Weird network usage!

this is very weird I have no idea where to post this. For about half a week my laptop has been downloading and uploading either 34 or 64KBytes/s (monitored via stat menu) each over port 80. When this happens i can no longer use the internet. This only happens on my macbook pro, not our iMac, XP desktop, iphone, or ipad. This also only happens when my laptop is plugged into our router both over wireless and wired. It does not happen when i am plugged directly into our satellite modem or when I use the internet at the library. if I block port 80 on my router it does not happen. if I run little snitch and disable everything and/or run the built in firewall, it still happens. Since this has started we burned thru 2GB of data in 48 hours on monday and tuesday, and we have a rolling 30 day 7.5 GB cap.
I have verified that my MBP is up to date, i installed the most recent firmware on the router yesterday, and even left the router and modem off for 6 hours (time between when I go to bed and when mom wakes up) and still getting hit. I have checked my logs on my router and it reports nothing. I am going to do wireshark soon to see what comes up. Everything I can think of I have ruled out. Please someone help!

Beavis2084 wrote:
Does this happen with ANY user logged onto the macbook?
Are you seeing network activity to/from the macbook at login screen (before logging in)?
Have you looked at active connections and identified what your macbook is talking to?
Yep. did a TCPdump last night with the guidance of my cousin. i would wait to start it til after I started being hit and saw lines like
00:35:45.708910 IP > Flags [F.], seq 632, ack 914, win 65535, options [nop,nop,TS val 458154135 ecr 351722], length 0
00:35:45.709836 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 4096, options [nop,nop,TS val 355596 ecr 458153749], length 0
for websites,,
What applications are installed? Do you have anything that could be updating? How about "Software Update"? Is it set to auto-download updates?
I did not install anything new right before this happened. I am on a satellite connection so I do Software updates by hand when in town.
What applications and processes are running when this occurs?
some times many, some times nothing. I have even gone thru processes and started killing them one by one (if I know they can be killed safely without killing the machine) but it does not stop.
If you have this running, and you break the WAN connection from back of router, does the macbook still send/receive (verifying that the connections in question are out to the cloud, not another device inside the network)?
My cousin and I are now thinking i might be part of a botnet.
no, it stops. It is defiantly going thru our router. We have a 7.5GB cap and in 48 hours earlier this week we went thru 2GB

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    Memory usage was normal when you took that screenshot.
    When you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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    There was a big issue in school Servers (10.6 and previous) where the computers were almost all Network Users, often operating from computer clusters (not one user per computer).
    For Network Users:
    /Users/user-short_name/Library/Caches ...
    ... is a file on the SERVER. That is where cached firefox and safari stuff is sent! [from the Web to the WorkStation, copied to the cache on the Server, copied back to the workstation when the User changes pages, and on and on. It beats up your network, while the drive on the workstation is nearly idle. Some Admins advocated turning off Browser Caching entirely as their solution.]
    WorkGroup Manager eventually provided a work-around in an additional MCX manifest that could be added to any user: ...
    that had several different options for ways to deal with the Caches. The most popular was to delete the Cache in the User's Home folder, and link to:
    /private/tmp/short-User_name/Library/caches ...
    ...This folder is on the WorkStation where the User is logged in, and will be inaccessible or deleted by the time the next user logs in at that computer.
    There are articles online that contain recipes for converting the MCX manifests to use them as Profile manager xml files to support that feature indirectly, but I have not seen direct support for the feature mentioned as yet.

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    I found this from the user GoldenShoes:
    The problem appears to be in the calendar data you have in Mail, so if you should test that by removing the todos-info.plist file from Home/Library/Application Support/iCal and then restart Mail to see if the problem continues. If not, then you'd need to quit Mail, restore the todos-info-plist file, open iCal and copy all those ToDo items; then remove the todos-info.plist file again, restart iCal and paste the ToDo items back in and save it.
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    Unfortunately, your description of the problem and the placement of both your main and AirPort Express routers does lend itself to believe the problem is most likely Wi-Fi interference. If it isn't the microwave or portable phones, it could be obstacles like walls between the routers that may be preventing the stream from consistently reaching the Express.
    In your configuration, the stream will first travel to the main router, and then, from the main router to the AirPort Express. If, for example, you started the stream in the same room as the Express, that stream would have to travel across several rooms at least twice.

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    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3558 ttl=64 time=0.542 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3559 ttl=64 time=0.424 ms
    ping: sendto: No route to host
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 3560
    ping: sendto: No route to host
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 3561
    ping: sendto: No route to host
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 3562
    ping: sendto: No route to host
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 3563
    ping: sendto: No route to host
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 3564
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 3565
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3566 ttl=64 time=0.508 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3567 ttl=64 time=0.493 ms
    And this is what the logfile contains at the same time:
    28.10.13 21:36:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en4]: Link down (womp disabled, proxy idle)
    28.10.13 21:36:37,099 configd[18]: network changed: v4(en4-: DNS- Proxy-
    28.10.13 21:36:37,106 configd[18]: network changed: Proxy
    28.10.13 21:36:37,112 netbiosd[12000]: network_reachability_changed : network is not reachable, netbiosd is shutting down
    28.10.13 21:36:40,000 kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleBCM5701Ethernet]: Link up on en4, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,0323,0de1,0300,cde1,3800]
    28.10.13 21:36:40,237 configd[18]: network changed: Proxy
    28.10.13 21:36:42,544 configd[18]: network changed: v4(en4+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
    So the ethernet interface loses the link for a few seconds, and gets back up again. It's not long enough to affect average TCP connections, however it is long enough to completely screw iTunes.
    What I've tried:
    - changed all cables (save the one that's going from the ethernet outlet on my room's wall to the server/router room, as it's not replaceable (running within a wall) and I really don't know why it should become faulty offhandedly)
    - cycled ethernet ports at the router to make sure they're not faulty
    - ping'd the router from different computers on all its ethernet ports, all working fine
    - connected my iMac to router via wifi, all working fine
    - bought a Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter to make sure onboard ethernet card isn't faulty: problem still there
    - installed 10.9 over 10.8.5, problem still there
    What I didn't check is what happens when ping'ing the router via my cables, but from another computer, as I don't have one. I will try to borrow a MacBook and check that.
    So I figured it must be a local problem, as the network infrastructure itself works nicely and all cables seem to be sound. It is also not a hardware issue, as the problem occurs both with the onboard NIC and the Thunderbolt NIC. What mystifies me is that it doesn't happen when using Wi-Fi (but switching to that is not an option - it's too slow).
    I tried to use both DHCP and fixed IP addresses, different IP ranges, made sure that static IPs don't collide with the router's DHCP range, updated the router firmware, updated the firmware of all Airport Express and Time Capsules I've got in my network (just to be sure), switched all energy saving settings to "Never" (as it has been suggested here from time to time), but nothing helped ... and I don't know what else to check.
    I hope that someone has an idea of what's happening here!
    Thanks in advance!

    It looks like hooking an ethernet switch between my iMac and the router did the trick. I didn't get any timeouts after I did that. It must have been a really weird incompatibility between my iMac and the router. Still have to see if iTunes gets through without losing the connection, I hope I'll be able to check that tomorrow night. I'll report back.
    So maybe try just hooking another ethernet switch between your mac and the other side. It might actually help!

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    What does it mean?

    toni wrote:
    Inxsible wrote:its not connected to any network ?
    I am connected correctly and I have Internet connection without problems but I do not know why is it showing a question mark...
    Ok, but you didn't mention that in your first post and sadly, I cannot read minds.
    In any case, its a bug as has been posted above.

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    They suggest I get a free "meter" for my computer.
    I downloaded about 4 of them (freeware) and they either dont work well, dont have documentation to have them work at all, or do not have a history function.
    I would like to start it running first of month and then see how much I use that month

    Well it really depends on your network setup. I'd personally suggest getting a cheap box and running a sort of Firewall that will log network traffic. I run and it's been great, BUT it only shows me real time traffic, no historical data. I'm pretty sure will track historical bandwidth and is based on the m0n0wall project and another alternative which I believe will track data usage is or if you want to get down and dirty, Cacti will do it as well but takes quite a bit to configure.

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    If you're using the home hub then it keeps track of usage. It does reset if your connection drops or you turn off the router though.
    You can get freemeter and install it on each computer. That should give you a good idea.
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Weird network download issue

    I'm having a weird problem with my download speeds. I don't believe this is ISP related (I'll explain below). I often download large files on my Macbook. I use Menu Meters because I like to see how my network speed is. Up until a month ago I've been able to "max" out my connection typically getting a 1.5MB/s download speed (or in that area). Lately, RX throughout put hasn't been able to pass the 800KB/s. It gets to 798 KB/s or about that, but never above.
    I'm connecting wirelessly through a Linksys WRT54G and have not had any issues with it. I even updated it's firmware, but the problem still persists.
    I've run multiple speed tests on various sites and found the speeds to be close to or above the advertised speed of my cable internet (about 7 mbPS down). I'm just curious what suggestions some of you might have as to a solution of sorts. It's very frustrating and I'm stumped.
    FYI: Downloading these files on my PCs in the house download and don't exhibit any of these speed issues.
    Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.

    That's the problem then... might takes months to show up too, as well as other symptoms...

  • Unexplained network usage

    The last few days I have been experiencing strange issues with my networking.  I shutdown all of my apps that I think could use the network, and I still see some usage.  As much as 60Kbps!?  My downloads, including pacman and youtube, stop randomly and I have to start over.  This happens in other web browsers as well.    I recently installed Dropbox and started noticing this about the next day.  Sometimes webpages fail to load for several minutes at a time.  How can I find out what is sending and receiving data?  Or, what the issue could be?

    Thank for reminding me about wireshark and netstat!  I'm seeing a lot of to destination unreachable in wireshark.
    netstat shows:
    Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
    tcp 1 0 CLOSE_WAIT
    tcp 0 0 iw-in-f18.1e100.n:https ESTABLISHED
    tcp 0 0 www-13-02.snc4.fa:https ESTABLISHED
    tcp 0 0 iw-in-f101.1e1:www-http ESTABLISHED
    tcp 0 0 iw-in-f83.1e100.n:https ESTABLISHED
    tcp 0 0 yx-in-f102.1e1:www-http ESTABLISHED
    tcp 0 363 p3nlh056.shr.p:www-http ESTABLISHED
    tcp 0 0 channel-196-202.0:https ESTABLISHED
    udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED
    udp 0 0 ntp2.Rescomp.Berkel:ntp ESTABLISHED
    udp 0 0 173-203-122-111.vds:ntp ESTABLISHED

  • Node showing up with a weird network name, not sure how to fix

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    Have you checked the network name in the sharing prefs?

  • Lumia series has very weird battery usage, please ...

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    Suddenly it will use the battery like crazy. I mean crazy as in losing 50% in an hour laying idle. It might even restart sometimes. I have played around with all sort of settings making sure nothing is turned on that does not need to be on.
    It does this at random, and at random times. It might be days between.
    I tried all sort of battery apps to see if I could find one that would specify what the battery was used on, but as fare as I can see there is no such app. There is graphs and % per hour and so on, but no specific power usage app.
    I really hope that I am not alone in this, and there is a solution out there. It is a really big problem as the phone has ran out of power in the middle of the night, and I use it as an alarm clock. It has used 100% just laying on the table in 1 night, though I am not sure when exactly it ran out of juice.
    Anyone know **bleep** is going on? This is the 3ed phone that does it, and I dont know whats wrong here.

    There have been instances where I have experienced excessive battery drain on my Lumia phones. The worst was due to my Exchange account which tore through my battery in just a few short hours. What actually happened was that my company decided to block all access to everyones accounts while they were carrying out some security work but my phone went into overdrive trying to constantly synchronise with the servers and failing. This caused the battery to drain very rapidly indeed. 
    So my first tip would be to check out all accounts and apps that have a regular sync interval or require an active internet connection to function. Things like instant messenger apps (Viber, WhatsApp and Skype) and also have a look at your Email accounts.
    Sometimes though, it can something as simple as a stuck process using the CPU but these can be difficult to identify and pin down. 
    Another major cause of excessive battery drain is when the phone is looking for a 3G/4G signal when you are in an area with poor 3G/4G coverage. 4G especially will be a big power hog and have more of an impact on your battery than 3G because it naturally uses more power than 3G.
    Lastly, you can search the forum for "Excess battery drain" or words to that effect for other help and advice, as this topic has been discussed quite a bit already.

  • Weird Battery Usage Using the Dock's Line-Out

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    When I use the dock's line-out to connect to my home stereo via an RCA cable, I get roughly 3 hours of continuous play on a full charge before the battery meter changes decreases.
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    Anyone have any ideas what may be causing the shorter battery life while listening via PC speakers?

    Hi Carl - thanks for the reply. I consistently get 15 hours of continuous play from my battery. Yep, the battery & meter are properly calibrated (in fact, I'm pretty anal about that!) I'm not sure I'm getting less battery life, per se, I just find it interesting that I get 2 different readings from using the line-out in 2 different configurations. I'm assuming that maybe the PC speakers are using more power? I'm not electrically-inclined, and maybe I'm just going on a wild goose chase!

Maybe you are looking for