What happen to apple?

I took my MAC to an Apple store. I was having trouble with VERNAL PANIC.  If you have not experenced this consider yourself lucky. Anyway, the tech at the Genius bar completely erased and reloaded my MAC.  I brought it home and now when Safari is running, it suddenly closes and I have to restart. I stiil get VERNAL PANIC occasionally. My Apple is becoming more and more like my old PC. Any suggestions?

Clean reinstalling may have been a useless exercise, if it's a hardware problem -- often RAM.
To test the memory, get memtest and run it in single user mode, where it will test as much memory as possible, more than with the OS loaded.
You can get memtest + directions from the link below. However, ignore running it from Terminal. Instead, boot into SU Mode, Cmd-s at the startup chime. (Best to startup from a full shutdown.)
At the prompt, simply type  /usr/bin/memtest all 3 -L (From this link It will be installed in /usr/bin/) Then hit return. This will run three loops of memtest and create a log in Console in Utilties.
If you want to run memtest longer, which may be advisable, since RAM errors can be very elusive, just remove the "all 3" which will give you /usr/bin/memtest -L  and hit return. It will keep testing until you quit it.
If you want to quit the test, just hit control-c
When finished, you can just type in "reboot" and hit return.
Direct link for the download.
It may still be software related. Post the full panic log. Open Console in Utilities and navigate to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports.

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    Apple !! THANK YOU !
    My faith in the brand I love is restored.

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    The operation can’t be completed because the item can’t be found.

    It appears that the item you're trying to update is not located in the Applications folder as that is where Apple's installers look for the item to upgrade. If you've moved the item to a subfrolder or somewhere else put it back in the Applications folder and try again. 

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    "The option to change your existing songs to lossless is gone"
    As Jim explained, the option still exists. But you must realize that if you take a lossy song and change it to lossless, it is still lossy (it remains lossy but is now inside a lossless container).
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    Their site disappeared several months ago.
    Look at these sites (not UK) for Panther.
    All Mac @ http://www.allmac.com
    Fast Mac @ http://store.fastmac.com
    Hardcore Mac @ http://hardcoremac.stores.yahoo.net
     Cheers, Tom

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