What happens to my crawler toolbars/apps when I install 25.0?

Will I be able to us my crawler.com search engine synced to firefox if I install 25.0

Please first of all of explain your issue in details, or if you want to use [http://www.crawler.com/ crawler.com], then you can use it easily, and if it is not working in your Firefox then you can get the Nightly version of Firefox. Nightly has lot of new features and with high speed.
can get from here [http://nightly.mozilla.org/ Nightly] .
Thank you

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    Never got a response so I bought Office Suite Pro 6 from the Google Play store.  It goes on sale every now and then.  Picked it up for 99 cents.  Has in-app converion of word to pdf (ie, not cloud based).  Works fine and pretty good Office app too.  Hope this helps.
    Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 10:42:27 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: What happened to the createPDF mobile app.
        Re: What happened to the createPDF mobile app.
        created by ghettosamson in CreatePDF on iOS - View the full discussion
    I have the same question. I was fixing to buy it but for some reason the App store says its not available in the US. Anyone else have a response?
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    Do you have the iCloud set up?  If you don't you need to buy a third party software that will do it for you when you plug your phone into the new computer.  You can google: iPad/iPhone/iPod to Computer Transfer.  You have to pay for the software but it's really a life saver and you get free updates for life.  It'll save you a lot of pain and suffering in the future.  I've used it many times.

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    Excel Services Application     Browser                      
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    That would depend on the error.
    If you really want help, be as specific as possible.
    Being vague will simply get you ignored or result in snarky responses.

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    What happens to these apps? Are they still backed up during regular syncs with your Mac?

    when you plug into itunes you can backup to both locations (icloud and locally) just not a the same time. When you click on your phone in itunes you'll see this option
    click icloud then sync (will backup to icloud when you sync)
    click back to this computer and sync
    keep in mind that if icloud has a 5GB backup limite unless you upgrade it
    10GB — $20/year
    25GB — $40/year
    50GB — $100/year
    edit: forgot to say
    if you don't sync with itunes to the computer then whatever doesn't go to icloud is not backed up at all.

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    Find My iPhone
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    Setup your iDevice on MobileMe
    OS X Lion- About Find My Mac
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    Third-party solutions for computers:
    VUWER 1.5.4
    Sneaky ******* 0.2.0
    Undercover 4.7
    LoJack for Laptops Premium Mac

  • What happened to my yahoo toolbar? I loved that toolbar and it had my school site and other things as add ons. I want my yahoo toolbar back.

    I like the new Firefox 8, but I don't like that I can't access my old toolbars... My United MileagePlus Shopping toolbar is inaccessible and I can't get my yahoo toolbar back. I really want this ability. What happened? Also, I notice that a error message appears when I have more than 3 tabs open at a time. It states that there is too much internet memory being used. What is that?

    TO "the-edmeis..." who answered my question and helped me solve the problem.
    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I have learned so much from your answer. I knew nothing about safe mode. Anyway, it was an extension causing the problem. Firefox 3D tab manager. I don't even remember choosing to try that out, and I have no idea now what is "3D" about it. ... I'm sorry I accidentally clicked the wrong solution on here as having Solved the Problem. It isn't apparent how to change it, IF there is a way at all.
    I greatly appreciate your help. Thanks again.

  • What happened to all the free apps?

    i Can my longer get free apps?  Anyone have any ideas why?
    Thanks in advance  

    MaryBourgeois wrote:
    i Can my longer get free apps?  Anyone have any ideas why?
    Thanks in advance 
    No we have no idea why.  You're not providing enough details.
    What happen when you go to the app store to download a free app?

  • What happens to content on Apple TV when I remove it from iTunes?

    Need to relocate my MacBook Pro where I can't use it with Apple TV (an "extended temporary" condition). Want to remove Apple TV from iTunes and use the Apple TV directly with the iTunes Store and not via the MBP. Before I do this, I want to know what happens to the purchased content on the Apple TV after it is removed from iTunes. I want the Apple TV to retain the content that's currently on it. Apple TV has latest version 2 upgrade.

    Welcome to the  Discussion Forums.
    Why remove everything from itunes. Simply take your laptop away and do what ever it is you will be doing with it, while its away your tv will keep everything that's already on it. When it does eventually come back any content purchased on the tv will get transferred back to the laptop.

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    I got my TouchPad yesterday, and it's great.
    But last night I treid to get the free apps that you posted on the Palm blog on Thursday and the codes didn't work. What happened?
    A gadget blogger
    Post relates to: HP TouchPad (WiFi)

    They set a limit on the number of downloads for each of the apps, apparently calculated to disappoint as many people as possilble.

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    I can't seem to find it in Tiger (i'm running 10.4.8)? Have they changed this? I see you can have a admin, standard or modirated user - but this ability to restrict apps etc was essential for my machines.
    Has it gone or am I just not looking in the right place?!

    system preferences,
    select account,
    parental control,
    select system & finder
    set your apps restrict preferences.
    restrict user can't be an admin.

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    No. You do NOT have to buy Lion again.
    If you replace your HDD or erase the recovery partion, it will download and install lion from Apple' servers.
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    I'll bet the lightbulb for execution highlighting isn't visable either is it? The problem is that someone turned off debugging for the VI in question. Debugging code does cost a little time so people who typically run their applications in the development system will sometimes turn off debugging. (Building a standalone application forces debugging off automatically).
    To be able to probe your routine, right click on the vi's icon in the title bar and select "VI Properties..." and go to the "Execution" catagory and make sure the box labled "Allow Debugging" is checked.
    This should put things right...
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