What fracking version of iTunes do I have?

This new fangled iTunes...I hate it.
Anyway, how the heck do I find out what version I have?  I've tried everywhere.

The same way one would find out in every other version of iTunes released prior.
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    this is a follow up from the profane post earlier....
    i have done this twice in two other posts..
    here is my problem.. i started off trying to update itunes, it failed twice and said i needed to install manually via tools.
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    Tell us some version numbers please, of your Mac OS versions and iTunes versions on both computers (two eMacs yes?).
    dlrobinson49 wrote:
    I guess I must have had a newer version ofiTunes on my defunt eMac....
    That is a pretty good guess.Try updating the second eMac's iTunes to at least the version that was on the first.

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    Then suddenly my laptop is not working. All my files has been corrupted. My Hard drive doesn't work properly. Now I don't have any stupid BACK UPs. My music files usage is 18 GB, only contacts, documents, notes, or some other files that can only fit to your "iCloud" not my 18GB music files and other photos. Your solution is to BUY more storage. Another COST! Another wasting time to set everything then need to pay more?
    If you let your unit (iPod,iPhone,iPad) to export music to PC, or any mini SDcard to use as storage, it won't happen.
    There is another....
    It has Bluetooth, right?
    Use less! Doesn't work. There's no way to use it.
    All I need is to install an application to use your bluetooth. (for same unit or Apple unit only). And pictures only can send via Bluetooth if you an application.
    Even if you go to "Photos" check if there's a way to send pictures? there is no way to send via Bluetooth, even Photos, Songs.etc. It can't even share some other friends (even they have own iPad, iPod, iPhone or same products) who has a unit with Bluetooth.
    And the last.. only one port. there's no way to watch videos through HDMI. No HDMI port, no SD or any card slot. Must to buy their products.
    Very costly!
    I know (like iPod) it's very friendly to use it, but you  must spend more money first before it can use.

    Yes, the old album art view is gone, bu you can see the album art for a song that's playing by clicking on the art image and it will open a bigger view.
    Everything else in your post is a waste. I'm not going to spend time reading it. If - and I repeat if, you have a question on how to get the best out of the new look iTunes, post it. But don't spend your time in long rambling negative rants.

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    of iTunes. I have an old G4 Mac and cannot upgrade beyond Leopard. (OS 10.5.8)
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    Somewhere in your process you ended up with an earlier version of iTunes than was used last with the library. iTunes 10.6.3 is the highest version that will run under OSX 10.5.8
    iTunes - http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1575
    If you had an earlier version and still want that version I am not sure how to go about this.  My iTunes library file does not say it was created with a particular version, although I admit I have not looked at the .xml copy to see if it is buried in the file itself.  Apple only has a very limited number of iTunes versions openly posted, though you can still find just about any version if you look in the right places.  You would have to kind of start low and work your way up to where you want to be since once you open a library with a version it cannot be reverted to an earlier version (make backups first).

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  • My computer will no longer bring up itunes. It says, "file iTunes library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of itunes". I have reinstalled itunes, and still no luck. HELP!!!

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    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!

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    This forum is for questions from those managing sites on iTunes U, Apple's service for colleges and universities to post educational material in the iTunes Store. You'll be most likely to get help with this issue if you ask in the general iTunes forums.

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    I cannot install the latest version of itunes as I have old versions of bonjour and quicktime. I can't remove these programs either. Help please as I have tried almost everything I have found so far on the the web.

    Unfortunately, this sort of trouble has gotten more complicated to deal with ever since Microsoft pulled the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from their Download Center on June 25. First we have to find a copy of the utility.
    Let's try Googling. (Best not to use Bing, I think.) Look for a working download site for at least version 3.0 of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (The results from mydigitallife and Major Geeks are worth checking.)
    After downloading the utility installer file (msicuu2.exe), scan the file for malware, just in case. (I use the free version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware to do single-file scans for that.)
    If the file is clean, to install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you've downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Bonjour and QuickTime entries and click "Remove".
    Quit out of CleanUp. Restart the PC, and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • Please help i have two ipods but i can use any as i can download the newer version of Itunes as i have the older version of Bonjour on my laptop  I just cannot remove this!!!!!!!!!!!!

    please help i have two ipods but i can use any as i can download the newer version of Itunes as i have the older version of Bonjour on my laptop
    I just cannot remove this!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i am no shure but go on Itunes store in shortcuts and try to find 'purchasse'
    good luck

  • Why the new version of iTunes don't have photo features?

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    Every version of iTunes that supports syncing with an iPhone has the ability to sync pictures to the device.
    Resize the iTunes windowso that you can see the entire window.

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    These are two separate accounts. I don't want them merged. What do I do?

    From http://www.apple.com/iphone/specs.html
    System Requirements
    Apple ID (required for some features)
    Internet access5
    Syncing with iTunes on a Mac or PC requires:
    Mac: OS X v10.6.8 or later
    PC: Windows 7; Windows Vista; or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 3 or later
    iTunes 10.7 or later (free download from www.itunes.com/download)
    You can not run OS X 10.6 on a G4, or even a G5. It is Intel only.

  • HT1926 I am getting error 7 (windows error 126) when installing latest version of itunes.  I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and keep getting the error.  What is wrong?

    I am getting error 7 - windwos error 126 when installing the latest version of itunes.  I tried uninstalling and resinstalling several times.  Everytime it tries to start up itunes after install it gives some error about connecting a mobile device and then it gives the error.  Help.

    Hello agurpi,
    The following article provides steps that can help resolve this error.
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open

  • Hi friends: I Install Itunes ver 11.1.4 the lastest version of itunes and I have a Ipod 2nd generation and I can't sincronize it with itunes. I perform a test and the program can't connect with the ipod. What happens?? Can I restore old version of itunes?

    Can I restore a previous version of itunes??

    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I would start with              
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    Before you reinstall the Apple software, also remove iCloud vi Control Panel Remove programs. The reinstall the Apple programs
    New cable and different USB port?
    Runs this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests

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