Well this is one weird syncing problem.......

Let's see. I'm running Windows XP. I got a black 8Gb iPod Nano (2nd gen) as a gift and I downloaded iTunes
Everything went fine, I restored the factory setting (since the Nano was actually pre-owned) and all that, and I loaded a .m3u playlist I created in Windows Media Player 10 and it loaded (and played) fine on iTunes.
The problem kicked in when I'm trying to sync the entire playlist into the Nano. The funny thing is that...... When I clicked "sync" (right click on the playlist under the iPod and choose "sync" in iTunes), the whole playlist appears for a brief moment, with a "sync" (double arrow forming a circle) symbol beside almost all songs. ONLY A FEW OF THE SONGS ACTUALLY GET SYNCED, before it shows the "sync complete" message. It took me multiple (50+) re-syncs to get around 60 songs (out of 228) in there and no more songs went in.
The weird thing is, it seems like the connection is crap or something and there are times when iTunes detect 180+ songs to be synced, but only actually sync around 4 or 5 before cutting off and claiming "sync complete". I've tried everything I could, including restoring factory setting (3 times), changing to disk mode (twice), reformatting the memory (once), switching the USB port (multiple times), nothing worked. I still can't get all my songs onto there.
Is there a quick solution to this?

Option 1
Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
If that fails:
Option 2
Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

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    not sure why this has happened, but here's a way to fix it. I had to do this to try to solve the latest probelm with 7.0.2 becuase I thought I might have had a virus on my machine and wanted to check. It's a bit long winded but works a treat (on a PC, not sure about a Mac):-
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    2. put your ipod into disk mode (press menu + select until apple logo appears, then as soon as the logo appears press play and select until 'disc mode' appears)
    3. connect ipod to PC, open file manager and find you ipod (external usb drive)
    4. open the ipod and change the view setting to 'show hidden files'
    5. open the ipod control folder and copy all of the Fxx folders to a new folder on you desktop.....you'll now have a load of folders full of strangely named mp3 files....don't worry we'll sort this later
    6. Now move all of the original music on your PC into the same new folder on your desktop, so that your itunes directory is empty
    7. open itunes and add this new folder to your library.....you should now be able to see all of the songs that you have on your ipod, but now they're on you PC....great. There will also be a load of duplicates.
    8. 'show duplicates' in itunes and delete one of each duplicate.
    9. make sure that your itunes folder is what you want it to be (check the advanced tab in edit preferences to do this), change it as required, if it's not.
    10. do 'consolidate library', this will copy all of the itunes library back to the itunes folder and in the process will sort out all of the strange file and folder names which were created on the iPod.
    11. delete the entire itunes library (not the files), becuase at the moment you'll again have a load of duplicates) and delete the new folder off your desktop.
    12. Final step.....add the itunes library to itunes, you'll now have all of your original files back where thet started all with propper names and with no duplicates.
    I told you it was long winded, but it's not that difficult and will definitely sort your problem. good luck.

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    Hi Tiam,
    Thanks for your post and welcome to the Nokia forum.
    We are really sorry for this inconvenience.
    It sounds like the Windows Live account that was created when the phone was first activated has changed or become non-functional.
    I would suggest a hard reset of the phone (this will take it back to out-of-the-box condition), then reconnecting it with either the correct Live account info or a new Live account.
    Keep in mind that this operation will cancel all your information on the phone.   Contacts, calendar and tasks are synced with your LiveID, there is no real need to create a back up.  Your mediafiles can be saved with Zune. Apps can be downloaded again from Marketplace after a reset. There is a handy tool which, once setup, will do this for you. It is available in Marketplace and is called Reinstaller.
    Let us know how you get on and feel free to post any other questions you may have.
    If this post has helped you to solve this issue, please press the "accept as solution" icon. Kudos would always be appreciated.

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    Follow the directions here:

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    Good luck!

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    This can be a problem with the file [http://kb.mozillazine.org/sessionstore.js sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox Profile Folder]
    Delete [http://kb.mozillazine.org/sessionstore.js sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox Profile Folder]
    If you see files sessionstore-##.js with a number in the left part of the name like sessionstore-1.js then delete those as well.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Session_Restore
    See also:
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_crashes
    * [[Firefox crashes]]

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    Back to life**
    Oh I know there are many other vocabulary mistakes but never mind them I was just too excited when I wrote all of that while typing very quickly
    P.S: if you have any question then ask and please do tell me if it works or not with u but I'm definitely sure it'll work so tell me this and we'll get excited together
    Also if you have an experience to share then do share it as well please.


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    In Outlook:
    go to tools->options->other tab->advanced options->COM add-ins->then check the box "outlook itunes sync add-in". Please post comments to see if this helped.

    I saw this in another thread but it's worth duplicate
    threads. Anyone with sync problems needs to do this.
    Yes but Outlook 2003 disables one of the add-ins which causes Outlook to crash when you load program. Then the add-in is disabled and you can't enable it just by selecting the box in tools>other>advanced>com add-ins because it won't happen.It just keeps unchecking itself.
    Here's what to do: with outlook open go to "about Outlook" You'll see a button "disabled components" under that will be the offending iphone addin. RE-enable it. Then do the manouevre I mentioned in second sentence. Then sync iphone and all contacts, calendar etc will sync to phone. BUT the next time you start up Outlook it will tell you that the addin causes a serious error and will disable it. I guess we will have to enable it each time we want to sync for now -Microsoft had no idea (nor did Apple) after several hours on support lines. God only knows when and who will fix this. This seems to work for now however.
    Dell, Mac   Windows XP Pro  

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    Is all the software on your computer up to date?
    iPod Updater
    Also, try The Five R's

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