What is Bluetooth Sharing (Privacy setting) good for?

I hope the title of this thread sums it up already... I'm intrigued by it... has anyone have a clue what this could entail (or enable)?

Some apps share data over bluetooth, you can control which apps have the ability to share over bluetooth from there. You won't see apps listed, if there aren't any apps that are sharing data over bluetooth.
From the iPhone User Guide (For iOS 6 Software)
Turn off access to private information: Go to Settings > Privacy. You can see which apps have requested and been granted access to the following information:
Bluetooth Sharing
Facebook You can turn off each app’s access to each category of information. Review the terms and privacy policy for each third-party app to understand how it uses the data it’s requesting.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You don't need to use the same ID on a device for iCloud and iTunes.
    iCloud covers mail, contacts, calendars, reminders, notes, bookmarks, photostream, document syncing etc and for these I recommend you each have your own ID's, this will stop others from having access to and likely more importantly being able to edit or even delete your personal information.
    Someone of Age needs to be responsible for an account, so for younger children you will need to create and be responsible for an account yourself but let the child use it.
    For iTunes you could use a single account so everyone can share music and apps or you could use separate accounts (there are ways to share content between users, Apple provides homesharing to do this).
    When choosing how to proceed with iTunes, it might be worth remembering that someday your children will reach 21 (or whatever age they feel they have become independent) and will likely want their own account, changing accounts later may make it difficult to access previous content.
    Photostream now has shared albums, so you can share just what you want with others. Shared photos using shared albums cannot be deleted by others with different accounts, but if you all shared the same account they could be.
    Facetime and messages can also use an ID independently of each other, iCloud and iTunes. Separate ID's are recommended for these, joint accounts can be problematic.
    iTunes has parental controls for youngsters, however at 7, I suggest you don't reveal the password to him and enter it yourself when he needs to purchase something, otherwise you may receive unexpected bills.

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    For the O365-on-RDS aspect, bad news, it's not a valid installation scenario.
    You would need a Volume License edition of Office2013 to install upon RDS, because O365 only offers the Click-to-Run installable, and that can't be installed upon RDS:
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

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    Quote from: Svet on 02-October-09, 00:34:09
    Install latest VGA drivers ==> http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7_winvista_64bit_191.03_beta.html
    191.03, 2009.09.25
    Also the game "Aion" may not have corespond SLI pro file or to do not support SLI.{contact to game vendor to find out}
    Another tip:
    Apply from Nvidia CP:
    Turn off Vertical sync
    And set SLI Performance mode to: "Force alternate frame rendering 2"
    Apply and re-test.
    The game does not have an SLI profile. However, I should have mentioned, I uninstalled 1 card to kind of recreate my april environment. No change in FPS. Nivida control panel also has a feature to create your own profile if you will, or turn off sli, which I did too, without change. It has the last nvidia drivers of course, as its a brand new build, so it would require brand new drivers. I said that in the initial post. Again, all settings in OS and hardware are proper and in proper order. Thats why I asked about bios to begin with. You cannot setup a new computer with a fresh install and even see the nvidia control panel without installing it first which would be accompanied by the newest nvidia driver install package. Fyi. Also, I tried the additonal tip you mentioned in creation of a profile...Didn't change.
    You seem to know alot about this,I'm honestly impressed. But are you certain my bios settings from the factory are completly correct for an SLI setup?

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    :O Hey,
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    Hi Michael,
    To answer you first question, I have FCE v 4.01.
    I found the following video on u-tube very helpful,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRpUs_My-Oo, however make sure you follow the instructions given in the forum as to what values to place in MPEG Streamline. If you combine the two you should be OK. I am not sure I understand your second question, but I have not had to make a render step in placing clips in FCE timeline. But, I am not that knowledgable about FCE. I am still very low on the learning curve.... yet, I hope this is somewhat helpful...Good Luck

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    I am moving to Peru from the United States, and since I am new to Skype I thought I would ask the experts what the best plan or set-up for staying in touch would be. Basically, I would like to have the ability to call landlines and mobiles back in the USA, and for landlines and mobiles to be able to call my Skype line in Peru. I would prefer an unlimited plan rather than having to worry about counting my minutes or overages.
    You would probably want to do two things....  First, purchase a subscription for calling phones in the USA.  Probably the best plan in this case is the Unlimited USA & Canada subscription at US$ 2.99/month.  Then you would also want to purchase an Online Number in the US area code that you prefer (provided it is available).  The Online Number is US$ 18 for 3 months or US$ 60/year, but you get a 50% discount on the Online Number when you have a subscription like the Unlimited USA & Canada subscription. If you get a subscription and a US online number for a year, you can end up with a US phone number and calling to all US (and Canadian) numbers for around US$ 60/year - or US$ 5/month!  Not a bad deal, especially when you're in Peru. 
    Another obvious thing you'll need in Peru is a good Internet connection.  You probably knew that already, but that's a must for this to work well for you down there. 
     Also, I am wondering if I would be able to divert calls to my current cell phone number to my Skype line when I am in Peru. If that is the case, would I be able to access these calls on my cell when I return to the United States?
    You should be able to do that.  You'd have to check the instructions for your phone, and maybe contact your mobile carrier, about how to do that.  Setting call-forwarding on your mobile phone is completely separate from Skype.  Make sure that call-forwarding from your mobile phone is not limited to a maximum number of minutes per month, as some carriers do that.  If you set the call-forwarding before you left the USA, you can turn that off whenever you are back in the States. 
    One thing that you could do with a calling subscription covering US numbers along with a US online number is this.... encourage your callers to use the Skype Online Number to reach you, instead of the mobile number.  You can set up Skype to call-forward unanswered calls to a telephone number if you have Skype Credit and/or a calling subscription.  When in the States, Skype can be used to forward calls from your Skype number to your US mobile number.  Other than not receiving SMS messages on a Skype Online Number, then it does not matter what your mobile number is.  Just use the Skype Online Number as your number for anything you need in the US.  I've done this for several years, with a subscription and a US Online Number.   It works pretty well. 
    Good luck in Peru!
    Location/Ubicacion: Arizona USA
    Time Zone/Hora Local: UTC/GMT -7
    If this message has adequately addressed your issue, please click on the “Accept as Solution” button. If you found a post useful then please "Give Kudos" at the bottom of my post, so that this information can benefit others.
    Si esto mensaje le ha ayudado, por favor haga clic en "Aceptar como solución". Si encuentra un mensaje útil, por favor "Da Kudos" al final del mensaje, por lo que esta información puede beneficiar a otros.
    I am not a Skype employee. No soy un empleado de Skype.

  • How do I grant permission in privacy setting?

    Ever since updating to iOS7, any apps that require permission in my privacy setting are not actually showing up under the privacy setting.  For example, if I want to use Instagram, it won't access my photo albums.  It says to grant permission under settings>privacy>photos.  When I do that, there are no apps listed requesting permission to access my photos.  Any ideas/suggestions?  Thanks in advance!

    I had a similar issue and to solve it I simply erased the app and redownloaded it and when it initally asks for permission in a pop up be sure to say yes.
    I am sure there is a more technical solution for this issue but I have not been able to find one. Let me know how this works for you

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    Close ... before going for a specific Cisco app ... lets find out some details:
    Host we need more details:
    What is your server environment (Windows Server, or Mac OS X Server, or Linux)?
    What security is implemented in your environment - as what is restricted (RDP for all or specifc credentials on all machines? Are you part of local admin group to the server you wish to connect)?
    Does your environment Support CISCO IPSec connection? If so use Settings> VPN and IPSec tab to enter VPN details, if not then go with above suggestion. IF your restricted to RSA then either built in VPN settings or 3rd party app for RSA would suffice.
    Finally, there are many RDP applications out there I use "Mocha RDP Light" (free minimal ads when launched not when connecting).

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    staff                            Read only
    everyone                   Read only

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    Name                          Privilege
    myusername (Me)    Read & Write
    everyone                   No Access

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    To see all the History and Cookie settings, select:
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