What are notification BADGES?

Under the Notifications settings there is a switch for SOUNDS ALERTS and BADGES.
What are badges? I can't see any difference with AP Mobile with them on or off.
Tom O'Connell

Badges are the little red circles that show up on the app's icon, like the number of unread messages on the Mail app, or my grocery app tells me how many items I need to buy.

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    I need to send the information below when a task is completed or rejected. So I would like to know if they are available. I think so because I've got them from Task Status Notification (OIM standard email definition). If not, what are the attributes available on Task Notification?
    <Tasks.Task Name> is <Task Details.Status>.
    <Task Details.Status>
    <Resource.Resource Name>
    Target User: <Users.First Name> <Users.Last Name> [<Users.User ID>]
    Assigned to: <Task Information.Assignee First Name> <Task Information.Assignee Last Name> [<Task Information.Assignee User ID>]
    Response Code : <Responses.Response>
    Response Description : <Responses.Description>
    Error Details : <Task Details.Reason>
    I have implemented some java code to workaround the problem below... But I don't believe this does'n work in OIM :-):-):-):-) Please, tell me if you are using task status notification in OIM and if your email defintion has the variables below.
    One of OIM email templates is Task Status Email Notification. I am trying to notify the user (Notification tab) using this template but it didn't work. Even when I set the Object Name and Process Name values for an email definition, it does not work.
    How have you implemented task status notification in your workflows? I think if this template exists in OIM, by default, so it is posible to have the information below during notifications.
    I think I'll have to call Oracle's Support.
    Subject: Process task <Tasks.Task Name> is <Task Details.Status>.
    The Process task <Tasks.Task Name> is <Task Details.Status>.
    The details of this process task are as follows:
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    Process Task Status: <Task Details.Status>
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    As I've said, the e-mail was sent but in blank:
    The Process task is .
    The details of this process task are as follows:
    Process Task Name:
    Process Task Status:
    Resource Name:
    Target User: []
    Assigned to: []
    Response Code :
    Response Description :
    Error Details :
    Is it possible to have those fields available on notifications?
    Edited by: Renato.Guimaraes on 23/10/2009 08:05
    Edited by: Renato.Guimaraes on 24/10/2009 15:57
    Edited by: Renato.Guimaraes on 26/10/2009 13:31
    I didn't get any answer until now.. Below it is what I've done.
    a) Create an entity adapter that is assigned to the post-update of the Specific Task Info data object.
    b) Select the task information searching by SCH_KEY, for example (I have to do more tests)
    sch.sch_key, sch.sch_status, sch.sch_note, mil.mil_key, rsc.rsc_data, rsc.rsc_desc
    osi, sch, mil, rsc
    mil.mil_key = osi.mil_key and
    osi.sch_key = sch.sch_key and
    sch.sch_key = ? and
    rsc.rsc_key = osi.rsc_key
    c) Load the e-mail definition template and replaces the fields
    d) Sends the e-mail
    With that I solved another problem: I have to send an e-mail always the assignee adds a note to the task.
    Edited by: Renato.Guimaraes on 28/10/2009 08:51. How I did that
    Edited by: Renato.Guimaraes on 12/11/2009 12:19
    Edited by: Renato.Guimaraes on 13/11/2009 07:22 Changed the Thread Subject

    Hi Experts,
    I want to extend my doubt a little more.
    I have a requirment  as below.
    User will enter a range of Date say 01.06.2011 to 25.06.2011.
    I need to show him data in two columns one cloumn for the entered day range and second column for prevoius month date rangei.e(01.05.2011 to 25.05.2011)
    can i achive this without  using Customer Exit.

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    Here are the possibilities of Content search webparts
    Compare the strengths and limitations of the Web Parts
    It’s important that you understand the strengths and limitations of the two Web Parts because if you choose the wrong one, your site could run into performance problems. You can use both Web Parts to show content that is based on a query. In a simplified
    world, here’s how you can decide between the two:
    Use the CQWP when you have a limited amount of content, your query is simple, and you don’t expect your content to grow much in the future.
    Use the CSWP in all other scenarios when you want to show content that is based on a query.
    The table below gives a comparison of the two Web Parts:
    Web Part behavior
    Content Query Web Part
    Content Search Web Part
    Query configuration
    You’ll need to know about certain search features such as
    managed properties.
    Query across large amounts of content
    Handle complex queries
    Scale to handle future content growth
    Display content from other site collections
    Yes (see
    section below)
    Design of query results can be customized
    Yes, by using XSLT.
    Yes, by using HTML.
    Maintenance cost in a complex site architecture
    Small (see
    section below)
    Narrow down the query results that are displayed in the Web Part
    Yes, in combination with the
    Refinement Web Part.
    It was not there previously but then it was added to Office 365
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • My iPad screen went black suddenly and is not coming back on. However i can still hear sounds when there are notifications but nothing comes on the screen. It remains blank. What is the problem? I NEED ASSISTANCE A.S.A.P!!!

    My iPad screen went black suddenly and is not coming back on. However i can still hear sounds when there are notifications but nothing comes on the screen. It remains blank. What is the problem? I NEED ASSISTANCE A.S.A.P!!!

    Try Reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.

  • What are push notifications?

    WHat are push notifications?

    Push notifications are a way for your apps to notify you of things without having to be open on the screen. One example is a turn-based game that sends push notifications each time it's your turn. Another example is a news app that sends you a push notification when there's breaking news.

  • Push notification badge/icon doesn't go away

    i got an app that sent me a push notification the other day, but i found nothing when i opened the app and checked it. The problem is the push notification badge doesn't disappear, it's been there since then. I tried disabling the notifications function, restarting the phone, deleting and then reinstalling the app, but nothing turned out to be effective. The small number there is so annoying. Anyone knows how to deal with that?
    Thnx in advance!

    Hey All!! I believe I have a fix for those who - like me - could not get it resolved with the steps above. I just fixed it on mine. And trust me - I tried each of the steps above several times - which SHOULD have worked but ... we are indeed talking about picky and delicate iPhones here, hehe. Ok - so ...
    When the step of turning off the badge alert did not work, it got me thinking ... iMessage has several settings in the iPhone settings area. So let me play with those. And sure enough - the first setting change fixed it. Here is what ya do ...
    1. Go to Settings
    2. Simply Scroll Down to "Messages"
    3. Turn Off the Very First Option - "iMessage" At the Top
    4. Leave Settings and Check Home Screen to See the Badge Has Disappeared
    5. Return Back to Message Settings and Turn "iMessage" Back On
    Voila! I hope this works for some folks!!

  • FAQ: What are the JDI (Just Do It) features in Photoshop?

    What are JDI features?  They're "Just Do It" features: small features that don't take a lot of time to implement or test and seem like an obvious improvement.
    JDI list for Photoshop CC
    JDI features in Photoshop CS6, by category:
    Contact Sheet II has been restored as an Automate option
    PDF Presentation and Layer Comps to PDF have been restored as Automate options
    Add ability to record brush strokes in actions with "Allow Tool Recording" option
    Brightness/contrast slider for textures when painting
    Brush projection for static tips
    Brush tip cursor reflects brush pose and jitter for round and captured tips
    HUD brush resize and hardness can now change opacity - [Control] + [Option] + click drag up/down with General>Preferences> "Vary Round Brush Hardness based on HUD vertical movement" unchecked
    Increase maximum brush size to 5000px
    Change color dynamics to per stroke instead of per tip (user option for old behavior)
    Enable Split Channels for documents with single layer (so you can split simple transparency)
    Color Picker
    allow clipboard paste into hex field with # in contents (i.e. #aabbcc), or 0x (i.e. 0xAABBCC)
    allow shortcut hex values (i.e. #123)
    Add ignore adjustment layers options bar item for the eyedropper
    New mode for eyedropper to select layers current and below
    Show the sample size popup for the various eyedropper tools (black point, white point, etc.)
    File Formats
    Allow for reading more bit depths in TIFF files
    Give the user choices regarding how they want transparency treated in OpenEXR on file open and save
    Read BIGTIFF format (TIFF files over 4 Gig)
    Read common stereo image pair formats (JPS, MPO, PNS)
    Increased GPU stability by prequalifying GPUs on the fly before use
    Grammar policed throughout app
    Use consistent grammar style in the title of dialog windows (no commands such as "Choose a color:")
    Image Resizing
    Auto-select the best resample method based on the type of resize (bicubic-automatic)
    (Macintosh only) Import images from devices provides ImageKit scanning and camera acquisition support
    Add bicubic sharper & bicubic smoother options when free transforming layers (menu in options bar)
    Add dither options to Layer Styles for Gradient Overlay and Gradient Stroke
    Allow 00 or Shift 00 to work when setting layer/fill opacity (previously no way to get 0%)
    Allow changing color labels on multiple layers at once
    Allow changing of blend modes for multiple layers at once
    Allow locking of multiple selected layers
    CMD+J to duplicate selected layers and layer groups (in addition to layers)
    Layer tooltips to include layer name (if defined)
    New command to rasterize layer effect into layer, merging the selected layers into themselves (Rasterize Layer Style)
    Opt+click on toggle arrows (groups and effects)in layer panel should close all targets
    Reorder effects in the layers palette to match the Z-order style/blend mode (bottom most effects in terms of blending order, drop shadow is below the other effects)
    Show blend if/Blending Effects badge on layer if they are not default values
    Show correct opacity and blend mode values for hidden layers
    Tab goes to next layer on inline layer rename, SHIFT + TAB goes to previous
    When creating a shape layer, the layer name should not be like "Shape 1" but instead reflect the tool named such as "Rectangle 1"
    Add option to load last mesh
    Increase maximum Liquify brush size to 15,000
    Resize Liquify brush with shortcuts: bracket keys [ ] now match same increments in Photoshop
    ctrl (win) / cmd (mac) switches to magnifying glass
    alt + right click + drag to change brush size (win)
    ctrl + alt + left click + drag  to change brush size (mac)
    Enable Invert and Threshold adjustments for masks in 32-bit/channel
    Hold SHIFT during startup to disable Optional and 3rd party plugins
    Add New Document presets for common devices (e.g. iPhone, iPad, etc.)
    Add new Gradient Map presets for traditional print toning and split-toning
    Sticky reorganization of tool presets (changes persist after relaunch)
    New HDR Pro presets from RC Concepcion and Scott Kelby
    Add "Edit" button for the description field in the print dialog
    Allow print dialog and print preview window to be resized
    Allow user to change the "preview well" background color in the print dialog
    Allow user to manually position the printed area on the page
    Hide color profiles that are inappropriate for currently selected printer when using "Photoshop Manages Color"
    Reintroduce "Print selected area", allow user to modify selection in print dialog
    Add warning message that 16-bit images cannot display their file size in the Save as JPEG dialog
    Add ability to access tool name associated with the tool preset name via scripting
    Add the ability to return an array of guides in a document from the scripting SDK
    Make the marquee, lasso, and mask panel feather values support decimal places like the feather dialog
    Remember feather radius when showing dialog for selection from a path
    Don't hide smart object icon when transforming a layer
    Improve dragging of vector curves
    Rotate 90 with even x odd pixel dimension to not land on a half pixel position
    Preference to disable auto-rotate on open
    Add command to insert "lorem ipsum" for type
    Added Gamma rendering parameter for better text rendering
    [Windows] New/open document to context click on a document tab (has always been on Mac, now Windows too)
    Add "Don't show again" checkbox to Purge warnings
    Remove the app bar and reduce the drag/app bar over 30%

    1. Mainstage - Even though I probably won't use Logic for live performance much, I love how simple, clean, and intuitive the interface looks. I will probably use this when composing as it seems to be one of the easiest ways to route drum pads, create keyboard layers, etc. really quickly, and the interface is very inviting.
    2. Delay designer looks really fun. I remember spending 30 minutes once in Sonar trying to get the stupid delay to do a really simple thing. I finally gave up and layered the audio data to make my own delay because it didn't give me enough control to make it happen in the plugin. It looks like I could have just drawn it into the Delay Designer and been done with it.
    3. Import from Garageband - Not a new feature, but I love using Garageband as a musical notepad when all I want to do is create something simple or jot down an idea. In this period, I don't need all the features of Logic, but I will eventually, and then I just open it up in Logic and get more advanced.

  • What are the best external backup battery choices for the iPod Touch 4G?

    I am so disappointed with the battery life on my iPod Touch 4G, even when I turn off location services and notifications and put it in airplane mode. 
    As such, I realize that I am going to have to get an external backup battery, even though I don't like the idea of carrying around yet another item. 
    What are the best choices out there, especially any ultra-portable (aka small and non-bulky) ones?  I came across this Juice Pack Air - iPod Touch 4G Case, which seems like the perfect solution, but it is on back order and seems to have been so for a good amount of time.  Who knows when it will be in stock again.
    TIA for any and all help!

    bumping up (I hope doing so is allowed.)

  • What are the prerequisite for getting MTTR / MTBR data.

    Dear SAP Experts,
    I want to know what are the prerequisite for getting MTTR / MTBR data.
    ERP Tech

    Pre-requisites are:
    Maintain Start date in Equipment / Functional location master
    Maintain the Malfunction Start date & time, Malfunction End Date & time in Notification
    Maintain the Breakdown tick mark in notification
    Maintain update group (stats) in Notification type configuration (IMG - Plant Maintenance & Customer Service - Maintenance & Service Processing - Maintenance & Service Notifications - Notification types - Define Notification types)

  • What are the new defaults for JavaScript?

    Quote: "Enable JavaScript" preference checkbox has been removed and user-set values will be reset to the default
    That is a very vague statement. The checkbox has been removed, but
    (1) What are the "values" which are now the defaults?
    (2) Where do I find them in about:config?
    (3) Has this change affected the NoScript extension?
    If the devs cannot think of anything better to do than to fix features that are not broken, then they should be fixing the known bugs and investigating the reported ones.

    @jscher200: Why is my bullshift meter reading 99%?
    Whether JavaScript was enabled was not a problem. It was enabled by default and anyone who disabled it should have had no problem finding it again. The three actions which were blocked unless the user also enabled them respectively were what mattered. Cor-El's answer does not give enough info as to how to prevent those "features" of JavaScript from being used.
    For what it is worth, I'm not looking forward to another change:
    "Simplified interface for notifications of plugin installation"
    My guess is that whoever decided to "simplify" the interface sacrificed security for convenience -- as if the Internet is safer now than it was when that interface was created. If that interface was too complicated for you -- or just too slow for your Red Bull brain -- then you have neither the wit nor the wisdom to be using the Internet, regardless of the "simplicity" of the browser.

  • How to identify what are all the events are created in background jobs?

    Hi all,
    how to identify what are all the events are created for  background jobs. And what events gets triggered for a particular job.

    Hi Haritha,
    JOB is a program which starts to a determined point of time and executes some standard programs in the system. JOBs can be planed to a determined point of time on the regular basis (every night, for example) or to some discret time moments. So, the JOB can be planed and then will be started automatically without the manual start.
    Realtime programs are understood in the most cases as actual program execution which is started by somebody to the actual moment of time.
    Typically per JOBs some special processes will be started that should be executed automatically and regularly: for example, IDOC application, some correction reports, statistic updates etc.
    Standard jobs are those background jobs that should be run regularly in a production SAP System These jobs are usually jobs that clean up parts of the system, such as by deleting old spool requests.
    As of Release 4.6C, the Job Definition transaction ( sm36 ) provides a list of important standard jobs, which you can schedule, monitor, and edit.
    Standard jobs are those background jobs that should be run regularly in a production SAP System. These jobs are usually jobs that clean up parts of the system, such as by deleting old spool requests.
    for more information you can go thru the following thread:
    About Events:
    Events have meaning only in the background processing system. You can use events only to start background jobs.
    Triggering an event notifies the background processing system that a named condition has been reached. The background processing system reacts by starting any jobs that were waiting for the event.
    Types of Events:
    There are two types of events:
    1.)System events are defined by SAP. These events are triggered automatically when such system changes as the activation of a new operation mode take place.
    2.)User events are events that you define yourself. You must trigger these events yourself from ABAP or from external programs. You could, for example, signal the arrival of external data to be read into the SAP system by using an external program to trigger a background processing event.The event scheduler processes an event if the event is defined in the system.
    For example, if a system (System 1) receives an event from another system (System 2), the event scheduler of System 1 processes the event only if it is defined in System 1. That event does not need to be defined in System 2 (the sending system).
    You define an event by assigning a name (EVENTID) to it. When defining an event, you do not define the event arguments.
    for more information you can go thru the following thread:
    When you schedule the process chain or infopackages the jobs associated with it run in the background mode. In case you want to create a job for a specific activity you can do so in SM36. You would be creating jobs that would get executed in any one of the options:
    1. Immediate
    2. Date & Time
    3. After event.
    4. After job.
    5. At Operation mode.
    In case you want to view the job logs go to sm37.
    Also Pls check DB02 for database performance and ST03 for workload .
    Analyse u will have an idea ,
    *pls assign points,if info is useful**
    CSM reddy

  • What are the advantages to ICloud mail?

    what are the advantages to using ICloud mail?

    Advantages compared to what?
    iCloud mail is IMAP and offers 'push' notifications on iOS devices and Macs. iCloud mail is free.

  • What are the components use to be store in workspace repository ?

    Hi ,
    We are working on Hyperion System9 v 9.3.1 which is on AIX server with Oracle 10g repository. We have scheduled approx 300 bqys having email notification which is importing bqy output files to respective folders with joboutput in another folder.
    As, we know that all bqys & jobs use to be store in file system on Hyperion server (/Hyperion/BIPlus/data/RM1_servername/root/../...).
    But our concern is hyperion repository size which is 163 GB in current scenario.
    Therefore, we need to know that what are the components use to be store in repository for Hyperion workspace.
    Your any guidance will be highly appreciable.
    With regards,
    Ashish Sinha

    In the company they want that the employee can display the catalog.
    In the system ECC SAP menu -->Human Resources -->Training and Event Management --> PV01
    Also they want display the Availability of the room for a course.
    This can do in E-Learning? or the solution is using ITS?
    Kind Regards

  • What are the endpoints attributes collected by NAC Profiler through SNMP and DHCP?

    Hi Everyone,
    Please help on this.
    I want to know what are the endpoints attributes collected by NAC Profiler to discover and profile the endpoints.through SNMP protocol and DHCP protocol.
    Also if anybody can explain a simple used case on this.
    Please guide me on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    NetMap queries network devices via SNMP for:
    System information
    Interface information
    Bridge information
    802.1X information (PAE MIB)
    Routing/IP information
    CDP MIB Information
    This information is used to Build and maintain a model of the network topology and endpoint discovery.
    NetMap uses SNMP Get, GetNext and GetBulk (when available) requests to  query the SNMP agents running on the network infrastructure devices to  gather specific Management Information Base (MIB) objects about their  status based on device type (Layer 2 or Layer 3).
    In addition to polling each network device for all MIB data at a regular  interval, NetMap may also be commanded to poll port-specific  information when the NAC Profiler system is notified that an endpoint  has joined or left the network via SNMP traps sent by devices at the  network edge, switches typically.
    Upon receipt and verification of a link state (link up, link down) or  MAC notification trap, NetTrap will notify the NAC Profiler Server that a  change has occurred on the network edge (endpoint joined or left a  network port). If the trapping device is in the NAC Profiler  configuration, the NetMap component module assigned to poll the device  that sent the trap will be commanded by the Server module to initiate a  poll of the device's port information to determine the change to the  endpoint topology that resulted in the trap being sent by the network  device.
    The information gathered by NetMap is processed by the Server  accordingly to update the network topology, noting the endpoint joining  or leaving a port. Note that NetMap SNMP polling of network devices  resulting from a trap is localized to the port specified in the trap.  This is unlike the regular polling that occurs at the frequency  specified for each device type (L2 and L3) which gathers all SNMP  information from the device used by the NAC Profiler system.
    The NetWatch module listens for traffic including DHCP traffic.
    The module will collect all the DHCP information on the traffic collected, like mac address, ip address,  DHCP Vendor Class Identifier in DHCP request, host name in DHCP request, requested specified options in DHCP request (option 55) and full list of DHCP options supported by the DHCP client as specified in the DHCP request.
    All the endpointe data can then be used to map endpoints with profiles.
    If  this helps you and/or answers your question please mark the question as  "answered" and/or rate it, so other users can easily find it.

  • What are the Pre-requisite to set Deletion Flag for Maintenance Order ?

    Hi Gurus,
                  Pls give me what are the pre- requisite to set the deletion flag.
                  I want to set deletion flag to some Maintenance Orders which are with notification, but deletion flag - SET,RESET Indiacaors are inactive.    
                  Following are my observations-
                  1) Order is not yet released.
                  2) No actual Cost is with the order.
                  3) No PR and POs are with the Order.
    Pls guide me.
    With best regards,

    you can put the deletion flag only when the order has the status CLSD or the balance of the order must be Zero
    you can refer the following link

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