What are benefits of Time Machine?

Hi all,
Can someone direct me to the Time machine info page or tutorials?
Are there big benefits on using it?
Web dude

if you currently have no other backup solution in use, there's a huge benefit and that is always having a current backup of everything on your Mac!
Here's Apple's info page to get you started. There's also a tutorial video at the bottom left:

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    I see the "Remove now" button next to that checkbox--exactly
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    All messages? Just the ones that don't have a blue dot next to them?
    The Remove Now button removes ALL messages available at the incoming mail server for the account.
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    At the bottom of the menu window that appear, select Get Info.
    Select the POP via the Account selection - the account will be already selected if you are accessing a single account with the Mail.app.
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  • What happens when the Time Machine drive is full?

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    My home folder has 70GB of data. The Macintosh drive has 105GB of data and 395GB free. The Time Machine drive has 220GB used and 30GB free.
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    maxseven wrote:
    i have deleted the time machine folders and they are now in my trash. when i try to secure empty my trash it will delete everything but the t/m folders. how do i delete them?
    Do you mean all of them? The entire Backups.backupdb folder?
    That's a large mess. First, even a normal delete will take a very long time, as there are probably hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of files. Your best bet by far is to simply erase them with Disk Utility -- that will only take a few moments. If your TM drive has a single partition, see #1 in [Formatting, Partitioning, Verifying, and Repairing Disks|http://web.me.com/pondini/AppleTips/DU.html]. If there are other partition(s) on the drive, see #2 there.
    If not, and you only deleted some of the folders, you have a different, worse problem. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't do a very good job of warning folks: +*Never move, change, or delete anything in your backups via the Finder or Terminal.+*
    You shouldn't have to delete backups at all, since Time Machine will do that automatically when the disk/partition gets full. But you can do it without harm via Time Machine. See #12 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/FAQ.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).
    A normal delete will take a very long time, as there are probably tens or hundreds of thousands of items, each of which must be individually deleted. A secure delete will take much, much longer, as each deleted file must be overwritten with zeros.

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    Originally posted by markt435
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    Already done-----See last paragraph of my post....

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    You might post this query on the iPhoto forum and perhaps someone there can provide an answer.
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    Yes, that will work fine. It will back up normally once you plug it in again. I do this with my MacBook.

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    Thank you for reading my post.
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    or is there any feature that T61 has and T500 does not?
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    wjli2, out going models will always represent a bigger bang for buck than new models. Anyway you are not comparing apples with apples. The T61p does not compare to the T500. The W500 is the replacement for the T61p
    Right now you can get up to 40% off a T61, if the offer is still open
    When stocks run out you will soon see some deals on the T400/T500, then you will see some bargains!
    Message Edited by thinkpadtoday on 08-26-2008 10:12 AM
    www.thinkpadtoday.com - The site for ThinkPad users and enthusiasts.

  • Which External Drives are compatible with Time Machine.  I plan to utilize it for backups and to connect to an Airport Extreme.

    MBP Retina, 15 inch, Late 2013. Intel Core i7.  OSX 10.9.4
    Which External Hard Drives are compatible with Time Machine.
    I plan to use one drive for automatic backups connected to an Airport Extreme.
    The connection can be USB or Ethernet and should be expandable.
    should I just buy the Time capsule and avoid the compatibility, connection and interference issues.

    Hi Kappy,
    I just saw that on the Apple Support site that "Time Machine is not supported with USB hard drives that are connected to an AirPort Express or AirPort Extreme device", just as you have suggested.
    Why is the newest model of the Airport Extreme, which is the model I have, an exception to the Time Machine compatibility?
    The following information is from Apple website:
    Time Machine works with:
    AirPort Time Capsule's built-in hard drive (any model)
    External USB hard drive connected to AirPort Time Capsule (any model)
    An external hard drive connected to your Mac
    Use the Time Machine pane of System Preferences to choose your backup disk(s).
    Additional Information
    Time Machine is not supported with USB hard drives that are connected to an AirPort Express or AirPort Extreme device.

  • Preferences are missing for Time Machine,how can I fix this?

    Preferences are missing from Time Machine,how can I fix this?

    Please don't SHOUT!
    We're all users here and you'll get more help if you give us some coherrent information.
    Firstly, do you have an external Hard Drive connected to use for your Time Machine backup?
    Secondly "stacks" is not a programme; it's one method of presenting folder icons in the dock, and is accessed from the 'view options' choice which appears if you click on the folder. Right-clicking the folder will go straight to the options menu.

  • What files are excluded from time machine backups in Mavericks?

    Is it mainly Cache files?
    I had a report from Dr Light virus scanner that it had found a virus in my safari cache. To which I have had to reset safari to delete the cache. I am worried that time machine might have backed up the rouge file to my time machine.

    Time Machine backs up those files that are needed to recover the system.
    Swap, Trash and cache are not required to recover the system so they are not backed up.

  • What happens if you Time-Machine backup an encrypted file-vault HD?

    This is related to my previous post - but deserves special mention for those people who are using time-vault AND Time-Machine.
    My question is this: If the backup of my Hard-drive is encrypted, and I then reinstall from backup, what will this situation likely produce?
    This is what I have done. I also Archived and installed my Mac prior to installing from my Time-Machine backup.
    I now have an error message that displays the following message at the login screen:
    "Unable to log into the file-vault account "......." at this time. An error has occurred."
    My password IS CORRECT. I have not changed it, and the log in window does accept my password, but it doesn't progress any further than the error message I gave above.
    I'm wondering if the encryption process of file-vault is linked directly with the original installation I had of Mac OS-X before I Archived and installed.
    Any thoughts/knowledge/Insight?? I want my old Mac back! (I don't recommend using file-vault). Any body else had this problem or can see what is happening to me here?
    Thank you

    I just did a backup, moved a folder with 600mb of images into a different folder, and did another backup. The free space on the backup drive dropped by the size of the folder's contents. The backup copied the files as I watched in System Preferences, and it looked like it was really copying the files to the external drive again. It looks like Time Machine isn't as smart as I hoped in this regard.
    Still - I'd think the wasted space is only in the every-hour-for-the-last-24-hours bucket of Time Machine. I'm guessing the every hour backups are like a sliding window, where a backup that's 24 hours old drops out every hour rather than all the hourly backups getting wiped at midnight and starting over.
    Regardless, only one version of the moved folder will eventually be stored as the daily backup for that day. I don't have proof, but that's what I think.
    So, if you've moved a bunch of folders around or renamed them, the extra copies of the same exact files should drop off within 24 hours.
    That's my interpretation, but I'm in no way positive!! The lengthy Ars review didn't offer an answer to this question.

  • Can i delete my photos and videos from my mac if they have been exported to an external hard drive will they still be saved if I delete them off the computer but are backed on time machine? Can u explain time machine plz?

    I am doing this because I have run out of space on my internal hard drive as I have over 100 GB of memory in pics.
    I think I am misunderstanding how time machine works/how it backs things up.  Can someone please explain it to me? Thanks and I appreciate it! :)

    For everything you should know about Time Machine, see http://pondini.org/TM/FAQ.html.
    If your photos were on your internal drive then, yes, they are likely to have been backed up by Time Machine.
    However, if Time Machine starts running out of space, it will delete old back ups and thus your photos aren't really 'safe' just on a Time Machine back up. What you really need to do is either:
    Buy another external hard drive for storing your photos and other files, or;
    Back up your photos to DVD's: there are a number of cataloging apps that you can use to catalog your files or, if you have named them something specific, use something like DiskTracker.
    Either way, don't rely on your Time Machine back-up to store your photos.
    Good luck - call back if you need more information,

  • What Should be on Time Machine Drive?

    I decided to look at what I had on the drive I have for Time Machine and noticed that there is a folder called Backups.backupdb and then a copy of my computer (i.e. applications folder, library folder). I thought that was sort of strange and it clicked that Time Machine in system prefs claims that only 11 GB are left on the TM drive, when i dont know how that is possible because my TM drive is a 232.57 DB drive and my internal drive is 185.99 drive. Should i delete everything off my TM drive except that backup folder? I know my dad backed up my computer when i was away over winter break but I thought it was to another drive, not this one.

    You're welcome, and thank you for the !
    Have fun!

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