What Causes Music Not To Play On My iPod Touch OS5.0.1 and Mac Pro?

I have an iPod touch and a Mac Pro.  I am running the latest iTumes and IOS.  About half my songs refuse to play either on the MacPro or the iPod.  None of the songs were purchased from the iTunes store.  This is a recent behavior.  The songs will also list songs out of order.  It will list one song and play another.  Everything is out of sync.  When I synced the iPod duplicate files were installed.  I fixed that but most of my songs will not Play.
iPod 4
iOS 5.0.1
Mac OS 7.2
iTunes 10.5.1

The app, if not restricted, may be hidden in your folders.  If you go to settings, general, reset, reset home screen layout, you can rule that out.
Does your restore give you a specific error?  If so, see http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3694 and http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1275
You can also restore from your iPod, by going to settings, general, reset, reset all content and settings, but make sure that you have created a backup beforehand.
About iTunes backups:
About iCloud backups:
If you are still having issues, you can always try to contact AppleCare

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    Everyone reading your posts here is just another MacBook Pro user. We're all volunteers, not Apple employees. No one here can speak for Apple.
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    - Restore from backup via iTunes. This will install a fresh copy of the iOS. See:                                                
    iOS: How to back up                                                                                     
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.   This will elimate corruptin in the backup causing the problem.          
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                        
      - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

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    iTunes: May be unable to transfer videos to iPhone, iPad, or iPod
    iTunes: Frequently asked questions about viewing and syncing videos
    iTunes: Sync purchased HD videos to iPod or iOS device
    Assuming yo have a 4G or later iPod. only those support HD

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    iTunes: How to move your music from one computer to another:

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