What is a large project?

I have written my first larger Java project. Its about 5000-6000 lines of code. Is that considered a large project for a single person or is it a small project? I has taken almost a year with approx. 20 hours a week.

snic.snac wrote:
ejp wrote:
What is a large project?Any project where the team is too large to jump into the VW and go get a pizza.
this is not a good criteria as a team of [27|http://www.recordholders.org/en/list/carcram.html] is definitely a very large project.
I think it worth considering the return trip however and find it suspicious that one would be able to get numbers like that after consuming pizza and beer. I know I would take a much more, hmmm...tentative approach to having some collegues squeezed into a small space after consuing a large amount of beer in a short interval of time.

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  • Export format for clips to be used in larger project.

    Back in the PE2 days, I used to capture and trim a clip and "export movie"  which resulted in a "DV-AVI" file.  This is what I understood PE "liked" and the best format to use for import to a larger project (and it worked nicely every time).  Now, in PE11, I don't see that option.  This method is handy, not only for trimming stuff you don't want, but naming the clips to help with content id.  What option should I use that preserves quality and cooperates with PE best?

    BobSomr wrote:http://www.lynda.com/Premiere-Elements-tutorials/Up-Running-Premiere-Elements-11/109763-2. html
    Hey Steve,
    Will there be a PrE11/PSE11 book?
    http://www.amazon.com/Muvipix-Guide-Premiere-Elements-version/dp/1479311200/ref=sr_1_2?s=b ooks&ie=UTF8&qid=1358603413&sr=1-2&keywords=muvipix
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    For less than the book, watch Steve in a 3 hour course here:  http://www.lynda.com/Premiere-Elements-tutorials/Up-Running-Premiere-Elements-11/109763-2. html

  • Out of memory error - large project

    I'm consulting on a feature doc edit, and the primary editor (Avid guy) is having serious problems accessing anything from the original project.
    It's an hour and 15 minute show, with probably close to 100 hours of footage.
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    We started getting Out of Memory errors with this large project, and I checked all of the usual suspects: CMYK graphics, hard drive space, sufficient RAM... all checked out okay, except possibly the less-than-ideal amount of RAM.
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    G4   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

    Shane's spot on.
    What I often do with large projects is pare down, just what you have done. But 90 out of 100 is not a big paredown by any stretch. In the new copy throw away EVERYTHING that's outdated: old sequences are the big culprit. Also toss any render files and re-render.
    Remember that, to be effective fcp keeps EVERYTHING in ram, so that it can instantly access anything in your project. The more there is to keep track of the slower you get.

  • Best way to work on a large project in CS5

    Hello friends,
    I've recently started editing a feature length film in APP CS5.  I've never worked on a project this large before (around 160 GB).  Since I've been just doing small projects, it hasn't been an issue to have my source footage on my C: drive.  I sort of forgot the first rule I ever learned: Don't keep your source footage on the same drive as your program.  So, I set up a master project, and then set up a sequence for every individual scene.  The idea was to edit a scene, the drop it on the master time line.  So I actually imported all of my footage and placed it in each corresponding sequence.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.  But then I started trying to edit a scene and my computer laughed at me.  It just couldn't process anything within a project that big.  So I started from scratch.  Moved all my footage to an external drive, deleted it from my C: drive and started over.  Now, I'm just moving a scene's worth of material in at a time.  So far so good, but will I get bogged down again as the project grows?  Even though I'm pulling everything from an external?  And if I probably will, what should I do?  A friend told me that I should export each sequence at a lossless format, such as the animation codec, then bring them back in and place them on a new master timeline.  My concern is that those files are going to be bigger than the original files, so won't that kill my computer, too.  What's the best way to work on such a large project?  I'm running CS5 on a Toshiba Satellite Pro, Intel Core i3, 2.10 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, Windows 7 Pro (64 - bit).  Thanks guys!

    It's both AVCHD and DSLR.  Are you saying it's too underpowered to do either of the scenarios I mentioned above, or both?  One way, I will just edit each scene, and export them.  Then, I'll begin with a clean slate, bringing those edited sequences back in and dropping them on a timeline in a new project.  The files will be huge, but I'll only be working with those files.  Nothing else will be in the way.  Then I'll just have to put them in order and do a few transitions (dissolves mostly) between some of the scenes, then export the whole thing.  The other way was to just build the entire movie with every scene as a sequence, editing them, and moving them to the master timeline.  Are you saying I won't be able to do either?  If that's the case, then I suppose I'll have to just edit each scene, export them, and then get someone with a monster machine to put it all together for me.  Hoping it doesn't come to that, but it's not the worst thing I could have to do. 

  • Handling large projects in FCPX

    I am working on a documentary which in the end will take about 60 minutes of HD quality. The project is now about 25 min. Working with it becomes progressively slower since the files becomes to big. So the background jobs take too much time.
    I am considering to split the project into 3 or 4 other projects and then in the end put them together. Is that a goor idea ?
    Or is it better to split the current project in compound clips and then edit the compound clips separately on the timeline ?
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    THX Russ. Indeed I have a lot of footage and I am using 2 Thunderbolt external drives of several TB 's. The project itself is on one of the harddiscs of my 27 inch iMac (medio 2011, OS X Yosemite,3,4 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB videocard).
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    The trick is that if you want to change something in the previous compound clips, you have to take care that you open the source compound clip which is listed in the library ! You open that in the timeline and you can change whatever you want, no matter if the duration  changes. If you are ready you open the project in the timeline and the changes you have made in your compound clip are nicely copied in the project.
    The mistake I made was that I opened the compound clip in the project  on the timeline and then tried to edit it. Then you can get easily in trouble if the duration of the clip changes in the editing process. !

  • Eclipse vs. Netbeans for large projects

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    And the metadata database all this project scanning produces is unreliable, about once a week I have to delete the whole thing and let it be built again. Several releases have gone past without these fundamentals being fixed, the developers have more fun adding facilities for the next language I'm never likely to use.
    Anyway, enough ranting. The question in my mind is, should I finally give up and switch to eclipse, am I going to find it has it's own problems just as annoying? So this question is addressed to people who have used both on large projects. Is the grass really greener on the other side?
    I'm irritated that there's no open source plug-in for mattise. I have several forms created under Netbeans. If we're going to MyEclipse does this mean I should consider the other commercial Java IDEs?

    Through my career I've had to support users in real life that have issues just as you describe, but with Product X, while I'm not saying this is what is ailing you--because I've not seen anything about what you are doing or running--here are some of my findings:
    1 - (and this is the #1 cause that I've run across for this type of thing) How much stuff are you running in memory at startup? Those little icons down in the tray actually represent programs running in memory that each take up a finite and distinct part of your available memory, and some of them stream information or access the internet and other rerources frequently. I once answered a ticket from a person that had a huge box, for the time, he had 30--yes, that is right 30--programs loading on startup. His complaint was that the machine took a long time to start and then was sluggish. I unloaded everything and had him run his apps--amazingly, he was delighted with the speed and wanted to know what I had done. I then had to tell him the bad news: he couldn't monitor the stock exchange, weather, recieve up to the minute nascar happenings, and etc. He didn't like it, but it fixed his problem. I later went back to find he had 20 of them reloaded--20 seemed to him a happy compromise between instant information and speed.
    2 - Virtual memory--none or too small. I've found a few people that run without a swap file... it runs great until memory gets full, then bad things happen.
    3 - Other programs competing for resources. I see this all the time, one program is trying to do I/O and being blocked by another.
    4 - Hardware issures. Often the hardware just wares out. For instance: a fan stops or slows down on a video card and the whole system slows down as the GPU overheats--not enough to shut everything off, but maybe just enough that your super fast system become a dog.
    5 - Hardware conflicts--this is not nearly as frequent a problem as in the Standardization Era post '96, but it does still happen. Check your hardware manager and the drivers being used.
    6 - Out of date driver issues... enough said there, we've all had them.
    7 - HD fragmentation--this is not so common, but does happen still.
    8 - Low Memory (this should be moved up to #2) People still persist in undervaluing the worth of extra memory. There isn't an amount of RAM supported on a computer that represents too much RAM. RAM is cheap, RAM is good, MAX RAM is even best. (btw--with 3 GB you shouldn't have problems running NetBeans.)
    9 - Installation issues. Not everything installs properly and when it doesn't install properly it's not always a reported error.
    10 - Configuration problems. Sometimes new features can be very annoying and can be turned off.
    11 - Believe it or not, OS's are not perfect and they need to be tuned up from time to time. If you are running Windows, then clean out your temporary files area, not just your Internet Temporary Files Area, but the system temporary files area. If you've been running heavily, then I guarantee you have 1000's of temporary files that are choking your performance as Windows tries to keep track of them. Delete them.
    12 - Part of your program or resource your program uses may have become corrupt. This happens more that we like to admit.
    There are tons of other things, but these at the big 12 that I usually go looking for when I get a call saying computer problems are beating them up.

  • FCP 7.0 problems opening a large project.

    My FCP 7.0 suddenly got slow in opening. Took forever to open despite it having always opened quickly. I have a large project (about 115 minutes) but it still was opening OK until yesterday when it slowed down.
    I have done the following:
    1) Threw away my preferences and caches using Preference Manager
    2) repaired permissions (utility etc)
    3) Checked my Hard Drive - its OK.
    4) Re installed FCP 7.0
    Suddenly it didn't open at all. I get an error code  - 1712
    What the heck is going on? Can anyone explain please?
    Im using Snow Leopard, MacBook Pro
    Thanks in advace

    Me just thinking.
    Error -1712 = errAETimeout Apple event timed out
    • How much free space is there on Your Main Start-Up (Mac OS) Hard disk ?
    • Other external hard disks connected ? and formatted as how ?
    Yours Bengt W

  • IDVD won't load large project file..Help!

    iDVD won't load large project file once I close the program for the first time since finishing the project.  Basically, I made a compilation DVD of numerous individual files spread across quite a few folders/sub-menus totaling about 236 minutes on a Dual Layer DVD+R.  I closed the project prior to burning but now, iDVD gets the rainbow wheel everytime you try to load that particular project.  What's the deal?
    -iDVD does still load if I want to load another (smaller/simple project) or start a new one.
    -I've tried to start over from scratch a make the exact same project.  When I exited out and went to load it, it did the same thing.
    -I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard and iDVD 7.1.2.
    Any suggestions?

    Premiere Elements is not part of the Cloud... and it has a different forum
    When you go to the correct forum, you need to provide a LOT more information
    From the Premiere Elements Information FAQ http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1042180
    •What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.6.8"---not just "Mac".
    •Have you installed any recent program or OS updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.)
    •What kind(s) of image file(s)? When talking about camera raw files, include the model of camera.
    •If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
    •What were you doing when the problem occurred?
    •What other software are you running?
    •Tell us about your computer hardware. How much RAM is installed?  How much free space is on your system (C:) drive?
    •Has this ever worked before?  If so, do you recall any changes you made to Premiere Elements, such as adding Plug-ins, brushes, etc.?  Did you make any changes to your system, such as updating hardware, printers or drivers; or installing/uninstalling any programs?
    And some other questions...
    •What are you editing, and does your video have a red line over it BEFORE you do any work?
    •Have you viewed the tutorial links at http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1275830 page?
    •Which version of Quicktime do you have installed?

  • BUG. 10.1.3.EA: Internal Compilation error. Large project.

    I tried to compile large project (~4,000 classes) using extenal "javac" compiler and 1.4.2 JDK. When I "clean the project" and then run "make" the follwoing error frequently ocures. Once it fails it's true both for entire project and if I try to compile a single class not depending on anything else. This makes me to beleive that the problem is not related to any particular class (also see notes below, looks like "javac" process doesn't even start).
    Internal compilation error, terminated with a fatal exception
    It doesn't happen if I use "rebuild" function instead of "make". It doesn't happen always but most of the times. I tried different versions of 1.4.2 (02,03,04) and don't see any specific pattern.
    Also looks like once I "rebuild" the project, "make" runs ok.
    I run Task Monitor and here is what I found out:
    - CPU maxs out at 100% for about 10 - 15 % and then the error is reported;
    - Error is reported before "javac" process is started;
    - There is plenty of memory available. I have 1 G with 640 set as max for JDeveloper, but it doesn't exceed 400 MB.
    I compiled a smaller project (~1,000 files) and didn't have this problem.
    I wont' be able to send the sorce code but I can send project files if it helps.
    Is there any logging I could enable to get more information? Did anybody reported anything similar? Is there any configuration parameters I can play with?
    Thanks in advance,

    I run JDev using jdev.exe and here is a stack I got in console window. Any ideas?
    at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.InputReadTextBuffer.getString(InputReadTex
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserLayer1b.set_com
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserLayer1b.handleO
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserLayer1b.skipTok
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserLayer1a.nextTok
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserLayer5.ty_body_
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserLayer5.ty_body(
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserLayer5.ty_d(Par
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserLayer5.compilat
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.internal.parser.ParserDriver.parse(Pa
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.JavaParser.parse(JavaParser.java:85)
    at oracle.javatools.parser.java.v2.JavaParser.parse(JavaParser.java:71)
    at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.DependencyProvider.updateData(DependencyPr
    at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Ojc.checkDependencies(Ojc.java:1147)
    at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Ojc.translate(Ojc.java:1197)
    at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.buildGrap
    at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.buildProj
    at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.buildAll(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem$CompileThread.run(Unifi

  • Combining multiple projects into one larger project?

    If I have multiple separate projects and now want to combine them, edits, titles and all into a larger project, is it possible? I expected that it might be possible to drag one project into another and place it intact onto the timeline for the new project. Since every combination of dragging a project around has evidently failed to accomplish what I'm expecting... is there a way to do this?

    welcome phiphika to the  board…
    in terms of convenience, I would indeed export/share all 6 movies.
    to tape, or as Quicktime/FullQuality…
    both methods create a lossless copy of your final movie(s).
    in step II, import all 6 project into a new iM project, as said above, you don't loose ay quality with that back'n forth copying... only some time ;-)… you can set then chapter markers etc....
    besides, your workflow is as mine on larger projects: not 678 clips into one monstrous project of some dozends Gigabytes, just segments…

  • Managing Tasks in large projects

    I'd like to create DAQmx tasks inside the folder structure of my project (.lvproj).
    If I right-click on folder 'beamPath' and create a New DAQmx task, it results in the above.
    However, when I close the project and re-open, it's gone.
    If I right-click on 'My Computer' create task, close project and re-open, it's still there:
    Where does the task exist? is it a file I can view when looking at the file structure.
    I have a very large project divided into sub-systems that I test individually, I'd like the tasks for each sub-system stored within a folder called "tasks" inside the autopopulating folder structure of the Project.

    The task and all other DAQmx stuff is stored in the project (*.lvproj) auto-pop folders don't work because there is no file on disk for the task besides that xml file with the .lvproj extension.  Try opening the project with Internet Explorer- you'll see exactly what I mean and learn a lot about how DAQmx tasks live.
    Which brings up another "Nice-to-Know" tidbit of information.  Auto-populating folders were invented by the devil's mother.  Have you ever seen a shipping example that used them?  Did you know that project templates can't use them? (today, but I saw a CAR show up to change that)  Don't use them.  They were helpful to build projects out of llbs and get you going with projects but, they have limitations.  The project explorers's files view is a much more powerful tool to use to sync your file structure on disk with your virtual folder structure (If you want that that) Virtual folders hold things just as effectively since you can really only hurt yourself messing with the files on disk without using the project explorer anyway (Thats how you get conflicts.)

  • Developing Large Projects with JDeveloper

    i have 2 questins :
    1 - i don't know is it possible to develop large project such as a total system
    with about 20 subsystems and 1000 forms and reports with jdeveloper?
    2 - we have planed to build a webapp for each subsystem that it contains MODEL and VIEWCONTROLLER project.with this idea we cann't link from one VIEWCONTROLLER to anather in anather project, for example user can not go to another page from anather project without logon again.
    now my very immportant problem is comunication between pages in different projectsand maintain different objects such as USER object between pages.
    do you think that building such project with only one application with one MODEL and one VIEWCONTROLLER is correct or building it in differt project is better?
    could you please tell me that what is your idea to develop large project with jdeveloper?

    dear jan,
    I want my users to authenticate once, and have access to the subsystems they are authorized for.
    but there is a problem in development and that is with this type of large projects you will have in Model Proj. a lot of AM , EO , VO and in View Proj. a lot of JSPX and XML file. and if i make only one App with one Project for Model and One Project for View, during development for example i want work on one subsystem and others on other susystem. and when i change 1 jspx file i should deploy TOTAL SYSTEM with 20 subsystems completely and i think this is'nt strategy for development.
    i think it's good to develop any subsystem in one app with Model and View and finally deploy any subsystem separately.
    thanks for your reply

  • Archive large project

    I have an iMovie project that is 18GB. I want to archive it for possible editing later. I want to have it both on an external hard drive and also save to DVD. What is the correct way to accomplish this? When I try the "Burn Project to Disc" option, iMovie tells me it's too big to fit on a single DVD (duh).

    Hi debito - there are not many options to accomplish what you want. the external drive option is by far the best for the size of project you have. Make sure that it is formatted for Macs. You would need several single-layer DVDs, and the project would be split into several parts. iMovie HD can't span large projects to multiple DVDs so you must use an application like Toast for this task.

  • The printing of .pdf file from Project 2013 stops when the file name should be written. Project 2013 crashes. Does someone know what is wrong between Project 2013 and Adobe Acrobat 9?

    The printing of .pdf file from Project 2013 stops when the file name should be written. Project 2013 crashes. Does someone know what is wrong between Project 2013 and Adobe Acrobat 9?

    The Acrobat 9.x product family passed into "End of Support" mid-year of 2013.
    Acrobat 9 support of MS Project via PDFMaker stops with Office 2007.
    For Office 2013 support you must use Acrobat XI (11.0.1) or newer. 
    A good to have reference:
    Acrobat Pro and Standard DC are what are currently available for purchase. 
    Be well...

  • What  is difference btw project Assignment, Resource Assignment and task Assignment.

    I am new project accounting Module .
    what  is difference btw project Assignment, Resource Assignment and task Assignment.

    Project Assignment, Resource Assignment refers to the resource management part and Task assignment is basically the work assignment to the resource.
    An assignment/requirement is created in PJR for create demand for the resource requirement of the project and when the resource is aligned he can be assigned to the task in the work plan.
    Refers to the top down approach in this case.
    Additionally a resource can be assigned to the work plan and a assignment can be created to get the resource allocated to the project.
    Refers to the bottom up approach in this case

Maybe you are looking for