What is a DDE server?

I keep receiving a Fatal Error Message when trying to create a PDF.  It says "Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE server"  What is this and how do I correct the problem?

Hey Bobbie,
This problem might occur when you have more than one Acrobat process running.
If you are on Windows, the please go to Task Manager and end all the processes related to Acrobat.
Now, try launching Acrobat again and check.
For MAC, you can find all processes in Activity Monitor.
Hope it helps.

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    When I try to open a pdf I get the following error "Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE server" what should I do?

    I have not had this error before, but Google has numerous examples. Here are a couple:
    http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/134868-adobe-acrobat-fatal-error-failed-to-connect-t o-a-dde-server

  • What does acrobat failed to connect to DDE server mean?

    What does it mean ? Acrobat failed to connect to DDE server

    DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange, and it is a way for two programs to communicate with each other. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms648711(v=vs.85).aspx
    Adobe Reader, or (Acrobat Standard/Pro) would be an example of a DDE server, in that when they are open they can accept unsolicited communication from client programs.
    One client could be the fast launch utility.
    Because the DDE server is local to your machine, only a server name needs to be decided upon. For instance prior to version 10 Adobe always used 'Acroview' as it's DDE Server Name. For some reason, Adobe claims 'security', They decided to change the DDE Server name for version 10 to AcroviewR10 for reader, and AcroviewA10 for Acrobat.
    Because there was decades of old code which had never needed to change many programs stopped working, and began claiming that they couldn't connect to Acrobat.
    Adobe, rightly, claimed that it was a bad practice to hard code the DDE Server name into your code, and that a better practice is to get the value from the Registry.
    That would have been helpful but Adobe seems incapable of remembering to update this registry key when upgrading their software, even though they update the setting in their software.
    For instance right now Adobe is setting the DDE Server name in the registry to AcroviewR10 for Reader 11. What is worse is that their software only responds to AcroviewR11.
    So if you hardcode the server name, or create a function to determine what it should be, than you might be ok, but if you accept their good coding practices your applications will fail to work as expected, and your clients will think it is your fault.
    Hope this helps.

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    Arlene, this is not Adobe Customer Service, but a User to User forum. What you received was free help from a fellow user.
    And if your question has been aswered, could you please mark it as answered?

  • What do i do when I receive Fatal Error Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE Server

    Can I get some help? I can't get the Acrobat XI Pro to open...I get the Fatal Error Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE server.

    You already setup a discussion for this, no need to create more. It has only been an hour since your last post. Considering this is Sunday, you may have to wait a while, though it really comes down to when someone with an answer happens to stop by. We are just users, not employees of Adobe (that is why it is called a user-to-user forum). I remember seeing posts on this in the past and suggest you do a forum search for past posts. I do not have the solution at hand.
    There are several posts under "DDE Server Acrobat Installation" search.

  • Can't print pdf docs. Keep getting failed to connect to dde server. How do I fix?

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    In order to change the default reader for PDF files (to not open PDF files with Firefox's internal PDF reader), follow these steps:
    #Go to ''Tools'' > ''Options'' (or ''Firefox'' > ''Options'').
    #In the Options window, select the ''Applications'' tab.
    #In the ''Search'' field, type ''PDF''. You should find ''Portable Document Format (PDF)''.
    #On the right handside you should find an ''Action'' column. Use that to select your favorite PDF reader. In order to view PDF files in Firefox, choose ''Preview in Firefox''.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

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    DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange, check this threat

  • Fatal Error Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE server?

    Need help, Adobe Acrobat Pro 11 will not open.  Fatal Error Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE server.

    Hi joanne36657607,
    I a sorry that you are experiencing this issue & will be happy to help you.
    Please provide some more information in order to diagnose the issue correctly.
    1) Which Operating System you are using.
    2) Exact version of Acrobat.
    3) What were you doing when this problem start occurring.
    4) Have you tried re-installing the product, if not, then please try it.

  • I can not open any pdf file... . Fatal error. Acrobat has failed to connect a DDE server

    fatal error
    Acrobat has failed to connect a DDE server....
    What can I do?

    Did you register and activate Acrobat? I don't remember the DDE issue off hand, but it should not be occurring with the regular Acrobat installation.

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    Hi Ammjr,
    Please let me know what version of Acrobat you are using and on which OS?
    Try Updating Acrobat to the latest patch and check.
    Also try repairing Acrobat from the 'Help' menu and check.
    Was this working fine for you before?

  • DDE Server error when exiting CS5

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    DDE Server Windows Photoshop.exe Application  error.  The instruction at 0xhhhhhhhh referred to memory at 0xhhhhhhhh.The memory could not be "read". Click ok to terminate the  program.
    This one is not new : I have seen similar reports from 2005.
    I have never written any PS plugin and I'm not familiar with the plugin SDK but could it be that PS communicates with plugins through DDE messages (which is a very old and unreliable technology)?
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance.

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    I took the time to boot up that virtual machine and on that virtual machine I found that this window exists before ever starting Photoshop:
    However, upon starting Photoshop CS5 (into which no plugins have ever been installed) this additional window was created (the one above stayed around as well).
    What I don't know is whether this window is somehow a byproduct of my environment or was created by Photoshop.
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    Attachments to what - email?  What is your email client?  How do you download?

  • "Acrobat Failed to Connect to DDE server"

    I get a fatal error when I try to open a PDF document by double clicking on it. I am using version 10.1.4.
    It just started recently. It was working before. I don't know why it is not working now.

    No, the Privileged key is not present at all in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\.
    I See a field AdobeViewer in which I see "TrustedMode" set to 0.
    Also I noticed that the value for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\acrobat\shell\open\ddeexec\application is "AcroviewR10" even after the restart.
    But What I found was that the shockwave flash plugin is causing some problem with Acrobat reader. WHen ever I enable this plug in I am not able to view the PDF documents and I get the original  error "Failed to connect with DDE server". If I disable the plugin and restart then I am able to view the docs. But I can't browse web sites which need flash plugin. So I dn't know what exactly is the issue here..
    Any more suggestions?

  • I get a error message "Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE Server.

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    Hi Chuckn96,
    Thank you for posting on the Adobe forums, kindly refer to the URL mentioned below. I have tried answering it there.
    Vikrantt Singh

  • DDE server connect / disconnect

    I have a few flowmeters in system. Each of them is sitting at different DDE server, named FlowDDE, FlowDDE2, etc. 5 in total.
    I'm connecting through: 
    ConnectToDDEServer (&hConv, "FlowDDE", "C(1)", DDECallback, 0);
    ConnectToDDEServer (&hConv, "FlowDDE2", "C(1)", DDECallback, 0); etc.
    and everything works well.
    To disconnect there is command:  DisconnectFromDDEServer (0);
    However, it's not exactly what I want to do... this command breaks all connections with specification.
    So my question: is there any command with specification for disconnection? or is there any way to specify server name into DisconnectFromDDEServer ?
    Thank you,
    UPDATE: /Solved/
    I recognised, that I can add different unsigned int
    static unsigned int hConv, hConv2;
    ConnectToDDEServer (&hConv, "FlowDDE", "C(1)", DDECallback, 0); 
    DisconnectFromDDEServer (hConv);
    ConnectToDDEServer (&hConv2, "FlowDDE2", "C(1)", DDECallback, 0); 
    DisconnectFromDDEServer (hConv2);
    works well. 

    Hi Jose, 
    It looks like you have posted on a very old thread.  I think you might find more luck getting replies if you try to start a new post.  Also, it might help if you elaborate a little more in your question, or post a suggestion and ask for comments.  
    Best wishes!
    Amanda B.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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