What do you have to do to make your iPhone battery to go down to 75%

My iPhone battery goes down to about 75% after about 5 minutes of calling time, an hour and a half of music, and maybe 15 minutes on the internet. I also took one or two pictures and viewed a video or two on youtube. Checked my e-mail once. It seems kind of off because if it has about 8 hours of talk time, 24 hours of music, 7 hours of video, and 6 hours of internet. All together, ive used it about 2 hours. My connection was low frequently since I was traveling in the mountains, so i don't know if that affected it. I have my e-mail to check manually, and wi fi off when im not using it. does this sound okay?

I also experienced a similar thing and then found this page:
I was listening to music with my iPhone in my pocket, which was quite hot. Also wifi had been on. So I wonder if this may contribute to the quick decay in battery in your case too?
  Windows XP  

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