What Filter is it?

Hi All. I was wondering what filter is it that it looks like light is coming in from the side of the screen. It has an orange and yellow tint to it. The filter looks like someone was shooting on film and the film got over exposed. If anyone could please help me find that filter. Lots of extreme sports shows use it like surfing and other sports. Thanks.

See this for some ways to achieve this in Motion...

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    It's just another image overlayed on top with a blending mode like screen.

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    Len Turnquist wrote:
    Thanks rkelly!  You put me on the right track with the missing oil paint filter.  It's not in 2014 CC for some reason.
    Check out Jeff Tranberry's CC 2014 FAQ for the reason why.
    2014 release of Photoshop CC: FAQ

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    Call AppleCare tomorrow, tell them you only want to know who your iPhone is locked to and give them the model and serial number. Or make a Genius Bar appointment at your nearest Apple Store and have them check it. Then contact that carrier and see what their unlock policy is and if you qualify. The Apple Store should have been able to check it if you made an appointment.
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    In the Flop filter it just gives the option of Horizontal, Vertical or Both.
    You could use the Basic 3-D Filter that gives x,y, & z add rotate the y 180.

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    Thanks for sharing that piece of information.  I was only aware of creating posterized effects in Illustrator, though the
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    The problem is the spotlit areas are way overexposed and as a consequence there's not much detail there to recapture.
    If you use the +Brightness & Contrast+ filter, Gamma filter, or +Color Corrector+ you will affect the entire scene attempting to get detail in the blown out areas, usually making the rest of the scene too dark.
    However, you might try Captain's Blowout Fixer - it's a free plugin from Patrick Sheffield. I've used it and it works at least for moderately blown out areas. You will have to experiment to see if it helps in this case.
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    Those are made with Apophysis either 2.0 or 7x. 7x is newer and has the option to render the flame over transparency. Both versions are freeware.
    Extra plugin scripts can be found here:
    Edit: I should add if you are on Vista, you'll have to set your computer font size to 96 if it isn't already set to that font size in order for the editor tabs to appear.

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    Regards - Martin

    Looking at your sample most of the buzz is in the left channel. So you can get a great improvement by using the right channel only. You can acheive this by using the Fill Right preset from Effects/Amplitude and Compression/Channel mixer.
    The robotic effect is because you have tried to use too much noise reduction. Having done the above and selected a portion of buzz only to Capture Noise Print use only about 10dB of noise reduction at about 60%.

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    It may need its start stop limits being controlled rather than being applied to the entire audio clip.

    Wind noise is a bummer, which is why people go to great lengths to kill it during production. First things first, get your self a good "dead kitty" and monitor your captured sound carefully through good cans. We use Rode's "dead cat/dead kitty" but whatever you can get your hands on. forget black foam, doesn't work well outdoors.
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    "Filter effects" ... hhmmmmm. I would consider all those entries listed in the menu "Effects" as "filter effects" although there are some in it that don't fall into the category of the typical eye-candy stuff. Restriting especially their use is not too clever. As graphic styles can include effects, you should be carefull with them as well.
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    I'm sorry but it's very hard to understand what you mean. What filter menu? In which program? Do you mean you're trying to use PSE as an external editor with some other asset management program? Which one?

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