Weird invisable indent/tab

Dear anyone,
Does anyone else have a problem with a weird "space" that makes your text indent to the right? Like, no matter how much you move your text box around, the "space" stays in the same spot and your words just flow around it (like text wrap). See screen shot below.
I thought I had fixed it before. I discovered if you selected the text box and move it to a new layer and then arrowed the text box one space (in any direction) the text would snap back into place. Or also, if you selected all the text and then played around with the "span columns" it would snap back into place. But sadly neither of these are working now.
And this problem happens randomly. A document could be just fine and then suddenly this happens. Wierd! Any help is appreciated because I'm tired of having to start all over.
Thank you!
Becca Tally

Migintosh wrote:
Willi Adelberger wrote:
I am only curious: Are you never working with Paragraph Styles? Do you never rename Layer with anything else then their default name? You should not do so.
Are you saying that if you never work with paragraph styles, you should not do that? It's kind of a double-negative way of saying "do work with paragraph styles," so if that's what you are saying, I agree.
But, it also sounds a little like you are saying that you should never rename a layer (or, is "do you never…?" a sort-of Olivia Newton John way of saying "do you ever…?"). I haven't found renaming layers to be a problem, so if that's what you mean, can you explain why? (And sorry if I'm misunderstanding you.)
Are you able to read? I made no statement, I asked a question. Did you see the question mark? It is there, you can see it.
I did so, because the example file looks not very professionell. I did so, because Arial was used.
My opinion is that not even one pargraph in InDesign should be written without any paragraph style and no layer name should remain with its default generic name.

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    In 1.5.x, it's under Preferences - Database - SQL Formatter - Alignment and Indentation .
    However, at least in the current 1.5.3, a bug ignores the tab preferences completely, so you're stuck with the 2 spaces. If you can't wait until this gets fixed (with luck in the upcoming 1.5.4 or else maybe by 2.0), revert to an earlier version.

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    Figured I'd share the changes I made to NoSimDash's above code. I actually wrote this not long after he posted his reply, but decided not to post it after I settled on taking the cheap, hacky timer route. (Originally I was looking to have the process triggered
    by an event when the user changed tabs)
    Anyways, over the last two years it's been pretty stable, so I thought I'd share on the off-chance that someone goes looking for this functionality again.
    $psISE.Options.ShowOutlining = $true
    $psISE.Options.ShowDefaultSnippets = $true
    $psISE.Options.ShowIntellisenseInScriptPane = $true
    $psISE.Options.ShowIntellisenseInConsolePane = $true
    Set-Variable -Option AllScope -Name OptionSetter -Value (&{
    $ClassName = 'IndentFixer'
    $Namespace = 'ISEHijack'
    Add-Type @"
    internal class _Option<TValue>
    public _Option(string key, TValue value)
    Key = key;
    Value = value;
    public Object[] Params { get { return new object[] { Key, Value }; } }
    public string Key { get; private set; }
    public TValue Value { get; private set; }
    internal static object[] Opt<TVal>(string key, TVal value)
    return new _Option<TVal>(key, value).Params;
    internal static readonly object[][] NewOpts = {
    Opt<bool>("Adornments/HighlightCurrentLine/Enable", false),
    Opt<int>("Tabs/TabSize", 4),
    Opt<int>("Tabs/IndentSize", 4),
    Opt<bool>("Tabs/ConvertTabsToSpaces", false),
    Opt<bool>("TextView/UseVirtualSpace", false),
    Opt<bool>("TextView/UseVisibleWhitespace", true)
    internal void SetOpts()
    foreach(object[] args in NewOpts) {
    Setter.Invoke(Options, args);
    public MethodInfo Setter { get; set; }
    public object Options { get; set; }
    public Dispatcher EditorDispatcher { get; set; }
    public List<Action> Actions { get; private set; }
    public ${ClassName}()
    Actions = new List<Action>();
    public void Dispatch(Dispatcher dispatcher)
    DispatcherFrame frame = new DispatcherFrame();
    dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(ExitFrames), frame);
    private object ExitFrames(object f){
    DispatcherFrame frame = ((DispatcherFrame)f);
    // foreach(Action action in Actions) {
    // action.Invoke();
    // Actions.Clear();
    foreach(object[] args in NewOpts) {
    Setter.Invoke(Options, args);
    frame.Continue = false;
    return null;
    "@ -Name $ClassName `
    -NameSpace $Namespace `
    -UsingNamespace System.Windows.Forms,System.Windows.Threading,System.Reflection,Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.EditorOptions.Implementation,System.Collections.Generic `
    -ReferencedAssemblies WindowsBase,System.Windows.Forms,Microsoft.PowerShell.Editor
    return `
    "${Namespace}.${ClassName}" |
    Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Namespace -Value $Namespace -Passthru |
    Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ClassName -Value $ClassName -Passthru
    [System.Reflection.BindingFlags] $NonPublicFlags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags] 'NonPublic,Instance'
    filter Expand-Property
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
    [String] $Name
    $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Name | Write-Output
    function Get-IsePrefs
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]
    [string] $Key
    $oEditor = $psISE.CurrentFile.Editor
    $tEditor = $oEditor.GetType()
    $tEditor.GetProperty('EditorOperations', $NonPublicFlags).GetMethod.Invoke($oEditor, $null).Options | `
    Expand-Property GlobalOptions | `
    Expand-Property SupportedOptions | `
    Select-Object -Property Key,ValueType,DefaultValue | `
    function Comment-Selection
    $output = ''
    $psISE.CurrentFile.Editor.SelectedText.Split("`n") | ForEach-Object -Process { $output += "# " + [string]$_ + "`n" }
    function Fix-EditorIndentation
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position=1)]
    $EditorType = $Editor.GetType()
    $SetterInstance = New-Object -TypeName $OptionSetter
    $SetterInstance.Options = $EditorType.GetProperty('EditorOperations', $NonPublicFlags).GetMethod.Invoke($Editor, $null).Options
    $Dispatcher = $EditorType.GetProperty('EditorViewHost', $NonPublicFlags).GetMethod.Invoke($Editor, $null).Dispatcher
    $SetterInstance.Setter = $SetterInstance.Options.GetType().GetMethod('SetOptionValue', [type[]]@([string],[object]))
    function Fix-IseIndentation
    [Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.Gui.Internal.MainWindow] $ISEWindow = (Get-Host | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PrivateData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Window)
    [Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.Gui.Internal.RunspaceTabControl] $RSTabCtrl = $ISEWindow.Content[0].Children[2]
    [Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.PowerShellTab] $PSTab = $RSTabCtrl.Items[0]
    $PSTab.Files | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Editor | Fix-EditorIndentation
    function Invoke-ISEFunction
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]
    [Action] $ScriptBlock
    $ISEWindow = $(Get-Host | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PrivateData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Window)
    return $ISEWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke($ScriptBlock)
    function Fix-IndentationForAll
    $psISE.PowerShellTabs | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Files' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Editor' | Fix-EditorIndentation
    # Startup
    function New-Timer
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
    $Interval = 50,
    $AutoReset = $true
    [System.Timers.Timer] $oTimer = New-Object -TypeName System.Timers.Timer($Interval)
    $ElapsedEvent = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $oTimer -EventName 'Elapsed' -Action $Action
    $oTimer.AutoReset = $AutoReset
    return $oTimer
    $(New-Timer {
    } -Interval 100 -AutoReset $true).Start()

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    You must use Area Type (Click and drag box with the Type Tool)
    "Set type here [ hit tab ] Set Type here"
    Then right align the type.

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    In GREP it looks like
    Mind you, I don't know if that will work for you - I just copied a right-indent-tab to the clipboard and pasted it into the GREP Find What field.

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    set nosmartindent
    set noindentexpr
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    ***** end .vimrc *****
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    Last edited by TomB17 (2009-09-03 16:41:07)

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    Try moving the image with Anchor Point instead. Some time ago, Tom Wolsky posted the following reply to a thread that is long-gone:
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    +I tried it Motion as well. The first problem is the application can't handle the image at full resolution. It could do the movement with scale animation and a motion path behavior. It was kind of adequate, but easing on the scaling was pretty poor and didn't achieve good results.+
    +A major issue in both applications is the the scaling starts quickly and gets slower and slower. This is because of the lack of exponential scaling, and until this is addressed neither application will be more than barely adequate at best when it comes to large scale motion control. Basically neither of them are acceptable for professional work on large format, large scale images. I won't even go into how totally inadequate FCP is for easing stop and go motion.+

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    LANGUAGE '2'
    THANGSAN font
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    Hello Caleste,
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    This is on the official release, not the beta.

    Go to Safari>View>Show Tabs bar.

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    ebs version 11.5
    forms 6i
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    The square is how the new line character (chr(13) or chr(10)) is shown. I don't think there is much you can do.
    One thing to try is see if the following works
    textitem := textitem || '
    ';Sandeep Gandhi

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    Also, if possible, I'd prefer to have the page number always on the first line of the entry and not have it flow to the last one.
    Any thoughts? I hope I explained this well enough, but if it's not the case, just let me know. Thanks in advance.

    Another option between fully-automatic and manual would be to insert a hair space in the actual text where you want the TOC to break (which probably won't effect the text noticably), then after you build your TOC, select all of the TOC text, search for any hair spaces and replace them with forced line breaks. You can do that in one step, rather than several, and as long as you restrict your find/replace to the selection (and not the document), you won't change the hair spaces in the actual text. When I have things like this to do, I place a large, obvious reminder in the document and set it to non-printing.

  • PDF books added in iTunes 11.1.3 shows up in Music Albums tab [Probably a bug]

    iTunes 11.1.3 still allows you to add PDF books to library and the imported books show up in the albums view under the music selection. Seems weird, as books tab was removed from itunes. Importing 10 books results in creation of an album tab which is populated with the books added. It marks the album as unknown artist and unknown album.

    Hi there jack4120,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    -Griff W. 

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    In Design CS 5.5 --- Question about Leader Dots ("RIGHT TAB")
    Can anyone help???

    Apply a Character style to the tab character—don't try and do it from the Paragraph style. You can stay with a period as the leader and manipulate the size and spread of the dots via the character style. So here I've applied the Leader character style to the tab or the right indent tab and changed the point size and tracking of the style to make a leader with smaller dots and more spacing:

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    I checked the forums and saw no previous relevant posts.

    When you say "right tab" do you mean right-aligned tab or right indnet tab?
    I bet it's the latter, and they are a pain to get a leader because they don't have a fixed position and don't show in the tabs panel. The trick, which is really ugly, is to set some other tab stop beyond the right edge of the frame and assigne a leader to that. Hit Shift + Tab to do the right indent tab and, voila, it picks up the leader for the tab outside the frame.

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    Is there a keyboard shortcut on word for indenting/tabs back and forth. I know on PCs it is alt+shift <-- or alt+shift -->. what is it for mac?

    do you know how to at least stop the time out circle?
    I concur with the others about using the MS Office forums for this issue. However, with regard to the question above, there really isn't a way to stop the beach ball cursor. That cursor only appears when a particular app is not responding. Sometimes that happens when an app is performing a lengthy and intensive task and is temporarily too busy to respond, in which case the cursor will eventually go away on its own. Other times, this happens because the app has frozen, in which case the cursor will never go away on its own, and the app must be force quit (press command-option-esc, select the app that's not responding and force it to quit). Note that force quitting should not be done too quickly, as forcing an app to quit while it is in the middle of some intense task can cause any number of problems, including corruption of whatever data the app was working with at the time. Any time force quitting becomes necessary, there is a serious problem with the app experiencing the issue.

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