProfileViewer);
    SPList ProfileList = web.Lists[ProfilePicker];
    foreach (SPListItem oItem in ProfileList.Items)
    frequency = oItem["Frequenzy"].ToString();
    created = (DateTime)oItem["Created"];
    string createdDate = created.ToString();
    createdDate = DateTime.Parse(createdDate).ToShortDateString();
    DateTime today = DateTime.Today.Date;
    string dateonly = today.ToString(); ;
    dateonly = DateTime.Parse(dateonly).ToShortDateString();
    SPFieldUserValue fieldValue = null;
    SPFieldUser UserColumn = (SPFieldUser)oItem.Fields.GetField("Alert_x0020_owner");
    fieldValue = UserColumn.GetFieldValue(oItem["Alert_x0020_owner"].ToString()) as SPFieldUserValue;
    if (fieldValue != null)
    alertowner = fieldValue.User;
    alert = alertowner.ToString();
    //if (createdDate == dateonly)
    SPUser user = web.EnsureUser(alert);
    SPAlert newAlert = user.Alerts.Add();
    newAlert.AlertType = SPAlertType.List;
    newAlert.List = list;
    newAlert.DeliveryChannels = SPAlertDeliveryChannels.Email;
    newAlert.EventType = SPEventType.Add;
    if (frequency == "Daily")
    createDailyAlert(newAlert, list, user);
    createWeeklyAlert(newAlert, list, user);
    catch (Exception ex)
    // Danfoss.Sharepoint.Logger.DanfossLogger.LogToOperations(ex, "Exception occurred in setting the profile alert", 0, EventSeverity.Error, DanfossExceptionCategory.General);
    private static void createDailyAlert(SPAlert newAlert, SPList list, SPUser user)
    newAlert.Title = "My Daily Profile viewer Alert";
    newAlert.AlertFrequency = SPAlertFrequency.Daily;
    newAlert.AlertTemplate = list.AlertTemplate;
    newAlert.AlertTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, 10, 0, 0);
    newAlert.AlertTime = newAlert.AlertTime.AddDays(0);
    SPAlert existingAlert = null;
    newAlert.Properties.Add("filterindex", "4");
    newAlert.Properties.Add("viewid", list.Views["Daily Alert"].ID.ToString("D"));
    newAlert.Properties.Add("filterpath", string.Format("{0}/", list.Views["Daily Alert"].ServerRelativeUrl.TrimStart('/')));
    foreach (SPAlert alerts in user.Alerts)
    string al = alerts.AlertFrequency.ToString();
    // Filter down the alert to the list you wish to report on.
    if (al == "Daily")
    // Found your existing your custom alert. Don't create one.
    existingAlert = alerts;
    if (existingAlert == null)
    private static void createWeeklyAlert(SPAlert newAlert, SPList list, SPUser user)
    newAlert.Title = "My weekly profile viewer Alert";
    newAlert.AlertFrequency = SPAlertFrequency.Weekly;
    newAlert.AlertTemplate = list.AlertTemplate;
    newAlert.AlertTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, 10, 0, 0);
    newAlert.AlertTime = newAlert.AlertTime.AddDays(0);
    SPAlert existingAlert = null;
    newAlert.Properties.Add("filterindex", "4");
    newAlert.Properties.Add("viewid", list.Views["Weekly Alert"].ID.ToString("D"));
    newAlert.Properties.Add("filterpath", string.Format("{0}/", list.Views["Weekly Alert"].ServerRelativeUrl.TrimStart('/')));
    foreach (SPAlert alerts in user.Alerts)
    string al = alerts.AlertFrequency.ToString();
    // Filter down the alert to the list you wish to report on.
    if (al == "Weekly")
    // Found your existing your custom alert. Don't create one.
    existingAlert = alerts;
    if (existingAlert == null)
    This is my code. alerts are not sending based on the view:(

    Hi sathyaav,
    I followed the example and made a test in my environment, it works like a charm.
    I suggest you check if you have inputed the valid site URL when you create the project solution.
    If you deployed succeed in the Central Administrator Site using Visual Studio, then the job named "Simple Job Definition" will appear in the job definition list.
    Best Regards
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to reference to a relative group of cells in numbers for iOS ?

    I'm trying to use numbers on my iPhone to track my daily work expenses, inputting my data through a formulary.
    What I've come up with so far is a 2-sheet, 1-formulary document. The first sheet contains the raw data : week number, date, place, expenses, and a few checkboxes. The second sheet is meant to be a weekly summary where each row synthesizes a whole 5-day week, giving me the total money spent on that week and the number of checkboxes ticked.
    Say my raw data sheet contains daily expenses on column C.
    In my weekly summary sheet, I write a formula that sums first sheet's C1:C5.
    But as I copy that formula down, I don't get the result I want. Where I look for the sum of first sheet's C6:C10, I get the sum of C2:C6, C3:C7 when I want C11:C15 and so on.
    How can I tell Numbers to give me the sum of a group of 5 consecutive rows, and then use the same formula on the next rows getting the sums of the next 5-item group ? (manually modifying each formula to refer to the right cells is not an option)
    Hope that was clear. Thanks for your answers.

    Hi j4nitor
    Would the "Find" option in the "Tools" menu do the job?
    If you search for the part number, it will be highlightet, and with your outline for a setup, I guess that would give you the overview you are talking about.
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards

  • ITunes U Raw Data Report fail to show Chinese Character

    As catpioned. The tsv file seems in wrong encoding. All chinese characters are displayed as question marks ---> "????" .
    To Apple Support, please fix it as soon as possible.
    To other iTunes U Site Administrator, did you encounter the same problem?

    Thanks for your feedback, Darudh.
    Can't agree with you more. The original weekly summary report is good enough. We have already built up the datafeed automation base on that. All of a sudden Apple just stop delivering the old file and introduce this new format. We have to rebuild the whole thing again.
    Appreciate if Apple can resume the weekly summary report delivery.

  • BI Publisher Bursting Problem

    I am trying to burst my report from BI Publisher.
    When I mention a FORMAT of PDF the bursting happens perfectly.
    But when I mention a FORMAT of EXCEL and file name as SAMPLE2401201412.xls, system goes nuts and give the below error.
    Output failed.
    [INSTANCE_ID=xxxxxxxxxxx.1383223600258] [SUBJOB_ID=2173015]
    Document generation failed
    [INSTANCE_ID=xxxxxxxxxxx.1383223600258] [OUTPUT_ID=2158251][ReportProcessor]Error rendering documentoracle.xdo.servlet.scheduler.ProcessingException: [ReportProcessor]Error rendering document
    at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.bursting.BurstingReportProcessor.renderReport(BurstingReportProcessor.java:447)
    at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.bursting.BurstingReportProcessor.onMessage(BurstingReportProcessor.java:127)
    at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.uti
    My Bursting parameters are coming from table
    KEY = 'ABC'
    LOCALE = en-US
    PARAMETER1 = /mnt/Business_Intelligence/Interim/2014/2014-P04/2014-P04-W2/Business Week SUMMARY/
    PARAMETER2 = SAMPLE2401201412.xls
    I have no clue why it runs OK for PDF and not for EXCEL...... any suggestion will be helpful.

    Exactly Same thing for me : (Here bipublisher log file (TRACE 32)) :
    [2014-03-25T12:36:34.207+01:00] [bi_server1] [WARNING] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 42] [userId: *****] [ecid: 0000KJsywYNAlJh5TB^Ayc1JCMTS000005,0] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1]  !!!!!!! BurstingReportProcessor.renderReport :: [ReportProcessor]Error rendering document for [INSTANCE_JOB_ID=8552][[
    ::oracle.xdo.servlet.data.DataException: Invalid format requested: excel
        at oracle.xdo.servlet.ReportException.fillInStackTrace(ReportException.java:124)
        at oracle.xdo.servlet.data.DataException.fillInStackTrace(DataException.java:127)
        at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:196)
        at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:41)
        at oracle.xdo.servlet.ReportException.<init>(ReportException.java:36)
        at oracle.xdo.servlet.data.DataException.<init>(DataException.java:39)
        at oracle.xdo.servlet.ReportImpl.renderScheduledJob(ReportImpl.java:882)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.bursting.BurstingReportProcessor.renderReport(BurstingReportProcessor.java:386)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.bursting.BurstingReportProcessor.onMessage(BurstingReportProcessor.java:127)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.util.CheckpointEnabledListener.onMessage(CheckpointEnabledListener.java:25)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.jmswrapper.client.JMSMessageConsumer.processMessage(JMSMessageConsumer.java:231)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.jmswrapper.client.ThreadedMessageDispatcher$DispatchWorker.run(ThreadedMessageDispatcher.java:157)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
    [2014-03-25T12:36:34.209+01:00] [bi_server1] [WARNING] [] [oracle.xdo] [tid: 42] [userId: *****] [ecid: 0000KJsywYNAlJh5TB^Ayc1JCMTS000005,0] [APP: bipublisher#11.1.1]  !!!!!!! BurstingReportProcessor.renderReport :: [ReportProcessor]Error rendering document::oracle.xdo.servlet.scheduler.ProcessingException: [ReportProcessor]Error rendering document[[
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.bursting.BurstingReportProcessor.renderReport(BurstingReportProcessor.java:447)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.bursting.BurstingReportProcessor.onMessage(BurstingReportProcessor.java:127)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.util.CheckpointEnabledListener.onMessage(CheckpointEnabledListener.java:25)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.jmswrapper.client.JMSMessageConsumer.processMessage(JMSMessageConsumer.java:231)
        at oracle.xdo.enterpriseScheduler.jmswrapper.client.ThreadedMessageDispatcher$DispatchWorker.run(ThreadedMessageDispatcher.java:157)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

  • Click on URL in email, open new tab in browser, BUT stay in same Thunderbird email

    There used to be a way to click on a link (URL) in an email that would open a new tab/window in the browser (Firefox), BUT stay in Thunderbird - similar to what Ctrl-Left-click does in Google search results in Firefox.
    My work flow is usually to open several links, staying in Thunderbird and then when I'm done - go to Firefox to look at them all. E.g. I get a stackexchange weekly summary email, click on all the topics that look interesting and then, when I'm done selecting them, go look at them in Firefox.
    I don't want to be forced to jump back and forth for every link, one at a time. This used to work.
    Is there a preference or add-on that will do this - or anything else?

    I'm not aware of any complete reference to all preferences that offer a full explanation of what each does, what the Value means and how to use in a problem-oriented fashion.
    But the list below does help:
    there is also a postscript module used by eg: linux
    Margins are set up here:
    File > Page Setup > Margins & header/Footer
    or via File > Print Preview > Page Setup button
    Helpful hints:
    if you have Margins (millimeters)
    and set eg: Bottom margin as 20.0
    then look in config editor, you will see:
    print.printer_XX.print_margin_bottom; Value = 0.787500023841858
    This seemed odd at first. All Values in config were being converted to inches represented in a decimal format.
    If you ever need to change the margins from millimeter to inches:
    Print.printer_xx.print_paper_size_unit Value: = 1
    Change the Value to 0 (zero) to get inches
    If you change the Value to 0 for inches and then reopen:
    File > Page Setup > Margins & header/Footer
    you will see the Bottom margin has auto changed from 20.0 (mm) to 0.8 (inches rounded up), so although the display is different in File > Page Setup > Margins & header/Footer tab, the actual information in config preferences remains unchanged as it is saved in decimal inches format used by US as default.
    if using millimeters then the paper size would be A4 210 x 297 mm.
    Although looking in the config preferences it will say paper width 8.50 and paper height 11.00.
    Usually, you can change the paper size when you select to Print and look in Print Properties. I'm in UK and using millimeters so get A4; the US uses Letter 8½ x 11 inches.
    So I can see how it could be confusing to anyone using millimeters and then sees, what appears like wrong data in preferences.

  • ITunes U Report Raw Daily log errors !

       today I've downloaded again all raw daily logs now in format tsv.
      I've discovered that they have  with multiple errors like field shifted and wrong characters  ( i.e instead of ü I've found square root symbols).
    The good point is that the new reports look to have more records per day compared to the old reports: old reports had missing record.

    The random errors like truncations, fields shifted or missing, messy data in the report is really a headache to us. We are unable to generate a summarised report base on those messy data.
    Say, one of the title value is 'Basic Chinese 1". In the report, some of the title values becomes:
    Basic Chinese 1ft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)) AppleWebKit/534.54.16
    Basic Chinesele.com/WebObjects/DZR.woa/wa/viewPodcast?cc=us&id=466689031
    Basic Chinese 1es-iPhone/5.0.1 (3; 32GB) iTunesU/1.1
    There is no way we could identify such error without eyeball checking.
    Besides, we can't identify the item being downloaded/browsed using the ITUNES_ID either, since they are different (sometimes).
    To Apple Support, please fix it as soon as possible. Or could you resume the weekly summary report email before problem solved??

  • ITunes U Daily Report: Enclosure

    I cannot understand how is calculated the "enclosure" value in iTU reports.
    The apple official guide wrote:
    "View the aggregate value for the SubscriptionEnclosure/SubscriptionRedirectedEnclosure user actions.
    The SubscriptionEnclosure/SubscriptionRedirectedEnclosure user actions occur when the iTunes U iOS or desktop app downloads a new item in the collection. If the iOS or desktop app detects new content in the collection, it downloads the content."
    But I cannot understand what it the difference between "subscription enclosure" and "subscription redirected enclosure". When an event is registred as "SE" or "SRE"? What it does mean "enclosure" and how much important is this value?
    Someone can explain me it in "simple english"?

    From iTunes U Public Site Manager:
    ...iTunes U Public Site Manager uses a content caching system for some content available in the iTunes Store. iTunes U Public Site Manager reports some user actions routed through the content caching system as "Redirected” actions...
    Simply SubscriptionEnclosure means that the downloaded episode is coming directly from your server, while in SubscriptionRedirectedEnclosure the downloaded episode is coming from Apple servers caching system; caching allows  to save your server bandwidth.
    You can consider this action the same type as a download action: in the old excel weekly summary reports the SubscriptionEnclosure was part of the "Total Tracks Downloads" sum.
    Hope this can help.

  • Sun management software

    we are looking at sun management software and noticed that it costs about $300+ per client.
    what is an alternative to this which is less expensive or free?
    what are you other admins doing?

    I, too, have been trying to sort out the options and tools for supporting Solaris 9 and 10.
    This maybe behond the scope of your question but here is some of what I've uncovered in the last couple of years:
    The class Intermediate System Administration (SA 239) has you download the recommended patch cluster and install using ./install_cluster. This works but you will not know which patches will be installed until after the fact. So this process does not support preparing for any changes made by the patches.
    The only other process that I have used involve using a non Sun script - pca from http://www.par.univie.ac.at/solaris/pca/intro.html This perl script has many options but the "pretend" option makes it easy to determine which patches will be installed and what revision of the patch is currently installed.
    Here are some of the sources I use to try an keep up with patches and other technical details of supporting Solaris
    If you have a SunSolve account you can subscribe to email alerts at:
    There are 6 "collections" of "New Documents". I receive a single daily email. The email contains a numbered list (with URLs) for each collection that has New Documents. The collections are:
    BUG             (includes bug number and very short description URL)
    INFODOC         (includes short description, the INFODOC number is imbedded in the URL)
    PATCH           (includes patch number short description/title and URL)
    SRDB            (Symptoms and Resolutions - includes short description and URL)
    SUNALERT        (including short description and URL)
    TROUBLESHOOTING (including short description and URL)Another source for patch information is the SUNSOLVE[SM] PATCH CLUB report (sign up at https://subscriptions.sun.com/subscription_center/ecomm.jsp). This a weekly email with four main sections. The first section has one line for each new patch with a short title/description. The second section has an entry for each patch with more details (includes keywords, synopsis, Solaris Release, bugid's fixed and other details) - but no URLs. The thrid section is a list of Withdrawn patches. The fourth section has an entry for each withdrawn patch that includes reason and recommendation details.
    SUN(SM) ALERT WEEKLY SUMMARY REPORT is another source. This one covers "critical hardware and software issues". It includes the Sun Alert ID and URL. Sign up is at the same URL as the Patch Club report above.
    have good weekend,

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