What data do DDIC tables have ?

Hi One and All,
In the IDES R/3 system i use, in the sap data tables in any application component, there are default values..
In any enterprise that is implementing SAP..What data do these sap standard tables contain? Are they blank tables when the company first begins using SAP?
In the IDES..no changes can be made to those tables?In an enterprise is it the same ?
Duly awaiting for the replies..
--Ranjith kumar

It depends on many factors.
There are some tables which hold customization and system data. These will be populated by default and are required to run the system.
Master data tables and application tables are populated as per business requirements.
eg: Customer master KNA1: This has data related to customer belonging to ur company.
Application tableVBAK: will be populated only when u create the orders.
For setting up company level data like Company codes, Plants etc we will populate after installation as per business needs.
So u can't have one generic conclusion like on what basis or when these tables will be populated.
More over u can change any object in SAP provided u get access key to change standard objects given by SAP.

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    Hi Mayari,
    though you were successfull with
    METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
    I must warn you not to use it. The reason is that the number of tables created is limited, the method uses GENERATE SUBROUTINE statement and this triggers an unwanted database commit.
    If you know the DDIC structure, it is (starting with ECC6.0) much easier:
      <table> type standard table.
      lr_data type ref to data.
    Create data lr_data type table of (<DDIC structure>).
    assign lr_data->* to <table>.
    The split code can be simplified gaining speed loosing complexity not loosing functionality.
    field-symbols:<fs_s> type any.
    field-symbols:<fs_t> type any.
    SPLIT lv_rec AT ';' INTO table it_string.
    loop at it_string assigning <fs_s>.
      assign component sy-tabix of wa_string to <fs_t>.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      <fs_t> = <fs_s>.
    at last.
      append <fs_itwa3> to <ft_itab3>.
    Though it may work as Keshav.T suggested, there is no need to do that way.     

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    EKET-EINDT is the delivery date according to the schedule lines.
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    check it out,
    Lock objects are use in SAP to avoid the inconsistancy at the time of data is being insert/change into database.
    SAP Provide three type of Lock objects.
    - Read Lock(Shared Locked)
    protects read access to an object. The read lock allows other transactions read access but not write access to
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    - Write Lock(exclusive lock)
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    You can create a lock on a object of SAP thorugh transaction SE11 and enter any meaningful name start with EZ Example EZTEST_LOCK.
    Use: you can see in almost all transaction when you are open an object in Change mode SAP could not allow to any other user to open the same object in change mode.
    Example: in HR when we are enter a personal number in master data maintainance screen SAP can't allow to any other user to use same personal number for changes.
    When you create a lock object System automatically creat two function module.
    1. ENQUEUE_<Lockobject name>. to insert the object in a queue.
    2. DEQUEUE_<Lockobject name>. To remove the object is being queued through above FM.
    You have to use these function module in your program.
    check this link for example.
    call function 'ENQUEUE_EZLOCK3'
    mode_vbak = 'E'
    mandt = sy-mandt
    vbeln = vbak-vbeln
    X_VBELN = ' '
    _SCOPE = '2'
    _WAIT = ' '
    _COLLECT = ' '
    OTHERS = 3
    if sy-subrc 0.
    Normally ABAPers will create the Lock objects, because we know when to lock and how to lock and where to lock the Object then after completing our updations we unlock the Objects in the Tables
    purpose: If multiple user try to access a database object, inconsistency may occer. To avoid that inconsistency and to let multiple user give the accessibility of the database objects the locking mechanism is used.
    Steps: first we create a loc object in se11 . Suppose for a table mara. It will create two functional module.:
    1. enque_lockobject
    1. deque_lockobject
    before updating any table first we lock the table by calling enque_lockobject fm and then after updating we release the lock by deque_lockobject.
    Select the radio button "Lock object"..
    Give the name starts with EZ or EY..
    Example: EYTEST
    Press Create button..
    Give the short description..
    Example: Lock object for table ZTABLE..
    In the tables tab..Give the table name..
    Example: ZTABLE
    Save and generate..
    Your lock object is now created..You can see the LOCK MODULES..
    In the menu ..GOTO -> LOCK MODULES..There you can see the ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE function
    Reward if helpful

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    - Current statuses are stored in JEST (OBJNR = QMEL-OBJNR) change log are in JCDS, status user profile in JSTO. Records are created in JEST first time status is set, when setting/unsetting a status a record is appended to JCDS.
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    Thanks And Regards,
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Mar 6, 2010 9:25 PM

    Hi Mayank,
    reduce the data selected to the fields you really need, avoid select *. See online help on SELECT, addition PACKAGE SIZE.
    select field1 field2 field3
      into corresponding fields of table lt_table package size nnn WHERE ...
    * process  lt_table
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Mar 9, 2010 12:29 PM

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         User/Home()/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
         User/Home()/Library/Caches/com.apple.iPhoto folder. 
    Click to view full size
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
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    pls have a look at the Credit-line in table BSAD
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    What is the transaction code?

    Go to SE16N transaction code.
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    Then click on execute button. 
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    Here we can do any operation in application tool bar.
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    And click on save button.  

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